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1、五年级英语口语演讲稿五年级英语口语演讲稿 正文第一篇:五年级英语口语演讲稿1、the thirsty pigeon口渴的鸽子a pigeon, oppressed by excessive thirst, sa a goblet of ater painted on a signboard. not supposing it to be only a picture, she fle toards it ith a loud hir and unittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. having bro

2、ken her ings by the blo, she fell to the ground, and as caught by one of the bystanders.zeal should not outrun discretion.有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。2、the ind and the sun ho much is it / are they ? -its / theyre.6.-here i

3、s the boll?-itsthe box.my english teacher i have a very good english teacher. shes. shes young and pretty. she looks like a middle school student. she has to big eyes and long hair. she likes listening to music. she teaches english very ell. e usually learn english and sing songs , . she often helps

4、 us to study. after class, she looks like our friend. e often play games together. she is very friendly to us. e all like to have english classes very much.a day of the eek i have a busy day. i usually get up at 6:00 in the morning. i usually do morning exercises at 8:30.then i have breakfast. i eat

5、 some noodles for breakfast. i go to school on foot. e have english class at 9:30. i often have lunch at 12:00 noon. in the afternoon, i often play football. sometimes i play ping pang ith my friend. in the evening, i atch tv and go shopping. sometimes i visit my grandparents.my favourite food i lik

6、e banana very much. banana alays gros in the arm area. its nice to eat, and it is good for our health. like us , monkeys also like to eat bananas. you can see this in the zoo. i like banana very much.i can do the school is every students home, its important for all students to protect our school and

7、 make our school beautiful! so hat can e do for our school? there are a lot of things to do! the ater in school can help us ash, clean, even eat, so save ater is necessary, in school, hen e leave, remember to turn off the tap. of course, electricity can also help us read, study, and live. e couldt i

8、thout it. so e are supposed to saveelectricity, hen e leave the classroom, dont forget to turn off the light, if e protect our school by every small things, e can also let our school better and better!my ne room i have my on room no. this is a picture of my room. its small and nice. there is a bed,

9、a desk, a shelf and a closet. the air-conditioner is over the bed. its cool. the picture is on the all. its pretty. the trash bin is in front of the shelf. the light is on the desk. the closet is near the shelf. and the curtains are blue. do you like my room? ele to my room. this is my day i have a

10、busy day. i usually get up at 6:00. i usually do morning exercises at 8:30.then i have breakfast. i eat some noodles for breakfast. i go to school on foot. e have english class at 9:30. i often have lunch at 12:00 noon. in the afternoon, i often play football. sometimes i play ping pong. in the even

11、ing, i atch tv and go shopping. sometimes i visit my grandparents. i usually go to bed at 9:00.my birthday i have a birthday. itmy birthday, im so excited. in the morning i put a note on the table for , it said, today is my birthday, dont forget it! my mother can give me a big birthday cake, its tas

12、ty. at school, i got many gifts and cards for my classmates. after school, my friends e to my birthday party. e sing and dance. e are so happy. i get some gifts, “happy birthday” they says, im very happy. e have a good time on my birthday. my favourite season e kno that, there are four seasons in a

13、year, spring, summer, fall and inter. spring is beautiful, e can fly kites and plant trees. but i like summer best. in summer, the eather is very hot, but i can sim in the lake. i can eat seet atermelons and ice-cream. its so tasty. sometimes i can climb mountains ith my best friend. i dont like int

14、er. it often snos, its too cold for me.第四篇:五年级英语口语考查五年级英语口语考查一、 口语问答1. nicetomeetyou !2. hoareyou !3. hooldareyou ?4. hatdoyoudo ?5. hendoyougetup / domorningexercises / gotoschool / gohome / eatdinner ?6. hatdoyoudoontheeekend ?7. hichseasondoyoulikebest ?hy ?8. henisyourbirthday ?9. hatsthedatetod

15、ay ?10. areyouritingaletter / catchingbutterflies / takinganexam?二、 阅读对话1. excuseme . caniaskyousomequestions ? sure . hatdoyoudo ? iamapoliceman . hendoyougotoork ? igotoorkat9:00intheevening . hendoyougohome ? igohomeat5:00inthemorning . ieatbreakfastat6:00 . thenigotobed . hendoyougetup ? iusuall

16、ygetupat12:00noon . iplaysportsatabout3:00intheafternoon . thankyoufortellingmeaboutyourday . youreele .2. hatdoyoudoontheeekend ? ioftenplayfootball . sometimesigohiking . hataboutyou ? usuallyicleanmyroom . ioftengohiking , too . letsgohikingtogethernextsunday . great .3. hatdoyoudoontheeekend ? u

