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1、 2022年计算机专业大学留学申请书 有一些希望改变现状的人,是对自己目前的工作不满意,希望通过留学获得一个相关的海外学位后转行到自己喜欢的行业去发展,这也是可行的。这里给大家分享一些2022年计算机专业大学留学申请书,欢迎阅读! 2022年计算机专业大学留学申请书 Dear _, My three major interests and passions are Computer Science, Maths and Music, and I believe that there is a creative fusion between all these disciplines. I en

2、gage wholeheartedly in these areas both in my school courses and out of school, and hope that I will be able to continue doing so on my chosen course and in the extra-curricular opportunities at university. Computer Science has quite naturally come to be my chosen field. At the age of 7, I took to p

3、laying the piano, which planted the first seeds of my interest in defined logical patterns and structure. My introduction to computing was via the logic of spreadsheets, but I then progressed to using BASIC for several applications outside lessons, including programming my own version of Logo and an

4、 analogue clock. A major recent achievement of mine has been designing a database-driven website for my schools Maths department, including multi-format homework question publication and report generation. This is extensively used by the department, and other departments have approached me to provid

5、e them with similar websites. This project was nominated and then short-listed for the final ten of the New Statesmans “New Media (Educational)” award. I look forward to studying Artificial Intelligence, and have made my own minor foray into this area by designing and developing a computer-powered C

6、onnect 4 player using a complex minimax procedure. I also investigated recurring function execution to simulate the fill function of a paint package, an algorithm of which was used to develop a random maze generator. Such mathematical-based logic led to an increased appetite especially for researchi

7、ng the use of computing with mathematics I extensively investigated perfect numbers, determining the 8th perfect number (2305843008139952128). I involve myself in the full life of the school and am pleased to have ways of passing on my enthusiasms to others. I have been appointed a Maths Prefect, wh

8、ich involves running a weekly Maths club, and also helping younger students in work recovery sessions. I was also elected onto the School Council for 4 years in my previous school. My passion for music has further developed in secondary school and led to eager participation in school musical product

9、ions for four years as the main pianist (which led to my employment as accompanist for a professional opera singer and singing teacher). I have achieved grade 8 at piano, and have thoroughly enjoyed performing regularly at a variety of venues such as weddings, retirement homes, at charity events, fo

10、r the visually impaired, and most of all, the opportunity to conduct an orchestra at Fairfield Hall performing my own composition. I am looking forward to playing the 3rd Movement of Tchaikovskys 1st Piano Concerto with the school orchestra this December, exhibiting my love for classical music, espe

11、cially given that my favourite works are those of Debussy and Tchaikovsky. I was delighted recently when I was given the opportunity to combine my musical pursuits and computer interests by my employment for a commercial software company writing music. I have much appreciated being able to develop m

12、y above interests alongside enjoyment of hobbies such as Table-tennis, chess, and reading of a broad spectrum of books. Yours sincerely, 乌克兰留学生活是怎样的呢? 一、气候宜人 它属于温带大陆型,比较宜居,平均温度不高,夏天比较凉爽,冬季气温稍微低一些,注意防寒保暖。 南方的同学很少看到雪,但到了这里,能够有更多机会欣赏到雄伟壮观的雪景,一片白雪皑皑,这时,和几个朋友一起组团购买团票,去滑雪场滑雪,打雪仗,其乐融融。 屋内是有暖气的,注意把窗门关上,防止感冒

13、,提前备好一些常用的药片是很明智的。毕竟生病后到药店买药和去诊所就医,都需要走一段路。凡事提前预判好,能够有效避免掉一些不必要的麻烦,给生活带来极大的便利。 二、环境舒适 有很多的旅游景点,植被非常的丰富,森林覆盖面积大,环境非常优美,不论是校园里,还是出了校门,都能望见一片葱郁的树林和绿意盎然的草坪,抬头也能看见蔚蓝的天空和自由飞翔的鸟类。 当地居民热情好客,都很友好,若有外地人不认识路,会很耐心地做沟通指引,如果对方听不懂,会配合上夸张的肢体语言动作,尽可能让其明白。 如果就读于艺术院校,会发现大多数教授都是音乐家,对人很亲切,对学生十分照顾、无微不至地给予关心,也喜欢出入话剧院和歌剧厅。

14、 每所大学的设施都很完善,引进了先进的体育器材,修建了类型多样化的场馆,囊括篮球馆、搏击馆、游泳馆、跳水台等,能凭借兴趣来选修某项运动,女生参加瑜伽课、健美操的人数挺多的。 早晨或晚上都会又一波接着一波的居民和学生来到操场跑步,还有的老爷爷拉吊环和双杠,另外,有跟着广播音乐跳舞的阿姨。不爱锻炼的人也会不知不觉被这全民健身的氛围所感染,慢慢加入健身或者减肥的行列,成为健身达人。 街上十分干净,政府注重环保,待在这里久了,能够感觉到浓浓的艺术气息,为什么呢?因为随处可见“涂鸦”,不是乱写乱画,而是城市里的灵魂画手们在墙上或者地面绘画出的天马行空的创意、感想、意境。 三、文化多元 它融合了多个民族,

15、历史悠久,也正因为如此,小城,亦或是大都市,无一不散发着独特的魅力。 主要讲着三种语言(Ukrainian、Russian、English),就像美妙的交响乐汇聚在一起,奏响了地域文明的壮丽乐章。 不排斥外来物,尊重一切优秀成果,主张相互包容。 长期与有着丰富阅历的朋友相处,人生态度和理念也会日趋完善。 乌克兰留学省钱技巧 一、规划费用 大家在学年初,就应该对自己的挪威的开销,进行一个有规划的安置,在这一年简略要花多少钱,可以进行大致区间的预测,因为大笔的开销如吃和住,是相对固定的。 而其他的支出,只占有比较少的一部分,即便有比较大的差异,基础在那里,不会对大家的生活产生很大的影响,不过如果有额外大笔的开销,需要进行额外的准备。 二、安置出行 一般学生的生活场合,会围绕学校进行辐射,大家大部分时间生活的空间,是比较狭窄的,所以基本上不会有远距离的出行,所以大家除了往返国内,基本上不会有大笔的出行支出。 而平时的出行,基本上都是使用地铁或者公交来代步的,这个时候大家一定要办一张交通卡,大家出行的次数越多,能够省下的钱也会越多,因为每次都可以打折。 三、明确住宿 虽然住校在安全和便利上都有很大的优势,但是对照起价格,还是租房中的合租会更划算一些,人数越多越划算,并且住宿的环境会


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