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1、国际贸易实务双语 (International Trade Practice In Chinese and English)郝美彦实际电子课件.第一章 国际贸易术语第二章 主要贸易条件第三章 商品的价钱第四章 国际货物运输第五章 国际货物运输保险第六章 国际货款的收付第七章 检验、索赔 、不可抗力与仲裁第八章 合同的磋商 第九章 合同的履行 第十章 国际贸易方式课件目录.第一章 国际贸易术语 International Trade terms 贸易术语及国贸易际惯例(trade terms and international customary practices)国际贸易术语的含义及作用有关

2、贸易术语的国际惯例 前往目录.Case(案例): One import and export company exported his goods under the CIF term. The seller delivered the goods on board the vessel on time and prepared all necessary documents. But the vessel stranded and sank in a few hours after departure. The next day, when the seller asked for paym

3、ent with full set of documents in conformity with the contract, the buyer refused to accept the documents and rejected payment because his goods have been lost. Is it reasonable for the buyer to do so? Why?前往目录.、The definition of Trade Terms贸易术语的定义: FOB LONDONThe trade terms refer to using a brief E

4、nglish concept or abbreviation to indicate the formation of the unit price and determine the responsibilities, expenses and risks borne by two parties as well as the time of the passing of the property in the goods.前往目录. 2、International customary practices (国际贸易惯例)Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 Revised Am

5、erican Foreign Trade Definitions International Rules For the Interpretation of Trade Terms前往目录.常用的贸易术语FOB (Free on Board,named port of shipment)船上交货(指定装运港)CFR (Cost and Freight,named port of destination)本钱加运费(指定目的港)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight,named port of destination)本钱加保险费、运费(指定目的港)前往目录.FOB, F

6、ree on Board (Named port of Shipment) 指定装运港船上交货 It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver the goods when they have passed over the ships rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all expenses and risks of or damage to the goods from that point.前往目录.CF

7、R (Cost and Freight,named port of destination)本钱加运费(指定目的港)It means that the seller shall undertake the cost and freight necessary to carry the goods to the named port of destination, but the risks of, losses of, or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after th

8、e time the goods have been delivered on board the vessel, are transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ships rail at the port of shipment前往目录.CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight,named port of destination)本钱加保险费、运费(指定目的港)It means that the seller has the obligation to procure marin

9、e insurance against the risks of, losses of, or damage to the goods during the carriage.前往目录.Mode of transportation(运输方式)The formation of the unit price(价钱构成)The place of delivery/risk transfer交货地点/风险转移点Responsibilities, expenses and risks borne by two parties双方责任、费用和风险的划分前往目录.1.The mode of transpor

10、tation (运输方式)Suitable for sea or inland waterway transport.2.The formation of the unit price(价钱构成) FOB: Cost(本钱) CFR: Cost and Freight(本钱和运费)CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight(本钱和运费和保险费)前往目录.3.The place of delivery /risk transfer (交货地点和风险转移点) On the ships rail at the named port of shipment (在装运港的船舷)4.

11、The expenses and responsibilities borne by two parties (双方费用、风险和责任的划分)前往目录.The seller The buyerFOBDeliver the goods on board the vessel交货Contract for the carriage of the goods 租船订舱Obtain export license获得出口答应证Obtain import licenseCover cargo insurance 投保Provide documents for the buyer and ask for pay

12、ment 交单议付Pay the price and take delivery of the goods 前往目录.The seller the buyerCFRContract for the carriage of the goods at his own expensesOn usual term 通常条件By the usual route 惯常航线In the proper vessel 适宜的船舶Usual freight正常运费Additional Freight额外运费前往目录. The seller the buyerCIFContract for the carriage

13、 of the goodsCover cargo insurance on behalf of the buyerMinimum insurance(F.P.A) 最低险别additional insurance premium额外保险费前往目录.CIF 1.The expenses and risks are separated (风险和费用分别)2.CIF term is document transaction 单据买卖 (Symbolic delivery) 意味性交货The seller fulfills his duty of delivering goods against th

14、e documents The buyer shall pay the price against the documents前往目录. 货交承运人的三个贸易术语1)FCA(Free Carrier,named place) 货交承运人( 指定地点)2)CIP(Carriage insurance Paid to,named place of destination)运费、保险费付至(指定目的地)。 3) CPT (Carriage Paid Tonamed place of destination)运费付至(指定目的地)前往目录.目的地交货的各种术语1)DAF (Delivered at F

