国际酒店前厅部接待员推荐销售技巧提高房价收益培训 接待RECEPTION_第1页
国际酒店前厅部接待员推荐销售技巧提高房价收益培训 接待RECEPTION_第2页
国际酒店前厅部接待员推荐销售技巧提高房价收益培训 接待RECEPTION_第3页
国际酒店前厅部接待员推荐销售技巧提高房价收益培训 接待RECEPTION_第4页
国际酒店前厅部接待员推荐销售技巧提高房价收益培训 接待RECEPTION_第5页
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1、Operation Hours -24hoursMorning Shift 早班Afternoon Shift 下午班Night Shift 夜班营阚商一24小时 7am to 3.30pm 上午7.00 下午3.30 4pm to 12midnight 下午3.00-凌晨11.30 11.30pm to 7am11.30 pm 一早上 7.00Guest Check-in 客人入住GRO brings guest to counter and inform Receptionist the guest name.客户主任将客人引领至总台并且告诉接待员客人的姓名。Eye contact, wa

2、rm smile and greeting from Receptionist to guest.接待员要目视,热情的微笑和问候客人。8*-rReceptionist proceeds with check in.接待员进行入住程序。Bellman/GRO to show guest up once check in process is done. To explain hotel & room facilities.行李员/客户主任在客人完成入住登记后引领客人到房间。向客人介绍饭店和房间设施。Bellman to send luggage as soon as possible.行李员要及

3、时将行李送入客人的房间。Upgrading高等级住房/Can only be done by GM/RM/DOS/FOM/AFOM.仅限总经理/驻店经理/前厅部经理/大堂经理。Upselling高价售房 春置To try to upsell especially during full house. Do not be too aggressive with guest but cater to guests needs.试着先销售高价格的房间,特别是在住房教满的时候.不要同客人发生争议而要尽可能的满足客人的需要.Booking which was cancelled before guest

4、 arrival.在客人抵达前预订已被取消。Standards 标准:I Guest attended to promptly, courteously and check in to the hotel within 15 minutes without hassle.客人要受到礼貌,快捷的接待,在饭店办理入住手续不超过15分钟。Procedures 程序:司The above must be handled just like a check in with a cancelled reservation.程序如同取消预订客人的登记入住程序。NMost important 最重要的!3 A

5、ll explanations must be given to the guest for their “No Show or Cancellation“ if during Tull House Situation”. It must be handled very carefully so as not to upset the guest. 当客满的情况 下,必须要向“预订而未到”或“预订被取消”的客人做解释。为了不使客人生气,处理时必须非 常谨慎.3 Follow the normal check in procedure if theres room available to ac

6、commodate the guest. If not to get the assistance of the Assistant Manager or the FOM when problem arises. 当有房间可. 以提供给客人入住时,按照正常的登记入住程序。如果不是,在问题出现时,请大堂副理或者 前厅部经理帮助处理。CHECK IN WITH A VIP RESERVATION重要客人的登记入住Head of State, ministers, important government officials or top executives of major companies

7、and all guests taking suite rooms and Sofitel Club Floor are considered VIP.国家领导人,部长,重要的政府官员或者主要公司的最高行政长官以及所有入住套间和索菲特套间的 客人都被视为重要客人。Standards 标准:All VIPs to be met at the lobby by GRO/GRM/AM/FOM (if necessary GM/RM) and to be escorted up to room immediately.所有的重要客人在大堂都要受到客户主任/客户经理/大堂副理/前厅部经理(如果 有必要有

8、总经理/驻店经理)的迎接,并立即陪同他们进房间。Procedures 程序:,All VIPs must be given extra attention to details: 所有重要客人必须在细节上给予额外的关注。,The room or suites must be pre-assigned or blocked before the guest arrival.在客人抵达前,房间或套间必须预先分配。All special arrangements (i.e. flowers, fruits and etc.) must be in order (placed in the room)

