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1、 第8章 亲体与补充量关系模型 (Stock-Recruitment Model) 第一节 概述 第二节 Ricker繁殖模型 第三节 B-H繁殖模型 第四节 环境条件对亲体-补充量的影响 第五节 利用补充量推断资源状态7/11/20222 of 27Fish life stageseggs, larvae, fry, juveniles, smolts, adult,Of most interest in practical fishery work is the number of recruits to the usable stockRecruitment process of bec

2、oming catchableStockSpawning stock biomass第一节概述亲体与补充量关系模型是一类表达亲鱼数量(或群体资源量)与补充量之间的函数关系的数学模型.是Ricker(1954)和Beverton-Holt(1957)等50年代建立起来的.亲体与补充量关系模型 亲鱼量 补充量 补充量 亲鱼量早期研究底层鱼类,比较稳定,获得成功.但是,由于生物和非生物因子的影响,常常会掩盖两者的内在联系. 推测推测7/11/20225 of 27Stock-recruitment analysisLooks at the empirical relationship between

3、 spawning stock size and its subsequent recruitment of year class Intend to make prediction about future recruitment;Intend to estimate optimal levels of SSB;What is recruitment analysis用补充曲线(繁殖曲线)来描述二者的关系: 横轴: 亲鱼量P 纵轴: 由该亲体量所产生的补充量R。根据各种鱼类补充速度快慢不同,可用当年R、次年R或隔几年后的R。补充曲线用方程来描述,该方程称为亲体-补充量模型(繁殖模型)常用的有

4、Ricker繁殖模型、Beverton-Holt繁殖模型。 繁殖率(再生长率): 当K = 1.0, R = P = Pr (替代资源量)7/11/20228 of 27Measuring spawning stock size (in descending order of reliability)(1) number of females alive at each age times fecundity by age(2)number of individuals alive by age times average fecundity by age(3)total biomass of

5、 individuals at or above age of first reproduction(4)an index of abundance of the population in the year the eggs are deposited7/11/20229 of 27Measuring recruitmentCan be measured in different life history stages: biological recruitment versus fisheries recruitmentNumber of fish still alive at the t

6、ime when they start to be subject to fishing.Recruits in a given year are often measured as the number of fish of a particular age补充曲线的共同特点:(1)通过原点;(2)高水平时大于零,不存在高密度时繁殖完全消失之点;(3)补充率(R/P)随P增加而下降;(4)RP,否则资源群体就不能繁衍下去。7/11/202211 of 27Stock-recruitment data may have the following features(1)there is a t

7、rend for larger spawning stocks to produce larger recruitment(2)there is a tendency for the total recruitment to stop increasing above some spawning stock size, possibly start to decrease(3)the data are highly scattered and the trend may be difficult to discern(4)there is a tendency for variability

8、about stock-recruitment relationship to be higher at large spawning stock sizes图7-1,若干鱼类的R-P散点分布及曲线。主要两种类型: (1)如拟鳙鲽有渐近趋势(受底层饵料、生存空间限制) (2)如鳕、鲑的圆顶状(成体残食幼体,疾病传播,氧缺乏,成体间产卵地点破坏)。7/11/202213 of 27Three types of recruitment patterns(1)Knife-edge recruitment(2)Recruitment by platoons(3) Continuous recruitm

9、ent Defining size or age at recruitment补充量亲体量7/11/202219 of 27Stock-recruitment modelA mathematical formula that is used to describe the relationship between spawning stock size and its subsequent recruitmentcurve passes thought the originR should not become 0 at a high SR/S decreases with SR must e

10、xceed S over part of curveContinuityStationarity7/11/202220 of 27Underlying biological processesDensity-independent mortalityCompensation (reduction in R/S with S)Model Iunlimited habitat R increases with S; R/S constant with SModel IIstrict territorialityR increases with S initially, and then becom

11、e constant; R/S constant then decreases with S7/11/202221 of 27Model IIIrandom egg depositionThe rate of increase in R decreases with SR/S decreases with SModel IVgradations in habitat qualityR increases with S first with a constant rate, and then the rate of increase declines with SR/S constant, an

12、d then decrease with SDepensation (increase in R/S with S)PredationInability to find mates at low densities第二节Ricker繁殖模型Ricker繁殖模型一、:无维参数; :1/P的有维参数7/11/202223 of 27Ricker modelRicker model assumes that mortality rate of eggs and juveniles is proportional to the initial stock size, i.e., pre-recruit

13、 mortality is stock dependentNt = cohort size at time t prior to recruitment1、参数的估计方法: (1)式变形, 可应用一元线性回归法求出。图7-3,Ricker(1975)繁殖曲线(=1.119)2、最大补充量: 及其对应亲体量:替换资源水平: 持续产量: 最大持续产量:令 ,则(可利用反复迭代法或图解法求)平衡利用率:MSY对应Ue:P 0时,Ue:极限利用率图7-4,不同参数值对Ricker繁殖曲线的影响图7-4,不同参数值对Ricker繁殖曲线的影响二、设 则 Pr :替换资源量,a :无维参数1、参数a 和P

14、r 的估计 (2)式两边取对数 用一元线性回归法求得 a 和Pr。2、优点:(1) Pr作为显性函数,容易估计;(2)单个参数a完全可描述曲线的形状。第三节Beverton-Holt 繁殖模型若令则7/11/202237 of 27Beverton-Holt model Assume that juvenile competition results in a mortality rate that is linearly dependent upon the number of fish alive in the cohort at any time,参数估计方法: (1) (2)分别用线性

