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1、九年级英语Unit 17 Lesson 65Lesson 68人教朗文版【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容: Unit 17 Lesson 65Lesson 68一词汇 1. rob v.抢夺,抢劫steal e.g. Mrs King was robbed on her way back home last night . 昨天晚上金太太在回家的路上被抢劫了。 I was robbed of my watch . 我的手表被偷了。 robber n.强盗,盗贼robbery n.抢劫案,抢劫 steal是“偷之意 Who stole my bike ?谁偷了我的自行车? 2. thief n

2、. 贼,复数形式是thievesa person who steals e.g. Polly was the thief who stole Mums necklace ! 波莉是偷走母亲项链的贼! Do you know who caught the thief yesterday ? 你知道昨天谁抓住了小偷吗? 3. detective n. 侦探a person , especially a police officer whose job is to discover robbers and other oriminals e.g. The man in black suit is a

3、 detetive . 那个穿黑色衣服的人是个侦探。 My student Wang who graducated from a police college in , has become a detective . 我的学生王是二千年从警察学院毕业的,已经成为一个侦探了。 4. inspector n. 警官,监督员a police officer e.g. The inspector asked Mrs Green a few questions . 检查官问了格林先生几个问题。 Have you met a new inspector yet ? 你还没有见到一位新的警官吗?二重点课文

4、解释 1. Someone has stolen my necklace .有人偷了我的项链。 steal偷,窃取,在这里作及物动词。 e.g. He stole a watch from the shop . 他从店里偷了一只手表。 Why were some cars stolen suddenly last month ? 为什么有些小汽车上月被突然偷走了? steal也可以用作不及物动词。 e.g. It is wrong to steal .偷窃是不对的。 注意:steal与rob之间的区别: 从意思上来讲steal表示“偷窃的意思,指暗中窃取,从搭配上来讲,steal sth. +

5、 from sb. / sth . e.g. He stole money from the rich to give it to the poor . 他偷富人的钱去接济穷人。 Devid stole papers from the managers drawer . 大卫从经理的抽屉里偷了文件。 rob从意思上来讲是“抢劫,指公然地用暴力抢劫他人的所有物。 从搭配上来讲是:rob sb. / sth . + of +被盗物 e.g. The robber robbred me of my wallet . 那个抢劫者抢了我的钱包。 They robbed the bank of one m

6、illion dollars . 他们从银行抢了一百万美元。 2. Hands up ! Ill shoot anyone who moves !举起手来!谁要动我就开枪! Hands up !举起手来!为一习语,在这里表示“举手投降“放弃抵抗的意思。 Hands up还可以用来表示“举手的意思。 e.g. Hands up , those who know the answer .知道答案的举手。 以hand构成的习语还有很多,又如:by hand用手的,in hand在手中,在手头。 e.g. The desk was made by hand .这个书桌是手工做的。 Do you hav

7、e any money in hand ?你手头有钱吗? 3. Is that the parrot that you are looking for ?那个是你要找的鹦鹉吗? look for 寻找,是短语动词phrasal verb。 e.g. The new comer is looking about for a house . 那个新来的人正在四处寻找一所房子。 You are looking for trouble .你这是在找麻烦。 短语动词也像动词一样,有及物和不及物之分。动词+介词通常后面要跟宾语。 e.g. look at sth. sb. , look for sth.

8、/ sb. 动词+副词通常有的后面不用跟宾语。如come down,get up,set off等。有的也可以跟宾语,这时在使用时要注意它和动词+介词组成的短语动词之间的区别。在由动词+介词构成的短语动词中,动词和介词不能分开,也就是说,宾语不能放在动词和介词之间。 但是在由动词+副词组成的动词短语中,下面三种形式都对。 Are you going to put on your coat ?你要穿上外衣吗? Are you going to put your coat on ? Are you going to put it on ? 但是,Are you going to put on it