15、rontiernamed place) 边境交货(指定地点)2)DES(Delivered Ex Shipnamed port of destination目的港船上交货(指定目的港)3)DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay,named Port Of destination)目的港码头交货(指定目的港 )4)DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid,named place of destination)未完税交货(指定目的地) 5)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid,named place of destination)完税后交货指定目的地前往目录.第二章 主要

16、贸易条件The Quality of Goods The Quantity of Goods Packing and Marking 前往目录.nit1 Quality of Goods 商品的质量 表示质量的方法(1)用文字阐明表示商品的质量(Sale by Description) 凭规格、等级或规范买卖(Sale by Specification, Grade or Standard) 商品规格(Specification):The specification of the goods refers to certain main indicators which indicate th

17、e quality of the goods, such as composition, content, purity, size, length, etc. SUPER前往目录. 商品的等级(Grade)The grade of the goods refers to the classifications of the commodity of the goods which is indicated by words, numbers or symbols. The classifications are usually decided by different qualities,

18、weights, compositions, appearances, properties, etc.商品的规范StandardThe standard refers to the specifications or grades which are stipulated and announced by the government or the chambers of commerce, etc.前往目录.凭牌号或商标买卖Sale by Brand Name or Trade Mark As to the goods whose quality is stable, reputation

19、 is sound and with which the customers are quite familiar, we may sell it by brand name or trade mark.凭产地称号买卖(Sale by Name of Origin) It is suitable for some agricultural products and by-products whose origins are well- known all over the world.前往目录.凭阐明书和图样买卖(Sale by Description and Illustration) Th

20、e quality of some commodities, such as technological instruments, electric machines, etc. can not be simply indicated by quality indexes, instead it is quite necessary to explain in detail the structure, material, performance as well as method of operation. If necessary, pictures, photos, etc. must

21、also be provided.前往目录.2以实物表示商品的质量Sale by Actual Quality or Sample看货买卖 (Sale by Actual Quality) In this case, the buyer or his agent examine the goods at sellers place at first. After they conclude a deal, the seller shall deliver the goods according to the goods examined. 凭样品买卖Sale by Sample The sam

22、ple refers to the article which can be used to represent the quality of the whole lot. Sale by sample includes two cases, i.e., sale by the sellers sample and sale by the buyers sample. 前往目录.a. 凭卖方样品(Sale by Sells Sample):b.凭买方样品(Sale by Buyers Sample):c.对等样品成交Sale by Counter Sample:也有的称之为确认样品Confir

23、ming Sample。日后卖方交货以对等样品质量为准。前往目录.Unit2 商品的数量The Quantity of Goods1、商品数量的计量单位 按分量(Weight)计算。常用的单位有公吨(Metric ton/kilo ton)、长吨Long Ton、短吨short tonnet ton、公斤(kilogram等 前往目录.按数量计算。常见的计数单位有件Piece、双(Pair)、套Set、打(dozen)、卷roll、箱(case)、箩gross、袋(bag)、包bale等 长度(length)计算。常用单位有米(meter/m.)、英尺(footft)、码yardyd等。丝绸、

24、布疋、钢管、电线电缆、金属绳索等常用长度单位计量。前往目录. 按面积Area计算。有平方米Square metersqm、平方英尺(square footsq. ft)、平方码square yard/sqyd等。木板、皮革、地毯、玻璃板等用面积单位计量。 按体积Volume计算。有立方米cubic metercum.、立方尺cubic footcuft、立方码(cubic yardcuyd)等。木材、天然气、化学气体等常以体积作计景单位。 按容积capacity计算。常见的容积单位有升literl.、加仑(gallon/gal)、蒲式耳(bushel/bu)等。各类谷物和液体商品常以容积为单位

25、。前往目录.、商品分量的计算方法1) 按毛重Gross Weight计算 2)按净重(Net Weight)计算,净重指商品本身的分量。Actual tare: 实践皮重Average tare: 平均皮重Customary tare: 习惯皮重Computed tare: 商定皮重前往目录.3) Conditioned Weight:按公量计算。his kind of calculating method is suitable to those cargos whose water contents are not stable, such as wool, silk, etc.公量=商品