17、suallyiatchtvandgoshopping . sometimesivisitmygrandparents . hataboutyou ? ioftenplayfootball . sometimesigohiking . thatsfun . butnotthiseeekend . hy ? theeatherreportsaysitsgoingtoraintomorro . icantplayfootballintherain . icantgohiking , either . thenetomyhome , letsatchtvtogether . ok .4. hichse

18、asondoyoulikebest ? fall . itsalayssunnyandcool . hichseasondoyoulikebest ? inter . icanplayithsno . idontlikeinter . itstoocold .5. hichseasondoyoulikebest , mike ? ell , incanadailikefallbest . theskyisveryblue . theleavesarecolourful . hichseasondoyoulikebest ? ilikeinterbest . egoupnorth , eplay

19、inthesno . interisbeautiful , butitstoocoldforme . ilikesummerbest .iliketosiminthesea . summerisgood , butfallismyfavouriteseason . hy ? halloeenandthanksgiving !6. hatsyourfavouriteseason , sarah ? sping . hydoyoulikespring ? becauseicanplanttrees . hichseasondo youlikebest ? inter . hydoyoulikein

20、ter ? beacauseicanskate .7. henisyourbirthday ? mybirthdayisinfebruary . isyoutbirthdayinfebruary , too ? no , mybirthdayisindecember . hataboutyou , zhang peng ? mybirthdayisinoctober .8. hatareyoudoing , john ? iammakingabirthdaychartforourfamily . henisyourbirthday ? itsinmay . mymothersbirthdayi

21、sinmay , too . henisgrangdpasbirthday ? itsinjune . therearethreebirthdaysinjune . mybirthdayisinjune . unclebillsbirthdayisinjune , too . henisauntmarysbirthday ? herbirthdayisinnovember . cousinalicesbirthdayisinapril . great ! heresthechart .9. hatareyoudong ? iamsendinggrandmaane-card . isherbir

22、thdayinjune ? yes . hatsthedate ? june 9th . doesshehaveaputer ? oh ,no ! shedoesnt . thensheontbeabletoseethecard . goodidea . everyonelikestogetbirthdaycards .10. hello . hi , john . thisiszhang peng . hatareyoudoing ? iamtalkingtoyou . eon , john . hatareyoudoing ?imdoingthedishes . hatareyoudoin

23、g ? imreadingabook . doyouanttogotothechildrens center ? sure . hattime ? 10:30 . ok . seeyoulater . bye .11. hello . hello . canispeaktoyourmom , please ? shescookingdinner . pleaseholdon . thankyou . mom , theresacallforyou . thankyou .12. hello . thisisunclelarry , hoseverybodydoing ? justfine .

24、granpaisritingaletter . brotherisdoinghomeork . momiscookingdinnerinthekitchen . iamcleaningtheroom . hatsboutyourdad ? canispeaktohim , please ? sure . holdonplease . hesritingane-mailinthestudy . dad , thereisacallforyou . iming . hosthat ? unclelarry . thankyou .13. lookatthemonkey . hatisitdoing

25、 ? itseatingbananas . itshungry . thatbabykangrooissocute . itssleeping . hataboutmotherkangroo ? hatisshedoing ? shesjuming . doyouseeanyelephants ? iloveelephants . yes . lookhere ! thatelephantsisdrinkingaterithitstrunk .14. hatanaturepark ! butherearetheanimals ? doyouseeanyanimals ? yes ! heree

26、totigers . hataretheydoing ? theyresimming . cantigersreallysim ? yes , theycan . iseesomepandas . hataretheydoing ? theyareclimbingtrees . theyregoodclimbers . yes , theyare .15. hatareyoudoing ? imatchingmyclassmates . herearethey ? theyareintheoods . aretheycatchingbutterflies ? no , theyarent .

27、theyarepickingupleaves .16. hereiszhang peng ? hesintheoods . ishetakingpictures ? no , heisnt . hesplayingchess . isjohnplayingchess , too ? yes , heis . theyareplayingtogether .17. itstimetogo .hereisjohn ? isheplayingchess ? yes , heis . tellhimereleaving . hereisamy ? issheritingareport ? no , sheisnt . isshecountinginsects ? no , sheisnt . tellme , please . shesrunningtous ! look ! shesoverthere . hi , iming .第五篇:五年级英语口语1. good morning! ladies and gentlemen! my name is carter. im very happy to stan


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