9、 ?是不能用的。 因而,我们可以说动词和副词组合的短语动词属于“可分开型,动词和介词组合的短语动词,那么是“不可分开型的。有些介词也可以用作副词,如call on中的on是介词,put on中的on是副词。 不可分开的动词短语有: ask for请求call on拜访get on上车 get to到达listen to听look after照顾 look at看着look for寻找talk about谈论 wait for等待 可分开的动词短语有: get back取回take down拿下turn up开大 turn on翻开turn off关掉turn down开小 write down

10、写下take off脱下hand out分发 get up起床come down下床,落下go back返回 关键在于准确理解短语的意思,不能仅从形式出发,要多读,多说,凭借语感往往也能正确使用短语动词。 4. Does any of these men look like the thief (who) you saw ? 这些人中有没有谁看起来像你见过的那个小偷? look like好似,像要。like是介词。 e.g. He looks like an honest man .他看起来像个老实人。 It looks like rain .看来要下雨。 like还可以和其它感官动词一起构成

11、及物的短语动词,如sound like听起来像,feel like摸起来像或者摸起来如同。 It sound like thunder .这声音听起来像打雷。 His idea sounds like wonderful .他的主意听起来很不错。 It feels like silk .这摸起来像真丝。 The stone feels like an egg .这块石头摸起来像鸡蛋。三重点语法解释 定语从句 The Attributive Clause 定语从句是一种用句子作定语,修饰名词或代词的主从复合句,通常直接跟在被修饰的名词或代词之后。被修饰的名词或代词称为先行词。定语从句一般由关系代

12、词that指人或指物,which指物,who指人,whom指人引导。关系代词一方面连接定语从句和先行词,另一方面其本身又在定语从句中充当某个成分。 我喜欢读科普的书籍。 我将永远记住那个重要的日子,那天,我通过了所有的考试。 那个在地震中腿断了的女孩被送往医院了。 你刚刚与之谈话的人是李先生。 飞机是一种能飞行的机器。 她做的面条十分美味。 请同学们记住以下的几个要点: 1. Who or that is used to introduce a clause about a person ; 2. If the person is the object of the clause , it i

13、snt necessary to use who / whom or that , especially in spoken English ; 3. Which or that is used to introduce a clause about a thing ; 4. If the thing is the object of the clause , it is not necessary to use which or that ; 5. Who , which or that are placed that the noun that we want to describe in

14、 more detail . This is the opposite of Chinese where the description of the person or thing usually comes before the noun to be described ; 6. No commas are used to seperate the Attributive Clause from the main clause . 7. Whom is a formal word . It is used in written English and in formal situation

15、s in spoken English . 由关系副词引导的定语从句,我们以后还会学到。【模拟试题】I. 将以下两个句子合并成定语从句。 SentencesClauses 1. The man . was Mr Jones .that I broke 2. The film . wasnt very good .who stole his bike . 3. I know the man .whom / that I met at the party last night 4. The people . are very nicewhom / that you know 5. The glas

16、s . was made of glasswhich / that we sawII. 用who,whom,that,which或whose填空 1. I have a student _ likes listening to classical music. 2. Yesterday Cliff was wearing the new suit _ I gave him. 3. The man _ leg broke in a match used to be a football player. 4. Emily is reading a book _ is too difficult f

17、or her. 5. The family _ Im staying with lives in the country. 6. I know the teacher _ article was published. 7. Steve, _ has never been abroad, is studying English very well. 8. My parents live in a house _ is more than 50 years old. 9. The boy with _ John spoke is my brother. 10. People _ study ear

18、thquakes think that there will be another big one soon. III. 选择填空: 1. Ben bought a necklace _ cost two thousand dollars. A. whoB. thatC. whomD. whose 2. Did you see the person _ stole your handbag? A. whoseB. whichC. whomD. who 3. The students saw a film _ was called“Hero. A. whomB. whoC. whichD. wh

19、at 4. It was _ a sunny day _ they went outing. A. such, thatB. so, thatC. very, thatD. so, as 5. Li returned hometown _ the morning of the Spring Festival. A. inB. onC. atD. about 6. Id like to do some reading, but not _ the day. A. ofB. atC. onD. during 7. The truck ran over the cat _ was just cros