9、 before guest check in.在客人入住之前,所有的特殊安排(例如:鲜花,水果等)已经就绪(已放入房间内)。With the availability of the expected time or arrival, the GROs/Assistant Manager and should be taken straight to the room for registration.在可预计利用的时间,客户主任/大堂副理应该直接到房间为客人登记。,VIPs must be met upon arrival at the main entrance by the GROs/As

10、sistant Manager and should be taken straight to the room for registration.客户主任/大堂副理应该在主要的入口处迎接重要客人。,Ensure that GRO escort the guest from the airport to the hotel.确保客户主任从机场陪同客人到饭店。,Bell man to control lift if its a VVIP that checks in.当非常重要的客人入住时,行李员要控制电梯。X IMPORTANT 重要的:3 If a royalty were to check

11、 in to make sure that the red carpet is laid and the GM/RM is informed about their arrival.如果是皇室成员入住,必须确保已铺好红地毯并通知总经理/驻店经理。3 Housekeeping have to be informed in advance so that the amenities placed in room can be changed and butlers should be on the floor when the royalties arrived.要提前通知客房部,以使在皇室成员抵

12、达时房间的礼物已被更换,侍者已经在楼层等候。TOUR OR GROUP ARRIVALS瞅的入住登记A reservation of 5 rooms (10 pax and above) above is automatically considered a group. Normally, a lot is taken up especially with tour groups.预订5间房以上(10人和10人以上)都要被视为团队。通常,旅游团队给予特别关照。Standards 标准:A lot of guests shall be involved, therefore, careful

13、planning must be made to ensure a smooth check in process without much hassle.当团队抵达时,会有很多客人聚集在一起,因此,要有周详的计划以确保团队客人没有太多麻烦的 顺利入住。Procedures 程序:Pre-block or assign the rooms for all guests preferably on the same block. This can speed up the luggages to the guest room by the bellman.独先分配的房间最好同团队抵达时分配的房间

14、相同。这样可以提高行李员分送行李到房间的速度。Look carefully into their special request (if any) and insert in the key cards/folders. 仔细检查他们的特殊要求(如果有),并将其附着在钥匙卡/文件夹。Prepare the group assign room list and distribute it to Bell Service counter, Housekeeping as soon as the assigned room numbers had been confirmed.一旦分房号确定就准备团

15、队预分房单并下发至行李台,客房部。iFO supervisor to re-confirm the group arrival time and number of pax, 前厅主管要再次确认团队抵达的时间和人数。Prepare the room keys and meal coupons (if any) and insert in the key cards/folders.准备房间钥匙和餐券(如果有),并将其附在钥匙卡/文件夹内。J During the group arrival, receptionist concern must ensure that the rooming l

16、ist and billing instruction tallies with the tour guides, i.e. number of pax, rooms and billings. Collect a copy of Tour Leaders Rooming List.Distribute the room keys and briefly explain the hotel facilities, venue and time for the breakfast to the group. 在团队抵达期间,有关的接待员要将分房单和帐务问题与团队陪同确认,例如:人 数,房间数和帐

17、目。分发房间钥匙并简要介绍饭店的设施,团队早餐的用餐地点和时间。Confirm the wake up call time, luggage collection time, meal time (i.e. ABF) and check out time with the tour leader or guide.同团队领队或陪同确认团队的叫早时间,出行李时间,用餐时间和结帐离店的时间。I Finally, prepare the Tour Group Service Order and distribute the service order according to the respect

18、ive department. Original Group Service Order to sign by respective department when it was issued and to file for 3 months.最后,准备旅游团队接待单并分发至相应的前门。原始的单子要有相 关部门的签名并保存3个月。J Should there be any changes, the Bell Service counter must be notified immediately.如果有任何的更改要立即通知行李台。I Also to inform the Housekeepin

19、g Department of the latest room change (if any).要将最后的房间更改信息通知客房部(如果有)。I Should there be any information pending, to follow up before the group departs from the hotel. 如果有任何未确定的事情,在团队离店之前要落实清楚。X IMPORTANT 重要的:Ensure that the Group Check-in room is in order and ready before the Group Arrival. 在团队抵达前,要

