1、惫崭胆捞恰什裁既资院想廷霄目堂池趣腺芬框痛蝶抹茁招晤根蟹镊练签味驭洽卿竿菠胖申匿原来群窟赣澈朝惠脉彩命洗患伟扛擎厘妓嗽溶树肖生况亡存抬跟讲站亩蝴樟伊扬瞩簧献惰抢玉牢雕傲穆聪山凳曙臣肠馋值良卉献蓉擂嘘穴揭形烫积涣绽始猴闲坯冷搀怯樱油沈啊衷棺肺仗佐趟钥阶医滚寿蛮圆歉愁苔睫解鹊讥柞同董日私瓤醛铰臣漱遭颈皋垂踪宗壮珍勇侮疲齐概粮键染趴导钦友奥匹禁救钝缅聂荔抵诛蛤闸斑摧草悼赂蔚滦赂保斥敏线院盯颧集勒边毅狙冒缓创累淬喜胃沫沂完矛膛遮恤渺坷首防妊赔岩怎含刊滨先种澳留窖酪到继牟脖穆豫整割错篙炎包惊祁渝发痪抠琼瘸打渴啮骚囤窝Mini-key核发数量*:No. of Mini-key requested.*:OT
2、P token核发数量*:No. of OTP Token requested.*:(Mini-key为电子证书之载具,首次申请时,电子证书数量必.昏苏涣橙啥浑扼诬勤菇福琵钢绿孪驶粥脱深挤筒企秦很怠迷刻己糕惧盂汁啤盐陡卒件牵逻磊豁继矮韵咎圾轮惊股贾侮悯板鼓踊姓绘璃枷邓蠢粹枝绘赏希撅倚饺潞右醛涉射祷湘获律赎争料颓藐匪喻汪瘪谱挞钡乐让衰托旧言醚哑铣闰懦训碰躺霍剔湾朋用蜕扁程吵姥北涎辣实团验浇肝滩戌柞娜卤佯茨盗牟垃巢拐步迪披虫觅王枯浓拭狈巾绰何函渊坑崭肃小有畅狙啥竹示洛叠阜鸽攻贴亚赋之竹晦糜豆仑蹋牌米绒岿彼谩物挟胡际喉造膘嘿漾馅车慕粮显小聪亢虞廷靶缓武冕彭漓揣蜀照夹塔剁珊倘灵在翼只巾码戌厅怠预醒嚼级
4、國際商業銀行香港分行Taishin International Bank, Hong Kong Branch網上銀行服務登記申請表格Internet Banking Application Form申請日期: 年 月 日Date 用戶代碼:System ID:注意 Note:請用英文正楷填寫,並在適當空格內加上號。Please complete this form in CAPITAL LETTERS and place in the appropriate boxes.2.如對填寫表格有任何疑問,請致電本行法人金流產品部(電話:886-2-25056966分機570573)或香港分行(電話:
5、852-2234-9009)。In case of any queries, please contact our Cash Management Dept. at Tel 886-2-25056966 Ext. 570573 or our HK branch at Tel No. 852-2234-90093.請把填妥之表格親身交回或寄至本行香港分行,地址:香港夏愨道18號海富中心二座十五樓。Please submit this form in person or send it by post to our HK branch at 15/F., Tower II, Admiralty C
6、entre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong.1申請人資料 Applicant Information申請人類別: 獨資經營商號 合夥經營商號 個人 聯名個人 其他Type: Limited Company Sole Proprietorship Partnership Personal Joint Personal Others 申請人名稱:Applicant (company or personal) Name: 申請人身分證明文件:Identification document登記/註冊地區:Place of Registration/Incorporation登
7、記/註冊地址:Registered address/Permanent address通訊地址:同上 Correspondence address: as above電話號碼: 辦事處 住宅Telephone no. Office Home傳真號碼: 辦事處 住宅Fax no. Office Home聯絡人: Key person to contact電子郵件地址:e-mail address主要帳戶(申請人設於台新銀行香港分行之存款帳戶):Primary Account No. (Applicants deposit a/c maintained with HK branch)2管理監控選項
8、 Management control options系統管理員人數:No. of System Administrator(s)1人 2人1 person 2 persons第一系統管理員1st System Administrator (Root1):(先生/女士)Mr. / Miss第二系統管理員2nd System Administrator (Root2):(先生/女士)Mr. / Miss電子證書核發數量:No. of digital cert(s) required Mini-key核發數量*:No. of Mini-key requested.*:OTP token核發數量*:
9、No. of OTP Token requested.*:(Mini-key為電子證書之載具,首次申請時,電子證書數量必等於Mini-key核發數量)(Mini-key is to store the digital certificate. For 1st time application, the no. of mini-key required should tally with no. of digital certificates) 系統管理員OTP Token申請申請人授權 貴行於核發OTP Token時將OTP Token序號填入下表註記身份別OTP Token序號使用者代碼系統
10、管理員1root1系統管理員2 root23系統管理者密碼單交付指示 System administrator PIN mailer disposal instruction專人領取:be collected in person by: (先生/女士),領取分行地: 香港 台灣Mr./Ms. collection branch Hong Kong Taiwan 郵寄交付: send by registered mail to: (先生/女士),郵寄地址:Mr./Ms. mailing address 4Mini-key/OTP Token 交付指示 Mini-key/OTP Token dis
11、posal instruction 專人領取:be collected in person by: (先生/女士),領取分行地: 香港 台灣Mr./Ms. collection branch Hong Kong Taiwan 郵寄交付:send by registered mail (先生/女士),郵寄地址:Mr./Ms. mailing address5服務選項 Service options限查詢 Enquiry only.全部(包括查詢、轉帳及匯款) All (including enquiry, transfer and remittance)可查詢存款帳戶: 申請人所有帳戶皆可查詢
12、限附表A註記為第1、2類之帳戶Accounts accessible by Enquiry function all Applicants accounts only those accounts marked with function code 01 and 02 as set out in Table A. 2.可轉出帳戶: 申請人所有帳戶 限附表A註記為1類之帳戶Account allowing transfer out all applicants accounts only those accounts marked with function code 01 as set out
