高考英语一轮专项复习课件外研版必修一 Unit3My first ride on a train_第1页
高考英语一轮专项复习课件外研版必修一 Unit3My first ride on a train_第2页
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1、高考英语一轮专项复习课件外研版 必修一 Unit 3 My first ride on a train 假设你是晨光中学的高中生李华。你校拟选拔一些优秀学生,利用暑期到晨曦希望小学为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给校评选组写一封申请信:2010天津高考题对此活动的认识(如对本人、学生及社会的益处等)个人优势(如性格、独立生活能力、语言能力等)你的计划(如怎样进行辅导等)2010天津高考题注意:1.词数不少于100;2.可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯;3.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2010天津高考题参考词汇:晨曦希望小学Chenxi Hope Schoo

2、lDear Sir or Madam,I am Li Hua from Class One,Yours Sincerely,Li Hua2010天津高考题佳句变换亮点句式:to be held为不定式作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句。请用定语从句改写同义句:Ive heard that our school has decided to pick out some excellent students for the tutoring program which_will_be_held in the summer holidays.亮点句式:含有if引导的条件状语从句的省略句。根据汉语提示完成

3、句子:每天晚饭后,如果工作不累我就会花一些时间遛狗。Every evening after dinner, if_not_tired_from_work,_I will spend some time walking my dog.一、考纲词汇识记1 n 专家2 n. 运动场;体育场3 n. 幼儿园4 n. 事件5. n. 仪式6. n.距离 adj.遥远的expertstadiumkindergarteneventceremonydistancedistant7 n产品 v生产 n生产8 n风景;景色 n场景;景色9 vt.射杀 n射击;枪声10 n旅程 n旅程(短途)11 vt.训练 n训

4、练 n训练师;教练12 n面试;面谈 n(面试时的)主考 官;面谈者 n参加面试者;接受采访者13 adj.疲惫不堪的 vt.使疲惫不堪productproduceproduction scenerysceneshootshot journeytrip train training trainerinterviewinterviewer intervieweeexhaustedexhaust二、高频词汇活用一言辨异14She was _ by her husband and lived alone with her daughter on an _farm.(abandon)答案:abando

5、ned;abandoned15Seeing the _ dog,the girl was _ and she said she nearly died of _.(frighten)答案:frightening;frightened;fright1distance n距离;远处;远方教材P21原句Which of them can you use to travel a long distance?它们当中哪一个你可以用于长距离旅行?The girl stood there,watching until the train disappeared in the distance.那姑娘站在那儿

6、看着,直到火车在远处消失。The detective followed him .侦探远远地跟着他。The dog looked dangerous,so I decided to from it.这只狗看上去很危险,因此我决定与之保持距离。The stadium is three miles distant from our school.体育馆离我们学校3英里远。at a distancekeep my distance2abandoned adj.被遗弃的;放纵的教材P23原句We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hund

7、red years ago.我们看到了一些被遗弃的农场,它们都建于100多年前。They took him to an abandoned house.他们带他到一个废弃的房子里。They abandoned all hope of finding the child.他们放弃了找到这个孩子的一切希望。Computer games are so attractive that many children them.电脑游戏如此具有吸引力以致于很多孩子都沉溺于其中。Many Spanish people shouted and cheered when the national soccer t

8、eam won the World Cup.当西班牙国家足球队赢得世界杯的时候,很多西班牙人纵情欢呼。abandon themselves to playingwith abandon3scenery n风景;景色教材P23原句For the first few hundred kilometres of the journey,the scenery was very colourful.在旅途的前几百公里风景非常漂亮。The best part of the trip was the scenery.It was fantastic.这次旅行最精彩的部分就是自然风光,真是美极了。Switz

9、erland is famous for its watchmaking and beautiful scenery.瑞士以制表业和美丽的风景而闻名。scenery,scene,sight,view(1)scenery指总的、全部的风景,表示的是室外的自然景色。(2)scene多用来指电影、电视中的一个场面;事故的现场。(3)sight一般指一处风景名胜,“视野,眼界”。(4)view一般指在某一个位置看到的风景。自填助记Shangarila attracts tens of thousands of visitors by its beautiful natural .There is a

10、fine of the mountain from our hotel window.The Imperial Palace is one of the of China.There were distressing when the mudslides occurred.sceneryviewsightsscenes 4. frighten vt.使吃惊;惊吓教材P26原句The eagle suddenly flew in the air and frightened me.那只老鹰突然飞了起来把我吓了一跳。Ill be frightened to look out of the airp

