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1、塔式起重机出厂前检查程序Annex 2 - Procedures for Pre-delivery Checking of Tower Crane附件2-塔式起重机出厂前检查程序Paragraph 4 (b) replace the paragraph with the following:第4 (b)段改为:(b) unique identification of parts and components -unique identification to all main structural parts, motors, gearboxes, and braking systems of

2、 tower cranes to be used when referring to components in reports for inspection and testing, and certifications for repairs and modifications.(b)零件和部件的唯一标识一一在检查和测试报告中提及部件时,以及维修和改装证书中 使用的塔式起重机所有主要结构部件、电机、齿轮箱和制动系统的唯一标识。Unique identification will not be required for pins and bolts used for connecting m

3、ain structural parts if systems are in place for separating those that have passed non-destructive tests from the others. However, if the crane manufacturer specifies any limitations on the usage of the pins and bolts (such as with useful life based on the number of uses etc.), unique identifiers sh

4、ould be provided;如果系统用于将通过无损检测的部件与其他部件分开,那么用于连接主要结构部件的销和螺栓 不需要唯一标识。但是,如果起重机制造商对销和螺栓的使用有任何限制(例如根据使用次 数确定使用寿命等),那么应提供唯一标识符; Foreword-1/一 刖BTower cranes are widely used for lifting operations in the construction industry in Hong Kong. Statistics show that tower cranes contribute to quite a number of se

5、rious accidents.塔式起重机在香港建筑业中被广泛用于起重作业。统计数据说明,塔式起重机造成了相当多 的严重事故。Property damage and bodily injuries can be avoided if they are properly used. 如果使用得当,可以防止财产损失和人身伤害。This Code of Practice (hereafter referred as this Code) is approved and issued by the Commissioner for Labour under section 7A of the Fact

6、ories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap. 59) (hereafter referred as the FIUO). It provides practical guidance to the industry as to how to use tower cranes safely and properly with a view to assisting the duty holders in preventing accidents.本实务守那么(以下简称本守那么)由劳工处处长根据工厂及工业经营条例(第章)第7A 条批准及发出。(

7、以下简称FIUO)o它为业界提供了如何平安、正确使用塔式起重机的实际 指导,以协助责任人预防事故的发生。The provisions in this Code should not be regarded as exhausting those matters which need to be covered by the relevant safety legislation, nor is it intended to relieve persons undertaking the work of their statutory responsibilities. It is import

8、ant to note that compliance with this Code does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.本守那么的规定不应被视为已穷尽了相关平安立法需要涵盖的事项,也不旨在免除承当工作的 人员的法定责任。值得注意的是,遵守本守那么本身并不能免除法律义务。This Code has a special legal status. Although failure to observe any guidance contained in this Code is not in itself an of

9、fence, that failure may be taken by a court in criminal proceedings as a relevant factor in determining whether or not a person has breached any of the provisions of the regulations to which the guidance relates.sufficient knowledge of the crane and its safety devices; fully understand the duties of

10、 the slinger and be familiar with the signal code shown in Table 1 in order to implement safely the instructions of the slinger or signaller; and fully understand the radio/tele-communication signals between the parties concerned.在其所操作的起重机的操作方面受过充分的培训,并对起重机及其平安装置有足够的了解; 充分理解吊运员的职责,熟悉表1所示的信号代码,以便平安地执

11、行吊运员或信号员的指示; 充分了解有关.各方一之间_的_无线电_/_电信信号一。_ Slinger 抛石工The slinger should be responsible for attaching and detaching the load to and from the crane, and for the use of correct lifting gear in accordance with the planning of the operation. In particular, the slinger should:吊运工应负责在起重机上安装和拆卸货物,并根据作业计划使用正

12、确的起重装置。尤其是, 抛掷者应:have attained the age of 18 years;年满十八周岁的;be fit with particular regard to eyesight, hearing and reflexes;特别适合视力、听力和反响能力;be agile and have the physique to enable him to handle lifting tackle;动作敏捷,有足够的体格,能应付起重滑车;have been trained in the general principles of slinging and be able to e