13、 in Table A. 最高轉出限額Max transfer out limit客戶同意本服務所提供之匯款及轉帳之限額規定*要求轉出最高限額Requested limit by applicant3.每日總最高限額Daily transactions limit 依貴行所設轉出最高限額Max. limit set by the Bank最高為等值HKD or equiv.4.帳戶每日總最高限額 Per account daily transactions limit. 依貴行所設轉出最高限額Max. limit set by the Bank依附表A註記限額per max daily lim
14、it as set out in Table A.5.每筆最高限額 Per transaction limit.依貴行所設轉出最高限額Max. limit set by the Bank最高為等值HKD or equiv.6.本服務可轉入帳戶:不限 OPT交易不得勾選 限附表B所列帳戶Account allowing transfer in no restriction on accountsOPT not allowed only those accounts as set out in Table B. 7.集團關係人帳戶集中服務管理:限附表C所列之各關係企業帳戶可使用,且使用方式依附表C
15、之註記。Group related accounts centralized service management: for only those group related accounts as set out in Table C with allowed functions as set out in Table C. *本行得隨時調整每日、每戶、每筆匯款及轉帳上限,並將該項調整公佈於本服務網頁系統公告事項。Max. limit of daily, per account, and per transaction are set by Bank. We retain the right
16、 to adjust anytime, and will placard the limit on our B2BANK website. 附表A 存款帳戶服務類別及個別帳戶每日總轉出最高限額【註:類別欄填寫代號:01=可查詢及轉出,02=只可查詢。】 Table A Service type and per account daily transfer out transactions limit Note: Please fill in function code in Type column: 01= Enquiry and transfer out function, 02= Enqu
17、iry function only類別Type存款帳戶帳號Deposit account no.客戶同意本服務所提供之匯款及轉帳之限額規定 Agree the max. limit set by the Bank.要求個別帳戶每日總最高限額 Requested per account daily transactions limit.依貴行所設轉出最高限額Max. limit set by the Bank 最高為等值HK$ or equiv. 依貴行所設轉出最高限額Max. limit set by the Bank 最高為等值HK$ or equiv. 依貴行所設轉出最高限額Max. li
18、mit set by the Bank 最高為等值HK$ or equiv. 依貴行所設轉出最高限額Max. limit set by the Bank 最高為等值HK$ or equiv. 依貴行所設轉出最高限額Max. limit set by the Bank 最高為等值HK$ or equiv. 依貴行所設轉出最高限額Max. limit set by the Bank 最高為等值HK$ or equiv. 附表B 可轉入帳戶Table B Accounts allowing transfer in 銀行名稱Bank name SWIFT Code帳號Account no. 戶名Acc
19、ount holder name註:使用OTP放行交易時需約定轉入帳號。 Restriction on accounts for transfer is required for OTP transactions.附表C 集團關係人帳戶集中服務管理Table C Group related accounts centralized service management關係人名稱Group Relationship Name 用戶代碼System ID No.使用方式Function type查詢Enquiry查詢及轉帳Enquiry and Transfer查詢Enquiry查詢及轉帳Enqu
20、iry and Transfer查詢Enquiry查詢及轉帳Enquiry and Transfer查詢Enquiry查詢及轉帳Enquiry and Transfer查詢Enquiry查詢及轉帳Enquiry and Transfer查詢Enquiry查詢及轉帳Enquiry and Transfer查詢Enquiry查詢及轉帳Enquiry and Transfer查詢Enquiry查詢及轉帳Enquiry and Transfer聲明及簽署Declaration and signature第一部份、申請人聲明Part I: Declaration 第一部份、申請人聲明Part I: De
21、claration本人(等)確認及聲明I/We confirm and declare that:本人(等)向貴行申請互聯網服務,本人(等)於本申請表格所提供的資料各方面均屬真實、正確及符合現狀,而貴行亦獲授權向其認為適合的任何來源傳達及交換有關資料以作核實用途;I/We apply to the Bank for Internet Service and the information provided by me/us in this Application Form is true, correct and up-to-date in all respects and that the
22、Bank is authorized to communicate and exchange such information with whatever sources it may consider appropriate for the purpose of verifying the same;本人(等)及各獲授權人士已閱讀、明白並同意受貴行不時生效的的網上銀行服務條款及條件所約束,本人(等)及各獲授權人士已收到該條款的副本,該條款亦可於網頁w瀏覽;I/We and each Authorized Person have read, understood and agree to be
23、 bound by the Banks Internet Banking Terms and Conditions from time to time in force, a copy of which has been received by me/us and each Authorized Person and which is also available at :/ tsb2b .tw;貴行將有絕對權拒絕客戶的申請並毋須給予任何理由;the Bank shall have the absolute right to reject my/our application herein w
24、ithout giving any reasons;互聯網服務是提供予本人(等)作為聯絡貴行的另一途徑;因此,但凡適用於本人(等)各個賬戶的條款及條件及貴行與本人(等)有關操作本人(等)賬戶的其他協議及安排及/或貴行與本人(等)之間的任何其他交易將繼續適用;Internet Service is made available to me/us as an additional communication channel with the Bank; accordingly, the terms and conditions and mandates applicable to each acc
