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1、PAGE PAGE 12Unit 4Pygmalion重点单词分类识记单词 eq avs4al(用时少功效高) 核心单词记全记牢用准用活1.professor n.教授2hesitate vi. 犹豫;踌躇3wallet n. 皮夹;钱包4remark n. 谈论;言论;评述vt.&vi. 谈论;评论;说起5properly adv. 适当地;恰当地6handful n. 一把;少量7shabby adj. 破旧的;寒酸的8overlook vt. 俯视;忽视;不理会9compromise n&vi. 妥协;折衷10condemn vi. 谴责;使注定11betray vt. 显露出(本来面目

2、);背叛12fade vi. 逐渐消失13classify vt. 把分类;把归类14acquaintance n. 相识;了解;熟人 品句填词1Friends are not books,yet books are friends.Friends may betray (背叛)you,while books are always loyal.2The two sides havent reached a compromise(妥协)and they are in need of more time to think about the situation.3He never hesitate

3、s(犹豫)to help those in trouble because he is a kindhearted man.4We can classify(把分类)waste and make full use of some leftovers,by which we can recycle waste.5However,mental health is easy to be_overlooked(overlook),which can result in serious mental diseases.6The curtains I bought many years ago in th

4、e supermarket have faded(fade)in the sun.拓展单词1.disgusting adj.使人反感的;令人厌恶的disgust vt.使厌恶,使反感2horrible adj.可怕的;恐怖的horror n恐怖3mistaken adj.(见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的mistake n&v.错误,误会4fortune n机会;运气;大笔的钱fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地5rob vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺robber n抢劫者;盗贼robbery n抢劫(行为)6adaptation n适应(性);改编本adapt v改

5、编,(使)适应7classic adj.经典的;第一流的 n经典著作class n班级;阶级;等级classical adj.古典的;经典的8comfort n舒适;安慰vt.安慰comfortable adj.舒服的;舒适的uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不安的uncomfortably adv.不舒服地;不自在地9amazement n惊讶;惊愕amaze vt.使吃惊amazed adj.吃惊的amazing adj.令人吃惊的10musical adj.音乐的;喜爱音乐的 n音乐喜剧music n音乐musician n音乐家 用所给词的适当形式填空1Mike likes

6、 music very much.There were many musical instruments in his room.When he was young,he wanted to be a famous musician(music)2Jane was robbed of her diamond ring the other day and the robber was caught by the police very soon.(rob)3Her house is modern and comfortably furnished,but she always feels sli

7、ghtly uncomfortable the moment she comes in.(comfortable)4Tom is often fortunateLast year he went to Shanghai to try his fortuneFortunately,he met his girlfriend and got married there.(fortune)5Yesterday an old woman mistook me for her daughter.That means I was mistaken for her daughter.In fact she

8、often makes the same mistake(mistake)6Three of his novels have been adapted for TV and this is a screen adaptation(adapt)7To my amazement,_the amazing news amazed the family but their neighbors were not amazed at all.(amaze)阅读单词1.plot n.情节;阴谋2handkerchief n. 手帕;手绢;纸巾3ambassador n. 大使;使节4cookie n. 饼干

9、5nail n. 指甲;钉子6whistle vi. 吹口哨;发出汽笛声n. 口哨声;汽笛声 7.sob vi.啜泣;抽噎n. 啜泣(声);抽噎(声)8status n. 身份;地位;职位9waist n. 腰;腰部;腰围10alphabet n 字母表11fateful adj. 重要的;决定性的;命中注定的12referee n. 裁判员;仲裁者 13.outcome n.结果;效果14brilliant adj. 光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的15upper adj. (位置或地位)较高的;级别较高的16extraordinary adj. 不同寻常的;非凡的17disapprove v

10、t.&vi. 不赞成;反对;认为不好18superior adj. 优秀的;较高的;上级的n. 上级;长官 单元主题语块背诵 eq avs4al(人与社会之文学作品) 1fairy tale童话2classical literature 古典文学3detective story 侦探小说4fantasy literature 奇幻文学5modern American literature 美国当代文学6works appreciation 作品鉴赏7beyond comparison 无可比拟8be based on 以为基础9be set in 以为背景10background knowle