13、stablish weights and judge distances, heights and clearances;接受过吊运一般原那么的培训,能够确定重量,判断距离、高度和净空;be capable of selecting tackle and lifting gear as well as rigging method suitable for the loads to be lifted;能够选择适合被吊物的滑车、起重装置和吊装方法;understand the signal code shown in Table 1 and be able to give clear and

14、precise signals;理解表1所示信号代码,能给出清晰、准确的信号;be capable of directing the movement of the crane and load in such a manner as to ensure the safety of personnel and plant; and fully understand the radio/tele-communication signals between the parties concerned.能够指挥起重机和负载的移动,以确保人员和设备的平安;并充分理解有关各方之间的无线 电/电信信号。S

15、ignaller信号员Where the crane operator of the tower crane does not have a clear and unrestricted view of the load carried by the crane or the point of attachment for a load where no load is being carried and such view is necessary for the safe working of the crane, a signaller shall be employed to rela

16、y the slingers instructions to the crane operator (Regulation 15B(1) of the LALGR).如果塔式起重机的起重机操作员无法清楚无限制地查看起重机所承载的负载,或者无法清楚 地看到未承载负载的负载的连接点,并且该视图对于起重机的平安工作是必要的,应雇佣一 名信号员向起重机操作员传达吊运员的指示(LALGR第15B (1)条)。The signaller should be responsible for relaying the signal from the slinger to the crane operator.

17、 He is also responsible for directing the safe movement of the crane. In particular, he should:信号员应负责将信号从吊运员传递给起重机操作员。他还负责指挥起重机的平安移动。特别 是,他应该:have attained the age of 18 years (Regulation 15B(2) of the LALGR);年满 18 岁(LALGR 第 15B (2)条);be fit with particular regard to eyesight, hearing and reflexes;特

18、别适合视力、听力和反响能力;be agile and have the physique to enable him to handle lifting tackle;动作敏捷,有足够的体格,能应付起重滑车;have been trained in the general principles of slinging and be able to establish weights and judge distances, heights and clearances;接受过吊运一般原那么的培训,能够确定重量,判断距离、高度和净空;be capable of selecting tackle

19、and lifting gear as well as rigging method suitable for the loads to be lifted;能够选择适合被吊物的滑车、起重装置和吊装方法;understand the signal code shown in Table 1 and be able to give clear and precise signals;理解表1所示信号代码,能给出清晰、准确的信号;be capable of directing the movement of the crane and load in such a manner as to ens

20、ure the safety of personnel and plant; and fully understand the radio/tele-communication signals between the parties concerned.能够指挥起重机和负载的移动,以确保人员和设备的平安;并充分理解有关各方之间的无线 电/电信信号。Signaller信号员Where the crane operator of the tower crane does not have a clear and unrestricted view of the load carried by th

21、e crane or the point of attachment for a load where no load is being carried and such view is necessary for the safe working of the crane, a signaller shall be employed to relay the slingers instructions to the crane operator (Regulation 15B(1) of the LALGR).如果塔式起重机的起重机操作员无法清楚无限制地查看起重机所承载的负载,或者无法清楚

22、地看到未承载负载的负载的连接点,并且该视图对于起重机的平安工作是必要的,应雇佣一 名信号员向起重机操作员传达吊运员的指示(LALGR第15B (1)条)。The signaller should be responsible for relaying the signal from the slinger to the crane operator. He is also responsible for directing the safe movement of the crane. In particular, he should: 信号员应负责将信号从吊运员传递给起重机操作员。他还负责指

23、挥起重机的平安移动。特别 是,他应该:have attained the age of 18 years (Regulation 15B(2) of the LALGR);年满 18 岁(LALGR 第 15B (2)条);be fit with particular regard to eyesight, hearing and reflexes;特别适合视力、听力和反响能力;understand the signal code shown in Table 1 and be able to transmit the instructions of the slinger in a clea

24、r and precise manner; and be easily identifiable to the crane operator (e.g. by wearing high-visibility clothing, or other means).理解表1所示的信号代码,能够以清晰、准确的方式传达吊运员的指令;并且易于起重机操 作员识别(例如,穿着“高能见度”的衣服或其他方式)。该法典具有特殊的法律地位。尽管不遵守本法典所载的任何指导原那么本身并不构成犯罪,但 在刑事诉讼中,法院可将这种不遵守行为视为确定某人是否违反了与该指南有关的任何规章 的任何规定的一个相关因素。Through