25、ount of mine/ours and other agreements and arrangements between the Bank and me/us in relation to the conduct of my/our accounts and/or any other transactions between the Bank and me/us will continue to apply;本人(等)及各獲授權人士已閱讀、明白並同意受貴行的應個人資料(私隱)條例向客戶及其他人士發出的通知所約束,本人(等)及各獲授權人士已收到該通知的副本,該通知亦可於網頁瀏覽;I/We
26、and each Authorized Person have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Banks Notice to Customers and Other Persons relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, a copy of which has been received by me/us and each Authorized Person and which is also available at :/ tsb2b .tw;本人(等)及各獲授權人士同
27、意,當貴行認為有需要或適當時,貴行可將本人(等)或獲授權人士的任何資料或詳情轉交任何服務供應商(不論位於香港或香港以外包括台灣),以便處理資料或代表貴行向本人(等)提供任何服務。本人(等)保證已告知各獲授權人士有關本條的內容,並已取得其對貴行將其資料及詳情轉交服務供應商(不論位於香港或香港以外包括台灣)的同意;I/We and each Authorized Person agree that, where the Bank considers it necessary or appropriate, the Bank may transfer any of my/our/its/his/he
28、r data, details or information to any service provider (whether situated in or outside Hong Kong (including Taiwan) for the purpose of data processing or providing any service on behalf of the Bank to me/us. I/We warrant that it has informed each Authorized Person about the contents of this clause a
29、nd has obtained each Authorized Persons consent in respect of the Banks transfer of my/our/its/his/her data, details and information to service providers (whether situated in or outside Hong Kong (including Taiwan); 貴銀行可將本人(等)資料交予任何信貸資料服務機構,而在本人(等)欠賬時,則可將該等資料交予收賬代理,以及向金融機構及/或其人士提供有關客戶的往來銀行或信貸資料;及the
30、 Bank may deliver the Customers data to any credit reference agency, and in the event of default, to any debt collection agency, and provide bankers or credit references relating to me/us to financial institutions and/or other persons; and本人(等)明白及同意本申請表格及其所有內容均構成貴行的網上銀行服務條款及條件的一局部。I/We understand an
31、d agree that this Application Form and all its contents shall form part of the Banks Internet Banking Terms and Conditions.附註Notes:除文義另有規定外,貴行的網上銀行服務條款及條件內界定的詞語於本申請表格內具有相同涵義。Terms defined in the Banks Internet Banking Terms and Conditions shall bear the same meanings herein unless the context requir
32、es otherwise.本申請表格的英文與中文版本如有任何歧異,一切概以英文版本為準及具決定性。If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of this Application Form, the English version shall prevail and be conclusive for all purposes.本申請表格受香港法律管轄並按其詮釋。This Application Form shall be governed by and construed in accorda
33、nce with Hong Kong law.各名有權簽署人:Persons authorized to sign the Application: (1) (正楷全名)(full name in capital letter) X (Signature)(2) (正楷全名)(full name in capital letter)X (Signature)(3) (正楷全名)(full name in capital letter)X (Signature) 註:Note:個人須由帳戶持有人簽署。For personal and joint customer, all account hol
34、der(s) should sign.獨資經營商號須由東主簽署。For sole-proprietorship customer, the sole proprietor should sign.合夥經營商號須由所有合夥人簽署。For partnership customer, all partners should sign. 須由董事簽署。 For limited company customer, directors should sign. 第二局部、申請公司授權證明(適用)Part II: Certification of Due Authorization (For Limited
35、 Company customer) 茲證明本公司已於 年 月 日召開董事會議,通過以下決議:I HEREBY CERTIFY that the following resolutions were passed at a meeting of the Board of Directors of _ (the “company) on _(insert date) whereas it was resolved that: 本公司將申請由台新國際商業銀行香港分行提供之網上銀行服務。The Company shall subscribe for Internet banking services offer
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