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1、 2022俄罗斯硕士留学申请书格式模板 2022俄罗斯硕士留学申请书 Dear _, As the Asian financial crisis continues unabated in its second year, I , an economics major trained at one of Chinas best cradles of economists, feel duty-bound to pursue advanced studies. Only by so doing can I hope to make a significant contribution to th

2、e discourse on Chinas economic development strategy as the country endeavors to dodge the economic debacle that has befallen its neighbors. I must help decipher the puzzle of how the Asian economic miracle has busted. It is my strong belief that my country can draw vitally important lessons from the

3、 failures of other Asian economies. Most of my education to date is characterized by preeminence. a graduate from the Beijing No.4 Senior High School, one of the countrys very best high schools, I did my undergraduate university studies at the University of Inter national Business and Economics, a m

4、ost respected institution that specializes in training economists and entrepreneurs. At this university, I received extensive training that was both rigorous and vigorous in economics. Exercising diligence and creativity, I achieved an academic record that was the envy of many of my schoolmates. Suc

5、h education should provide solid grounding for me as I seek to vault into higher intellectual domains. Upon graduation in 1997, I have been working for China National Chemical Supply and Sales Corporation, one of the countrys key state-owned companies. I obtained the position on the strength of my o

6、utstanding academic records as well as the excellent performance I exhibited during my internship there. The job is satisfying in terms of both remuneration and prestige, but it does not give me a big enough stage to realize my ambition of making myself a prominent Chinese economist. I understand th

7、at, in todays world, the power of a nation lies in its economic strength. This is particularly so for China, which has to support almost a quarter of the humankind with only a fraction of the worlds resources and wealth. While the development of economy is essential to every country, no other countr

8、y in the world has to shoulder the kind of responsibility that China does. With an economy the size of Canadas, China has a population that increases by a Canadian population every two years, even while it is enforcing a strict family planning rules. That means that, to just maintain the existing li

9、ving standards of its citizens, China has come up with a enough jobs every two years for what amounts to the employment of every Canadian, young or old, healthy or sick. This is a daunting task that no country has ever faced. The fulfillment of this task, no doubt, calls for ingenuity. I am glad to

10、see that China is following a path that it has chosen, first and foremost, in response to the realities within its own borders, even though it has not shunned from integrating its economy with that of the developed world. With almost 20 years of vigorous economic reforms, the Chinese seem to have st

11、ruck the right balance between answering the call of accelerating globalization and defending its national interests. This balance has paid off in many ways. The countrys average economic growth rate of nearly 10 per cent for almost 20 years makes its economy the fastest growing among all major econ

12、omies. The economic strength it has thus accumulated is helping it to stave off the financial meltdown that has ravaged the tiger economies. I want to know what China has done right that the other countries have done wrong and how China can build upon its impressive record so far for sustained growt

13、h in the future. Sophisticated answers to these questions require sophisticated training, which I hope I can achieve in your distinguished program. My undergraduate studies, though far from enough for my long-term purpose, have adequately prepared me for advanced research. I am now solidly grounded

14、in mathematics, statistics and basic theories of economics, all fundamental subjects in learning economics. I have been particularly interested in Game Theory and Money & Banking. To broaden vision, I have audited, by special arrangement for the gifted students, graduate courses like Futures & Secur

15、ities Investment and International Marketing, taught by overseas professors. Through these courses, I have learned the concepts and theories of Western economics. All this has added to my intellectual depth. With the vigorous training I received in my undergraduate studies, I have arrived at some ba

16、sic understanding of the Asian economy, on which I would like to focus my graduate studies. I believe that, in spite of the breakneck growth in the 1970s and 80s of the tiger economies that gave rise to the “East Asian Miracle”, the East Asian countries failed to build up sound economic structures.

17、Their economic growths were powered more by the injection of tremendous investments than anything else, which led to what has come to be called the bubble economies. In their rush to achieve grandiose growths targets, they set up only rudimentary systems of control over their financial industries. A

18、s a result, too many loans were allowed to be secured on overpriced real estate and stocks. Such a situation would result in grave consequences if either the real estate or stock market collapsed. When both of these markets crashed last year in one after another Southeast Asian country, their banks

19、bad loans multiplied, setting off domino effects across whole economies throughout the region. The devastation was such that, more than a year after the crisis began, few people in Asia can see any light at the end of the tunnel today. The big question in the Asian crisis is now on China. In the fac

20、e of the Asian crisis, China has demonstrated remarkable strength and courage. Unlike in most other East Asian countries, the economy in China is still growing, and the Chinese currency is still stable. The difference is spelt, I believe, by the measures that China has taken in preventing the occurr

