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1、七年级上册重点语法总结1、名词的数和格(1)名词的单复数:名词分可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词有复数形式。可数名词复数的构成有如下规则:一般加 -s,如: deskdesks s, x, ch, sh 结尾加 -es,如: busbuses, watchwatches 以 f, fe 结尾,改 f, fe 为 v,再加 -es,如: leafleaves 以“ 辅音字母y” 结尾,改 y 为 i,再加 -es,如 city cities 以“ 辅音字母o” 结尾,加 -es,如: tomato tomatoes 一般复合名词,只将主体名词变复数,如:boy studentboy student

2、s 以 man, woman 开头和结尾的复合名词,规则不同: FrenchmanFrenchmen, woman teacherwomen teachers 不规则变化:foot feet, child children 单、复数同形的情况:sheepsheep, ChineseChinese(中国人)只有复数形式的情况:people, clothes, trousers (2)名词所有格英语中有些名词加“s” 表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为名词所有格。名词所有格的构成有如下规则:有生命的名词一般加“s” 构成,以s 结尾的复数名词加“” 。 Toms bike the studen

3、ts bag 无生命的名词一般用“ 所有物 a map of Japan 一幅日本地图of所有者” 。 the name of the school 学校的名字但请注意下列说法的不同含义:a picture of Lucy 和 a picture of Lucys 虽然它们都是“ 露茜的相片” 的意思,但含义不同:a picture of Lucy 指相片上的人是露茜, 而 a picture of Lucys 指相片属于露茜,但相片上的人不一定是露茜本人。并列的名词表各自所有,须在各词词尾分别加“在后一个名词词尾加“s” 。s” ;表共同所有,须 Tom and Jacks car 汤姆和杰

4、克的小汽车(两人合用) Toms and Jacks cars 汤姆和杰克的小汽车(两人各有一辆)2、代词 代词分 3 种:指示代词,物主代词,人称代词(1)指示代词: this(这个), that(那个), these(那些) , those(那些)当指示代词放在问句中时,它的答语用代词it 和 they 来代替它们。 e.g. Whats this? Its an apple. 这是什么?这是苹果。 Is that a pear? No, it isnt. 那是梨子吗?不是。 What are these? Theyre fruits. 这些是什么?水果。 Are those your b

5、ooks? Yes, they are. 那些是你的书吗?是的。 this 不能与 is 缩写。(2)人称代词:分主格和宾格人称代词的主格在句中作主语,宾格作及物动词或介词的宾语。因此判断何时用主格,何时用宾格,只需判断它在句中是作主语还是作宾语。(3)物主代词:分形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词形容词性物主代词相当于一个形容词,词。 e.g. This is my pen. 这是我的钢笔。在句中作定语用, 后面一定要接名名词性物主代词相当于一个名词,在句中作主语、表语,能单独使用。 e.g. Yours is new. This old bag is mine. 你的书包是新的,这个旧书包是

6、我的。名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词之间的关系:名词性物主代词 =相应的形容词性物主代词名词。如: This is my bike. That is yours. (yours= your bike )3、介词及介词短语(1)本册书已出现的介词有: at 在 at home 在家 behind 在 后面 next to 在 旁边behind the door 在门后面 next to my house 在我家旁边in front of 在 前面Tom is in front of Lucy 汤姆在露西的旁边beside在 旁边 beside the desk 在桌子旁边 from 从 到 f

7、rom Wuhan to Beijing 从武汉到北京 in 在 里面;用 in English 用英语in the desk 在桌子里 like 像;跟 一样 like this 像这个 near 在 附近 near the lake 在湖的附近 of 的 a map of China 一幅中国地图 on 在 上面 to(表示方向)到,走 under 在 下面 on the chair 在椅子上 go to school 上学 under the tree 在树下面 betweenand 在 之间 between Lucy and Lily 在露西和莉莉之间(2)介词短语In the mor

