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1、2012届高考英语书面表达专题指导与练习讲评系列 作者:秦建华 226531江苏省石庄高级中学第 PAGE 12 页 共 NUMPAGES 12 页开放作文形同于书面表达,但又不等同于书面表达,因为书面表达往往给出较为详细的提示(文字提纲式、文字+图画式、或图表式),考生在组织短文时,完全可以把这些提示当作短文提纲或线索;考生在表达时,只需沿着这条线索思维即可,考生发散思维的空间不多。而“开放作文”是一种限制相对较少、留给考生更多自由发挥空间的、考查学生书面表达能力的一种时新题型。这种题型只给出主题,也就是说只告诉你正在或将要发生什么事情,至于事情发生的过程、结果则完全由考生自己去发挥,考生的

2、思维完全可以发散。所以,考生的思路不同,写出的作文就会是千人千面。漫画式开放作文以北京高考为代表。命题形式往往围绕一幅漫画去写作。(2011北京卷)请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.随着高考改革的推进,一些自主单独命题的省份,逐年加大了书面表达的开放的力度。比如2011年高考湖南卷就是模仿北京

3、卷而出的开放程度很大的书面表达题。(2011湖南卷)假设你参加所在年级的英语写作比赛,请按如下要求完成一篇作文1.简要描述下图内容并点明主题;2.联系实际表达该图带给你的启示。 标题式开放作文以上海高考为代表(但是近年来上海试题作文的开放程度有所下降)。命题形式往往围绕一个特定的话题去写作。(2005上海卷)古人云:“天生我材必有用”(There must be a use for my talent)。 通过描述你生活中一件事,说明人各有所长,无论才能大小都能成为有用的人。随着高考改革的推进,一些自主单独命题的省份,逐年加大了书面表达的开放的力度。比如2011年高考安徽卷和湖北卷就是模仿上海

4、卷而出的开放程度很大的书面表达题。(2011安徽卷)某校英文报开辟了一个专栏:Experience。本期话题是如何解决学习中遇到的困难。请你以“My Approach to Difficulties in Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈自己的一些做法。注意:1.词数100左右;2.短文中不能出现本人相关信息。(2011湖北卷)请根据以下提示,结合你校园生活中的一个事例,就与人合作这一话题,用英语写一篇短文。Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn about team work. Teamwork shows

5、us how other peoples roles fit the purpose of the group, and it teaches to be patient and how to respond to different people.注意:无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; 除诗歌外,文体不限; 内容必须结合校园生活中的一个事例; 文中不得透漏个人姓名和学校名称; 词数为100左右。“标题式”开放作文实际上相当于汉语的命题式作文,考生只要围绕题目中所给的特定的话题说明、叙述、举例,加上谈谈自己的感想或发表自己的看法就可以了。然而,相对于“标题式”开放作文而言,“漫画式”开放作文的



8、也与流行的研究性学习、探究性学习非常一致,既迎合了当前教学潮流,又对潮流有一定的引领和推动作用。因此,考生要注意训练自己围绕图片,总结写作要点的能力。另外,看图类文章的审题难度要略大于文字类文章的审题难度,所以考生在平时的训练中应该加强对解图能力的训练。 因此,本讲注重谈谈“漫画式”开放作文的写作。描述漫画内容的基本条件是看懂漫画。要求是:审图要准,定位要清;描述时言简意赅,不可越位;要注意:不要花太多时间挖掘图画深意!因为开放作文不看重你的思想厚度,而看重你的语言质量。所谓对漫画的理解,是指围绕漫画反映的基本事实进行较为细致的解释和自己的看法、感想或人生感悟等。要求是:逻辑清晰,合情合理。根

