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1、盐城一小教育集团三年级英语期中试卷班级 姓名卷首语:亲爱的同学们,如果把这份练习比作一片湛篮的海,那么,我们现在扬帆启航,荡起你们 自信和智慧的双桨,乘风破浪,相信你们是最棒的!第一局部:听力局部(40分)) ( ) ( ) ( )一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( )1.A.sitB. standC.shout(A. classB. chairC. cake(A. twoB. threeC. run(A.rubberB. robotC. ruler(A. howB. whatC. where(A. drinkB. blackC. look(A. school bagB.pcncil

2、 caseC. lunch box(A. stand upB. sit downC. listen to(A. ifsB. thatsC. whats()10.A. my crayonB. your crayonC. this crayon听录音,给以下图片排序。(8分)三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图片相符,用“T”和“F”表示。(5分)19.2().21.22.23.) ( )C.Ifs a pen.C.How cool!( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)()24. A. Its a rubber.B. Its a robot.()25. A. How nic

3、e!B. How beautiful!()26.A. Dont shout.B. Dont talk.C.Dont sleep.()27.A. Its in the tree.B.Hes in the library.C.Shes in the library.()28.A.Is it on the desk?B. Is it in the desk?C.Is it behind the desk?五、听录音,选出正确的应答句。(7分)()29.A. Thank you.B. OK.C. Yes,it is.()30.A. No,it isnt.B. Its not here.C.Its ov

4、er there.()31.A. Nice to meet you.B. Good morning.C.Good afternoon.()32.A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.C.Tm sorry.()33.A.No,it isnt.B. No,thank you.C.Yes,it is.()34.A.Ils a rubber.B.Its in the desk.C.Its not my rubber.()35.A.Im sorry.B.fm OK.C.Yes,Mr Green.第二局部:笔试局部(60分)六、根据图片或提示补全单词,每空一词。(5分) 36.Is that

5、your38.Please open the38.Please open the37.Please dontin class.39.Wheres the?七、选出每组中不同类的一项。(5分)()40.A.inB. behindC. sleep()41.A. twoB.threeC.not()42.A. libraryB. yellowC.white()43.A. whereB. whatC. beautiful()44.A. aB. anC. is八、单项选择。(10分)()45.Is this_ school bag?一 Yes.A. IB. youC. your()46.一This cak

6、e is.you.一Thank you.A. forB. toC. at()47.the blackboard, please.一Yes,Mr Green.A. LookB. Look atC. Look for()48.Look! A bird!IA. How beautiful!B. No,it isnt.C. Its in your pencil case.()49.-I like tojuice(果汁).A. drinkB. eatC. run)50. ThisA. ismy skirt. It?s your skirt.B. notC. isnt)51. _一Its on the c

7、hair.A. Is this a chair?B. Wheres the doll? C. Whats this?)52. Bobby has two books on his desk.句字中三个斜在单词画线前分读音与众不同的是.A. BobbyB.booksC.desk)53. Porky doesnt eatin the story. Im hungry人. .B. CX)54. The cow and the sheep both like. On the farm九、根据所给情景,选择正确的英文表达。(10分)()55.上课了,老师走进教室,班长会说:A. Stand up.B.

8、Sit down.C. Come in.()56.有人在图书馆里交谈,你可以说:A. Dont talk.B. Dont drink.C. Dont walk.()57.你想询问那人,那是否是他的钢笔,你可以说:_ A.Is this your pencil?B.Is that your pen?C. Is that your pencil?()58.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你可以说:A. Its here.B. Its over ther已C. Ifs not here.()59.当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你可以说: A. This is your book.B. This isnt

9、 my book.C. Is that your book?()60.你想知道自己的光盘在哪里,你可以说:A. Where is my CD?B. Where is your CD?C. Is this my CD?()61.小鸟在树后面时,你会说:A. Its on the tree.B. Its in the tree.C. Its behind the tree.()62.你想提醒朋友不要在公交车上到处跑,你可以说:A. Dont run, please.B. Dont sleep, please.C. Dont drink, please.()63.婉言谢绝别人提供给你的食物,你可以说

10、:A. Thank you.B. Yes,please.C.No,thanks.()64.你想问刘涛手中的包什么颜色时,你可以说:一 A. Its black.B. Where is your bag?C.What colour is your bag?十、选择正确的答语。(10分)()65.Open your books,please.A.Yes, Miss Li.()66.Where is my ball?B.Yes, it is.()67.Wheres Mike?C.Its behind the chair.()68.Is this your crayon?D.Its a schoolb

11、ag.()69.Whats that on the desk?E.Hes in the library.()70.Please dont sleep in class.F. Yes,please.()71.Look at my cap.G.rrn sorry.()72.Would you like a glass of milk?H.How nice!()73.Good afternoon.I.White.()74.What colour is your skirt?J.Good afternoon.十一、为每幅图片选择正确的情景对话,A. Is this your toy car?Yes,

12、it is.C. Wheres my picture?Look, its over there, under the desk.将序号写在图下括号内。(5分)B. Happy Birthday, Lingling. This doll is for you.一 Thank you! What a nice doll!D. Im sorry, Mr Green.E.一 Look! Thats a chair.Dont sit there. It,s wet paint (油漆).) ( )Come in, Su Hai.十二、给以下句子排序。(5分)Thank you.Hello, Helen.

13、 Is this my rubber?No, it isnt. Its my rubber.Hello, Mike.Wheremy rubber?Look! Its under the chair. Here you arc.十三、阅读对话,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。(10分)A: Happy birthday, Liu Tao! Its for you.B: Thank you, M汰e. Whats this?A: Its a toy car. How lovely! Do you like the colour?B: Let me see. Oh, a green car! I

14、like green. Thank you.A: Oh, its time for the cake.B: OK.()80. Liu Tao gives(给)Mike a present(礼物).()81.The present is a toy car.()82.The toy car is blue.()83.Ifs time fbr the cake.()84.Liu Tao doesnt (不)like the green toy car.卷尾语:同学们,恭喜你们成功完成练习,别忘了仔细检查哦!愿你们收获成功!三年级英语随堂练习听力稿及参考答案十四、听录音, 1. stand选出你所听

15、到的内容。(10分)2. class3. three4. robot7. schoolbag10. this crayon6. black9. whafs5. where8. sit down参考答案:B ABBC B ABCC十五、听录音,给以下图片排序。(10分)2. This is my rubber.5. Look at my ruler.8.The cat is under the chair.1118:1. My crayon is green.4. Your schoolbag is on the chair.7.Look at the blackboard.3. Look, t

16、he bird is in the tree.6.Dont shout.参考答案:25 34786 1十六、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图片相符,正确写T ,错误的写F。(5分)19. Wheres the bird? Its under the desk.20. Is this your rubber? Yes, it is.21.Please close your book. Yes, Miss Li.22.Look, the bird is in the tree.23.1s this a pencil? Yes, it is.参考答案:F FTTT十七、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10

17、分)26.Dont shout. (AAACB)24. Its a rubber.25.How nice!27.Shes in the library.28. Is it in the desk?十八、听录音,选出正确的应答句。(7分)29.Th is apple is for you.31. Nice to meet you .33.Would you like a cake ?35.Close the door,please.30. Is that your bird ?32.Dont eat or drink here .34.Wheres your rubber?参考答案:AAACBBC笔试局部(60分)十九、根据图片或提示补全单词,每空一词。(5分)36.pencil 37. eat 38. window 39. bird under二十、选出每组中不同类的一项。(5分)40.C 41. C 42. A 43. C 44. C二十一、单


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