15、回归法求得各参数. Pm 没有确定的值令则代入当 时,极限平衡利用率 = 1 - 图7-7,不同参数值对B-H繁殖曲线的影响。图7-8, Pr=1000参数A取不同值时的Beverton-Holt繁殖曲线,最大持续产量的轨迹是一条直线。表7-3,两种类型的繁殖曲线的特征值和有关量。最常见的种亲体补充量模型()线性(Linear)模型。即随着亲体量的增加,补充量呈线性增加。()Ricker模型。 表示在低的亲体量水平下单位亲体量的补充量,代表该种群的产卵力,是一个与种群密度无关的参数。 是一个与种群密度有关的参数,即表示补充量随着亲体量的增加而减少的速度。当 0 时,即成为模型()。()Beve

16、rton-Holt模型。, 的含义同Ricker模型。当 0 时,同模型()。()Cushing模型。 是与种群密度无关的参数,补充量随着亲体量的增加而呈指数增加。当时,同模型()。()Shepherd模型。、 的含义同Ricker和Beverton-Holt模型。第三个参数 为一综合性参数,它使得Shepherd模型成为一个通用模型。当 = 1时 同模型;当 1时 则类似于Ricker曲线的圆顶状;当 0 时类似于Ricker模型的圆顶状;当 =0时 同Cushing模型;当 趋近于0时 类似于Beverton-Holt模型。In summary第四节环境条件对亲体补充量的影响Ricker模

17、型与Beverton-Holt模型通常是在稳定环境条件的假设前提下对于一个渔业资源群体来说,常常受捕捞作用与自然环境的影响。(一)捕捞作用 图7-9,资源群体在受到一种干扰后,朝向平衡位置(R0,P0)移动的图示。 图7-10,亲体与补充量关系上的不同平衡点位置, (R0,P0)为 轻度捕 捞; (R1,P1)为适度捕捞; (R2,P2)为重度捕捞,虚线为没有平衡点的极重度捕捞。根据补充量的影响和任意捕捞格局下计算平衡渔获量的步骤: (1) 选择合适的亲体-补充量曲线; (2)根据,计算补充量与相应的亲体量的直线; (3) 直线与曲线相交点RF ; (4)根据第5章动态综合模型方法,计算相应条

18、件下的单位补充量渔获量 ; (5)最后根据 ,估算总渔获量YF .图7-11,捕捞努力量的增加对不同亲体与补充量关系曲线平衡位置的影响. (a) 不受影响 (b) 到中等, R 增加 (c) 减少(渔业管理需注意)(二) 环境因子的影响 环境因子: 水温、风、饵料、掠食动物 R-P曲线纵轴方向分散分布,取决于环境因子。 图7-12,不同环境条件下亲体与补充量关系曲线。7/11/202262 of 27Ricker型受影响较大:密度相关因子:环境相关因子假设t: t时的 值, xi(t): t 时的第i个环境因子则Rt, Pt, t :t 时刻的R, P, 值.t 及其函数关系中参数的估计方法:

19、(1) 根据R-P资料,计算 average 和 值(2) 根据 ,计算 t(3) 假设t与环境因子接近于线性关系 应用多元线性回归方法,估计a0, a1,a2,.an 及其显著性水平Tang(1985)。图 7-14 切撒皮克湾梭子蟹补充量等值线图( t为环境条件指数,P为亲体数量指数;等值线表示补充量指数)(Tang,1985)7/11/202268 of 27Errors in stock-recruitment modelingMeasurement errors Time-series bias due to process errorsAbiotic environmental v

20、ariablesBiotic environmental variablesNonstationarityStock structureLack of contrast7/11/202270 of 277/11/202271 of 27Issues of interests:Implications of differences in egg qualityDifferences in quality of eggs produced by different sizes of spawners;Effective spawning stock biomass versus general s

21、pawning stock biomass;Minimum and maximum legal sizes7/11/202272 of 27Issues of interests:Non-functional stock recruitment analysis Probabilistic stock-recruitment table;Incorporating environmental variables in SR analyses第五节从亲体-补充量关系来推断资源状态的土井法从亲体-补充量关系来推断资源状态的土井法土井(1971)东海黄鱼,费鸿年(1976)粤东蓝圆鲹,顾惠庭(198

22、0)东海带鱼,计算亲鱼量指数与最初被捕年龄相配合所产生的持续产量.设R为补充量,S为残存率,(若1龄为补充量群体R)各龄的个体数。假设最初捕捞年龄为1龄,则捕捞对象的资源尾数N为:繁殖率:表7-9,持续产量(Cs,Ys)的计算程序和结果(tc=1)。由K值推算S,从而计算持续产量。假设tc tr ,tc前残存率为S0则 K = R / P = R / P(s0 , s)图7-18 蓝圆鲹在首次捕捞年龄为1龄时亲体量P与资源量和持续产量的关系曲线图中N, Cs为尾数指数;B,Ys为重量指数;N, B为资源量;Cs, Ys为持续产量。(费鸿年,1976)第六节实例一、渤海对虾亲体与补充量之间的关系(叶昌臣等,1980)。根据Ricker和B-H模型计算渤海对虾的亲体-补充量关系,并绘图(实测:点;计算:曲线)。线性回归法求得。图 7-21 对虾繁殖曲线A: B-H 繁殖曲线;B:Ricker繁殖曲线。图中直线为对换水平线(因亲体比补充量低一个数量级,所以该直线斜率小于1)二、用簇繁殖曲线研究渤海对虾在不同环境条件下亲体与 补充量的关系。对虾卵子、幼体,明显受早期生命史阶段环境条件的影响


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