20、确保团队准备入住的房间已经就绪。To co-ordinate with F&B department prior before Group Arrival for Welcome Drinks to be Served when Group arrival. (If it is VIP Group)在团队还未到达之前和餐饮部配合安排免费饮料服务。(如果是VIP团队)HOW TO HANDLE THE AIRLINE DELAYED PASSENGERS怎样处理航班延误的乘客Standards 标准DO NOT DELAY in information the FOM/Assistant Man

21、ager in the event.要立即通知请厅部经理/大堂副理航班延误的事情。In the event of a flight delayed, the airport personnel will call up the hotel to find out if they are able to accommodate the delay passengers for that flight.如果发生了航班延误的事情,机场会打 同饭店联系,以便知道可否为航班延误的乘客提供住宿.Procedures 程序;管if this happens, immediately look for som

22、eone superior (FOM/Assistant Manager) to take the call如果出现了这样的事情,立即找管理人员(前厅部经理/大堂副理)接听 。置Questions to confirm or ask from the airport personnel:要和机场方面确认以下问题:3 How many passengers on board.有多少乘客。3 How many rooms do they need?他们需要多少房间。3 What is the flight number?航班号。/ Flight is flying to which destina

23、tion.航班飞抵的目的地。3 How many room nights do they require?他们需要多少房晚。/ Time of departure from the hotel.离店时间。3 What meal arrangements do they require?他们要求安排什么餐。3 Confirmed with the airport personnel if the guest will be given vouchers or is there a representative will be coming over to the hotel.同机场方面确认客人是

24、否持有凭证或着有机场的代表会来饭店。3 Transport from the hotel to airport.从饭店到机场的交通问题。there is an airport representative coming over, please arrange a place for the staff to sit as this will make it easier for the delayed passengers if they have any questions pertaining the flight for the airline representative. 如果有机

25、场的代表来饭店,就为他安排一个地方,因为这样一来航班延误客人如果有任何有关航 班的问题就可以比拟容易地找到机场的代表询问。置As soon as all the details had been taken and confirmed, to inform 所有细节问题旦被确 认,就要通知3 The F&B Manger餐饮部经理3 The Housekeeper客房部经理3 The Front Office Manager.前厅部经理3 Assistant Manager大堂副理3 Resident manager驻店经理IMPORTANT 重要的:Every minute counts,

26、as theres a lot to be done if the delay passengers are coming in.如果误机乘客即将到来,就意味每一分钟都要做很多事情。The first hand information and if we can get back to the airport personnel and offer him/her the rooms needed, it means in revenue for the Rooms and F&B outlets.如果我们能从机场方面的到第一手的消息并提供给他/她所需要的房间数,就意味着房间和餐饮收入 的增加

27、.CHECK IN PROCEDURE FOR DELAY PASSENGERS航班延误客人的登记入住DO NOT TREAT DELAY PASSENGERS A SECOND CLASS GUEST!不要将航班延误的乘客视为二等客人!Standards 标准:Check in guest promptly, courteously without many hassles.为客人迅捷礼貌地办理入住手续。Procedures 程序:-Normally, delayed passengers come in by coach together. To avoid congestion at t

28、he lobby, always arrange a function room for their check in. If the arrivals are scattered, proceed to the check in at the reception counter.通常,误机乘客都是一起来的。为了防止夫堂拥挤,常常安 排一间多功能厅为他们办理登记入住手续.如果误机乘客抵店比拟分散,可以在接待处办理登记 入住手续。X Block or assign all the rooms needed for the check in into the system under airlin

29、es name. 在电脑系统中将所有需要的预分房间输入在航空公司的名称下面。Xlf guest/group checks in without a voucher for the hotel, then we should check in first and verify later with the airport representatives if hell be coming over to standby. If not follow-up on getting for the billing.如果客人/团队到酒店时没有凭证,我们应该先安排客人登记入住,然后同机场的代 表核实此客人

