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1、Quality & Satisfy深圳德信诚经济咨询公司地址:深圳市罗湖区笋岗东路华通大厦907室 邮政编码: 518008 :/QS100 :qs100qs100 : 0755 25585689 25936263 25936264 FAX: 0755 25585769 1东莞德信诚相关培训课程:Q05 TS16949五大工具实战训练 (五大工具培训)Q06 APQP&CP先期质量谋划及控制方案培训Q07 DFMEA设计潜在失效方式分析培训(DFMEA培训)Q08 PFMEA过程潜在失效方式及效应分析训练营Q09 MSA丈量系统分析与仪器校验实务Q10 SPC统计过程控制培训课程(SPC训练)

2、Q11 CPK制程才干分析与SPC统计制程控制运用训练Q12 QC七大手法与SPC实战训练班(QC7 & SPC培训)Q03 质量工程师(QE质量工程师)实务培训班Q02 质量主管训练营(质量经理人训练)Q01 出色质量检验员QC培训班Q13 品管常用工具QC七大手法培训(旧QC7培训)Q14 新QC七大手法实战培训(新QC7培训)Q04 QCC品管圈活动训练课程 (QCC培训)2 Six Sigma By Daniel WuFord Lio Ho Motor Company3OutlineQuality levelWhat is Six sigma?Why we need Six sigma

3、?Development and Deployment strategyHow Six sigma merges into our daily business?4Overview-Four Quality GurusHistorically companies have focused on quality issues for customer satisfaction Prior to six sigma there were four key quality gurus that most companies quality programs followedDemingJuranCr

4、osbyTaguchi5DemingDeming taught:Importance of understanding variation in work processesRole of management in leading for qualityApplication of statistics Plan-Do-Check-Act6Demings Contribution to ProfitabilityEXTERNALINTERNALCUSTOMERSATISFACTIONMARKETSHAREPROFITPRODUCTIVITYQUALITY-Better products &

5、services-Improved processes-Compete with valuePRICE-Compete with Price-Decreased cycle time-Eliminate set-up timesCOST-Opportunity for profitPRODUCT QUALITYPROCESS QUALITY-Reduce rework-Eliminate in-process inspection-Reduce scrap-Increase product life-Eliminate incoming testingPlanDoCheckAct7Juran

6、Juran taught:Breakthrough performancePareto effectImportance of management principlesQuality by design and planning8Jurans ContributionPlanningCost of Poor Quality(Percent of operating costs)Production BeginsOriginal zone of process controlNew zone of process control020400ControlTimeImprovementLesso

7、ns LearnedSporadicspike fromobservedproblemChronic Waste(an opportunityfor improvement)ControlSpecial cause variationCommon cause variation9CrosbyCrosby taught:Customer requirement is performance standardQuality maturity is a journeyPreventive action as basic approach10TaguchiTaguchi taught:Cost of

8、poor quality is loss to society as a wholeRobust quality is designed for consistent productionDesign control is more important than production control11Taguchis ContributionLower Specification LimitUpper Specification LimitNominal ValueRegion ofCustomerComplaintsRegion ofCustomerComplaintsRegionofQu

9、estionablePerformanceRegionofQuestionablePerformanceRegion ofSpecifiedPerformanceMeanLowerControlLimitUpperControlLimitRegion ofDesiredPerformanceCost12What Are the Limits to Improvement?2 Sigma3 Sigma4 Sigma5 Sigma6 SigmaBasic Quality ToolsStatistical ToolsDesign for Six Sigma (DFSS)Basic Tools Wal

10、lDesign WallClean Sheet13Challenge in the millenniumQuestion confronting business leaders and managers:It is not: “How do we succeed? Its: “How do we stay successfully?14Change“It is not the strongest that survive, nor the fittest, but thosemost able to adapt to change.Charles DarwinThe Origin of Sp

11、ecies “People do not resist change, people resist being changed. Beckhard15ChallengeResistance-the universal reaction to change.Technical resistancePolitical resistanceOrganizational resistanceIndividual resistance16Six Sigma?Six Sigma is not a business fad tied to a single method or strategy, but r

12、ather a flexible system for improved business leadership and performance.It is not about theory, its about action.17Passion + Execution = Fast and Lasting ResultsSix Sigma FocusDelighting the customer through flawless executionRapid breakthrough improvementAdvanced breakthrough tools that workPositi

13、ve and deep culture changeReal financial results that impact the bottom line18Sigma is a statistical unit of measure that reflects process capability. The sigma scale of measure is perfectly correlated to such characteristics as defects-per-unit, parts-per million defective, and the probability of a

14、 failure/error(Distribution Shifted 1.5s)2308,537366,80746,210523363.4sPPMProcessCapabilityDefects per Million Opp.Six Sigma corresponds to parts per billion if process is centeredSix Sigma - Goal193 Sigma 6 Sigma5 Sigma4 Sigma 93.32 %99.379 %99.9767 %99.99966 %HistoricalCurrentIntermediateLong-term

