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1、Unit 2 Language (上)BoredomAppretionHappinessContempt1. Can ou think of other wa st information can be exchan ed?你能想出信息交流的其他方式吗?exchangen. 交换;交易 vt.&vi. 交换;兑换;调换exchange experience 交流经验exchange byexchange forexchange with用换 把换成和交换1(2008山东卷, 34)【例1】made up of由组成I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in

2、a sale; it was a real .【温馨提示】其主动形式为make upmake up还有“编造、捏造、化妆、弥补”等。A. exchangeB. bargainC. tradeD. business【同义词组】consist of由.组成的2.The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabularybe comed of由.组成的these peoprought to Britain.英语是由这些人带到不列颠去的语则和词汇的。【例2】The Group of Eight (G8) the eight richest

3、 countries world.consist of/be made up of/be comed ofheA. consists ofC. is made upB. is consisted ofD. consist in3. Then two Germanic groups from the European main-land theAngles and the Saxons occupied Britain.然后,来自欧洲大陆的两个日耳曼部族占领了不列颠。人和人2用法例句consist of无形式,无进行时Our team consists of five doctors and t

4、wo nurses.be made up of形式,无进行时Our life is made up of choi.be形式,comed 无进行时ofEvery substance iscomed of very small particles called molecules.occupy【例3】 (2010卷)vt. 占领;使用,住在;使从事After the earthquake, thething the localernment did was tooccupationoccupationaln. 职业; 占领; 使用adj. 职业的; 占领的n. 占有人;居住者provide fo

5、r the homeless famis.A.modationB. occupationD. furnitureoantC. equipmentoccupy sb.s attention引起的注意occupy someition担任某职务4.Both the English language and the English people are named afteroccupy sb.s time占用的时间ngles; the word Angle was spele in Old English.词Angle在古英语中被拼occupy inoccupy o occupy with忙于,从事

6、于lf in sth. 忙于某事全力从事不但英语英国人都是以写为Engle。人命5.Aside from lace namech as London, ver few Celtic wordsnamed after以命名became part of Old English.除了地名,如:London,很少的凯尔特语成为古英语的一部分。name asname sb. for提名为,任命以的名字为取名aside from除之外,暂置不论take the name fromhe name of其名称取自以的名义【例4】 being fun, watching English exercise.s i

7、s a good form of listeningA. Aside fromC. BesidesB. In additiontD. Except for36. The most important contribution was from the Normans, a French- speaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066.最重要的影响来自诺曼人,说法语的诺曼人在1066年征服英国并控制了这个国家。【例5】They had to their lives against weat

8、her and wild animals.A. struggle forC. treat asB. lead toD. contribute todefeatcontributev. 贡献,捐赠,投稿contribution n. 贡献,捐赠,投vt.&n. 击败,作废defeat drought战胜干旱contributor n. 贡献者,捐助者,投稿者defeat ones opponentssuffer defeat击败对手contribute to捐献,有助于make contributions to捐赠/贡献给失败辨析:we/defeattake control of lose co

9、ntrolcontrol in controlout of controlunder control control over控得对的控制失去对控制无法控制控制着失去控制控制住对控制4区别win“获胜, 赢得”,指在竞赛或战斗中击败对方,宾语一般是战役或胜利等。conquer“征服”, 既指靠或力量使对方屈服,又指在排除和阻力后取得胜利。e“克服,战胜”,既可用于战斗或任何竞赛,又可用于感情、等方面,强调压倒或胜过。defeat应用范围很广, 强调暂时的胜利;【例6】(2011卷)7. , which led to Old En lish re lacin导致了古英语代替凯尔特语。Celtic

10、.What do you think of store shophe future?ally, I think it will exist along with home shopbut.will never replacewould never replacereplacevt. 替换,代替replacementn. 代替,归还,复位C. will never be replacedD. would never be replacedreplab. as取代用代替而作为replace by/withreplace A with B用B代替A8.After the Americans defe

11、ated the British in 1781 and gained independence, they wanted to make the spelling of English wordssimpler.independence n. 独立independentadj.的,无党派independently adv. 独立地,自立地,无关地achieve/claim/defend/gain independence赢得/要求/捍卫/获得独立1781年打败英国获得独立以后,人就想把英语单词的拼写变得简单一些。finanlly independent财政上独立的be independent

12、 of 不依赖于的,不受的支配,与无关5employvt【例7】Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to. 雇用,使用employee employern. 雇员n. 雇主maaheir profesal .B. independenceemploy a method 使用方法A. consequenceC. competenceem lo .asemploy in把作为就职于D.elligence9. During both World War I and II, pigeons were employed

13、by armiesto carry messages to and from the front lines, 【例8】(2014 山东卷)Its standard practice for a company like this one a security officer.在第一次往返传递消息,和第二次期间,鸽子被军方用来和前线A. employedC. to employB. being employedD. employs“I never won anything withourd labor and the exercise of mybest judgment.”点睛exchange foroccupy inname afterasi


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