11、dge 背景知识11give a vivid description of 给予生动的描述12leading character 主角hesitate vi.犹豫; 踌躇 eq x(先练会) 单句语法填空He hesitated(hesitate)for a moment before kicking the ball;otherwise he would have scored a goal.(2020天津卷)Most of us meet new people,and new ideas,with hesitation(hesitate). eq x(再写美) 一句多译如果你有问题,一定要

12、毫不犹豫地向我们求助。If you have questions,dont_hesitate_to_turn_to us for help.If you have questions,do turn to us for help without_hesitation(1)hesitate to do sth.迟疑做某事hesitate about/in/at/over(doing)sth. (做)某事犹豫不决 (2)hesitation n. 踌躇; 犹豫without hesitation 毫不犹豫 eq o(地,sdo4(,) Should you need any other thing

13、s,please do not hesitate to tell us.如果你还需要什么,请毫不犹豫地告诉我们。remark n谈论;言论;评述vt.& vi.谈论;评论;说起 eq x(先练会) 单句语法填空Miss Li remarked on/upon some students cheating in exams,whose words left a deep impression on us.(2018北京卷)All of this makes the actions of the homeless Tom Smith even more remarkable(remark). eq

14、 x(再写美) 微写作期望所有的学生都要发表评论,表达他们对这部电影的看法。(2018全国卷满分作文)All the students are expected to make_remarks_and_express_their_views_about_the_film(1)make a remark on/about 就发表意见;对评头论足(2)remark on/upon 对发表评论/看法(3)remarkable adj. 非凡的;显著 eq o(的,sdo4(,) I am cautious about what I say because careless remarks are l

15、ikely to hurt others feelings.我总是小心我说的话,因为粗心的评论有可能伤害他人的感情。acquaintance n相识;了解;熟人 eq x(先练会) 单句语法填空He has some acquaintance with German,but doesnt speak it fluently.It was at that party that I first made his acquaintance,since then he and I have become good friends. eq x(再写美) 词汇/句式升级I am familiar with

16、 Chinese painting and it enable me to do the job well.(2019全国卷满分作文)I have_some_acquaintance_with Chinese painting,enabling_me_to_do_the_job_well(分词作状语)(1) eq blcrc(avs4alco1(make ones acquaintance,make the acquaintance of sb. ) 结识某人have an/some acquaintance with 对有一定了解(2)acquaint v. 使熟悉,使了解be acquai

17、nted with 熟悉;认识/了解 eq o(,sdo4(,) Secondly,I can make the acquaintance of people who share the same interest through this activity.其次,通过这一次活动我可以结识志趣相同的人。fortune n机会;运气;财产;大笔的钱 eq x(先练会) 补全句子/单句语法填空In China,children are given money in a red envelope to bring_good_fortune(带来好运)in the New Year.(2019天津卷)

18、Most of his adult life has been a losing struggle against debt and misfortune(fortune). eq x(再写美) 词汇升级Now there are many young people in our society dreaming of making a lot of money without hard work.Now there are many young people in our society dreaming of making_a_fortune without hard work.(1)se

19、ek/try ones fortune找出路/碰运气make a fortune 发财;赚钱(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的;侥幸的(lucky)be fortunate to do sth. 有幸做某事(3)fortunately adv. 幸运地(luckily eq o(),sdo4(,) The rest of the apartment had fortunately remained unaltered since that time.从那时起公寓的其余部分就幸运地未曾改变过。compromise n妥协; 和解; 折衷 v妥协; 让步; 违背; 放弃 eq x(先练会)

20、 单句语法填空Sometimes,its necessary to compromise with your friends when you want to keep the friendship.It is really important for parents to reach a compromise between what they want and what their children desire. eq x(再写美) 微写作经过激烈的讨论,最终他们就这个问题的解决方法达成妥协。After a heated discussion,they finally compromis

21、ed_on_the_solution_to_the_problem(1)reach/come to a compromise和解;达成一种妥协make a compromise with 与妥协(2)compromise with sb. 与某人和解compromise on sth. 就某事折 eq o(衷,sdo4(,) He did not compromise easily,but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause.虽然他不容易妥协,但是为了值得奋斗的事业愿意接受任何建议性的意见。单词三维练

