1、 2022语言学申请个人留学申请书 读书效率是国外大学和国内大学之间比较显著的差异。一方面,发达国家在教育方式、理念、教学设施上比较先进。另外一个优势是时间。这里给大家分享一些2022语言学申请个人留学申请书,欢迎阅读! 2022语言学申请个人留学申请书 Dear _, In connection with my application for acceptance into your Ph.D. program, I am enclosing the following statement concerning my life, professional activities, and te
2、ntative future plans. I was born in Xiamen, Fujian Province in China on November 8, 1969. Later, my family moved to Beijing where I grew up. I am from a family of academics. My father is a professor of linguistics and Chief of the University Journal Agency of Beijing Language and Culture University
3、(formerly Beijing Language Institute). My mother is a professor at the same university and teaches Chinese as a foreign language. From 1991 to 1993, my mother taught Chinese at Wittenberg University, Ohio and Indiana University at Bloomington. She encouraged me to apply for admission to advanced pro
4、grams in the U.S. I graduated from high school in 1988, and received the highest scores in my school at the National Entrance Examination for Universities. This made me an “Honor Student” at the national level. Upon acceptance to Beijing Language and Culture University, my major became English, with
5、 minors in linguistics, French and computer science. I was awarded consecutive scholarships for all four years in college. During my college years, I became more and more interested in linguistics. My senior year was largely devoted to topics in linguistics, and my required thesis work focused on th
6、e influence of cultural and educational factors upon the Chinese and English languages. After college, Beijing Science & Technology University employed me. For the first year and a half I was assigned to a project aimed at creating improved computer program for idiomatic English-Chinese & Chinese-En
7、glish translations. This project proved me with considerable experience linguistics, and further improved my understanding of the subtleties of both English and Chinese. Since the project completion, I have been teaching intensive English courses at Beijing Science and Technology University. Since J
8、uly of 1993, I have taught English listening comprehension at Beijing Language and Culture University. The latter classes are part of a program that provides adult Chinese professionals with opportunity to improve their English. My interest in linguistics is initially based on my desire to better co
9、mprehend the English language, and, in the process, learn more about my own language. China is now opening and engaging in ever expanding cultural and financial relations with the English-speaking countries of the West. It has struck me, as it may have occurred to many of my compatriots that negotia
10、tions to bring about these new and improved relations sometimes break down because of mutual ignorance about each others languages. I am aware that this has been a popular problem for study, among Americans engaging in business and other fields, but I am not aware of any serious attempt to research
11、this problem from a Chinese point of view. Through my work in the U.S., I would hope to contribute to a better understanding of the problems inherent in the deep differences between the two languages. I recognize that a thesis project in most graduate schools is chosen after on has studied in variou
12、s programs in a department and after extensive discussion with ones professors. Nevertheless, I would hope that investigating socio-cultural differences between English and Chinese might be considered a suitable topic. Such a study would focus on the cultural, historical, traditional and educational
13、 factors, which influence the two languages, and significantly contribute to possible misinterpretations. My long-term plan is to continue working on comparative aspects of English and Chinese linguistics. I strongly desire to work in an academic environment combining teaching, research and writing.
14、 I heard that your EnglishLinguistics Department has a reputation for academic excellence. I am applying to your program because I desire the best education possible for my professional career. Yours sincerely, 留学泰国主要授课语言 一、语言介绍 泰语是官方指定的语言,在泰国本地人一般是说泰语的;不过提供也很重视国际化的趋势,因此引进英语作为第二外语;并且和中国还有着特别密切友好的关系,
15、中文的使用率也很高。 1.泰语 本国自己的语言自然还是授课的主体,至少在泰国,公立的大学内,大部分的专业都是使用泰语来讲课的,所以大家的目标如果是公校的话,就早一点开始进行泰语的准备。 2.英语 私立高校大都会设置双语教学,其中一门是泰语,另一门就是英语,晋升学校的国际化水平,这样大家会有更多的选择,并且英语的准备会比泰语要简单得多,不过大家要确认专业是否提供选择。 3.中文 相较起来,中文则没有那么高的普及面,只在少部分的学校和专业中有设置,针对的是不想花时间进行另一种语言学习的学生,需要保证自己未来是回国工作,才会比较有优势。 二、挑选指南 需要自己感兴趣,因为语言的学习难度其实没有那么大
16、,但是在学习中的影响是比较大的,随大家来说,不论是英语还是泰语,只有保证自己对语言有兴趣,才会有学下去的动力。 然后是未来的职业规划,完成了学业以后,是准备升学还是就业,是准备留泰、回国,还是去其他国家,语言的选择都是会对大家的未来带来影响的,多一门就会有一份选择。 而考虑到就业就要参考市场的需求,目前除非是专业性特别强的专业,不然在市场中,还是复合型的人才会更受欢迎,而语言也会成为大家的优势之一,所以多学一门很有必要。 泰语和英语的授课目前是比较成熟的,中文的起步会比较晚,并且目前规范度也还不太够,所以大家在选择的时候,一定要非常的谨慎才可以,因为这些是会直接的影响大家的生活的。 泰国留学安全须知 一、住宿方面 而自己租房的话,一定要对周边的环境进行严格的考察,独处的时候不要给陌生人开门;选择寄宿家庭,需要对家庭成员进行调查,对家庭成员的品格有所了解。 二、交通方面 抵达了泰国以后,大家需要对学校周边和住宿周边的交通情况进行详细的了解,要有意识地避开一些有安全隐患的地方,而且熟悉常走的交通路线。 如果乘坐公交和出租车,一定要将自己坐车的车牌号告诉朋友或者家人,这样万一出了事,也
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