26、干净重x (1+规范回潮率)公量=商品净重x 1+规范回潮率 / 1+实践回潮率 式中商品干净重是指用科学方法抽去商品中的水分后商品的分量。规范回潮率是买卖双方商定的货物中的水分与商品的干量之比。4Theoretical weight:按实际分量5Legal weight and net weight:按法定分量前往目录.商品数量条款确实定 商品数量条款,由成交商品的数量和计量单位组成。对以分量成交的商品还要订明计算分量的方法。1.Dont use such words as about or circa or approximate before the quantity of the go

27、ods. 2.To stipulate the quantity latitude: It means that the seller may deliver the goods with a certain percentage more or less in quantity. 前往目录.Unit 3 商品的包装Packing 在国际贸易中,除少量商品难以包装,或不值得包装而采取裸装Nude Packed或散装(In Bulk)方式外,绝大多数商品均需求有适当的包装。商品的包装(Package of Goods)是国际商品交换不可短少的重要环节,是联络消费与消费的桥梁。包括不仅起到维护、宣

28、传、美化商品的作用,还可使商品增值。商品包装条款也是合同的要件之一。前往目录.The kinds of packing(包装的种类) 、Shipping packing: 运输包装According to the method of packing: single piece packing and collective packing. According to style of packing: Cases, drums, bags, bales, bundles, etc.According to the material of packing: Cartons, wooden case

29、s, iron drums, wooden casks, paper bags, gunny bags, plastic bags, etc.前往目录.According to the softness of packing: softness packing and hardness packing as well as half-hardness packing. According to the extent of packing: full packed and part packed、Marketing packing: 销售包装Piling-up pattern:Hanging-u

30、p pattern:Spreading-up pattern:Pattern for carryingabout:Pattern for easily opening:Pattern for spraying out:Pattern for showing off a gift.前往目录.Packing Mark包装标志Shipping mark: 运输标志 It is usually made up of geometrical diagrams, letters, figures and simple words. The contents of shipping mark are as

31、follows:Consignees code:Consignors code:DestinationPackage number ABC CO.LONDON前往目录.Warning mark: 警告性标志It is also called dangerous cargo mark, which is brushed clearly and definitely on the shipping packing of the inflammable, explosive, poisonous, corrosive goods, so as to give warnings to the work

32、ersIndicative mark: 指示性标志This kind of mark is used to reminder the relative workers of the items for attention when they load, unload, carry and store the goods, such as handle with care, keep dry etc.前往目录.Neutral packing and brand designated by the buyer中性包装和定牌、Neural packing: It means that there i

33、s neither a name of the origin, nor a name of the factory, nor a trade mark, a brand, or even any words on the packing of the commodity and the commodity itself. It includes two kinds: packing with trade mark designated by the buyer but without the mark of the manufacturers and origins packing witho

34、ut trade mark and origins as well as the mark of the manufacturers. 前往目录.、Brand designated by the buyer定牌包装: It means that the seller marks the trade mark or Brand designated on the package of the commodity or the commodity itself as buyers request前往目录.第三章 商品的价钱 The Price of the Goods价钱条款(Price Clau

35、se)是进出口合同中的中心条款。正确把握进出口商品的作价原那么,采用合理的作价方法,选择合理的作价方法,选择有利的计价货币,确定适宜的价钱术语,适当运用与价钱有关的佣金和折扣,对提高外贸经济效益有着非常重要的意义。 前往目录.出口商品的本钱核算 (1) 出口总本钱与出口销售收入 出口总本钱是指出口商品的进货本钱加上出口前的一切费用和税金。出口销售收入分为出口销售外汇净收入和出口销售人民币净收入,前者是以FOB价出卖商品所得的外汇净收入,后者是以FOB价按外汇收帐时挂牌汇价折合的人民币数额。 (2) 出口商品盈亏率与出口创汇率 出口商品盈亏率是指出口盈亏额与出口总本钱的比率。计算公式为:出口商品

36、盈亏率=(出口销售人民币净收入-出口总本钱)/出口总本钱 x100 出口创汇率是指加工后废品出口的外汇净收入与原料外汇本钱的比率。如原料为国产品可以FOB价折算:假设原料为进口产品,那么以CIF价折算。前往目录.特别在来料加工情况下,该目的更具有现买意义。其计算公式为:出口创汇率= 废品出口外汇净收入-原料外汇本钱/ 原料外汇本钱 x 100% (3)出口商品换汇本钱出口换汇本钱=出口总本钱本币/出口销售外汇净收入外币 出口商品价钱的换算方法 (1) FOB价的换算 CFR价=FOB价+运费 CIF价=FOB价+运费/1-保险费率X(1+投保加成) 前往目录. (2)CFR价的换算 FOB价=