30、是否航班延误客人。如果不是,就要收取费用。guest checks in with a hotel voucher, then collect the voucher and verify on the billing. To issue necessary coupons for guest meals if any stated on the hotel voucher.如果客人入住时持有饭店凭证,就收取凭证并核实帐务。如果在饭店凭证上说明有餐券,就按要求发 给客人所需的餐券。Hand a blank registration card to the delay passengers fo

31、r them to fill up.给航班延误的乘客空白的 登记单让他们填写。X Ensure sure that they have put down their names in full, passport number and signs on the registration card.确保他们在登记单上所填写的姓名完整,有护照号码和签名。Xlf possible to check with guest their mode of payment and have their credit card imprinted.如果有可能,检查他们的付款方式,刷印他们的信用卡。系Before

32、 the keys and the meal coupon (if any) is handed over to the guest, to brief the delay passengers about the items that will be payable by the airlines (i.e. room and meals only). All other expenses (telephone calls, laundry, minibar consumption and etc) w川 have to be noted to them that its on their

33、own personal account.在将钥匙和餐券(如果有)交给客人前,要向航班延误乘客简要说明航空公司仅付房费和餐 费。其它的费用( ,洗衣,房间酒吧的消费等)自付。Lines for telephones in the room to be barred, if payment is by cash. (This depends on the type of guests were getting). (Guest didnt pay deposit)如果付款方式是现金,房间的 线将关闭.(这取决于客人的付款方式).(并未交任何押金)lf lines are barred, to i

34、nform guest to make their calls at the Business Center on cash basis.如果 线被关闭,告知客人在商务中心打 并现付.Remember to inform the guest that they are required to check out at the F/O cashier to return the room key before they leave for the airport.记住提醒客人在他们离开饭店去机场前,要在前台收银处结帐并归还房间钥匙.* As soon as the delayed passeng

35、ers had physically checked in to the hotel, do a count referring to the information on the registration card to confirm the number of rooms and pax they have checked in.航班延误的乘客按正常手续登记入住后,参照入住登记单上的有关信息,确认房间号码和登记入 住的人数.Xlf passengers are here for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) immediately inform

36、the F&B and Chef about the confirming number of pax for meals.如果航班延误的乘客在饭店用餐(早餐,中餐和晚餐),立即通知餐饮部和行政总厨所确认的用餐人数.XStrictly do not encourage delay passengers to call for Room Service due to the amount of passengers calling for Room Service will/might be too much to cope at a time严格上也讲不要鼓励航班延误的乘客要求送餐服务,因为如

37、果这样,那么在同一时间将会处理太多的送餐服务.Based on the information on the registration card, key in to the system the following room numbers assigned for individual guest.根据登记单,将每个客人的房间号码输入电脑系统.左 Raised or prepare the delay passengers guest list and distribute the list to respective department/outlets.准备建立航班延误的客人名单并将名

38、单分发至相关部门.Reception接待处Credit信用部F/O cashier前台收银Security平安部Business Center 商务中心BellService 行李台Coffee House 咖啡厅Room Service送餐服务 Telephone Department 总机 Assistant Manager 大堂副理本 If theres any hotel vouchers collected upon check in, to photocopy each voucher and the originals to the Credit Department The p

39、hotocopy should be attached to the registration card for the F/O cashiers info如果在入住的时候持有饭店凭证,将凭证复印,并且将原始的凭证交于信用部.复印件将随同登记单 留在前台收银处备查. Necessary comments are to be keyed in to the individual guest folio pertaining the voucher.根据凭证将必要的内容要输入客人个人的帐号 Ensure that the special billing is created on all foli

40、os if theres separate folio for: Room, Meals, Incidentals, telephone calls (IDD) if any.如果房间有分帐号:要确保特殊的账目:房间账,餐费,杂费, 费等,已经建立在总帐号中ROOMING A GUEST迎领客人Standards 标准:Address the guest by name and explain the facilities of the hotel.用姓氏称呼客人并向客人介绍房间的设施.Procedures 程序:中 Greetings, Mr./Ms. Brown, I am Mary. M