9、据以上两个步骤,我们可以这样认为:“开放作文”只要求你做两件事情,一件是描述图画(describe the following picture),另一件是阐述你对图画解释和看法(explain how you understand it)。相应地,你只需要写两个段落,一段是“描述段”,另一段是“议论段”。 1.“描述段”的写法:第一句可以使用如下句式: In the picture, there is等。 “描述段”的功能就是传达图画中的信息,向读者交代图画内容,所以必能使用“there be”句型。另外,“描述段”的另一个功用即:为第二段的议论埋下伏笔。 2.“议论段”的写法: “议论”段的

10、首句有个固定的句式,即:In my opinion, the picture is meaningful and wonderful as well.等。如何发议论呢?所谓议论,就是根据图画信息,表达你的看法、感想。考生不必过深地挖掘图画信息,只需用简单的英文,表达平易的道理。换句话说,只要你能用正确的英文表达你的感想,便赢得了胜利。1.思路清开放式作文的答题思路与语文作文思路有一定程度的类似。在写作前,一定要先明确主题,先写什么,后写什么,突出什么,层次要分明。对于短文的脉络要一清二楚。虽然开放式作文是一篇只有50词左右的短文,但它也是一篇文章。麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。如果要求写的是一篇记述文,

11、就要按照事情发展的先后顺序来行文,事情发生的时间、地点、人物、原因、过程、结果,一个都不能少;若是要求写一篇议论文,就应该按照所议论的观点顺序来安排结构,论点、论据,一个都不能缺。2.思想正开放式作文虽然思维发散空间很大,但有一点必须注意要有明确的思想性。如果一篇文章没有了明正确的思想,那它就没有灵魂。比如有这样一篇开放式作文:One day, on your way home you saw a boy fall into a river. What did you do? 如果你写的文章结果是 I went away because I didnt know how to swim.那肯定

12、没有思想性。即使你不会游泳,但你至少可以呼救。如果你写的文章结果是 Though I didnt know how to swim, I called out for help. The boy was pulled out by a young man and I tried to save him with other people. 文章这就有了思想性,这样的文章才有意义。开放式作文要有思想性的另一方面表现在,句子要有感情色彩,即人情味。这样的文章读起来才使人感到亲切,才能完全达到与读者进行交流的目的。如:Im so glad to learn that youre coming in

13、September,这话就富有人情味;如果写成 Its said that youre coming in September, 这话就平淡无味,没有感情色彩。3.语句精尽可能使用较高级词汇和复杂语法结构使语句精练。开放作文虽然只有区区50个左右的词,但更要使用较高级词汇和复杂结构,这样更能彰显你的“英雄”本色。这样的开放作文才显得浑然一体,一气呵成。所以,同学们在书写开放式作文时,一定要尽可能多地使用过渡词、分词短语、插入语,灵活运用诸如倒装句、强调句、主从复合句等,使句子显得丰富多彩,表现出熟练驾驭英语语言的高超能力。请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。 In an English

14、 speech competition, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it. 该题的写作要求非常明确:一是描述漫画内容;二是你如何理解漫画内容。本篇作文考查考生的能力主要有两个:一是审图,抓住图片内容的实质的能力;二是准确的语言表达能力,慎选英语表达思想与想法。针对本题,首先要认真阅读文字材料,抓住文字信息“describe the following picture,how you understand the picture ”, 即

15、首先要审清题意;其次仔细审读并描述图片材料;再次阐明图片内容实质;最后发表个人看法。也就是说,解答本题可以按如下步骤进行操作:简述图片内容;点明图片实质;发表个人看法。当然行文时还要切记:内容要点要齐全,表达方式可以灵活多变。从漫画中我们可以看出:圆规画圆游刃有余、轻松惬意而铅笔划线划得满头是汗、举步维艰。上述要点要做到准确表述,也并非易事。所以要用不同表达方法(特别要根据自己的实际水平)来进行。1.从漫画中我们可以看出 = 1 * GB3 As is shown in the picture, = 2 * GB3 The picture shows us that = 3 * GB3 We