37、CFR-运费 CIF价=CFR价/1-保险费率X(1+投保加成) (3)CIF价的换算 FOB价= CIF价X1-(1+投保加成)X保险费率-运费 CFR价= CIF价X1-(1+投保加成)X保险费率前往目录.佣金与折扣Commission and Discount佣金(Commission)是买方或卖方对中间商引见买卖或代办买卖所给予的报酬。折扣(Discount,Rebate,Allowance)是卖方按原价给买方的一定百分比的价钱减让。前往目录.1佣金的运用 1佣金的种类。佣金分“明佣和“暗佣两种。前者在合同中标明“佣金字样,并规定某一百分比。而后者不标志百分比,甚至也不出现“佣金字样。

38、但不论何种方式,只需含有佣金,商品的价钱就一定要高。 (2佣金规定方法。凡价钱中含有佣金的称之为含佣价。普通用文字表示,如“每公吨3 500美圆 CIF 伦敦包括2佣金,U.S. $3500per M/T CIF London including 2% Commission。也有一些合同中采用简写方式,如“每公吨2000美圆 CIF C 2% 伦敦U.S.$2000 per M/T CIF C 2% London。佣金也可以用绝对数字表示,如“每公吨付佣金100美圆等等。凡在价钱中不含佣金或折扣的称为净价Net Price。 (3) 佣金的计算。 以CIF成交,就以CIF价来乘以佣金得出佣金数

39、。假设以FOB为基数,那么在CIF成交情况下,扣除运费、保险费后再计算佣金。假设知净价,那么含佣价的计算公式为:含佣价=净价 / 1-佣金率前往目录.2) 折扣的运用1折扣的种类。在国际贸易中,除为鼓励买方积极购买而给与的普通买卖折扣Trade Discount外,还有现金折扣Cash Discount、数量折扣Quantity Discount、季节折扣Seasonal Discount、特别折扣Special Discount等等。此外与佣金一样,折扣也有“明扣与“暗扣之分。2折扣的规定。折扣普通也用文字表示,如“每公吨500美圆 CIF 伦敦 含2折扣,U.S. 500per M/T C

40、IF London including 2% Discount前往目录.合同中价钱条款的规定 合同中价钱条款普通包括商品的单价和总值两项根本内容。商品单价包括:计量单位、单位价钱金额、计价货币和价钱术语四个部分。如“每公吨200美圆CII伦敦佣金5% (U.S.$200 per MT CIFC5% LONDON)。总值是指单价与成交商品数量的乘积,即一笔买卖的总金额。前往目录.第四章 国际货物运输 Transportation 第一节 运输方式(Methods of the delivery)第二节 装运条款(shipment clause)第三节 运输单据(shipping document

41、s) 前往目录.一、Ocean Transport 海洋运输(一)Liner transport 班轮运输1.The features of liners usually include: 班轮运输的特点 The liner has a regular line, port, timetable and comparatively fixed freight. The kinds and quantities of the goods carried by the liner are very flexible, and the liner can ensure delivery qualit

42、y. 第一节 运输方式(Methods of the delivery)前往目录. The carrier is responsible for loading and unloading operation, i.e., gross term. The B/L drawn by the shipping company is the shipping contract between the carrier and the consignor. The rights and obligations of the carrier and the consignor are based on t

43、he B/L drawn by the shipping company.前往目录.2.班轮运费(The liner freight)The liner freight is charged according to Liners Freight Tariff. The liner freight includes basic freight and surcharges.The basic freight is charged according to the standard of Liners Freight Tariff. The basic standards for calcula

44、ting freight are stipulated as follows:l Gross weight, i.e., weight ton, which indicated by“ W in the tariff.前往目录. Volume, i.e., measurement ton, which is indicated by“ M in the tariff. Gross weight or volume weight, choosing the higher rate between the two, which is indicated by “W/M in the tariff.