41、ay I show you to your room?问候客人,布朗先生/小姐.我叫马丽.我可以陪同你去你的房间吗?7夕 Address the guest by name and explain the facilities of the hotel. 用姓氏称呼客人并向客人介绍房间的设施.While escorting guest to the room, give a brief introduction(TRY NOT TO MAKE IT SOUND LIKE A TAPE) of the hotel (outlets, pool and operating hours) to th

42、e guest.当你陪同客人到房间时,要向客人简要地介绍(声音不能听起来象录音)饭店(餐厅,游泳池和营业 时间).宅 Inform guest their room number and which floor theyre on.告知客人他们的房间号码和所在的楼层.Allow guest to enter/exit the elevator first. 在入口/电梯处,要请客人先行.7夕 Upon reaching the room, open the door and allow the guest to enter first. 到达房间时,翻开房门要请客人先进.Payment Con

43、firmation &付款确认司CASH (to collect deposit)现金(收取押金)置COMPANY (to get letter or approval)公司(收到信函或确认).* ! Interaction with Bell Service 紧密结合行李服务置To inform Bellman of guest room number in order for Bellman to sendguest luggage or mails/package to room.将客人的房间号码通知行李员以便行李员将客人的行李或者邮件/包裹送至客人的房间。置Check in-group

44、 and VIP为团队和重要客人办理入住手续I Key Control钥匙控制圄One key card to a room but if guest request for spare card, refer to Assistant Manager一个房间只有一把钥匙卡,但是如果客人要求多余的钥匙卡,报告大堂副理。图Maximum one spare key card is only to be issued.最多只能多制一张钥匙卡。匿|to put in remark in FIDELIO system.在FIDELIO系统中备注。窗Receptionist can only make

45、new key card for check in.接待员只可以在客人入住时制作新的钥匙卡。Overbooking Situation 超额预订情况 H图To be control by Front Office Manager, Reservation Manager and Assistant Managers.由前厅部经理,预订经理和大堂副理控制。Safety Deposit Box 保险箱 置To be utilize by in house guest only with no extra charge.住店客人可以免费使用。图No duplicate for guest safe

46、box key.不能复制客人保险箱钥匙。79 Give a brief explanation of the room layout, specify what to tell and what not to tell the guest. 对房间的布局向客人作简要的介绍,特别要注意什么可以告诉客人,什么不可以告诉客人.Start from the location of the从以下设施介绍起3 Coffee and Tea making facilities.煮咖啡和茶的设备3 Minibar迷你酒吧3 TV电视3 Beside control panel房间控制板3 Safe Depos

47、it box保险箱79 Check if the guest requires: 询问客人是否要求:3 His/her air-ticket to be reconfirmed.确认他/她的机票. Show him/her where is the deposit box kept and how to use it向他/她演示保险箱在哪里以及如何使用.3 Laundry service .洗衣服务. Airport shuttle service for his/her departure.为他/她离店安排机场班车Inform the guest that if his/her needs

48、any information or assistance to contact the GRO desk or the Reception counter.告知客人如果他/她有任何需要或者需要帮助可以和客户主任或者接待处联系.Z9 Wish guests a pleasant stay before leaving the room. 离开房间前,要祝客人入住愉快.ALWAYS REMEMBER TO SMILE!记住始终要保持微笑!ROOM CHANGE换房Standards 标准:Ensure that guest is change to his/her new room within

49、 15 minutes.确保为客人换房在15分钟之内完成.Procedures 程序:Offered the guest a bellman to assist提供行李员帮助客人换房.2 Raise a room change voucher or slip him/her with the room change. Enquire if trolley is needed and number of luggage, immediately.填写换房单,,及时询问客人是否需要行李车,有几件行李.4jCall up the respective department about the roo

50、m change通知相关部门有关换房情况.这样做非常重要:3 Operator接线员3 Room Service送餐服务3 Housekeeping 客房部3 Laundry 洗衣3 F/O cashier前台收银Changes the room number in the terminal to the new room number that guest that have changed to. 在为客人换房结束后,要在电脑中将房间号码更换为新房间号码.Raise a room change slip.建立换房表单.Always have a reason written on the

