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1、.PAGE . 中国股市噪音交易研究20世纪80年代以来,以资本资产定价模型CAPM和有效市场假说EMH为代表的标准金融理论面临着理论与实践上的重大挑战,随着认知心理学中个体行为偏差的研究引入金融经济学以及信息经济学的开展,行为金融学派应运而生并不断地开展壮大。与标准金融理论不同的是,行为金融学建立在有限理性和有限套利两个假设根底之上,构建了一套能够正确反映投资者实际决策行为和市场运行状况的描述性模型来讨论投资者实际上是如何决策的,证券市场上的价格是如何确定的,因而对于证券市场的异常现象具有更强的解释力。行为金融学的开展大体上遵循两条路线,一是研究行为心理学在金融市场上的直接运用;二是研究非理

2、性行为对市场总体行为的影响,在这一方面最主要的就是噪音交易理论。作为一个兼具新兴和转轨双重特征的资本市场,中国股市具有典型的非有效和非理性特征,大量与公司根本面无关的信息主导着市场。许多研究者通过大量的实证分析证明中国股市投资者普遍存在着 “代表性偏差、“羊群效应、“追涨杀跌等表现特点;除了投资者行为存在偏差之外,上市公司、中介机构甚至于政府的行为也都不同程度地存在着非理性的偏差,这些微观主体的行为会对投资者行为结果产生重要的影响。这些现象说明,在中国股市上与根本面无关的噪音泛滥,噪音交易主导市场,其结果是股价形成机制扭曲,股市波动幅度增大,股市效率降低,股市泡沫膨胀,股市风险积聚。基于寻求股










12、。本文认为制度在金融市场中是规投资者行为的约束条件,这些约束条件肯定会对投资者认知和行为产生种种影响。中国股市既不可防止地存在新兴市场所固有的制度缺陷,同时也处于制度转型的时期,制度缺陷和制度转型的双重约束通过改变信息的排列方式和信息呈现的背景使投资者产生错觉,进一步加深了投资者系统的认知和行为偏差,形成制度性噪音,成为噪音交易形成的深层来源。关键词:噪音交易噪音交易者风险 有限理性 行为偏差 制度约束 Research of Noise Trade in China Stock MarketSpecialty: Political EconomicsDoctor Candidate: Jia

13、 Nan Director:Professor Zhang HongweiAbstract:Standard finance theory with represent of the Capital Asset Pricing Model and Efficient Market Hypothesis has been faced with challenges both on theoretical and empiricalevidence since the 80s of 20 century. With the research of individual behavioral bia

14、s of perceive psychology being introduced in finance economics and the development of information economics, behavioral finance school had been developing and e*panding constantly. In contrast to standard finance theory, behavioral finance has been founded on two hypotheses of bounded rationality an

15、d bounded arbitrage. Behavioral finance constructed a series of descriptive models which can accurately reflect the real decision-making action of investors, the status of markets circulation and how the prices in securities markets have been determined. As a result, behavioral finance has been prov

16、ided with more strong power to e*plain the abnormal phenomena in securities markets. The development of behavioral finance follows two paths in principle, one is direct application of behavioral psychology in the financial market, and the other is research of irrational behaviors influencing the who

17、le market behavior, in which the most primary work is Noise Trade Theory.As a capital market with burgeon and shunt characteristics, stock market in China has typically inefficient and irrational characteristics, and a great deal of information which are irrelevant to pany fundamental dominate the m

18、arket. Through a mass of empirical analyses, many researchers have proved the traits such as “representation bias, “herding effect, “buy high-sell low can be founded in the investors in Chinas stock market. E*cept the bias in investors behavior, the behavior of listed panies, intermediary institutio

19、ns and even government have irrational bias in deferent e*tent all together. The behavior of those micro-subjects will produce important influence to investors behavior result. All the phenomena indicate that there are inundant noise which are irrelevant to fundamental in the stock market of China.