45、The value of the cargo, i.e., a certain percentage of FOB price which is indicated “A.V. in the tariff.Gross weight or volume or A.V., i.e., choosing the highest rate of the three, which is indicated by“W/M or“ A.V. 前往目录.lGross weight or volume, and then plus a certain percentage of A.V., which is i

46、ndicated by “W/M plus“ A.V. .lThe number of the cargo.lThe temporary agreement entered into between the ship owner and the consignor. The main surcharges are as followslExtra charges on heavy liftslExtra charges on over lengths前往目录.Additional on Optional Discharging Port.Additional on direct The for

47、mula of calculating the liner freight is:F=Fb+s=fQ+f(s1+s2+sn)Q=fQ(1+s1+s2+sn) Fb_ basic freight s_surchargesf_the rate of the basic freight Q_freight ton s_the rate of the surcharge前往目录. (二) Tramp(Shipping by chartering) 租船运输 It means a freight-carrying vessel which has no regular route or schedule

48、 of sailings or port or freight. The shipper charters ship from the shipowner and uses it to carry the goods. It falls into 3 kinds:1.Voyage Charter:程租船运输 It includes single voyage charter, return voyage charter, successive voyage charter and contract.前往目录.2.Time Charter: 期租 The charterer charters t

49、he ship for a period of time during which the ship is deployed and managed by the charterer3.Bareboat Charter: 光船租船 The shipowner only provide s the charterer with a bareboat, the charterer shall employ the crew by himself. 前往目录.(三)The differences between the tramp and time charter: 期租和程租船的区别1.Voyag

50、e charter: the charterer charters the ship by the voyage;rTime charter: the charterer charters the ship by the time. Their contracts are also different.2.Voyage charter: The shipowner not only manages the ship but also is responsible for driving, sailing and transportation of the goods. 前往目录.Time ch

51、arter: The shipowner is responsible for the ships maintenance, repair and crews wages; but transportation of the goods, loading and unloading the goods are borne by the charterer.3. Voyage charter: the freight is charged according to the quantities of the goods shipped and the contract shall stipula

52、te time of shipment or rate of shipment; Time charter: the freight is charged according to the period of time and the contract doesnt have to stipulate time of shipment.前往目录.二、Railway Transport铁路运输、Railway transport at home; 国内铁路运输、International railway through transport: 国际多式联运 The goods belong to

53、the export country shall be transported to the place of destination with a railway bill of lading issued at the place of dispatch. During the delivery, the railway department is responsible for transportation and the consignor and consignee dont have to care for it. 前往目录.三、Air Transport航空运输1.Schedul

54、ed Airline2.Chartered Carrier3.Consolidation4.Air Express service四、Combined Transport 结合运输 前往目录. 第二节 装运条款Shipment Clause一、Time of shipment: 装运时间 (一)Time of delivery and time of shipment 交货时间和装运期 (二)Ways of stipulating the time of shipment 装运时间的规定方法1.Stipulate the definite time of shipment; 规定详细明确的装运

55、时间2.Stipulate a fixed time; 规定在某一固定时间装运3.Stipilate a fixed period of time; 规定在某一段时间内装运前往目录.4.Stipulate the goods shall be shipped within 30 days after receipt of L/C;规定在收到信誉证后30天内装运5.Stipulate the goods shall be shipped in the near future. 规定在近期装运二、Port of shipment and port of destination (装运港和目的港前往

56、目录.Ways of stipulating the port of shipment and destination1.Stipulate only one port of shipment and one destination;2.Stipulate at least two ports of shipment and destination;3.Stipulate optional ports前往目录.三、Partial shipment and transshipment(一)Partial shipment: 分批装运 It means the goods under the co

57、ntract shall be shipped at different time or different lots.(二)Transshipment: 装运 When there is no direct liner to the destination or the voyage is too long, we should stipulate“ transshipment to be permitted。 前往目录.第三节 Shipping Document运输单据一、Ocean bill of lading:(提单) It is a receipt from the shipping

58、 company, giving detail of a particular shipment.(一)Roles of B/L 提单的作用B/L is a receipt for the goods issued by the ship owner or his agent evidence the receipt of the goods mentioned in the B/L.B/L is a document of title to the goods.B/L is evidence of the contract of carriage between the consignor

59、and the shipping company. 前往目录.(二)Kinds of B/L 提单的种类1.According to whether the goods have been loaded on board the vessel, the B/L is divided into shipped on board B/L and received for shipment B/L. 已装船提单和备用提单2.According to whether there are notes on the bill of lading, it falls into two kinds: Clea

60、n B/L and unclean B/L 清洁提单和不清洁提单前往目录.3.According to whether the B/L is transferable, it is divided into 3 kinds: Straight B/L and order B/L and blank B/L. 记名提单、指示提单和空白提单 4.According to the modes of transport, it can be divided into 3 kinds: direct B/L, transshipment B/L and through B/L.(直达提单、 转船提单和联


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