



1、Unit 12What did you do last weekend?(第 3 课时 ) Section B集中识词【学习目标】1.学习 Unit12 中 Section B 中的单词,能够熟练听读单词,发音准确并运用。2.能够熟练的运用一般过去时进行写作训练。展一:【课前自学】1.写出下列单词的过去式do_ feel_make_ decide_ walk_think_are_cry_spend_write_ sit_ have_go_stay_drink_ eat_ play_ study_ cook_ watch_give_展二:【知识点探究】1. fly. 意思是 _,_, 三单形式

2、_, 过去式 _ 短语 :放风筝 _如 : (fly 填空) The boy _ a kite with his mother yesterday.The children like_ kites2. ago,意思是 _, 译 : 三年前 _ 一个小时以前_ago 表示的时间是以现在为准 ,意思是 ”在现在以前 ”,因此要和动词的过去时连用 , eg: Tom _( go) to America_( 十年前 ).My sister _( finish) high school _( 两周前 )展三: 3. surprise, 用法 , n, 意思是 _, 常用于 get a surprise.

3、 意思是 _,give me a surprise 给我一个惊喜,Mother _(give) me a surprise an hour ago.The boys saw the dirty classroom and _ ( get ) a surprise.用法, v, 意思是 _, The dog _ (surprise) me yesterday.句型:使某人惊讶_用法 , surprised, 形容词,感到吃惊的,指人,常用于be surprised to do,意思是:做某事感到吃惊Eg: The students _ to see the scaring movie.4.wak

4、e, 意思是 _, 它的反义词是_过去式是 _, 常构成短语 _,我妈妈晚上十点睡,早上六点醒 . 译: My mother_ at 10:00pm and _ at 6:00am.用法 ,醒来 , He _,put on his clothes and went out.用法 ,唤醒 , 把蛇唤醒 _, 把我唤醒 _展四 :5. into,常与动词连用, 放在动词之后, 构成短语, 译: run into_, walk into_put-into-_, come into_ get into_ jump into_6. put up, put 过去式是 _, 短语的意思是_, 举起你的手 _

5、,搭起一个帐篷_把地图挂上 _, 把图片贴上 _拓展 : 翻译由 put 构成的短语 : put down_, put away_ put on_ put off推迟展五:【自学效果检测】I. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空Yesterday Lisa f_ kites with her friends on the playground.-When did you finish your homework? -About two hours a_.If the light of the _( 月亮 ) is bright enough (足够) , we can read books in

6、it.Dont_(移动) . Lets listen to the teacher carefully.5. We can see something with our eyes and hear something with our_(耳朵 ).6.When did you join the _ _ (夏令营)? I like _ _(去宿营) in the open air.7.What did you do last weekend? I s_ at home and watched TV.8.Look. The b_ is learning how to walk with his m

7、other s help.As we know, s_ eat grass(草 ) and tigers eat meet.When a _( 令人恐惧的 ) snake moved into the tent, we run away.展六: II单项选择() 1.- How _ your vacation?- It was pretty good.A. was B. wereC. did() 2.- Where _ they go yesterday?A. areB. doC. did() 3.- Where did you go on vacation? - I _ my grandma

8、.A.visitB. visitedC.visiting1 /2() 4. - Did she _ to the movies? - No, she went to the party.A. goesB. goC. went() 5. Betty stayed at home and _ for the test last weekend.A. studyB. studyed C. studied() 6. -_ your mother go fishing?- No, she didn t. She went shopping.A. DoesB. IsC. Did() 7. We are a

9、ll surprised_ to the party.A. goB. to goC. goingD. goes展七: ( ) 8. He _ 10 yuan _ this book.A. spends; onB.spends; inC.spent; onD. spent; in()9. I like _ kites. Last Sunday my friend and I _ in the park.A. fly, flewB. flying, flyingC. flew, flewD. flying, flew() 10. My dad often _ up at 6:00. But thi

10、s morning he slept to 7:00. My sister_.A. wakes, wake up himB. woke, woke up himC. wakes, wakes him upD. wakes, woke him up()11. Last Saturday we went camping . First we _ the tents and then climbed the mountain.A. putted upB. put onC. putted onD. put up()12. To our_, the boy ran very fast and got t

11、o the end first.A. surpriseB. surprised C. surprising()13.-_ they in Beijing last year ? No. They were Ain. AmericareB. Were C. DidD. Was() 14. At last the snake climbed_ the forest. A. toB. atC. intoD. on() 15. We_ go to school yesterday. We stayed at home. A. didnB. donCt. werent t D. wasn t展八: II

12、I 句型转换1.They went to the mountains on vacation. (就划线部分提问)What _ they _ on vacation?2.He visited his uncle last Sunday . (一般问句 .肯定回答) _he_his uncle last Sunday? Yes, he _.3. The students studied for exams. ( 否定句 )_They stayed at home on vacation .( 画线提问 )._? 5.She went to the beach last Sunday.( 变一般疑问句 )6.The weather was hot and humid.( 变否定句 )展九: IV书面表达 : 李华“五一”期间探访了你,你


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