15、SigmaLong-Term YieldStandardSix Sigma - Performance Target20. To ProduceImproved Rolled Throughput Yield, Defects Per Unit, & Defects Per Million OpportunityReduced Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)Improved Capacity and ProductivityReduced Variation In Our Processes / Products$sA Problem Solving Methodolo

16、gy21CharacterizeOptimizeBreakthroughUSLTLSLUSLTLSLTUSLLSLUSLLSLThe StrategyCustomer Focused - Both Internally & Externally22Which Business Function Needs It?As long as there is a process that produces an output whether it isa manufactured product, data, an invoice, etc. we can apply the Six Sigma Br

17、eakthrough Strategy. For these processes to perform to a customer standard they require correct inputs!6 SigmaMethodsMFG.DESIGNSERVICEENGMAINT.ADMIN.QAPURCH.23Data is derived from objects, situations, or phenomenon in the form of measurements. Data is used to classify, describe, improve, or control

18、objects, situations, or phenomenon.1. We only use experience, not data.2. We collect data, but just look at the numbers.3. We group the data so as to form charts and graphs.4. We use census data with descriptive statistics.5. We use sample data with descriptive statistics.6. We use sample data with

19、inferential statistics.Levels of Analysis: What level are we?The Foundation of the Six Sigma Tools24The Role of Six Sigma Six sigma is the best means to realize the philosophy, values, and goals associated with your business initiatives. Region BA6LinkingPinsBusiness Area InitiativesIt unifies the i

20、nitiatives and provides a common language which all people can understand and speak.25How Do We Improve CapabilityOur Outputs (Ys) are determined by our Inputs (Xs). If we know enough about our Xs we can accurately predict Y without having to measure it. If we dont know much about our Xs, then we ha

21、ve to resort to inspection and test (non value added operations).By knowing and controlling the Xs, we reduce the variability in Y, which decrease the number of defects, improves RTY, cycle time, etc. We can also eliminate or reduce inspection, test, and rework.26The Sources of Six Sigma Qualityby c

22、ontrolling.by designing.ContinuouslyReduceProcessVariabilityTighter Upper& Lower LimitsTarget valuesLower Limits1. Design best target for performance2. Design system values to reduce variability of performance - - -AttractiveImplicitWasteExpressedQ1. If provided would you be.indifferent?.happy?Q2. I

23、f not provided.indifferent?.unhappy?Q3. If not provided.indifferent?.unhappy? - - - - - - - - -by listening.to what the customer says he/ she wants.performance tolerant to real cess variability, not by inspection of defective output27Developing and Reinforcing ValuesCycle ofRefinementVALUES

24、BEHAVIORATTITUDESCULTURE28The Role of LeadershipNewQuestionsNewValuesNewMeasuresLeadership(Humility/Listening)NewBehaviors29Leadership plays the roleValues are a function of behaviorsMeasuring the right things is key Change must be supported and driven from the topWill is a key element for a success

25、ful deployment30Why are we here?“There is a recognition that leadership needs to be a key component of Consumer Driven 6-Sigma within any organization trying to undertake 6-Sigma deployment.Mikel Harry / Richard Schroeder 31Whats In It For Me? “ the best statistical analysis in the world is useless

26、if those handling the information are paralyzed by corporate fear. When data suggests one direction but corporate culture or convention dictates another, fear can rule and the potential for change is lost. Only strong leadership can eradicate the fear factor and allow an organization to realize its

27、potential. Statistics alone cannot achieve breakthrough.Mikel Harry / Richard Schroeder 32Define Future StateLeadership in Six SigmaOrientationPresent StateFuture StatePTSLeadership SkillsBusiness BasicsProject ManagementPersonal DevelopmentPTSPTSPTSPTSDEFINEMEASUREANALYZEIMPROVECONTROLDefinePlanMan

28、ageCloseTeam ManagementTeam DevelopmentMeeting FacilitationTeam ManagementDevelop Transition PlanChange ManagementAnalyze Present State33Six sigma structureStrategy Consumer-driven, focus on product, process, and service.OrganizationAll-function involvement and Personal Development.PolicyCompany-wid

29、e engagement, HR,IT,and Finance support.ManagementProject, Team, and Change Management.34Deployment StructureMaster Black Belts (Full-Time)Project Champions (Part-Time)Black Belts (Full-Time)Green Belts (Part-Time)Executive Leadership (Part-Time)Deployment Directors (Full/Part-Time)356s Project Cham

30、pions6s Deployment Champion(s) SMBusiness Unit LeaderCEO Corporate 6s Senior ChampionSMHR DeploymentChampionSMIT DeploymentChampionSMFinance DeploymentChampionSMPRDeploymentChampionSMBusiness OperationsLeaders6sHR Manager6s Financial ManagerGreen BeltsSM6sIT ManagerTrainingDeploymentChampionSM6s Mas

31、terBlack BeltsSM6s Comm. Manager6s Training Manager6s Project ChampionsSM 6s Black BeltsSM6s Deployment Infrastructure6s Executive CouncilSix Sigma Deployment Roles36Phase ICascadingEstablish deployment structureExecutive, top management, champion awareness trainingBlack Belt trainingTools implement