25、out this Code, we have quoted relevant safety standards of the British Standards Institution. However, if there are other national/international standards or provisions which are equivalent, they would be acceptable as alternatives. In addition, statutory provisions referred to or cited in this Code

26、 are those in force as at 1 August 2011.在本规范中,我们引用了英国标准协会的相关平安标准。但是,如果有其他同等的国家/国 际标准或规定,它们可以作为替代品。此外,本法典所指或引用的法定条文是指截至2011 年8月1日有效的条文。Scope1范围This Code provides guidance on the safe use and operation of tower cranes to ensure the safety of personnel working at or nearby those cranes.本规范为塔式起重机的平安使用和操

27、作提供了指导,以确保在塔式起重机上或附近工作的人 员的平安。This Code covers management and planning of the lifting operation of tower 本规范涵盖了塔架吊装作业的管理和计划cranes, requirements for operators, slingers and signallers, siting, erection, dismantling, height alteration, maintenance and testing of tower cranes. It also contains guidance

28、 pertaining to the selection, safe use and specific precautions when tower cranes are operating within a workplace. 起重机,操作人员,吊具和信号员的要求,塔式起重机的选址,安装,拆卸,高度改变,维 护和测试。它还包含有关塔式起重机在工作场所内操作时的选择、平安使用和具体预防措施 的指南。Reference is also made to relevant Hong Kong legislation in particular section 6A and 6B of the FI

29、UO, the provisions in the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Regulations (Cap. 59A) (hereafter referred as the FIUR), the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Lifting Appliances and Lifting Gear) Regulations (Cap. 59J) (hereafter referred as the LALGR), the Factories and Industrial Undertakings

30、 (Guarding and Operation of Machinery) Regulations (Cap. 59Q) (hereafter referred as the GOMR) and the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations (Cap. 591) (hereafter referred as the CSSR). Attention is drawn to the requirements and procedures for testing and examination of cranes under the LALGR and

31、the British Standard BS 7121.还参考了有关香港的立法,特别是FIO的第6A和6B条,工厂和工业经营条例(CAP)的 规定。59A)(以下简称“FIUR”),工厂和工业经营(起重机械和起重装置)条例(第。59J) (以下简称LALGR)工厂及工业经营(机械防护及操作)规例(第。59Q)(以下简称G0MR)和施工现场(平安)条例(第。(以下简称CSSR)。注意根据LALGR和英国标准BS 7121对 起重机进行测试和检查的要求和程序。Definitions2定义Automatic safe load indicator It means a device intende

32、d to be fitted to a crane that automatically gives an audible and visible warning to the operator thereof that the crane is approaching its safe working load, and that automatically gives a further audible and visible warning when the crane has exceeded its safe working load (Regulation 3(1) of the

33、LALGR).自动平安负载指示器:指拟安装在起重机上的装置,该装置自动向起重机操作员发出声音和 可见的警告,说明起重机正在接近其平安工作负载,当起重机超过其平安工作负载(LALGR 第3 (1)条)时,自动发出进一步的声光警报。Certified plan认证计划It includes drawings, details, diagrams, calculations, structural details, structural calculations, geotechnical details and geotechnical calculations which are certifi

34、ed by safety supervision personnel.包括图纸、详图、图表、计算书、结构详图、结构计算书、岩土工程详图和岩土工程计算书。Competent examiner称职检查员A competent examiner, in relation to the carrying out of any test and examination required by the LALGR, means a person who is -appointed by the owner required by those regulations to ensure that the t

35、est and examination is carried out;就进行LALGR要求的任何测试和检验而言,合资格检验员是指由业主根据该等规例所规定 委任以确保该等测试及检验得以进行的人;a registered professional engineer registered under the Engineers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 409) within a relevant discipline specified by the Commissioner for Labour; and by reason of his qualificatio