16、can see from the picture that 2.圆规画圆游刃有余、轻松惬意而铅笔划线划得满头是汗、举步维艰。 = 1 * GB3 A pair of compasses are proud of drawing a circle with great ease, while a pencil are burdened with drawing a line. = 2 * GB3 It is easy for a pair of compasses to draw a circle, so it is proud and comfortable. However, it is d

17、ifficult for a pencil to draw a line, so it is sweating all over. = 3 * GB3 It is easy for a pair of compasses to draw a circle, of which it is proud while it is so difficult for a pencil to draw a line that it is sweating all over.把上述的描述连句成段:As is shown in the picture, a pair of compasses are proud

18、 of drawing a circle with great ease, while a pencil are burdened with drawing a line. We can figure out something meaningful from the picture.从我们对漫画的内容描述中看,我们应该不难看出这样的道理:圆规和铅笔用途不同,各有所长,各有所短。From the picture, we can see the difference clearly between the compasses and the pencil due to their differe

19、nt application. The compasses have every reason to feel superior in drawing a circle because they are designed to do so. But if the compasses are used to draw a line, the pencil may have the same feeling. Therefore, a conclusion can be easily drawn: both of them have their own advantages. From what

20、the picture shows us, we can draw a conclusion that compasses and pencils have their own advantages but disadvantages. Each of them have different functions of its own. Compasses are good at drawing a circle and pencils do well in drawing a line. From the picture, difference can be seen clearly betw

21、een the compasses and the pencil due to their different application. The compasses have every reason to feel superior in drawing a circle because they are designed to do so. But if the compasses are used to draw a line, the pencil may have the same feeling. As a result, a conclusion can be easily dr

22、awn: both of them have their own advantages. To begin with, difference can be seen clearly between the compasses and the pencil due to their different application. The compasses have every reason to feel superior in drawing a circle because they are designed to do so. But if the compasses are used t

23、o draw a line, the pencil may have the same feeling. As a result, a conclusion can be easily drawn: both of them have their own advantages. So dont lose yourself in your life.发表个人看法:尺有所短寸有所长,和谐社会要求人们怀有容人之雅量。注意:这里的个人看法必须是从图片所展示或内涵的问题中抽象、总结出的做人做事的普遍规律,而不能脱离文本,任意发挥!该题图片所展现的主要问题是“圆规与铅笔各有特点,各有所长”,由此可以推出:

24、我们既要扬己之长,又要敬人之长!So dont lose yourself in your life. From my point of view, we should be aware of our strengths and weaknesses, and show due respect to everyone, for no one is perfect in this world.In my opinion, although we have our own advantages ,we should not turn a deaf to others disadvantages.

25、We ought to learn from each other to make up our weaknesses. From my point of view, we should be aware of our strengths and weaknesses and never show due respect to everyone, for no one is perfect in this world.参考范文From the picture I can see a pair of proud compasses and a hard-working pencil. The c

26、ompasses are big, drawing a circle with ease, while the pencil is small, drawing a line with great effort. I think the compasses are reasonable to be proud because no one else can do the job better. At the same time, however, he should realize the pencil has his own advantages. The pencil can do oth

27、er shapes better than the compasses, even pictures. So in my opinion, while we are confident in ourselves, we should recognize strengths in others and show due respect for them.【范文点评】范文首先用两个句子对图画进行了描述。然后从圆规(compasses) 和pencil的特点和各自应怎样看待对方的态度升华到作者对做人做事的深刻理解。范文中注重对比手法的运用使描述生动形象:proudhard-working;bigsm

28、all;with easewith great effort;比较级句型“because no one else can do the job better. The pencil can do other shapes better than the compasses, even pictures.”的运用更是增加了说理的力度。全文六句只用了一个简单句,其余五句均用了复合句,这说明命题者对于复合句的运用情有独钟,同时对考生提出了更高的写作要求。另外两处while的使用又是神来之笔:第一个while表示“对比”,第二个while表示“让步”。假设你参加所在年级的英文写作比赛,请按如下要求完成