21、ence of a bubble economy. The Chinese government has not rushed to bless run-away speculation on the stock market, as some other Asian governments seemed to have done. Foreign investments, of which China has received more than any other country except the US, have been carefully channeled into infra

22、structure projects and industrial production. This, along with the inconvertibility of the Chinese currency on the capital accounts, has prevented the kind of capital flight that has undermined the financial systems in other Asian countries. Amazingly, China has become a powerful stabilizing force i

23、n Asian economies, although the country has been faulted by some in the West for not having embraced the free market concept as readily as other developing countries did. I think the stark contrast between the success of a somewhat more controlled economy and the failures of the free market economie

24、s begs for many questions. The story on China is of course not over yet, nor will it be anytime soon. With the deepening Asian financial crisis mounting more and more pressure on China, the Chinese government and businesses are desperately trying to maintain economic growths while continuing the cou

25、ntrys structural reforms. We do not yet know whether China will in the end be able to tough out the current crisis that keeps knocking on its doors. Even if China can survive this round of crisis unscathed, it will have to continue integrating its economy further with that of other countries, thereb

26、y exposing itself more and more to the capricious forces of the international financial markets. In the process, Chinese economists will have to meet the challenge of answering difficult questions, questions that may not have been asked anywhere else. I would like to be one of those meeting this cha

27、llenge. In applying for acceptance into your program, I hope that, more than learning the staid concepts and theories of economics, I can sharpen my insights when treading on unmapped territories. I am attracted to your wide range of course offerings and the varied backgrounds of your faculty member

28、s. I am confident that, under your seasoned guidance, I will give full play to my intellectual potential in academic research. It should come as no surprise to you if I become one of the foremost authorities on the Chinese economy a few years after I graduate from your school. Yours sincerely, 俄罗斯留学

29、硕士申请条件与热门专业 一、俄罗斯硕士的申请条件 1、学历要求 需要完成本科的学习,才有资格申请正式的专业入学,这就要求大家出示自己的毕业证明;申请预科的话就只需要读完三年的本科就可以了,这样不会耽误大家的时间,可以同步入学。 还会考核学生的平均成绩,专业的技能需要达标,主要就是大家的GPA成绩单,这部分需要大家去学校提交相关的申请,才会开具完整的材料,分数的要求要达到3.0分,需要更高的分数。 2、语言要求 主要考核的是大家选择的授课语言,有英语和俄语两种选择,只要确认以后就进入正式的准备即可,不需要分出时间学习另一种语言,不过大家可以作为兴趣,这样交流的时候会更顺利。 俄语的考核需要大家在

30、入学的时候经受,会有专门的语言测试;英语则直接参加标准化的考试就可以了,一般IELTS有6.0分就可以直接入学了,而没有达标的学生就需要进入到语言班学习。 3、院校专业 本科就读的学校背景,也会成为目标院校筛选学生的参考之一,如果是985211的学校毕业的话,在申请的时候,是会比普通学校的学生更受青睐一些的,因为整体实力会更有保障。 而专业的考核则主要是相关性和衔接度,表现就是是否是本专业或者相关专业的直升,会影响大家后续学习的效率,直升的学生会有更大的优势,跨专业则需要更多耗费更多精力。 4、能力文书 需要提交的是大家的基础性文书,简历要介绍清楚申请者的基本情况,陈述则需要展示优势和学习规划

31、,推荐信是其他人对学生的评价,身份地位会成为重要加分项。 如果大家有专业相关的实习经历,而且取得了一定的成绩的话,也可以直接进行出示;此外还要有足够的家庭经济支持,确保自己在留学期间不会有经济方面的压力。 二、俄罗斯留学硕士热门专业介绍 1、金融专业 金融学是经济学门类下面的一个专业,研究内容很广泛,囊括金融理论、金融史、金融学说史、东西方各派的金融学说,以及对各国金融体制、金融政策的比较研究,信托保险等。 金融学主要课程有“微观经济学”、“政治经济学”、“统计经济学”、“商业银行业务与经营”、“金融工程概论”、“证券投资”等等经济学为基础学科。 2、工商管理 工商管理学科是一门以社会微观经济组织为研究对象,系统地研究其管理活动的普遍规律和应用方法的学科。 工商管理主要以“管理学”、“财务管理”、“人力资源管理”、“管理信息系统”、“管理经济学”、“企业战略管理”等管理学科为基础。 3、俄语相关专业 国内俄语专业本科毕业学生,去俄罗斯可直接选择硕士专业:俄语文学以及翻译


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