20、sing the road. A. whenB. whatC. thatD. who 8. He asked me what was _ in the street outside. A. happenedB. taken placeC. going onD. happen 9. She only came to thank you and return the raincoat you _ her. A. lentB. borrowedC. soldD. buy 10. What he said made me feel _. A. wellB. fineC. hungryD. happyI

21、V. 根据文章内容和首字母,填入适当的词。 School e a little earlier. We all went to the football f_, and soon the game s_. We were playing a_ No.64 Middle School. It was a d_ when we played against them last time. They w_ all very big and strong, and we felt a l_ afraid of them. Although we rere n_ very big nor strong,

22、 we were a good t_. We played together very well. But still we were not sure we could b_ them. V. 完形填空: I am pleased to hear that a new car factory will be 1 in our city. The new car factory will not be built in the 2 of the city, but in one of the subsurbs. This project was 3 last month and it will

23、 be finished by . Many people think that this is good 4 for the people of the city, because it can 5 a great many jobs to the workers, New businesses will be 6 in the city, so there will be 7 of offices, factories and other buildings 8 more new companies. New roads will be built, too. Cars will 9 by

24、 railway to many parts of the country. The port near the city will also be 10 to foreign ships 11 send cars abroad by sea. However, some people are afraid that the factory will 12 noises and pollution to the quiet and clean city. 1. A. set upB. made upC. put upD. sent up 2. A. backB. centreC. centra

25、lD. front 3. A. foundB. explainedC. agreed onD. open 4. A. newsB. factoryC. resultD. company 5. A. takeB. haveC. sendD. bring 6. A. startedB. builtC. suppliedD. pleased 7. A. lotB. manyC. plentyD. some 8. A. forB. toC. intoD. with 9. A. be madeB. be takingC. be takenD. take 10. A. closedB. openC. bu

26、iltD. started 11. A. as a resultB. in factC. in orderD. in order to 12. A. supplyB. bringC. buildD. sendVI. 阅读理解: When they advise your kids to “get an education., if you want to raise your payment, they tell you only half the truth. What they really mean is to get just enough education to give manp

27、ower for your society, but not too much that you prove a difficulty to your society. Get a high school diploma, at least, without that, you are occupationally dead, unless your name happens to be George Bernard Shaw or Thomas Alva Edison and you can successfully stop study in primary school. Get a c

28、ollege degree, if possible. With a BA, you are on the lawnching pad发射台, But now you have to start to put on the brakes. If you do for a masters degree, make sure it is an M.B.A. and only from a first-class unirersity. Other wise, the famous law of diminishing returns begins to work. Do you know, for

29、 example, that long-distance truck drivers make more money a year than full professors? Yes, the average 1977 salary for those truckers was 24,000, while the full professors managed to average $ 23,930. A Ph. D. is the highest degree you can get, but except in a few specialized fields such as physic

30、s or chemistry, where the degree can quickly be turned to industrial or commercial aim, you are facing a not very bright future, There are more Ph, Ds unemployed in this country than in any other part of the world by far. “If you become a doctor of philosophy in English or history or political scien

31、ce or languages or worst of allin philosophy, you take the risk of becoming overeducated for our national demands. Thousands of Ph. Ds are selling shoes, driving taxis, waiting on tables and filling our resultless applications month after month. And them maybe taking a job in some high school or col

32、lege that pays much less than the door keeper makes. 1. According to the writer, what the society expects of education is to turn out people who _. A. will not be a shame to the society B. will become skilled workers C. can take care of themselves D. can meet the demands as a source of manpower 2. I

33、f you are as gifted as Bernard Shaw or Edison, _. A. you can get a high school diploma without difficulty B. you will be successful in a primary school C. you can be professionally successful without a diploma D. the least you should do is to get a diploma 3. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Bernard Shaw didnt finish hi


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