1、Section 1 读写指南Learning Business Writing in English1. What is business English? Generally speaking, English can be divided into two different categories, English for General Purpose (EGP) and English for Specific Purpose (ESP). Business English is an important branch of ESP as Business English is Eng
2、lish especially related to international trade, the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. Therefore, business English has its own outstanding features in both learning and teaching. Business English focuses on vocabulary and topics used in the world of
3、 business including trade, finance, and the language and skills needed for typical business communication such as presentations, negotiations, meetings, small talks, socializing, correspondence, report writing, and so on.12. What is English for business writing?Business English is the use of the Eng
4、lish language to make profits and save costs in the process of doing business and it is one way to use English for this purpose. In some ways, all writing in English is similar, following the same basic rules, such as the rules of grammar and syntax. But business writing has only one purpose and one
5、 purpose only, making money. In ordinary writing, the meaning and significance of what is written is of primary importance; in business writing, only the result counts. Since business English is designed and used only to make profits and avoid losses, a basic principle in business English must be th
6、e clear understanding of your purpose in writing anything. And that writing is work, something you do to make money. What you write is a product or service, called a work product. This means you must bear in mind all of the time what your purpose is in constructing any written work product and how y
7、ou expect what you write and the way you write it to result in increasing income and decreasing costs. 23. How can you learn English for business writing well?To learn Business writing well and grasp the tactics in applied writing, you need to have a general idea of the layout of the whole course an
8、d then carry out a scientific way of learning step by step. First, do a careful study of the basic theory on writing; second, recite the business sayings in part two. These business sayings have been proved to be very useful in business negotiations; third, read the core words and expressions very c
9、arefully and try to find the changing forms and different meanings used in different sentences; fourth, recite the typical sentences and do your best to write in different ways; finally, be active in classroom discussion and always do your homework actively.3V. 段落写译 Paragraph Writing and Translating
10、1. 有人认为商务英语不就是些单词和句子么。这些单词和句子固然重要,但与此同时也简直是个故意的误导。实际上商务英语就是要“要通过英语这种语言的使用在生意中获利。4II. 商界名言 Business Sayings1. Money is the best passport. 金钱是最好的通行证。2. All things are difficult before they are easy. 万事先难后易。3. Rome is not built in a day. 冰冻三尺非一日之寒。4. Like author, like book. 文如其人。5. Teaching others teac
11、hes yourself. 教学相长。6. A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make him drink. 人可牵马至水边,强行饮马却艰难。5III. 核心词语Core Words and Phrases (omitted)要求课前背诵重要术语IV. 经典句式Typical Sentences (omitted)要求首先思考如何翻译?有多少不同的路径?变换词性、主语、从句会产生什么不同的效果?61. 有人认为商务英语不就是些单词和句子么。这些单词和句子固然重要,但与此同时也简直是个故意的误导。实际上商务英语就是要“要通过英语
12、这种语言的使用在生意中获利。”Some people think business English are essentially vocabulary and sentence construction. While this is important it isdeliberately misleading at the same time.Business English, in fact, is “the use of the English language to make a profit in business transactions.” 72. 一定要意识到商务写作必须尽可能
