



1、 2022出国去日本留学简洁申请书 2022出国去日本留学简洁申请书 Dear _, When I was two years old my family relocated from the New World, Canada, to the Old, and since then I have journeyed to places as far off as Rome, Egypt, and Thailand, among many others. Everywhere I travelled brought upon me a new wave of fresh fascination

2、; not only in the cultural differences I noticed, but in the circumstances, traditions, and history that shaped them. Returning home, I became curious about what had moulded my own culture as I knew it. This was the beginning of a lifelong interest in material culture and historical heritage. This f

3、ascination soon developed into a passion particularly when studying the medieval period. I wrote my IB Extended Essay on how the changing socio-political climate in England from the 11th to 15th centuries led to linguistic and sociolinguistic changes. Having chosen a subject that fascinated me, I fo

4、und myself going beyond the requirements, organizing visits to the British Library and studying contemporary manuscripts. I had to familiarize myself with Middle English and to some degree Old English and Old French and my study of the original manuscripts was one of my most inspiring educational ex

5、periences to date. Soon I found that it was not enough to know about the past, I wanted also to learn where our knowledge of the past had come from. It was this curiosity that led me to an interest in archaeology. Thus when the school nominated me for a travel fellowship (a grant given to a student

6、who most showed “courage and strength as an individual, genuineness, generosity, and high personal and academic standards”) I proposed to travel to Romania to work on an archaeological dig. In presenting me with the award, the judges praised my good planning and organization, and enthusiasm for the

7、subject. I travelled to Romania in August 2022 to join an excavation of a Transylvanian castle dating from the 14th century. During my time there I received hands on experience of archaeological techniques, firsthand information from experts regarding practice and theory, and a wonderful look at the

8、 history and culture of a country to which I had never before travelled. Although I had feared I might find the work tedious, I enjoyed every second of it. The experience heightened my interest in archaeology, and travelling alone helped me develop my maturity, organization, and independence. My int

9、erests go beyond the historical, however. I have a strong creative side, and study drama both in school and as an extracurricular activity, producing and acting in a number of productions. I also play the piano, having taken it up at the age of five, and enjoy composing pieces of all genres. I was r

10、ecently commissioned by the arts department of my school to compose a score for a production of Animal Farm. On the other end of the academic spectrum, I am adept at logic and rational thinking, coming top in my school for two years running in the UK Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad. I think that s

11、uch a variety of understanding is useful in allowing me a broad approach to problem solving and research. My main goal in attending university is to eventually advance my understanding to such a degree where I could teach the subject at university level. As part of my Diploma Programme, I frequently

12、 participate in community service projects in which I help senior citizens learn how to use computers, and teach drama to children with disabilities, and in doing so have developed better interpersonal skills and a strong teaching technique. These have been furthered by my experience as a counsellor

13、 at a summer camp in Canada, and I am certain these skills would work as an advantage should I ever teach history or archaeology myself. Yours sincerely, 日本留学生常见住宿方式 一、学生宿舍 日本留学宿舍是解决住宿问题的办法。然而,日本学校没有像中国那样的宿舍。这些宿舍是为迎接新生而准备的。其中一些可以通过抽签的方式供学生使用。学生宿舍通常是一人一间,或两人一间。厕所和厨房是公共的,宿舍是分开的。条件又好又便宜,但由于数量有限,只有少数人能得

14、到。如果我们能得到日本留学生宿舍,日本留学生活,去日本留学需要考什么当然,我们是特别幸运的。尤其是那些经济条件不太好的学生,住宿舍可以省下不少房租。 二、学生会 学生会大厅是专门为学生开设的。这些学生会配备了各种日常生活家具。此外,还有一些管理员在里面呆了24小时,很安全。此外,许多学生会还提供早餐和晚餐服务,为许多不擅长烹饪的学生提供了极大的便利。最重要的是,学生会大厅里不仅有外国学生,还有日本学生。你可以在这个大家庭里互相交流,这对日语的推广也很有帮助。 三、留学生公寓 与中国一样,日本大学也有留学生宿舍,由地方政府专门为留学生设立。与租房相比,留学生的房价特别便宜。然而,日本留学生活,去

15、日本留学需要考什么并不是每个人都能住在海外学生的房子里。由于名额有限,政府每年都会出面抽签。虽然配额有限,我们还是试试吧。如果我们拿到了呢? 四、出租房 虽然外出租房需要承担很多费用,但选择外出租房的留学生还是不少。一方面,由于日本学生宿舍数量有限,另一方面,在外面租房比较自由干净,工作和休息时间可以自己调整,不需要适应其他留学生的生活习惯。需要提醒的是,在日本租房时,要学会比较三套房子,比较每套房子的价格、交通的便利性和房子的舒适性,然后综合考虑做出选择。但如果你找人租房的话,价格很便宜。 留学日本特殊文化介绍 一、筷子文化 日本是亚洲国家,虽然受到西方的影响,但是实质上还是东方国家,日常用

16、餐还是使用筷子的,并且由于对文化和传统非常重视,如果筷子用得不好是会被嘲笑的。 毕竟作为一个筷子使用有着悠久历史的国家,如果在这点上和国内都做不好,本地的学生会对你产生不好的印象,虽然可能不会说出来,但是会慢慢的和你产生隔阂。 二、端碗文化 在日本,通常会采用分食制度,即每个人拥有自己的一份事物,这里面就囊括了米饭、菜、汤、酱菜等东西,而大家在吃饭的时候,至少要保证自己拿起一个碗,端着碗吃饭。 而这里的碗不仅囊括小一点的碗,也会有大一点的盘子,这是一个基本的礼仪,尤其是在和其他人一起吃饭的时候,一定要注意这一方面,会更有助于大家融入。 三、吃面文化 日本的拉面特别的受欢迎,大街小巷中,拉面馆无处不在


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