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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 中考英语生命并没有结束 三舅其实不是亲的,和妈妈同村同姓同辈份而已,自家排行老三,妈妈便让我喊他三舅。 In fact, my third uncle is not a relative. He shares the same family name and the same generation as my mother. My mother asked me to call him the third uncle. 第一次来北京打工,我家就成了的他的落脚点。第一次见他时是在假期,印象更加深刻,五十多岁的样子,身材虽很高大,但和土不土洋不洋的小平头、贼亮

2、亮细眯眯的小眼睛有些不大搭调,穿着还算体面,可黑黄黑黄的皮肤散发出的汗臭味或是泥土味或是火车厢味实在让我望而却步、闻而息鼻。碍于面子而且又听妈妈说姥爷在老家时都是他给照管的,我便到客厅礼节性地打个招呼就匆促回到了自己的寝室,打招呼也没有喊他三舅,就是笑一下而已。 When I first came to work in Beijing, my family became his foothold. The first time I saw him was on vacation. I was very impressed by the age of more than 50. Although

3、 his figure was very tall, his small eyes, which were not very small with the earth, were not very comfortable. His clothes were decent. But the sweat and smell of Huang Heihuangs skin or the smell of the earth or the smell of the train really made me stop and smell and smell my nose. Because of my

4、face and my mothers saying that he took care of my grandfather when he was at home, I went to the living room to say hello politely and hurried back to my bedroom. I didnt call his third uncle to say hello, just smile. 在寝室里依旧听得见他和爸爸的高谈阔论,其实也没有什么,无非是农田耕种都是机械化了,闲不住想来城里找点事做,自己什么活都干得,能吃苦类的自报家门,因嗓门大,声音震得

5、房子都有回声,我只得用高谈阔论来形容了。 In the bedroom, I can still hear his and dads talk. In fact, there is nothing more than mechanization of farmland farming. I cant help but come to the city to find something to do. I can do all my work. I can report myself to the family who can endure hardship. Because of my lou

6、d voice, the house echoed. I have to use the talk to describe it. 一起吃午饭的时候他还在滔滔不绝地说现在农村可好了,诚实地邀请爸爸妈妈和我有时间去农村玩去,我暗想着:农村好干吗自己还跑到城市里来呢!吃饭间听他一个劲地喊爸爸、妈妈分别是“姐夫”、“姐姐”,我心生纳闷,小声问妈妈才知道他还不到四十岁。真有些出乎我的意料。 When we had lunch together, he was still talking about the countryside. He sincerely invited my parents and

7、 I to have time to play in the countryside. I thought to myself: why do you come to the city! In the dining room, I was puzzled to hear that his father and mother were brother-in-law and sister. I only knew that he was less than 40 when I asked his mother in a low voice. Its a little out of my expec

8、tation. 可也从他的话里得之,他有一个和我年龄相仿的女儿,也在老家读书,而且劳绩分外好,言谈间还可见他的喜悦。当着我的面说别的女孩好,我自是没有心情听了,本也就没说几句话,匆促吃完就回自己寝室了。 But also from his words, he has a daughter of the same age as me. She is also studying in her hometown, and her grades are very good. His joy can be seen in his speech. In front of me to say that ot

9、her girls are good, Im not in the mood to listen, Ben didnt say a few words, hurried back to his bedroom after eating. 下午出去他就在一个工地上找到了活,爸爸劝他多考虑几家,先在我家住着,不急着上班,他不愿,说活还可以,能做,而且一个月上满工一千呢!晚上他就带着铺盖要去工地,妈妈挽留他在家里住,他诚实地笑笑,说自己身上脏,在工地上住好些,妈妈嫌他见外,我听见了倒觉得他这一点倒是直爽、实在。 When he went out in the afternoon, he found

10、a job on a construction site. My father advised him to think more about several houses, live in my house first, and dont rush to work. He refused, saying that the work is OK, and can be done. Moreover, he worked a thousand times in a month! In the evening, he would go to the construction site with h

11、is blanket. His mother asked him to stay at home. He smiled and said that he was dirty and lived better on the construction site. My mother thought he was out of sight. I heard that and I thought it was straightforward and real. 于是就这样算是安置下来了,也就真的一个月没有见他来过。 So I settled down and didnt see him for a m

12、onth. 又见他便是拿了好多礼物过来,穿着刚洗的衣服,头发和胡须都刚刚理过,身上也犹如用香皂刚刚泡过,还散发着那种淡淡的香皂的味。礼物中有我一件是让我有些惊诧的mp3,他一边解释一边又出示了另外一个一模一样的,说乡下女儿断定热爱,现在城里孩子流行听这个,就买了两个,一个给我,一个寄回家去。我不知该说什么好,我虽已有一个,但这可是别人送的呢,我当然欣喜地收下了,他也很开心,爸爸妈妈只得替我向他连连说感谢。然而我没有想他每天十二小时的工一个月才挣一千元钱的辛苦。这是后来想到的,但却已经晚了。 I saw that he had brought a lot of gifts. He was wea

13、ring the clothes just washed, his hair and beard had just been cut, and he seemed to have just soaked them with soap, which also gave off the faint smell of soap. As like as two peas in the gift, I was surprised by MP3. He explained the same thing and showed another identical one. The country girl m

14、ust love it. Now the children in the city are listening to this. They buy two, one for me and one for home. I dont know what to say. Although I have one, its from someone else. Of course, Im happy to accept it. Hes also very happy. Mom and dad have to thank him for me. However, I did not think that

15、he worked twelve hours a day for a month to earn one thousand yuan. It came to mind later, but it wa()s too late. 由于一开学,我就把他忘却了,mp3虽然听着,但只记得里面的旋律,去没有细品他旋律里面的三舅的血汗和真诚! Because at the beginning of school, I forgot him. Although MP3 listened, I only remember the melody in it. I didnt appreciate his unc

16、les sweat and sincerity! 就在昨天,我们都去了他的工地,但是是向他诀别,不过结果一面是无缘再见的了,由于他我的三舅的面部已模糊的无法鉴别了,加班加点的做工的三舅从工地上高高的塔吊下面摔了下来,摔得让我的心奇怪的疼痛,让我的那个还不知道的表妹的心也会奇怪的疼痛,由于他送的mp3一向是挂在心的位置。 Just yesterday, we all went to his construction site, but we said goodbye to him, but we were not destined to see each other at the end, because he, my third uncles face, was indistinct and illegible. The third uncle who worked overtime fell from the high tower crane on the construction site, which made my heart ache, and my cousins heart would also be a


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