22、 eq avs4al(多维度练技能) eq avs4al(词性转换) 用所给词的正确形式填空,注意特殊词形变换1(2020江苏卷) Somehow,the container the teacher gave Wilson to heat mistakenly(mistake)held something more volatile(易挥发的)than water.2(2019全国卷)In an online class,developing healthy patterns of communication with professors(professor)is very importan

23、t.3(2019全国卷)Im glad to tell you that a Chinese classical(class)music concert will be held in the music hall of our school on November 8th.4Some people believe that students should be allowed to take mobile phones to school as long as they use them properly(proper).5(2018全国卷)Fortunately(fortune),afte

24、r a brief stay in hospital,Ben was well enough to be allowed to leave and later the family met up for dinner. eq avs4al(动词形式变化) 用所给动词的正确形式填空,注意不规则动词的形式变化1Though robbed(rob)last night,he didnt have much money on him then.2Librarians spend a lot of time classifying(classify)the books into several part

25、s.3I had_mistaken(mistake)the cautious man for someone else before he realized. eq avs4al(固定用法和搭配) 在空白处填入1个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式1(2019北京卷)If a student gets hungry on the long drives to and from school,Wilson never hesitates to_buy(buy)them a meal.2Helen was chosen for the job because she was far superior

26、to any other candidate.3As far as Im concerned,lack of competence condemned him to_lose(lose)his job.4To all of you,fresh students,how to adapt yourselves(you)to the new environment is the first thing that you have to face.短语和句式语境记忆短语 eq avs4al(不枯燥兴趣高) 记全记牢用准用活1.pass.off_as.(把某人)改变或冒充成2make_ones_acq

27、uaintance 结识;与相见3generally_speaking 一般来说4in_terms_of. 就来说;从角度5rob_sb.of_sth. 抢劫某人某物6once_more 再一次7in_need_of 需要8fade_out (声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡9show_in/out 领进来/出去10in_disguise 伪装;假扮 选用左栏短语填空1Having waited outside for nearly an hour,we were showed_in the big hall.2The two sides did not agree on the subject f

28、or the first time,so today they will sit down once_more to have a discussion.3Generally_speaking,those who pay attention to physical exercise are in good health.4In_terms_of study and health,we should develop a healthy lifestyle.5My memory of the happy days we spent together will never fade_out as t

29、ime goes by.仿写用活句式 eq avs4al(造佳句表达高) 单元句式会写1句式:be of抽象名词教材:Will that be_of_any_use_to_you?那对你有用吗?2句式:What if.?“如果将会怎么样?”教材:What_if_I_was?如果我是,又怎么样呢?3句式:形容词短语作状语教材:Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep_in_conversation亨利希金斯与皮克林上校正坐在那儿进行深入的交谈。4句式:状语从句的省略教材:While_watching,he makes notes.他

30、一边观察,一边做记录。 单元主题佳句背诵文学作品1There is no doubt that the protection of classic literature is of great importance.毫无疑问保护经典文学至关重要。2The plot of the play is not hard to understand.这个戏剧的情节不难理解。3Peking opera,which is distinguished as the essence of Chinese culture,has a long history.京剧,被誉为中国文化的精髓,有着悠久的历史。4Rega

31、rded as one of the four classics in Chinese literature,the book possesses great wisdom and the essence of the Chinese language,which makes it worthwhile to read.作为中国文学的四大名著之一,这本书包含巨大的智慧和中国语言的精髓,值得一读。in terms of.就来说;从角度 eq x(先练会) 单句语法填空/补全句子Learning is not always easy,but it is beneficial to us in th

32、e long term/run.As far as Im concerned,ones success cannot always be_measured_in_terms_of_money(金钱来衡量). eq x(再写美) 微写作从展示我们独特文化的角度,我们最好穿校服。(2019江苏卷满分作文)We had better wear our school uniforms in_terms_of_showing_our_unique_culture(1)come to terms with达成协议,和好be on good/terms 关系良好be on bad terms 关系不好(2)