11、lane window.我从飞机的舷窗往外看会害怕的。The barking dog the little girl .狂吠的狗把那个小女孩吓哭了。I dont think the typhoon is frightening.我认为台风并不可怕。frightenedinto crying.单词拼写1Two _ (吓坏了的) children were hiding in the corner of the room.答案: frightened2Farmers here live mainly on the export of farm _ (产品)答案: products3Some _ (

12、专家) think that language learning is much easier for children as their tongues are more flexible.答案: experts4The _ (被遗弃的) disabled children should be taken good care of by the whole society.答案: abandoned5The _ (距离) from the farm to the town is five kilometers.答案:distance.单项填空1The police all feel _ af

13、ter a whole weekday searching for the lost child in the forest.AabandonedBexhaustedCfrightened Drelaxed解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:在森林里搜寻失踪的孩子一周以后,警察们都感到筋疲力尽。abandoned抛弃的;exhausted筋疲力尽的;frightened害怕的,恐惧的;relaxed放松的。由句意可知选B。答案: B2You can see the ancient ruins _ a distance of 10 miles.Ain BatCby Dto解析:句意:在十英里远的地方你就

14、能看到古代的遗迹。at a distance of“在远的地方”。答案: B3I have been here for a couple of days.I am _ a journey.Ill visit all the places of interest here.Aof BtoCon Dby解析:考查journey的固定搭配。句意:我已经来这儿好几天了。我正在旅行,将游览这里所有的名胜。be on a journey意为“正在旅行”。答案:C4Hearing a strange noise,the poor man,_,ran out of the dark house.Atrembl

15、ed and frightenedBtrembling and frightenedCtrembled and frighteningDtrembling and frightening解析:考查分词作状语。句意:听到一个奇怪的声音后,这个可怜的人颤抖着,害怕地从黑暗的房子里跑了出去。现在分词trembling表示主动关系;过去分词frightened表示被动关系。答案: B5One of the advantages of living on the top floor is that you can have a good_of the city.Asight BsceneryCview

16、Dlook解析:sight指眼前的景观;scenery着重指一个国家或地区所有的自然或天然景色;view“风景,景色”,通常指从某个特定的位置所看到的景物,have a good view of.“看清”。答案:C1get 上/下(车、船等)2get 上(车);进入,陷入;养成 的习惯3get out 下(车);出去;逃避4be short 是的缩写/简称5 a speed of 以的速度6take (飞机)起飞;变得成功;脱掉(衣服)on/offintoofforatoff7 .any more 不再8out of 过时9refer 指的是;查阅;涉及;提到10in 1930s/1930s

17、在20世纪30年代notdatetothe1refer to提到,涉及;说起;参考,查阅;指的是教材P21原句Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport.一些动词可以指不只一种交通方式。We agreed never to refer to the matter again.我们一致同意永远不再提这件事。Who when you said you had a good friend here?你说在这儿你有一个好朋友,你指的是谁?He referred to the dictionary in order to

18、 look up the new word.为了查这个新词的意思,他查阅了词典。were you referring toCalifornia is referred to as the “Golden State”加利福尼亚被称作“黄金之州”。With reference your recent advertisement,I am writing to request further details.关于贵方最近的广告,现特函查询详情。to2take off(飞机)起飞;突然开始成功;开始走红;脱(衣服等);匆匆离开;休假;取下The new magazine has really tak

19、en off.这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。Id like to next week.我想下周休一天假。take a day off 巧学助记take back收回;带回;使回想起take down 拆卸;记下take over 接管;接任take up 拿起;占据;着手做take in 吸收;欺骗;包含;收留take on 呈现;雇用take after (外貌或行为)像(父或母);追赶take away 拿走;夺走;带走Seeing those old pictures really took me back.看到那些老照片,真的使我想起了过去。I was given some pills to

20、 take away the pain.我得到一些止痛药片来减轻痛苦。Take down the telephone number.记下这个 号码。3get on上(车、船等);进展;进行,相处;继续进行下去教材P23原句We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs.我们在悉尼上的车,在艾丽斯斯普林斯下的车He was about to get on the bus when someone called him.他正要上车,这时有人喊住了他。get on/along with 进展;与相处get across 讲清楚;被理解get a

21、round (消息等)传播;四处走动(旅行)get down to 开始认真(做某事)(to为介词)get into 进入;陷入;养成习惯;上(小汽车等)get out of 从出去;摆脱get off 下(车、船等);动身,出发get through 通过;完成;接通(电话)巧学助记How are you your study/classmates?你学习怎么样?/你与你的同学相处得怎么样?You mustnt until the bus has stopped.直到车停稳你才能下车。getting on withget off(2010浙江高考)After that,he knew he