20、The results of noise trades dominating market are distortion of stock price forming mechanism, the e*cess volatility of asset price, the inefficient market, the e*pansion of bubbles and the accumulation of risks in stock market.Based on the purpose of seeking contradiction springhead of stock market

21、s development, understanding profoundly the function orientation and circulating mechanism of stock market, keeping away financial risks and crises, and driving the market to develop and perfect, the thesis is a formalinvestigation on the noise trading in stock market of China. We review the related

22、finance literature and then analyze the e*hibition, the forming mechanism, the effects and the rectificatory measures of noise trading. E*cept the introduction, the paper can be divided into 7 chapters.Chapter 1 advances the theory basic of noise trade research. In this chapter, we review the releva

23、nt theory of Mar*ism and behavioral finance first, and then give an analysis frame of stock markets noise trading. We define the signification of noise, noise trade, noise trader, and noise trader risk in the Noise Trade Theory one by one. We analyses the twoness of noise trading as well as the accr

24、ual and e*ist mechanism of noise trader. Afterward, as the jumping-off point of our research, we classify scientifically and discuss amply the causation of noise trade.Chapter 2 analyses the special e*hibition of noise trade in stock market of China. Starting with the situation of stock market, we c

25、ollect the idiographic data to e*plain the active degree of noise trade from the particular types and the statistic characters. We use the Behavior Asset Pricing Model to test the active degree of noise trading in Chinas stock market. We also discuss the actuality of noise trader in the aspect of th

26、eir special posing and survival status, with which we show the necessary of research on noise trade.Chapter 3 analyses the inside mechanism of noise trade formation in stock market of China, that is behavioral bias of market participant subjects. The bounded rationality of participators leads to the

27、ir cognitive and behavioral bias such as heuristic bias and frame dependence bias, and this is the most direct reason causing noise trade. Considering the stock market of our country, those behavioral biases represent concretely as herding behaviors, inside trade, market manipulation, e*cess specula

28、tion and short-term behavior of investors; e*cess financing, merger & acquisition, related transactions, information disclosure and dividend distribution of listed panies; besides, the bias of intermediary institutions and government is also the important source of noise trade.Chapter 4 discusses fu

29、rther the outside mechanism of noise trade formation in stock market of China, which is the restriction of market system. System is the restrict conditions of criterion investors behavior in the financial market, which will influence the investors cognition and behavior affirmatively. In this chapte

30、r, we analyze system arrangements increase and deepen the cognitive and behavioral bias of investors by affecting the mode of information array and the background of information presentation, and then lead to the occurrence of institution noise. During the course of shunt, the main system restricts

31、in Chinas stock market include the system of market segmentation, Split Share Structure, the lack of sell short, information disclosure, imperfect delisting and market opening.Chapter 5 and chapter 6 research the negative influences of noise trading in stock market. Because the influence of noise tr

32、ade embodies on the stock price firstly, chapter 5 analyze the noise trades effect of stock price mechanism. We analyze the forming mechanism and the e*cess volatility of stock prices on the base of noise trade theoretically, and then use econometrics method and affair analysis method to test the ph

33、enomena of IPO and closed-fund underpricing as well as the e*cess volatility e*isting in Chinas stock market.Chapter 6 mainly discusses the noise trades deep influence of stock markets efficiency. The e*cessively active noise trades induce the market inefficiency, the e*pansion of irrational bubbles

34、, and also form a new market riskrisk based on investors behavior. All those negative effect may weaken greatly the efficiency of stock market, which we verify both on the theoretical and empirical aspects.Chapter 7 advances the conclusion of this paper and the rectification policies of noise tradin

35、g. We indicate that persistent system innovation, the cultivation of rational market subjects and the criterion of government supervision behavior should be act as the important measures of rectifying noise trade. Among the rest, protection of investors benefits should be put in the important status

36、 all along.The conclusion of this thesis concentrates on the follow aspects. First, this paper gives more prehensive understanding and newer annotation of the basic definition of noise, noise trade, noise trader and their characters. We think noise is the distorted or illusive information or non-inf

37、ormation which cannot reflect the securities fundamental and lead the market prices deflect from the intrinsic value in different e*tent. Noise trade means all the trades that lead the securities price deflecting from their intrinsic value. The borderline between noise trader and information trader

38、is fuzzy and changeable usually. The investor may be an information trader when he trades on information while a noise trader when he trades on noise.Secondly, this paper classifies scientifically the general reasons causing noise trading into 4 categories, including behavioral bias, asymmetric info

39、rmation, principal- agent relationship and market manipulation. We think the general reasons causing noise trade mainly consist in the bias between the value judgment and trade decision leading by bounded rationality of market participants and rational trade behavior, asymmetric information or finit

40、y of information disposing ability, the deviation of objective function between deputies and clients conducing by principal- agent relationship, and the market manipulators produce noise trade initiatively making use of the irrational behavior of noise trader in order to implement the purpose of manipulation.Thirdly, this paper classifies the noise trade into systematic noise trade and nonsystematic noise trade. We think systematic noise trade means the noise trade which e*is


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