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1、Wars of the Roses玫瑰战争1Name and symbolsTheWhite Roseof the House of York约克家族白蔷薇The Red Rose of the House of Lancaster兰开斯特家族红蔷薇VS2Commanders and leadersHouse of YorkRichard, Duke of York(Killed in action)Edward IV of EnglandRichard III of England (Killed in action)House of LancasterHenry VI of England

2、Margaret of AnjouEdward of Westminster(Killed in action)Henry VII of England3Fight for succession4Origins1433Henry of Bolingbroke had established the House of Lancaster on the throne in 1433 when he deposed his cousin Richard II and was crowned as Henry IV.亨利四世推翻理查二世Richard II Henry IV5Inherit(继承)14

3、13Bolingbrokes son Henry V maintained the familys hold on the crown.Henry V6Henry VI of EnglandHenry V died unexpectedly in 1422 and his son, King Henry VI of England, ascended the throne as an infant only nine months old.71455-1460 In the initial stageThe main stages of the armed conflict between t

4、he Wars of the Roses occurred in 1455 and 1485.蔷薇战争的主要武装冲突阶段发生在1455年和1485年之间。8Wars of the RosesThe removal of the old church garden of red roses and white roses在老教堂的花园摘取红玫瑰与白玫瑰9the first open fighting broke out in 1455 at the First Battle of St Albans. Several prominent Lancastrians died, but their

5、heirs continued a deadly feud with Richard. 1455年5月22日,约克公爵理查领一支小部队前往伦敦,在伦敦北面的圣奥尔本斯碰到赶来的亨利六世的部队。相对规模较小的第一次圣奥尔本斯战役是内战的第一次公开冲突。Summary of events10York returned to the country and became Protector of England, but was dissuaded from claiming the throne. Margaret and the irreconcilable Lancastrian nobles

6、 gathered their forces in the north of England, and when York moved north to suppress them, he and his second son Edmund were killed at the Battle of Wakefield in December 1460.1460年7月10日的北安普敦战役(Battle of Northampton)对于兰开斯特家族是灾难性的。沃里克伯爵理查内维尔带领的约克军队,在兰开斯特家族的叛军的帮助下,抓住了亨利国王并作为俘虏带往伦敦。Summary of events11

7、Act of Accord调解法案A compromise was struck in October 1460 with the Act of Accord, which recognised York as Henrys successor, disinheriting Henrys six-year-old son, Edward. York accepted this compromise as the best offer. It gave him much of what he wanted, particularly since he was also made Protecto

8、r of the Realm and was able to govern in Henrys name.1460年10月的调解法案达成妥协,约克为亨利的王位继任者,剥夺了亨利儿子爱德华王子的继承权。约克被任命为王国摄政王,可以以亨利之名统治。调解法案对兰开斯特家族是不能接受的,他们在北方组织起一支庞大的军队。12The death of Richard, Duke of York兰开斯特家族的反击On 30 December, Yorks forces left the castle and attacked the Lancastrians in the open, although ou

9、tnumbered. The ensuing Battle of Wakefield was a complete Lancastrian victory. Richard of York was slain in the battle, and both Salisbury and Yorks 17-year-old second son, Edmund, Earl of Rutland, were captured and executed. Margaret ordered the heads of all three placed on the gates of York.1460年圣

10、诞,理查在韦克平原附近的桑德尔城堡采取守势。虽然玛格丽特的军队的人数是理查的军队的两倍以上,12月30日,约克还是下令他的部队离开城堡出击。他的军队在韦克菲尔德战役中惨败。理查在战斗中被杀,而萨尔茨堡和理查17岁的儿子鲁特兰伯爵埃德蒙被捕并被砍头。13Yorkist triumph约克家族的胜利爱德华四世的正式加冕于1461年6月在伦敦举行。在北方,爱德华在1464年之前没有取得完全的控制,除了几次叛变,几个兰开斯特指挥官占据了几个城堡数年。最后一个投降的兰开斯特的城堡是强大的堡垒Harlech(在威尔士)。废黜了的国王亨利在1465年被捕,囚于伦敦塔,以当时而言,他受到了相当的优待。1464

11、年又有两次兰开斯特叛乱。第一次冲突是4月25日的Hedgeley荒原战役,第二次是5月15日的Hexham战役。两次叛乱都由沃里克的弟弟约翰内维尔(John Neville, 1st Marquess of Montagu)所平定。14Edward IVEdward IVs official coronation took place in June 1461 in London where he received a rapturous welcome from his supporters.1514691471年间冲突的继续1614691471Warwicks rebellion and

12、the death of Henry VIThe restoration of Edward IV in 1471 is sometimes seen as marking the end of the Wars of the Roses proper. Peace was restored for the remainder of Edwards rBuckinghams revolteign.17Richard IIIHaving been crowned in a lavish ceremony on 6 July, Richard then proceeded on a tour of

13、 the Midlands and the north of England, dispensing generous bounties and charters and naming his own son as the Prince of Wales.18In 1471-1483, the country restored peace. Edward IV (Yorkist) punished the big nobles cruelly for their disobedience. Edward IVs brother, Richard III(1483-1485) became ki

14、ng after he died in April 1483. he continued the brutal practice of Edward IV, which pushed the Lancaster and York joined together around Harri Tudor, Earl of Richmond to go against him.In August 1485, Richard III was defeated by Tudor in the battle of Bosworth. Richard III died in the battle and th

15、e War of the Roses ended eventually.The battle of Bosworth19Henry VIIHenry VII (Harri Tudor) strengthened his very tenuous Lancastrian claim to the throne by promptly marrying Elizabeth, a daughter of Yorkist Edward IV. This union of the Houses of Lancaster and York was marked by a new symbol, the T

16、udor Rose. This remarkable man began a line of remarkable rulers, known as Tudors.201485年,亨利都铎的军队在Bosworth Field之战击败理查的军队,亨利成了国王亨利七世。然后亨利通过娶爱德华四世的长女,约克家族最佳的继承人约克的伊丽莎白为妻来巩固他的统治。这样,他重新统一了两个王族,把红玫瑰和白玫瑰这两个对立的符号合并到红白都铎玫瑰的徽章中。Aftermath and effects21Many English noblemen were killed in a chain of important events called the War of the Roses;English control of France was nearly eliminated; And the middle-class came to dominate British politics.The newly arisen noblemen


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