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1、 2022年土木工程专业大学留学申请书 在留学的初期,大家最好不要单独行动,因为非本国人的面孔,很容易被不法分子盯上,如果有人结伴而行则会安全很多。这里给大家分享一些2022年土木工程专业大学留学申请书,欢迎阅读! 2022年土木工程专业大学留学申请书 Dear _, In a world that is continually growing and evolving and problems such as global warming and population growth becoming ever more real, the need for innovation and fr

2、esh ideas from the engineering world becomes increasingly evident. It is this that attracts me to civil engineering as a career because although I am aware of the many pressures and demands I would be facing, the sense of achievement and the knowledge that I would be making a difference to the lives

3、 of others would be of great personal reward to me! My fascination for engineering started when I was young, and has only increased since then. I enjoyed playing video and computer games that required planning and strategy. I watched ?Extreme Engineering? when it first aired on the Discovery channel

4、 and today I have seen every episode up to season five and am waiting to see the sixth season. I have a game called ?West Point Bridge designer? that has taught me about the different properties of each type of bridge and allows me to experiment with different bridge designs as well as using differe

5、nt materials in the most cost effective way possible. Unfortunately for my parents, this fascination extended into reverse engineering as well and ranged from my toys as a child to unused household items and broken cars and motorcycles as an adolescent. This interest was then nurtured during my scho

6、oling and college years - at school learning about the history of art and how the smallest engineering discoveries led to the biggest architectural breakthroughs, for instance the impact that the arch, concrete and the dome had on Ancient Roman and proceeding architecture. In college I thoroughly en

7、joyed mathematics and physics particularly in the applied sections, and although my grades do not reflect this, a big portion of my gap year has already been spent on preparation towards of their improvement. As well as a lot of revision, my gap year so far has been a wealth of new experiences and c

8、hallenges from things as silly as learning to juggle and ride a unicycle to teaching myself to play the keyboard and getting my motorcycle license. I also had a job as a general labourer working under the site manager on a building site where I worked alongside the tradesmen and occasionally the arc

9、hitect, thereby gaining valuable experience in keeping to the strict requirements of working to time schedules and regulations, planning, problem solving and keeping quality of work up and expenses down. Previous to that I worked at my local supermarket as a general assistant and was eventually prom

10、oted to a team leader. I was responsible for liaising with my managers and keeping them up to date with what was happening around the store and making sure my staff knew what was expected of them throughout their shifts as well as doing my own work around the store. This taught me how to deal with p

11、eople in a variety of situations in a polite and professional manner while also greatly improving my communicational and social skills. Being born and raised in South Africa and having made the transition and adaptation to English culture and way of life with ease, I have no doubt I would adapt in m

12、uch the same way to university life. Also I think it is important that I have witnessed the differences in infrastructure between developed and third world countries and their respective effects on the surrounding populations and feel I could use this knowledge to my advantage. I am a very active pe

13、rson and sport has always been a big part of my life. In high school I captained my cricket and rugby teams and was part of the swimming, tennis and athletics teams and represented my home province in cricket, athletics and surfing. Living over here I am a member of the local cricket and rugby club;

14、 I take part in the occasional darts and pool tournaments and am a regular at the local health centre. All of this means I have a lot of experience in performing under pressure, pushing myself and working well as a team. By the end of my gap year I hope to have: fulfilled my travelling plans where I

15、 hope to go backpacking in Asia as I think it will be an awe-inspiring and eye opening experience; have learnt many more new skills and gained more relevant work experience; and hopefully begin a journey into becoming a part of the great and prolific industry of ingenuity and creativity that is the

16、world of engineering. Yours sincerely, 乌克兰留学本科条件与学制 一、乌克兰留学本科的条件 1、高中毕业生或中专,职高,技高学历; 2、身体健康,无犯罪记录; 3、35周岁以下; 4、语言要求:无语言基础也可以申请,可就读预科; 5、申请材料:个人简历,护照首页扫描件,毕业证、签证申请表,健康证明等。 6、艺术类学生须提供个人作品。 二、乌克兰本科学制 根据乌克兰教育部的规定,乌克兰的本科研究生为四年时间,当然入学需要通过俄语方面的预科学习,8月底或者9月初由学校统一安排考试时间,办理毕业证、学位证和成绩单的中俄文公证、中国外交部和乌克兰使馆的双认证、以及

17、相关签证、行前指导,和境外宿舍安置、考试、入学、体检、落地签等手续,个别院系考试在7月初进行,需要提前办理申请和安置入学考试。 乌克兰留学好的大学推荐 1.哈尔科夫国立大学 相当于中国的清华大学。 培养出三位诺贝尔奖获得者的高校。1804年建校,是世界上最古老的学校之一,先后培养出了三名诺贝尔奖得主。 专业包含:法学、理学、历史学、经济学、文学、哲学、医学、工学、管理学9大门类专业。 2.基辅大学 相当于中国的北大。 1834年建校,全称基辅塔拉斯-谢甫琴科国立大学(基辅大学),是一所综合类大学。 专业包含:法学、理学、历史学、经济学、文学、工学、职教及其他类别7大门类专业。 3.乌克兰国立航

18、空大学 全球民航三大之一,拥有自己的机场。 1934年建校,毕业文凭为世界上所有参与里斯本航空公约的国家所承认。欧洲的欧洲航空安全专家地区培训中心。曾派4位专家援建北京航空航天大学。 专业包含:理学、工学、经济学、管理学、建筑学、教育学、法学等相关专业。 4.基辅理工大学 世界上最古老、规模的工科大学之一。 1898年建校,全称乌克兰国立技术大学,化学家门捷列夫曾担任基辅理工学院国家考试委员会主任。人类第一个载人(加加林)航天器的总设计师出自本校;第一架直升飞机的设计师也出自本校。 专业包含:法学、理学、文学、工学、管理学、职教及其他类别6大门类。 5.柴可夫斯基音乐学院 享誉世界的一流音乐学院。 1913年建校,柴可夫斯基、格拉祖诺夫、依万诺夫、罗宾斯坦、伊波利拉夫等作曲家做出奉献,培育出众多世界知名音乐人。 开设院系:钢琴系、管弦乐系、演唱系、指挥系、作曲系、历史及音乐理论系。 6.乌克兰艺术大学 乌克兰艺术学府,前苏联三大艺术学院之一。 1917年建校,全称乌克兰国立美术与建筑艺术大学。 开设专业:油画、实用装饰艺术、艺术理论、雕塑、建筑艺术、电影艺术等。 7.乌克兰国立体育运动大学 奥运奖牌挂满一堵墙的大学。 1930年建校,是乌克兰体育领域的大学,也是乌克兰体育教育,体育科研和伤


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