33、in the long term/run 就长远而言in the short term/run 就短期而 eq o(言,sdo4(,) To keep up good relationships with your teachers and classmates,you should learn to be on good terms with them.为了保持与老师和同学之间的良好关系,你应该学会与他们好好相处。 show.in带或领进来 eq x(先练会) 用适当的介、副词填空Young people should often learn from others instead of s

34、howing offPlease show the guests in and twenty minutes later show them around our factory. eq x(再写美) 微写作顺便说一下,我们的音乐老师和外籍老师将按计划上台表演。(2019全国卷)By the way,our music teacher and foreign teachers are scheduled to_show_up_on_the_stageshow.out带或领出去show off 炫耀;展示show up 出现;来到某处show sb.around/round 领某人参 eq o(

35、观,sdo4(,) If you come to Hangzhou this weekend,Ill be very glad to show you around/round our beautiful city then.如果你这个周末来杭州,我很乐意带你参观我们美丽的城市。句型公式:be of抽象名词(教材P29)Will that be of any use to you?那对你有用吗? eq x(先练会) 补全句子Im writing to recommend a dictionary to you,which_I_think_is_of_great_use_to_you(我认为对你

36、很有用).Generally speaking,the products of_high_quality(高质量)or famous brands are popular with people. eq x(再写美) 一句多译我认为这是一个很好的机会,它对我在很多方面都非常有益。(2018浙江卷写作)I treasure this as a good chance and it is_of_great_benefit_to_me in many ways. I treasure this as a good chance and it is_very_beneficial_to_me in m

37、any ways.“be of抽象名词”结构,名词通常是use,importance,help,value,interest,benefit等,该结构相当于“be名词所对应的形容词”,这类名词前可用no,some,any,little,much,great等对其进行修饰 eq o(。,sdo4(,) I know you show great interest in pingpong,which is regarded as the National Ball of China and of great value in sports field in our country.(2017全国卷

38、书面表达)我知道你对乒乓球很感兴趣,它被认为是中国的国球,在我们国家体育领域非常重要。句型公式:What if.?如果将会怎样?(教材P29)What if I was?如果我是,又怎么样呢? eq x(先练会) 单句语法填空What if there is a wonderful football match on Saturday nights?If she spent five years in Paris,how come her French is so bad?Im afraid its too expensive.So what?We have plenty of money.

39、eq x(再写美) 微写作要是他不陪你去北京怎么办呢? What_if_he_doesnt_accompany_you_to Beijing?What if.?如果将会怎样?How come.? 怎么会这样?How/What about.? 怎么样?So what? 那又怎样?Why not do sth.? 为什么不做某事呢 eq o(?,sdo4(,) What if this problem has to be solved in the next half hour?在接下来的半小时里,如果这个问题必须被解决会怎样?短语句式二维练 eq avs4al(多维度练技能) eq avs4al

40、(固定搭配和句式) 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式1Putting ourselves in their shoes is of great importance when we have conflicts with friends.2The problem of the widening gap between the rich and the poor,if not properly handled(handle),can result in many serious social tensions.3After finishing the task,the worke

41、rs all went back home,happy but tired(tire).4There were three professors in the room,who were deep in thought. eq avs4al(补全句子/一句多译/句式升级) 1在我看来,我们学生养成良好的学习习惯是非常重要的。In my opinion,developing a good learning habit is of_great_importance for us students.2一旦被录用,我将全心全意为你服务。(2019全国卷满分作文)Once_I_am_hired,Ill

42、serve you heart and soul.Once_hired,Ill serve you heart and soul.3In a word,we have no such a magic watch,so our life will not become more convenient.In a word,if_we_had such a magic watch,our_life_would become more convenient.(虚拟语气)4If you are willing to study in China,get in touch with me and I wi

43、ll help you whenever you need me.If you are willing to study in China,get in touch with me and I will help you whenever you are_in_need_of me. eq avs4al(阅读完形提分练词义理解) 维度1生词生义1(2020全国卷七选五)Studies show that friendlier communication leads to a happier workplace,and emoji(表情符号)can contribute directly to that positive outcome.n.结果2(2019浙江卷阅读A)Zachariah Fike has an unusual hobby.


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