13、没有错误,单词拼写不好、用词不当还有其他语法错误都会让对方公司觉得你太粗心大意,给客户的印象也就太糟糕了。Always realize that any business writing you do must be as error-free as possible; failure to use the correct spelling, placement of words, or other grammatical mistakes may be taken by a company to imply you are careless with details, and may onl
14、y leave a bad impression on your customers.83. 写作中的“组织”是指信息呈现的顺序。一旦知道文件中需要包括哪些信息,就可决定如何组织这些信息。能够用于组织内容的普通方法是提纲撰写和头脑风暴。“Organization” in writing refers to the order in which information is presented. Once you know what information you want to include in your document, you can decide how to organize t
15、hat information. Common methods you can use to organize content are outlining and brainstorming.94. 涉及公司的商务写作主要是报告和收据之类的内部财务结算表、做报告以及提交关于改进公司管理和成本控制的提议等。Business writing for the company is mainly reports, internal financial accounting forms such as handing in receipts, submitting proposals for impro
16、ving the company management and cost control, etc.105. 可以使用备忘录、报告和信函之类的商业文书,分析它们是怎样写成的。要成为商务写作方面的专家,最基本的一条就是要分析某一具体的文书,明确各类写作的目的。You can use examples of business documents such as memos, reports and correspondence and analyze how they are written. In order to become an expert in business writing, it
17、 is essential to analyze certain specific documents and understand the purpose of each piece of writing.11VI. 讨论评估 Discussion and Assessment有人说;“实际外贸工作中并不要求英语特别好,只要会一些简单的对话和能接待客户就可以了。”你是否同意这种观点?“简单”的“简”是否等于“简洁”的“简”?下面首先参看一则商务信函的转译实例,看看翻译与写作之间有什么重要的内在联系?翻译是否可以作为实现写作目的的一个重要手段?然后,请逆向思维考虑以下一则“简短”的广告用语,看
18、看我们能否为公司撰写这样精简的英语广告?对商务英语写作有何启发?121) 示例:按贵方要求改变包装另需不少时间,港口装卸业务繁忙导致该单卸货延迟,所有货品检验又得等候数日,我们因此未能在合同的规定的日期完成交货。 13这是卖方对未能及时交货的一个合理的解释。写作时首先面临两个路径的选择,一是“我们”承担“不能及时交货”的后果,主句译成we were therefore unable to have the goods delivered within the contracted period是以“我们”为主语;二是将句子中前三个小句看成一个主语部分,视为导致“我们不能及时交货”的行为者,而不
19、是原因状语从句。运用句法规则能够有效地将各个句子成份协调组合到一起并确保整个句子的表达功能,要做到这一点就必须首先找准主语。相比之下,第二个方案显然更为可取,能够有效地避免“我们”处于首当其冲的境地,表达相对缓和,使得读者看来是前面三个客观原因才导致交货的不及时。英国翻译学专家Peter Newmark (2001)的观点值得借鉴,他认为,“最管用的步骤就是首先发现句子的逻辑主语,然后是具体的动词,最后其他成份才好各归其位。” 14根据上述第二个方案,笔者试译:Changing the packing of the products in accordance with your instru
20、ctions required a lot of time. Considerable congestion in the port delayed unloading your order. Testing and examining the cargo needed more days. These combined factors resulted in our failure to have the goods delivered within the contracted period.152) 壳牌集团公司广告语: Shell Oil: Go well. Go Shell.荷兰皇家
21、壳牌集团公司,简称壳牌公司,其组建始于1907年壳牌运输和贸易有限公司与荷兰皇家石油公司的股权合并。 16从修辞的角度看,Go well. Go Shell.使用了多种修辞手法,一是以两个Go先行的首语重复法(anaphora )兼具押头韵(alliteration)方法;二是以well 和Shell结尾的押尾韵 (rhyme)方法;三是Go well和Go Shell的双关语(pun)用法,前者含有“车辆运行好”和“进展顺利”的双重含义,后者含有“认准壳牌服务”和“购买壳牌油料”等双重含义。翻译时,本着力求再现语用风格,实现“功能对等”的原则,译为“要想行车好,快把壳牌找!” 看到这样简洁而
22、又成功表达,我们才知道商务英语写作所追求的目标。 17VII. 应用写作 Applied Writing A. How are you going to learn effective business writing? good preparation for your classes;self motivated in practice;active participation in classroom discussion;learn to motivating readers to look forward to every point you make.18B. Sample wri
23、tingHow shall I study English for Business Writing well?19After Ive got my text book before the course starts and Ill read from cover to cover and do the chapter exercises. When my class starts, I have my pen and pad ready to take notes. Take notes every class, and study all these notes every night. 20Whenever there is a chance Ill try to apply class concepts to my study and work environment. I w
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