36、ns, training and experience, competent to carry out the test and examination (Regulation 3(1) of the LALGR).根据工程师注册条例(第章)注册的注册专业工程师。409)在劳工处处长所指明的有关 学科范围内;并因其资历、训练及经验,有能力进行测试及考试(劳工法第3 (1)条)。As at the date of this Code, Mechanical Engineering and Marine & Naval Architecture are the specified discipli

37、nes specified by the Commissioner for Labour.在本守那么生效之日,机械工程及海洋及海军建筑是劳工处处长所指明的专业。Competent person称职人员A competent person, in relation to any duty required to be performed by him under the LALGR, means a person who is -appointed by the owner required by those regulations to ensure that the duty is carr

38、ied out by a competent person; and by reason of training and practical experience, competent to perform the duty“合资格人士”就根据法律及法规须由其履行的任何职责而言,是指该等规例所规定的 由船东委任以确保该等职责由合资格人士执行的人;而该等人士因受过训练及有实际经验, 有能力履行该等职责(Regulation 3(1) of the LALGR).(LALGR 第 3 (1)条)。Climbing frames攀爬架Frames of a climbing crane, which

39、 transfer the loadings from the crane on to the structure that supports it.攀爬起重机的框架,它将荷载从起重机转移到支撑它的结构上。Climbing ladders爬梯Vertical structural frameworks by means of which some types of climbing cranes are raised.一些类型的攀爬起重机用的垂直结构框架。Condition of tipping 倾翻状态A condition when a crane is subject to an ove

40、rturning moment which cannot be increased by even a small amount without causing the crane to fall over.当起重机受到倾覆力矩的情况下,即使增加一小局部也不会导致起重机倒下。Free-standing height独立高度The maximum height at which a tower crane can operate without being held by ties or guys.塔式起重机无需系绳或系绳就能运行的最大高度。Gauge仪表The dimension betwee

41、n the inner faces of the rail heads of the rail track of a crane.起重机轨道的轨头内外表之间的尺寸。Height alteration高度变化It means climbing of a tower crane or the addition or removal of mast section to or from the main tower.这意味着塔式起重机的攀爬或在主塔上增加或移除桅杆局部。Overlapping zone 重叠区An overlapping zone is the space which may be

42、swept by the load, its attachment or any part of the tower crane, and common to at least two tower cranes.重叠区是指负载、其附件或塔式起重机的任何局部可能扫过的空间,且至少两台塔式起重机 共用。Owner所有者In relation to any crane, includes the lessee or hirer thereof, and any overseer, foreman, agent or person in charge or having the control or

43、management of the crane, and the contractor who has control over the way any construction work which involves the use of the crane is carried out and, in the case of a crane situated on or used in connection with work on a construction site, also includes the contractor responsible for the construct

44、ion site (Regulation 3(1) of the LALGR). A contractor is responsible for a construction site if he is undertaking construction work there or, where there is more than one contractor undertaking construction work at the site, if he is the principal contractor undertaking construction work there (Regu

45、lation 3(2) of the LALGR).就任何起重机而言,包括其承租人或承租人,以及任何监督人、工头、代理人或负责或管理 起重机的人员,以及控制任何涉及起重机使用的施工工程的方式的承包商,如果起重机位于 起重机上或与之相关使用在施工现场工作的,还包括负责施工现场的承包商(LALGR第3(1) 条)。承办商如在某建筑地盘进行建筑工程,那么须对该建筑地盘负责;如该地盘有多于一名 承建商在该地盘进行建造工程,那么该承建商须为该地盘的总承建商负责(地方法例第3 (2)条)。Project engineer工程工程师Project engineer means the registered

46、structural engineer (RSE) appointed under section 4 of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123) (hereafter referred to as BO); or for project(s) with exemption granted by the Building Authority from the procedures and requirements relating to the appointment of a RSE under section 4 of the BO, a competent

47、 person whose appointment is, subject to prior agreement of the Building Authority, to take up the responsibilities and duties of a registered structural engineer; or the supervising officer of similar capacity in project(s) of the Housing Authority; or the engineer(s) as specified in the works cont

48、racts appointed to act on behalf of the client organization for the supervision and management of the works project(s) of the government departments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; or any independent checking engineer(s) of similar capacity appointed by the principal contractor at th