32、ation trainingLeadership training37Phase IIAccelerate developmentDeployment structure implementation and disposition in each function. Every salary is GB.Begin to implant into current quality system.ISO14000 and QS9000 integration. 38Phase IIIIntegrationImplant six sigma methodology in other quality

33、 toolsPartnership with other quality system. Six sigma training to supplier and franchise.Six sigma in daily business.DFSS(Design for Six Sigma).BB/MBB in leadership position.39It is All about ValueThe Customer Value PropositionDefinesBusiness StrategyCustomers choose to buy from us because.Investor

34、s entrust their money to us because.Employees choose to work for us because.40Three Customer Value Proposition StrategiesProduct differentiationOperational excellenceCustomer partnershipsCompetitive advantage!41Consumer v.s. ProducerCustomers higher expectationDefect-free qualityProductServiceProduc

35、er -planning for changes to meet customer requirements.Strategic: changing the way every level of a business is managed on a daily basis.Tactical: six sigma methodology and cross-functional.Cultural: out of box thinking, everyone involved and common language is data.Customers want to purchase high q

36、uality products and services at the lowest cost, just as companies want to produce high quality goods and services at the lowest possible cost.42Maximizing Customer ValueDeriving value from the Need - DoInteraction ModelNeedDoCustomers and suppliers exchange valuethrough the Need-Do interaction.Cust

37、omerSupplierInteraction43Value-Capturing the voice of CustomersPartial Kano AnalysisDegree of AchievementCustomer Satisfaction Surprise: “Ergonomically DelightingDesire: “Operate QuietlyNecessities: “Doesnt Fail Mechanically“Doesnt Fail Electrically“Is DurableBasicQualityPerformanceQualityExcitement

38、Quality44Business initiativesDeliveryCostCustomer requirementsQualityWhen we say something is a CTQ, can we describe it fromCustomers perspective?Our perspective?Can we demonstrate the relationship?PRODUCTQUALITYSHIPMENTACCURACYCONDITIONFILL RATE/ON-TIME DELIVERYORDER SERVICE/INFORMATIONPROFITABLECU

39、STOMERGROWTHCustomer Satisfaction45Building the relationshipInternalOthersExternalSegmentDatabases from VOCData extraction & transformation Departmental data martIntelligence reports for projectsCorrelationanalysis46Data transformationWhat should we do to make it easily accessible as information to

40、managers and subordinates?What sort of analysis can we conduct?How does that analysis add value?How can we further extend the value of our data analysis?47Opportunity and alternativeFocus on the best opportunitiesStratify to define target arenasDefine real optionsBuild a portfolio of opportunities t

41、o pursueMeet customer requirements by running the business as we do?Or need to change to get prodigious improvement? Six sigma?48Consumer-driven six sigmaRequires consumer strategy, product strategy, and infrastructure strategy and link them inextricably together.Conducts business through the consum

42、ers eyes and shares unfiltered insight within the enterprise.Creates a compelling consumer experience and innovates services as well as products.Adds value in the eyes of the consumer.Integrates the product and information.49Transforming Customer Feedback Into SAQ and then Six sigma ProjectsSingle A

43、genda for Quality and Customer SatisfactionTop 25 issuesDevelopActionable ProjectsIdentify GenericCritical XsHigh MileageDFSSNew Product ContentMeasure and Monitor Critical XsIdentify Critical Xs Out of SpecificationDevelop Action to Restore Critical Xs MBB ActionVRT(Process owner)Black Belt Project

44、 LeaderFPS & Plant OperationsQOSDMAICGreen Belt Projects50Consumer Driven 6-Sigma offers a structured problem solving methodology to achieve break-through improvements by systematically identifying root causes and eliminating them using an integrated set of statistical tools, problem solving techniq

45、ues, data, and disciplines.Six Sigma in process improvementImproveControlDefineMeasureAnalyzeModifyDesign?NoYesRedesign51Six Sigma MindsetDefineMeasureAnalyzeImproveControlWhat does the customer want?What is the defect we want to reduce?Are we sure we can trust the data?What does the data tell us?Wh

46、at are the main influencing factors?Does the data confirm this?What are we going to change?Is improvement tangible and optimal?How are we going to maintain the improvement forever?How to cascade feedback to system?Jonathan Holbrook6 Sigma Deployment52DEFINE PROBLEM / ISSUEStrategyPrevent defect(s) E

47、liminate defect(s)CHARACTERIZEDEFINEOPTIMIZEVERIFYMEASUREANALYZEIMPROVECONTROLBlack belt project toimprove mfg. capabilityMfg. process cannot provide sufficient improvement. Need reduced product sensitivity to mfg. noise.The Overall Perspective: DMAIC and DCOV53Breakthrough Improvement5 S workplaceV

48、isual FactoryStandardized WorkDMAICQuality ToolsSix Sigma MethodologyPhaseWorld class qualityWe cant sustain a visual factory without 5SWe cant sustain standardized work without visual factory We cant sustain six sigma without standardized workQuality tool is the engine, Six sigma is Turbo-chargeDFSSWe cant meet six sigma without six sigma discipline 54Is 6-S


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