8、ning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, at weekends, in 2008. On + 星期 / 具体的日子 如: on Monday, on September, 1 st. on the morning of September, 1 st. on a cold winter day 2、there be 句型(1)there be 句型常用来表示某地(2)各种句型结构:/某时有某物 /某人。肯定句:Therebe (is/are) 某物 /某人地点 /时间。否定句:Therebe(is/are) not某物 /某人地点 /

9、时间。一般疑问句:Be(Is/Are ) there某物 /某人地点 /时间?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词be(is/are) there其它? e.g. There is a pencil on the desk. 桌子上有一支铅笔。否定句:There isnt a pencil on the desk. 桌子上没有铅笔。一般疑问句:Is there a pencil on the desk? 桌子上有铅笔吗?特殊疑问句(划线部分提问):Whats on the desk? 桌子上有什么?注意:There be 后面所接的某物有多个时,谓语动词be 要根据最靠近它的那个名词的单复数来确定,即就近原

10、则。 e.g. There is a pen, a pencil-box and some books on my desk. 我的桌子上有一支钢笔,一个铅笔盒和一些书。There are some books, a pen and a pencil-box on my desk. 3、have / has 用法小结动词 have 作为 有使用时,表示 某人 (物 )有 用于第一、二人称单数 I、you 和复数主语,其单数第三人称形式为 has,用于第三人称单数 he、she、it和单数主语。肯定句:主语have / has宾语。例如: 1I have an English book. 2Li

11、ly has a dog. 3They have many friends. 4. 一般现在时的用法总结(1)一般现在时的基本用法1) 经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。时间状语:every , sometimes,at , on Sunday I leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2) 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China. (2) 句子结构A. 当主语是三单时 肯定句 : 主语 +动词 s/es+其他

12、否定句 : 主语 + doesn t+动词原形 +其他一般疑问句 :Does + 主语 +动词原形 +其他B. 当主语是非三三单时 肯定句 : 主语 +动词原形 +其他否定句 : 主语 + don t+动词原形 +其他一般疑问句 : Do+ 主语 +动词原形 +其他如: lilei often watches TV at six o clock. I often watch TV at six o clock. 5. 常见动词用法like doing sth.(喜欢做某事)let sb do sth. (让某人做某事)be busy doing sth.(忙于做某事)need to do st

13、h. (需要做某事)enjoy doing sth. (喜欢做某事)thanks for doing sth. (感谢 )want to do sth. (想要做某事)how / what about doing sth. (做某事怎么样)would you like to do ? (你愿意或想要做某事吗?)ask sb. to do sth .(叫某人做某事 ) invite sb. to (邀请某人到 )send sb. sth. / send sth. to sb.(给某人发送 /寄某物)make sb. sth. / make sth. for sb. (制作某物给某人)初一上总复习

14、 重点词组(一) Module 1 听音乐 _ 踢足球 _ 读书 _ 来自 _ 玩儿电脑游戏 _ 看电视 _ 最喜欢的运动 _ 写在黑板上 _ Module 2 打篮球 _ 骑自行车 _ 骑马 _ 弹钢琴 _ 说中文 _ 喜欢游泳 _ Module 3 在 的前面 _ 相邻的 _- 在门后面 _ Module 4 多少 _ 为 .而感谢 _ Module 6 去看电影 _ 一个好主意 _- 想要 _ 在星期三 _ 上课 _ Module 7 .怎么样 _ 在 8 点钟 _ 我最喜欢的课 _ 吃晚饭 _- 上床睡觉 _ 起床早 _- 和 谈话 _ 休息 _ 谈论 _ 做家务 _- Module