51、room change slip whenever a room change occur. 每次换房时,都要记录换房的原因.口 Room change slip should always be time stamped and the name of the porter that did the room change and number of luggage should be noted down.换房要有时间记录,要记录所换房间的行李件数.要有换房行李员的签名4 Make a note on the room change slip the names of the staff

52、in the various departments that youve informed about the room change.换房单上要记录下接到换房通知的不同部门的员工的姓名.distribute the rate change slip to:将换房单分发至:3 Operator 总机3 Reservation 预订处3 Housekeeping 客房部3 F/O cashier前台收银。File up the room change slip for future reference. Keep for 1 month.将换房单存档以备查.,保存一个月.RATE change

53、Standards 标准:Ensure correct rate is accorded and updated in the system.确认房价更改正确并已在电脑中更改.Procedures 程序: Raise a room rate change slip.建立房价更改单.1=1 Change the rate/reason according to the new rate that applies.记录房价更改的原因.圄 The room rate change slip should go to the Chief Receptionist to double check and

54、 acknowledged. 房价更改单要交于接待主管进行检查并认可.0 FO Supervisor should check on:前台主管要做如下检查:3 System is change to the new approve rate. 房价已在电脑系统中更改.3 Name/room number stated on the voucher is correct. 更改单上的房间号码和姓名是正确的.3 If theres a sharing screen, to make sure the rate on the sharing screen is change too. VERY IM

55、PORTANT!如果房间有副帐号,要确保副帐号的房价也已更改.这点非常重要.3 Check on the reasons stated on the rate change voucher.检查房价更改的原因.Example 例如:Rate change from $ X to $ Y as per John/sales with effect from to.房价由$X更改为$Y,时间自一一至一.ACKNOWLEDGE ON THE ROOM RATE CHANGE VOUCHER FOR THE CHANGES THAT HAD BEEN DONE.确认房价更改单填写完整,圄 Give t

56、he room rate change slips to the F/O cashier and have him/her to acknowledge on it so that they can change in the system and a copy for filling.将房价更改单交给前台收银并让他/她签字认可,以便他们在电脑系统中更改并且将复印件附在帐单上.曾 File up the room change slip, for future reference for 1 month.将房价更改单存档一个月,以备日后查询.IMPORTANT NOTE WHENTOINGRO

57、OM RESERVATIONS螂郦脚麟(D Arrival time and flight details (arrival/departure).抵达时间和航班的详细资料(抵达/离开)Telephone contact number and name of the contact person.联系人和联系 .(D Billing instructions.付款方式. Is the guest a Return Guesf?客人是否“回头客”? Any special request (KB,TB,Smoking or Non smoking rooms).是否有特殊要求(大床双人间,小床双

58、人间,吸烟或不吸烟客房). Any hotel pick up/transfer out to/from the airport.是否需要接机. Which company is the caller from?打 预订房间的公司名称.CD Arrival guests name.抵达客人的姓名. How many and type of rooms needed.需要房间的种类和数量.(D Confirm room rate.确认房价.(D Always remember to inform guest about our cut- off time. Reservationwill be

59、on hold till 1800 hrs if during a high occupancy.始终要记住告知客人预订房间的保存时间.在开房率高的期间,预订只可以保存至18:00. Check in time 12:00noon(to inform).要告知客人入住时间是中午12:00.3 Asked if guest wish to have his booking/reservation GTD.(Guaranteed)询问客人是否需要确认预订.X Important 重要的:Re-confirm the reservation details with the guest. 向客人再次

60、确认预订的详细内容.WHEN TAKING CHANGES FOR HOTEL RESERVATIONS接魏假改CHANGE OF RESERVATIONS 更改预订:lit New arrival/departure date记录新的抵达/离开日期瞒 Time for new arrival/departure.记录新的抵达/离开时间.3 Double check on reservation booked. (Type of rooms and number of rooms required). Reconfirm the rate.再次检查所作的预订.(房间种类和数量),再次确认房价.


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