49、e request of the government departments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as the case may be.工程工程师指根据建筑物条例(第章)第4条委任的注册结构工程师(RSE)o 123)(以 下简称BO);或对于建筑事务监督根据BO第4节豁免RSE任命的程序和要求的工程,其任 命须经建筑事务监督事先同意,担任注册结构工程师或房屋委员会工程监理人员的职责;或 指定代表香港特别行政区政府部门工程工程监督管理的工程合同中规定的工程师;或根据香 港特别行政区政府部门的要求,由总承包人指定的同类

50、能力的独立检查工程师,视情况而定。 Rail ties钢轨扎带Ties used to retain rails at the correct distance apart and to withstand the imposed tensile and compressive forces.用于将钢轨保持在正确距离并承受施加的拉力和压缩力的扎带。Registered professional engineer注册专业工程师Registered professional engineer means a person whose name is on the register of regis

51、tered professional engineers established and maintained under section 7 of the Engineers Registration Ordinance (Cap 409).注册专业工程师指其姓名列于根据工程师注册条例(第409章)第7条设立和备存的注 册专业工程师名册上的人。Registered safety officer注册平安员Registered safety officer means a person registered under Regulation 7 of the Factories and Indu

52、strial Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors) Regulations (Cap 59Z).注册平安主任指根据工厂及工业经营(平安主任及平安督导员)规例(第59Z章)第7 条注册的人。Registered structural engineer 注册结构工程师Registered structural engineer means a person whose name is for the time being on the structural engineers register kept under sectio

53、n 3(3) of the BO.注册结构工程师是指其姓名在根据建筑条例第3 (3)条备存的结构工程师名册上的人。 Safety supervision personnel 平安监督人员For building works and street works, it means the Technically Competent Person of Grade T5 (TCP T5) who possesses the academic or professional qualifications and experience of building works or street works

54、that satisfy the requirements set out in the Code of Practice for Site Supervision issued by the Buildings Department for a particular type of site supervision or management tasks; or the person responsible for engineering safety supervision as specified in the works project(s) of the government dep

55、artments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as the case may be. For other industrial undertakings, it means a registered professional engineer in structural discipline.对于建筑工程和街道工程,指具备建筑工程或街道工程的学术或专业资格及经验的“T5级 技术能手(TCPT5),并符合屋宇署就某一特定类型的工地监督或管理而发出的工地监理 实务守那么所订的要求香港特别行政区政府部门工程工程中的工程平安监理负责人

56、,视情况 而定。其他工业企业,是指结构专业的注册专业工程师。Wedges楔子The means of securing the tower within tie frames or climbing frames of a tower crane. 将塔架固定在塔式起重机的系杆或爬架内的方法。Working space limiter 工作空间限制器A working space limiter is a limiting device to prevent the load, its attachment or any part of the tower crane from enterin

57、g an overlapping zone.工作空间限制器是一种限制装置,用于防止负载、其附件或塔式起重机的任何局部进入重叠 区。Management of the Lifting Operation三。起重作业管理Safe system of work 平安工作制度A safe system of work should be established and documented by the owner. 业主应建立并记录平安工作系统。Such system should be followed for every lifting operation whether it is an in

58、dividual lift or a series of repetitive operations. This safe system of work should be prepared and endorsed by the owner, with the advice of the competent person, safety officer and other relevant personnel. The same principle should be applied whether the lifting operations are carried out at a co

59、nstruction site or the crane is a permanent fixture, e.g. in a factory or at a dock. The safe system of work should be effectively communicated to all parties concerned by the owner.无论是单独吊装还是一系列重复作业,每次吊装作业都应遵守该制度。业主应在主管人员、 平安员和其他相关人员的建议下,编制并批准本平安工作系统。无论起重作业是在施工现场 进行,还是起重机是永久固定装置,例如在工厂或码头,都应采用相同的原那么。

60、业主应将安 全工作体系有效地传达给所有相关方。The safe system of work should include but not limited to the following:平安工作系统应包括但不限于以下内容:planning of the operation;作业计划;selection, provision and use of a suitable crane and equipment;选择、提供和使用合适的起重机和设备;maintenance, examination and testing of the crane and equipment;起重机和设备的维护、检


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