29、一篇短文:1.简要描述下图的内容,并点明主题;2.联系实际,谈谈出现此现象的原因及解决办法。注意:1.词数不少于120个;2.不能使用真实姓名和学校。提示词:蜗牛snail 从漫画中两只蜗牛中一只所说的话“Look! They are moving more slowly than us”可以看出两只蜗牛在开玩笑来取笑路上拥挤的汽车比它们还要跑得慢。由此我们可以推断:交通拥挤问题的严重性。From the picture we can see two snails are joking about the cars on the crowded roads. This humorous pic

30、ture isnt just to amuse us. It actually shows us one of the most serious problems. As we all know, the issue of heavy traffic has long been a problem.In the picture, there are two snails playing a joke about the cars on the crowded roads. How slowly they are moving. The picture conveys us the messag

31、e that heavy traffic is a serious problem.In the picture, two snails are playing a joke about the cars on the crowded roads. They are moving so slowly that we cant help thinking of the seriousness of heavy traffic.From the picture we can see two snails are joking about the cars which are moving very

32、 slowly on the crowded roads. This humorous picture isnt just to amuse us but actually shows us one of the most serious problems. That is, heavy traffic is a serious problem. 分析现象产生的原因可以从下列考生比较熟悉的几个方面来考虑:随着经济的发展,私家车的增加;随着汽车的增加和城市人口的增加,一些道路等交通设施仍然没有得到改善;行人交通意识的淡薄等等。But why does this happen? I think s

33、everal factors contribute to this phenomenon. Firstly, with the rapid development of our countrys economy, more and more cars are coming into common families, which causes serious traffic jams. Secondly, with a large number of population and numbers of cars increasing, although the government puts a

34、 large amount of money on building or repairing roads every year, the quality of the roads is not satisfactory. Whats worse, some public transportation still remain unimproved. Thirdly, some people are unaware of the importance of obeying traffic regulations, so its not uncommon to see accidents blo

35、cking traffic.There are many causes for this problem, but the following may be the most important ones. The first cause is the great increase in the number of private cars. Cars take up more space but they carry fewer people. The second cause is the slow and inefficient construction and improvement

36、of the roads and streets. With a large population and numbers of cars increasing, some roads still remain unimproved. The last cause is the insufficient management of the traffic system and some peoples lack of awareness of traffic regulations, which is an obstacle to the flow of traffic.Firstly, th

37、e number of private cars keeps growing every day. Secondly, with a large number of population and numbers of cars increasing, some roads still remain unimproved. Thirdly, some peoples lack of awareness of traffic regulation also results in traffic jam. 紧紧围绕所分析的原因(不要面面俱到,可以选取其中一两个原因)提出解决问题的看法。Persona

38、lly, I think that rather than promote private cars, its better to improve the public transportation system with scientific road design and proper management. More importantly, never can traffic jams be eased without self-disciplined citizens.In my opinion, the number of private cars should be put un

39、der control. And at the same time, buses should have their own special routes which cannot be used by other vehicles. Besides, underground train and city train should be developed quickly.To solve the problem, some pieces of advice are put forward. I suggest that more streets and roads should be bui

40、lt. Besides, we should take some measures to limit the number of cars. This can decrease the traffic flow.In my opinion, the number of private cars should be put under control. Meanwhile, the government should take some measures to improve some public transportation. Whats more, people must obey tra

41、ffic regulations strictly. For example, pedestrians dont cross the streets until the traffic lights are for them.参考范文From the picture we can see two snails are joking about the cars on the crowded roads. This humorous picture isnt just to amuse us. It actually shows us one of the most serious proble

42、ms. As we all know, the issue of heavy traffic has long been a problem.But why does this happen? I think several factors contribute to this phenomenon. Firstly, the number of private cars keeps growing every day. Secondly, with a large number of population and numbers of cars increasing, some roads still remain unimproved. Thirdly, some peoples lack of awareness of traffic regulation also results in traffic jam, for example, many


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