15、8 制作蛋糕 _ 举行晚会 _ Module 9 在森林中 _ 保持健康 _- 给某人某物 _ Module 10 首先 _ 最后 _ 发送电子邮件 _ 在互联网上 _ 上网 _ 制定计划 _- 在工作 _ 给某人写信 _- 四、句型复习 1、祈使句(1)它用来表示请求、命令等。Come in, please. 请进。(2)肯定句结构是:动词原形其它 e.g. Stand up, please 请站起来。否定句结构是:Dont 动词原形其它 e.g. Dont stand up. 不要站起来。练习 (基础 ) 1、Jim and I _ in Class 5. A is Bare Cam 2、

16、This is a mouse. _ name is Mickey. A It BItsCIts 3、_ ! Is this your cup? A SorryBExcuse me CHello 4、What are these? They are _. A busesBboxs Cbananas trees 5、Is Sam _? No, hes _ school. A in, in Bin, atCat, in 6、Is it _ Chinese book? No, its _ English book. A a, a B an, a Ca, an 7、Whose hat is this?

17、 It _ yours, Meimei. A look atBlooks like Clook afterDlook the same 8、Whose room is this? Its _. Theyre in the same room. A the twins Bthe twin brothers C the twins Dthe twins sisters 9、A : Lets go home now. B: _. Lets go. A All right BThats all right CYoure rightD Thats right 10、Its time to get up.

18、 Look at the new coat . _. Mike. A Put it onBPut on them CPut on it D Put them on 11、There _ a computer and two desks in the room. A has Bis C are D have 12、Tim is before me and Jim is behind me. I sit _them. A besideBbetween CnearDin 13、The girl _ a red coat is my sister. A wearBis wearing C inDon

19、14、Can you help him mend the car? _ AYes, please. BNo, thanks. C I think so. DCertainly. I think so. 15. - What are you going to do _ Sunday evening? - Nothing much. A. in B. at C. on D. to 16. Johnson is sitting _ the sun and listening to CDs. A. under B. on C. by D. in 17. Everyone in my office _

20、a small car. A. have B. are having C. has D. will had 18. - _ is the river? - It s about 1,700 kilometres. A. How far B. How tall C. How many D. How long 19. Most children enjoy _ in summer. A. to swim B. swimming C. swim D. swimmer 20. Do you want _ some sightseeing at Christmas? A. to do B. doing

21、C. do D. to doing 21. I want to drink _ water. Is there _ water in the glass? A. some, some B. some, any C. any, any D. any, some 22. Look! There _ some sheep near the river. A. is B. are C. have D. see 23. Mother and father worry _ my study all the time A. with B. about C. in D. to 24. In our schoo

22、l, one of the girls _ English, _ Chinese. A. are, all other girls are B. is, other are C. are, the all others are D. is, all the others are 25. I have no time _ home for lunch. A. go B. going C. to go D. to go to 2 6. My sister would _ a glass of milk. A. to like B. like to C. likes D. like 2 7. How

23、 many _ do you want? A. bread B. pieces of bread C. piece of bread D. a piece of bread 28. Kate _ her mother. She _ swimming very much , but her mother doesnt.A. doesnt like, is likes B. isnt like, likesC. doesn t like, is like D. isnt like, is like2 9. Im not good at _, but Jim is.A. play basketbal

24、l B. to play basketball C. playing basketball D. playing the basketball 30. Would you like to come to meet my family? _. A. Yes, Id like.B. Yes, Id like to. C. No, I wouldnt like. D. No, please. 31. Could you give me _ of your bread? A. any B. many C. other D. some 32. Put _, please. You must _ your

25、 things. A. away them, look after B. them away, look after C. away them, have a look at D. them away, look at 33. There are so many red apples _ the tree. But now, Mike is _ the tree. A. in, in B. in, on C. on, on D. on, in 34. I want _ take the clothes _ my bedroom. A. to, to B. to, in C. /, to D.