22、could _ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.Aget away with Bget on withCget through Dget across解析选_考查动词短语辨析。句意:在此之后,他知道只要尽全力就能成功应对一切紧急事件。get through“度过(艰难等)”,符合句意。get away with表示“偷走,免受惩罚”;get on with表示“与和睦相处”;get across表示“被传达,被理解”;都与句意不符。C.选词填空1I saw him get on the flight

23、 to Hong Kong and the plane _ five minutes later.refer to,get off,take off,out of date,be short for答案: took off2WHO _ the World Health Organization.答案: is short for3This dress is a little _ and I plan to buy a new one.答案: out of date4The professor is often _ as an expert on farming on many public oc

24、casions.答案: referred to5We have become good friends after the long journey when we _ the train.答案: got off.单项填空1The foreign friends you referred to _ looking forward to _ around our university.Aare;being shown Bbeing;being shownCbeing;showing Dare;be shown解析:本题考查句子分析的能力及look forward to基本用法。本句主语是the

25、foreign friends,you referred to是定语,所以谓语动词使用are,构成现在进行时;短语look forward to中的to是介词,用动词ing形式作其宾语。答案:A2Cars parked along this road will be _ by the police.Ataken down Btaken overCtaken away Dtaken off解析:句意:停在这路边的车会被警察拖走的。take away“带走”,符合句意。take down“拿下,取下,记下”;take over“接管”;take off“起飞”。答案:C3Science and t

26、echnology is changing fast nowadays.I bought this MP4 player at the beginning of this year but now its out of _.Adate BorderCuse Dsight解析:out of date过时的;out of order出毛病;out of use不用;out of sight看不见。根据句意:如今科技变化太快了,我年初买的MP4现在已经过时了。应选A项。答案:A4Many gifted students _ poorly in school because they found sc

27、hool unchallenging and as a result lost interest.Aworked on Bgot onClived on Dcarried on解析:句意:许多有天赋的学生在学校里学习并不好,因为他们发现学校没有挑战性,最终导致他们失去兴趣。work on意为“继续工作”;get on意为“进展,进行”;live on意为“靠生活”;carry on意为“继续”。故B项符合句意。答案:B5Traveling _ a speed of 160 kph,we have covered a distance of 120 kilometers _ less than

28、50 minutes.Awith;in Bat;inCwith;for Dat;for解析:at a speed of.意为“以的速度”,表示具体的速度;in less than 50 minutes表示“在不到50分钟的时间里”。答案:B1What do you think the central part of the country is like? do you think是插入语,其后面要用陈述语序。 你认为这个城市的中心部分是什么样子的?句式仿写你认为他现在在做什么?What _ he is doing now?答案: do you think2And what a ride!(此

29、句为由what引导的省略形式的 感叹句。) 一次多精彩的乘车旅行啊!句式仿写多好的天气啊!_!答案: What a lovely day句式仿写你介意我打开门吗?Would you mind _ the door?答案:my opening/me opening/if I opened4Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres per hour,the train can complete the 30kilometre journey in eight ling at a speed.是现在分词短语,在句中作状语。火

30、车以每小时400多千米的速度前进,在8分钟内就能完成30千米的行程。句式仿写当我们从山顶看时,发现这个村庄很美。_,we found the village beautiful.答案:Seeing from the top of the mountain1What do_you_think the central part of the country is like?你 认为这个城市的中心部分是什么样子的?(1)该句中do you think是插入语,它不影响句子的含义但影响句 子结构。特殊疑问句都用陈述语序。常见的有相同用法的词 还有believe,consider,suppose,ima

31、gine,guess,suggest等。 When do you suppose theyll be back? 你认为他们什么时候回来? Who be sent to work on the farm? 你建议派谁去农场工作呢?do you suggest(2)I think,I believe,I suppose,I guess,I imagine,I find,I say,I know等也可用作插入语,置于句中或句末,一般用逗号隔开;此类插入语若置于定语从句中,可不用标点。It is impossible, ,that we should finish the job in such a

32、 short period of time.我认为在这么短的时间内完成这项工作是不可能的。I think2And what_a_ride!一次多精彩的乘车旅行啊!本句是一个省略式的感叹句。其完整的形式是:And what a ride it was!感叹句一般由what和how引出,what与名词连用构成感叹句,how与形容词或副词连用构成感叹句。what与how引出的感叹句的常见形式如下:(1)Whata/anadj.可数名词单数(主语谓语)!What an interesting talk they had!他们做了一次多么有趣的谈话呀!(2)Whatadj.不可数名词或可数名词复数(主语

