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1、第一部分 夯实基础过教材七年级(下) Units 7-9Hows the weather in Shanghai?上海的天气怎么样?Its cloudy.是阴天。(Unit 7 P37)考 点 1【考点精讲】询问天气的句型Hows the weather? 其中How为疑问副词,weather为不可数名词。 教材例句讲考点Whats the weather like?其中What为疑问代词,后加介词like。如:How was the weather yesterday?What was the weather like yesterday?昨天的天气怎么样?询问天气时,答语常用Its/It

2、is/was/will be表示天气状况的形容词。常见的表示天气状况的形容词一般由“表示天气的名词y”构成,意为“的”。【考点冲关】1. _ was the weather last Sunday? It was sunny. The sky was blue. A. How B. What C. When D. Where 2. What will the weather be like this Friday? _. A. Yes, I like it B. It will be cloudy C. I dont mind it D. Thats itBA3. _ is the weath

3、er like today? Its sunny. Do you have any plans? A. What B. How C. Which D. Where4. How is the weather in Canada these days? Its_. We can make snowmen. A. rainy B. foggy C. snowy D. windyAC5. What was the weather like yesterday? It was _. Unluckily, I left my umbrella in the office. A. foggy B. snow

4、y C. windy D. rainyDThe pay phone is in front of the library.付费电话在图书馆前面。(Unit 8 P44)【考点精讲】辨析in front of与in the front of考 点 2短语用法in front of强调在某一物体外部的前面in the front of强调在某一物体内部的前面【考点冲关】6. There is a big blackboard _ the classroom. (在前面)7. Mr. White lives in a house with a big garden _ it. (在前面)in the

5、 front ofin front of8. Mona doesnt like making speeches. She feels nervous while speaking _ her classmates. A. in front B. in front of C. in the end D. in the front ofBI like to spend time there on weekends.周末我喜欢去那儿度过。(Unit 8 P47)【考点精讲】辨析spend, take, cost与pay (省卷:2017.26)考 点 3单词搭配的主语固定结构spend(省卷:201

6、7.26)人 sb. spends/spent some money on sth. sb. spends/spent some time(in) doing sth.单词搭配的主语固定结构takeitIt takes/took sb. some time to do sth.cost物sth. cost(s) sb. some moneypay人 sb. pays/paid some money for sth. sb. pays/paid for sth.【考点冲关】9. I cant _ for the car at the moment, but I will take a partt

7、ime job to make more money. Apay Bcost Cspend Dtake10. If your parents dont understand you, you can _ more time talking with them. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. takeAA11. Id like to buy this computer though it will _ me a little more. A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take12. You made a new sweater by yoursel

8、f? Yes. It _ me two months to finish it. A. took B. paid C. spent D. costAAIt is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.那儿很安静,我喜欢在那里阅读。(Unit 8 P47)【考点精讲】enjoy 的用法enjoy sth./enjoy doing sth.意为“喜欢某物/喜欢做某事”。如:The retired couple enjoy going hiking. 这对退休的夫妇喜欢徒步旅行。考 点 4enjoy oneself意为“过得愉快,玩得高兴”,后接反身代词作宾语,相

9、当于have a good/wonderful/nice time/have fun。如:We enjoyed ourselves during the holidays.We had a good time during the holidays. 我们在假期中玩得很愉快。【考点冲关】13. They _ at Toms birthday party last night.(玩得高兴)14. My sister enjoys _ photos, so she wants to buy a good camera to take pictures with high quality. A. t

10、ake B. to take C. taking D. tookCenjoyed themselves15. I am going to Hong Kong Ocean Park with my family next week. _! A. Enjoy yourselves B. Good luck C. Congratulations D. Sounds boringAWhat does sb. look like?常用于询问某人的身材或长相,即:外貌特征,意为“某人看上去什么样?”。常用答语:“主语be描述人物外貌特征的形容词(tall, thin)”;“主语have/has名词(名词前

11、可以由多个形容词修饰)”。如: What does your uncle look like?你的叔叔长什么样? Hes a bit fat. /He has short straight hair. 他有点胖。/他留着直直的短发。What does your friend look like?你的朋友长什么样?Shes of medium height, and she has long straight hair.她中等身高,留着长长的直发。(Unit 9 P49)【考点精讲】What does sb. look like?句型(昆明:2016.23, 2014.22)考 点 5易混句型:

12、What be(am/is/are) sb. like?则常用于询问某人的性格或人品等。答语常为kind,friendly, strict及shy 等表示性格或人品的形容词。如: Whats he like? 他是个什么样的人? Hes friendly and kind. 他既友好又善良。【考点冲关】16. _ does your new friend look like? She is tall with curly hair. A. How B. Who C. What D. Which C17. _? He is of medium height and wears glasses.

13、A. What is your brother like B. What does your brother look like C. What does your brother like D. Where does your brother come fromB18. What is Mike like? _ A. He is tall and strong B. He is a policeman C. He likes football best D. He is humorous and outgoingDI may be a little late.我可能会晚一点。(Unit 9

14、P50)【考点精讲】辨析a little, little, a few与few(省卷:2015.29,69;曲 靖:2014.58;昆明:2017.36) 考 点 6如:He has a few questions. 他有一些问题。He has few worries. 他几乎没有担忧。There is a little wine left in the bottle. 瓶子里还剩一点酒。There is little wine left in the bottle. 瓶子里几乎没酒了。【考点冲关】19. We still have _ milk in the bottle. You dont need to buy any.(一些)20. I am new here. So I have _ friends.(几乎没有)21. Li Ping has learned French for five months, and he can speak _ French now. (一些)fewa little


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