26、/, in 35. Is that a UFO or a plane?_ . A. Yes, it is a UFO. B. Yes, it s plane C .No, it s not UFO D. It is a UFO. 36.Students in Class One pay 210Yuan _ these gifts. A.to B.at C.for D.on 37. What was Jay doing _ 9 a.m. yesterday? A. in B .at C .on D.for 38. What about _ a picnic? A.have B.to have C

27、.having D.had 39Can I help you? -Yes,I d like five _and some peas. A. potato B. tomatoes C. meat D. banana 40.Nine _ pounds a week?That s very good. A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.hundreds D. hundred. 41.Many children like to read the book Harry Potter. -That s right. There s _in it. A. something inte

28、resting B.interesting something C.nothing interesting D.interesting nothing 42. Tom is in _. A. Class One B. Class one C. class one D. the Class One 43. _ are my good friends. A.You and him B.You and he C.Him and you D. His and you 44. His name is John Smith. We can call him _. A. Mr. John B. Mr. Sm

29、ith C. Mr. John White D. Miss Smith 45. _ name is Sue. _ is a girl from Canada. A. His, he B. Her, SheC. She, Her D. Her, She 46. Lingling can play _ basketball and play _ piano. A. the, the B. /, the C. /, / D. the, / 47. What are your _ jobs? A. parents B. parents C. parent D. parents48. Mary with

30、 her sisters _ in Beijing. A. are B. am C. is D. be 49. _ father _ a policeman. A. My, is B. I, is C. Im , are D. My, are 50. Where are the trees? They are _ the house. A. in front of B. on C. under D. next 51. Have you got _ sisters? A. some B. any C. a D. an 52. Thank you _ your email. A. to B. at

31、 C. for D. of 53. What s in the room? - There a bed, a table and a piano in it. A. is B. are C. have D. has 54. Thank you for _ _ to me. A. write B. to write C. writing D. writes 55. - _ the dining hall? - It is in front of the red building.A. Where s B. What s C. How s D. Who s 56. I ve got a broth

32、er and a sister. _ _ names are Lucy and Jim. A. They B. Their C. He D. She 57.-Is your friend from America or England? - _ . A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn t. C. He is from America D. He isn t from America. 58. Is there any on the table? - Yes, there is some. A. computers B. oranges C. books D. meat 5

33、9. Whose pens are these? They are _ . A. you and me B. Helen C. her D. Tom s 60. Are there any factories in the city? Yes, there is _ near the hospital. A. it B. them C. one D. ones 61. - How many students _ _ in your school? About 1000. A. there are B. are there C. is there D. there is 62. Three of

34、 us must stay here, _, and . A. I, he, you B. you, he, I C. you, I, he D. you, he, me 63. What do you usually do_Saturday evening,? A in B on C at D to 64. I usually _ books in the morning. A.look B.read C.watch D.see 65. Mr Green is _ father. A. Jim and Kate B. Jims and Kates D. Jim and Kate s C. J

35、im s and Kate 66. -Do you want to play_ tennis? -Yes, I _. A.a,want B.the, do C.an, does D. /,do 67.Can I _the window? Its cold here. A. open B. close C. look at D. see 68. Do you want to_English with me? D.say A.ask B.speak C.talk 69. _-your friend in Class1 _ in Class2? A. Is, and B. Is, or C. Are

36、, an D. Are, or 70. He would like _ some bread. A. to eat B. to drink C.have D. eat 71 -What does your father do? - _. A. He is friendly B. He is a teacher. C. He drinks tea. D. He is right. 72. - _ ? -I ts seven thirty. A.What s this B. How much is it C.What time is it D. How old is it 73. Hello ,

37、Amy , _ my friend Ann . Hello Ann. A. That is B. This is C. she is 74.There _ a book , a pen and some pencils in my backpack . A. is B. am C. are 75. They _ like _. A. do , tomato B. don t .,tomatoesC. don t , tomatos 76. -You play football very well.-_ . A. Sorry, I dont B. Thank you C. Yes, I do D. No, I have no idea. . 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1Its Bettys birthday. Lets_ (send) her a present. 2My sister never _ ( get)T-shirts on her birthday. 3Lingling and


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