33、谓语)! they are!他们是多么聪明的学生啊!(3)Howadj./adv.(主语谓语)! How clean and tidy the room is! 多么干净整洁的房间啊!What clever students (4)Howadj.a/an可数名词单数主语谓语! How intelligent a boy he is! 多么勤奋的一个男孩啊!(5)How主语谓语! How time flies!光阴似箭!1_ it is to have a football match after school on Saturday afternoon.AHow funBWhat a funC

34、What fun DWhat funny解析:在感叹句中,引导词what修饰名词,how修饰形容词或副词。fun为不可数名词,可排除A、B两项;funny为形容词,可排除D项。答案为C项,what引导感叹句,并修饰不可数名词fun。答案:C2(2011江苏泗阳模拟)Since you have seen both runners,_?Awho will win do you thinkBwhom do you think will winC.do you think whom will winDwho do you think will win解析:从句子结构看,选择的应该是特殊疑问句,可排除

35、C项;该特殊疑问句中do you think为插入语,所以特殊疑问句应由who 引导,并作主语。答案:D3My name is Jonathan.Shall I spell it for you?_.AIf you dont mind BNot at allCTake it easy DNice to meet you解析:考查交际用语。句意:“我的名字叫Jonathan,我给你拼出来好吗?”“如果你不介意的话。”not at all不客气;take it easy别着急,别紧张,慢慢来;nice to meet you很高兴认识你(常用在初次见面的时候)。if you dont mind “

36、如果你不介意的话”,符合上文语境。答案: A Passage 2 A rich businessman invited Sheikh, a famous poet, along with some other big businessmen to his daughters wedding.Sheikh _1_ the invitation and decided to attend. On the day of the _2_, the host was receiving the guests at the gate. Sheikh wore _3_ clothes which were

37、not expensive. He waited in a corner for someone to _4_ him but nobody gave him a _5_. Seeing all this, Sheikh leftthe party _6_ and went to a shop where he could hire clothes. He found himself a _7_ person after he put on the hired clothes. Then he _8_. On seeing Sheikh, the host said, “What _9_ yo

38、u so long, my friend? We have been waiting for you for ages! The ceremony surely would not be _10_ without your presence!” Sheikh didnt say a word. Sheikh was offered a _11_ with a soft cushion. Tasty dishes on silver plates were _12_ to him. After this, something strange happened. Sheikh _13_ the c

39、orner of his coat in the soup. He said to others, “This is a _14_ for my Clothes. They should enjoy it.” All the guests were now _15_ at him in surprise. The host said, “Sir, what are you doing? How can your clothes _16_ ? And why should they?” Sheikh replied very calmly, “Im indeed surprised with t

40、he _17_ coming from you. Arent you the same person who didnt even glance at me _18_ I came dressed in plain clothes? I can guess it is my clothes and appearance that _19_ to you, not my individual worth. Now that I have put on expensive clothes, I can see the _20_ in reception. All I can say now is

41、that this dinner is meant for my clothes, not for me.”语篇解读:一位诗人去参加某富商女儿的婚礼,却由于穿着朴素而遭冷遇,于是他想出了一个办法来对付那个主人。1 Bsent CacceptedDrefused解析:根据句中decided to attend 可知,Sheikh 接受了那个商人的邀请。答案:C2A.meeting Bceremony Cexhibition Dfestival解析:根据前文to his daughters wedding 可知,这里指参加那个商人的女儿的结婚典礼。答案:B3A.simple Bwarm Cclea

42、n Dbeautiful解析:根据句中which were not expensive 和下文Sheikh 去租衣服的事可知,Sheikh 穿着朴素的衣服。答案: A4A.pull Bchoose Creceive Dcall解析:根据下文 left the party 可知,没有人接待Sheikh。答案:C5A.hand Bchance Cpresent Dlook解析:根据第三段中的who didnt even glance at me 可知,由于Sheikh穿着朴素,没有人看他一眼。答案:D6A.proudly Bquietly Cnervously Dcuriously解析:根据下文W

43、e have been waiting for you for ages!可知,没有人知道Sheikh 离开,说明他是悄悄离开的。答案:B7A.respectable Bfunny Clearned Dchanged解析:Sheikh 换上了昂贵的衣服,因此就好像变了一个人似的。答案: D8A.returned Bdisappeared Caffected Dstayed解析:根据下文On seeing Sheikh 可知,Sheikh回到了婚礼上。答案:A9A.stopped Btook Ccovered Dimpressed解析:主人问Sheikh是什么耽误了他这么长的时间,故用took。答案:B10A.important Bs


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