1、 2022加拿大留学申请书英文版本 2022加拿大留学申请书英文版本 Dear _, What excites me about archaeology is the excitement and anticipation from finding those missing pieces of the jigsaw that make up our past. My earliest recollection of archaeology was from 10 years ago when my parents took me on holiday to the Greek island
2、of Kos and whilst there, we visited the Asklepion ruins, and I was amazed by what had remained from Greek times. Being told this place was thousands of years old and that people had worked and lived there fascinated me, and from that moment on I wanted to find out more about how it was possible to d
3、iscover so much about the past. This began my passion for archaeology. My interest has been further fuelled as I visited numerous other archaeological sites and historical areas over the years, such as the Hardknott Pass Roman Fort. I find it incredible that, by using archaeology and examining even
4、the smallest fragments, the nature of each building can be determined, when there is only a shallow wall visible above the ground. In particular, Im most interested in the “hands-on” aspect of archaeology, the digging and discovering of artifacts. Additionally Im really looking forward to being out
5、in the field and being able to travel and discover the secrets of different places. To increase my knowledge I have read a number of books but my favourites are, Britain AD and Britain BC by Francis Pryor and Techniques of Archaeological Excavation by Philip Barker. It is my ambition to continue my
6、higher education to get a Masters or a PhD, ultimately to become a university lecturer or museum curator. Most Saturdays, I am a volunteer worker at Flag Fen, Britains Bronze Age Centre. Based in the Heritage Centre, my responsibilities have included explaining the site and its history to visitors,
7、and Im currently involved with the archiving of sites photos and artifacts. At my secondary school I achieved the Junior Sports Leadership Award from the teaching of team games to children of a local Primary School and I was chosen to be a school prefect. I was part of my schools netball, hockey and
8、 athletics team and participated in various inter house competitions. Whilst at 6th Form I have become my tutor groups student voice representative on the school council and I also spend some of my lunchtimes supervising younger pupils. I am also currently part of team for promoting Lincolnshire to
9、the younger generation and the Team for Promoting Road Safety. I have also been part of the Grammar School Ladies Rugby Team since joining the school. Aside from my studies and school activities I have strong interests in reading, sports, music and travel. I enjoy reading a variety of books, ranging
10、 from historical biographies to fictional fantasy. As well as being a member of my schools rugby team, I have also been a player in the Gosberton Poachers, a local hockey team and I am an active member of a successful ten pin bowling team. I enjoy traveling and have been to many different countries,
11、 including Spain, France and Greece, and I always make particular effort to learn as much of the local language as I can. At the moment I am learning Italian. Furthermore with an interest in music, Im learning to play the guitar and in the past I have played tenor horn in a brass band and sung in va
12、rious choirs. I have an inquisitive mind, and am extremely interested in archaeology and will work hard to achieve my goals. The prospect of university life excites me and I know the opportunities presented to me and the experiences will be invaluable. University will help me further develop as a pe
13、rson, to become fully independent and fulfil my dreams. Yours sincerely, 留学加拿大专业推荐 一、加拿大的会计与金融专业很受欢迎 会计是众多学子选择的,无论国内还是国外,会计专业的就业状况也是比拟良好的。据留学专家剖析,会计专业在加拿大仍属于就业方面比拟紧缺的专业,是加拿大找工作的专业之一。并且在加拿大无论成立时间长短,只需有业务,就需求有会计人员的职位,决议了会计职位“供大于求”。金融专业在加拿大是一个备受喜爱的专业,在拟读专业方面占了很大的比率,而据加拿大统计局出台的关于行业工资调查中显现,金融保险业的每周均匀工资在1
14、000加币以上,居一切行业的前四位。 北美金融银行业发达,有关专业自然实力不俗,并且会计和金融人才在市场上很吃香,北美高薪职业无论怎么异化都能找到会计和金融的身影,这个金饭碗的诱惑力那是相当大的。 二、加拿大的教育专业教学质量很优秀 越来越多英语教育本科毕业生将选择教育学专业。对于国际留学生而言,加拿大很多学校有开设教育学专业本科,教育学的本科毕业后是可以拿到教师资格证的,可以在加拿大的学校授课,在各个学校的国际部就职等。而对于教育学硕士来说,毕业后可以在当地从事教育管理的工作及在国际办公室工作等。回国的就业方向很广,如高校、中小学、特殊教育机构等。 在留学拟读专业中,选择教育专业的学生并不多
15、,而在加拿大,教育专业较好的学校并非很多,但教育质量都是十分优秀的,比方布鲁克大学的教育硕士专业,在加拿大公认最成熟的教育专业。依据经历,关于国内本科为文科,非常是英语专业的学生,留学加拿大选择专业并不是非常有利,而教育硕士专业就成了这些学生的选择。 三、加拿大的城市规划专业很受重视 城市规划专业分属建筑类的一个分支。伴随着我国经济水平的逐步发展,国家对于城市规划的重视程度越来越高,非常是今年我国饱受洪水、内涝等自然灾害的侵蚀,而解决问题的根本办法就是加强城市规划建设。尽管我国在该领域已经有所突破,但是较西方发达国家相比还有所差距,加拿大城市规划建设较为完备,所以越来越多同学攻读加拿大城市规划
16、专业。在加拿大,学生毕业后绝大多数可以到政府工作,或者进入专业的规划事务所。 加拿大留学误区 一、出国时间还早,截止日期前提交申请就可以 加拿大作为以教育质量著称的国家,每年经受国际学生的数量有限,且不会以营利为目的而进行扩招。如果选择加拿大为自己的留学国家,无论事中小学还是本科和研究生申请,都应尽早规划,尽快申请,以免因为院校申请通道关闭,与理想院校失之交臂。 二、只要考试成绩好,就一定可以申请到学校 加拿大的高等教育,尤其对于研究生的选拔,不仅是成绩的考量,更是对学生综合素养的考核。 除了专业课考试成绩和雅思成绩以外,科研经历、专业实习、文书材料等方面,对于院校申请也至关重要,所以在开始准
17、备雅思考试前,应提前了解目标院校的申请条件,根据院校要求有条理的备考筹措。 三、只要教育金准备充足,就一定可以获得签证 加拿大作为热门的留学、移民国家,更多的关注人才质量,签证官也更倾向于接收综合素质优秀,能力突出的国际学生,即便家庭子女教育金准备充分,但学业逊色,也很可能遭遇拒签。 四、只要拿到加拿大签证,就可以顺利开始学习生活 加拿大使馆签证(student visa)仅为出境赴加拿大的通行证,若以学生身份在加拿大留学深造,还需在加拿大入境时凭签证、使馆签证书、入学通知书等文件获取加拿大学习许可证(study permit)。 签证和学习许可证均有时间限制,而且常常低于在加拿大就读时间,学生需在学习许可期前3个月办理续签手续,而能否成功续签,通常取决于学生在学习期间的综合表现。 出国留学是人生中的重大决定,在留学申请过程中,一定要结合
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