1、Chapter 16Cultural Influences onConsumer BehaviorCONSUMER BEHAVIORFourth EditionMichael R. SolomonUnderstanding CultureCulture is the Accumulation of Shared Meanings, Rituals, Norms, and Traditions Among the Members of an Organization or Society and Determines:Overall Priorities A Consumer Attachest
2、o Different Activities and ProductsSuccess or Failure of Specific Products and Services Aspects of CultureSocial StructureWay in Which OrderlySocial Life is MaintainedEcologyWay a System is Adapted to Its HabitatIdeologyWay in Which PeopleRelate to TheirEnvironment andSocial GroupsA Cultural System
3、Consists of 3 Functional Areas:Other Aspects of CultureAlthough Every Culture is Different, 4 Dimensions Appear to Account for Much of This Variability.Power DistanceUncertainty AvoidanceMasculinity/ FemininityIndividualismHow Interpersonal Relationships Form When Power Differences Exist.Degree to W
4、hich People Feel Threatened by Ambiguous Situations.Degree to Which Sex Roles AreClearly Delineated.Extent to Which the Welfare of the Individual Versus the Group is Valued.Values of a CultureValues are Very General Ideas About Good and Bad GoalsEnacted NormsExplicitly Decided OnCrescive NormsEmbedd
5、ed in CultureCustomsMoresConventionsMyths Metaphysical Psychological CosmologicalSociologicalA Myth is a Story Containing Symbolic Elements That Expresses the Shared Emotions and Ideals Of a Culture. Myths Serve 4 Interrelated Functions in a Culture:Types of Ritual ExperienceA Ritual is a Set of Mul
6、tiple, Symbolic Behaviors That Occur in a Fixed Sequence and That Tend to Be Repeated Periodically. ReligiousBaptism, Meditation, MassRites of PassageFestivals, HolidaysParades, Elections, TrialsGraduation, MarriageRitual TypeExamplesGroupBusiness NegotiationsFamilyPersonalGrooming, HouseholdMealtim
7、es, BirthdaysCulturalCivicGift - Giving RitualsThe Gift - Giving Ritual Can Be Broken Down Into the Following Three Distinct Stages:GestationGiver is Motivated ByAn Event toBuy a GiftPresentationProcess of GiftExchangeReformulationBonds Between Parties AreAdjustedHoliday RitualsThanksgivingValentine
8、s DaySecretaries DayGrandparents DayChristmasNew YearsHalloweenWhat Rituals Are Associated With the Following Holidays?Rites of PassageStage 1. SeparationDetaching From the Original GroupStage 2. LiminalityPerson is In-Between StatusesStage 3. AggregationPerson Reenters Society After Rite-of-Passage
9、 is CompleteRites of Passage Can be Construed as Being Special Times Marked by a Change in Social Status.Sacred and Profane ConsumptionSacredConsumptionProfaneConsumptionInvolves Objects and Events That Are “Set Apart” From Normal Activities, and Are Treated With Some Degree of Respect or Awe. Invol
10、ves Consumer Objects and Events That Are Ordinary, Everyday Objects and Events That Do Not Share The “Specialness” of Sacred Ones.Domains of Sacred ConsumptionSacred PlacesMay have religious or mystical significance.Others are created from the profane world and given special sacred qualities (i.e. D
11、isney World, or shopping malls)The home is a particularly scared place.Sacred PeopleMemorabilia can take on special meaning, from baseball cards to clothing the special person has touched or worn.Domains of Sacred ConsumptionSacred EventsMany consumers activities (events) have taken on special statu
12、s.Examples would include the Super Bowl, the Olympics, the World Series, even family vacations.Personal mementos from sacred events can include:Local products (i.e. wine from California).Pictorial images (i.e. post cards).“A piece of the event” such as a rock or seashell.Symbolic shorthand (i.e. a m
13、iniature Statue of Liberty).Markers (i.e. Hard Rock Cafe T-shirts).From Sacred to Profane, andBack AgainSome sacred things have e profane, and some profane things have e sacred.Desacralization occurs when a sacred item or symbol is removed from its special place or is duplicated in mass quantities, ing profane as a result.Examples: Monuments, artwork, American flag, religion.Sacralization occurs when ordinary objects, events, and even people, take on sacred meaning to a culture or to specific groups
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