1、20032004 学年第二学期儿科学试卷(B) 2005.1(01 级临床医学专业(10)班、法医班、01 级临床医学专业(1 班)1.A.B.C.D.E.2.A.B.C.D.E.3.During fetal life, the ear IgMIgD IgG IgA IgEThe range of serum natrium 120140mmol/L 130160mmol/L 140160mmol/L 140150mmol/L 130150mmol/LA boy, one year old ,withst synthesized immunoglobin isconcentration ini
2、sonatremic dehydration should behigh fever 6 days, listleess, frequent cough,paroxysmal respiratory distress . Physical examination: nares flaring, markedinspiratory retractions, dullness at both lowergs, decreased breath sounds,small amount of fine moist rale through bothgs. The white blood count w
3、as9.0109/L, the chest x-ray showed bilaterally patchy shadow of density. The mostlikely diagnosis is:A.B.C.D.E.staphylococcal poniarespiratory syncytialponiaadenoponia oniaoniamycoplasma pponcoccusp4. Which is main difference betn dehydration of severe degree and moderate degree?A.B.C.D.E.5.inpoor s
4、kin resiorbit pittingncyoliguria or anuria metabolic acidosisperipheral circulatory failureA pre-term baby of one monnd two days old, gesional age 35ks, bornwer, breast feeding, weight is increasing from 2.0kg to 3.0kg. Now whichsupplementary food is added to atand why?A.B.C.D.E.6.A.B.C.D.E.rice-wat
5、er, for supplemenvegetable soup,for supplemenion of energyion of mineral substanrice-paste,forsupplemenionof energycod livercod liver What timeoil,oil,for supplemenfor supplemenionionof Vitof Vit breastA Dfeeding baby?is better for weaning in4-5 months of age6-9 months of age10-12 months13-15 months
6、18 months ofof age of ageage7.The ratio of Calcium and Phosphorusin breast-milk isA.B.C.D.E.8.A.B.C.D.E.9.A.B.C.D.E.1:21.5:12:11.2:11.5:2What is the most important clinical ProteinuriaEdema HypertenHypoalbuminemia HypercholesteolemiaVery low birth-weight infant is the 2500g2000g1500g1000g800gfeature
7、 of nephritic syndrome?newborn whose birth weight is lessn10. The major manifesion of Tuberculous meningitis in children isA.B.C.D.E.A tense anterior fontaneal ConvulStuporCranial nerve palsies Mood changes11. If the mothers Rh blood type is CcDdee and the fetus is CcDdEe, thenpatibility should beRh
8、A.B.C.D.E.Cc D Eeantigen antigen antigen antigenantigen12. DTP (Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine), Primary immunization shouldtakenbeA.B.C.D.E.Just Once Once OnceOnceone timea a aamonth, two timesmonth, three timesk,k,two times three timesweight lower of a normal newborn will be recovered in13
9、. PhysiologicA.B.C.D.E.13days 35 days 57 days 710 days1014 days14. A healthy boy, one year and six months old, how much energy and water shouldhe require everyday ?energy(kj) (100(110(100(100(150/kg water(ml) /kgA.B.C.D.E.418460418418925kcal) kcal) kcal) kcal)kcal)10010011012515015. An infant, weigh
10、t 7 kg, length 65 cm,head circumference 42 cm, the infant shouldbeA.B.C.D.E.56789months months months monthsmonthsold old old oldold16. If a staphylococcal ponia patient suddenly breath difficultly, we shouldconsidert is because :A.B.C.D.E.high feveracidosisponia developedpyopnemothoraxheart failure
11、17. Which one is the most common type of TB in childrenA.B.C.D.E.Primary pulmonary tuberculosis Miliary tuberculosis Tuberculosis meningitis Tubeculosis of abdomenTuberculous pleurisy18. Which one is the cyanotic type of congenital heart diseaseA.B.C.D.E.ventricular septal defectatrial septal tetral
12、ogy oPatent ductusdefect llotarteriosuspulmonary stenosis19. The major manifestions of acute glomerulonephritis areA.B.C.D.E.hyperten, hematuria, proteinuriaproteinuria, hypertenedema, hyperten, hematuriahyperten, hematuria hematuria, hypercholesteolemiaoliguria,oliguria,edema,edema,20. PPDrespounds
13、a reliable diagnostic test for tuberculosis, an infected patient itively of infectionyA.B.C.D.E.immediawithin withinwithin1-22-44-10k kkafter 10k21. 幼儿 1 岁半,为佝偻病活动期。为避免其O形腿加重,宜采用下列哪项预防措施:A.B.C.D.E.补充维生素 D补充钙剂多晒减少行走外科矫形术22. 10 个月男婴,于 11 月份发生水泻,伴发热、轻咳、2 个/HP。其最常见的病原体为:。大便镜检见脂肪细胞 0A.B.C.D.E.腺 埃可轮状23. 一
14、患儿因慢性贫血,经多方检查确诊为营养性义的临床表现?细胞贫血。下列哪项是其最有意A.B.C.D.E.舌尖及反甲皮肤瘀点伴黄疸肝、脾及淋肿大皮肤,毛发枯黄反应迟钝,智力,发育落后性肺结核。在其自然演变过程中,最为常见的是:24. 男孩,10 岁。患A.B.C.D.E.自然吸收或钙化发展为肺门淋结核病灶溶解、坏死形成空洞血行播散发展为胸膜炎25. 4 个月健康婴儿,生活在某地。因无,当地只有羊奶。而喂羊奶的缺点是A.B.C.D.E.蛋白质含量稍多,但以白蛋白为高脂肪含量多,但其脂肪球少叶酸与维生素 B12 含量少矿物质含量过高每 100ml 羊奶中的热量过低26. 一足月儿娩出时脐带绕颈,Apga
15、r 评分 1min 与 5min 分别为 3 分、7 分,经复苏抢救后 6h 入院。体检:小儿激惹,拥抱反射增强,肌张力高。最可能是:A.B.C.D.E.新生儿低血钙新生儿低血糖新生儿脑膜炎室管膜下新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病27. 一新生儿,足月顺产,Apgar 评分 10 分。体格检查时,下列哪项反射是正常的?A.B.C.D.E.拥抱反射颈肢反射腹壁反射觅食反射交叉伸腿反射28. 足月新生儿生后第 3 天,家长见他每隔 1015s 后有 510s不呼吸,但无皮肤颜色及心率改变。应作何处理?A.B.C.D.E.给给氨茶碱持续气道正压(CPAP)供氧向家长解释29. 小儿 3 岁,心前区隆起,胸骨左缘
16、第 3、4 肋间闻及级全收缩期杂音,心尖区有较短舒张期隆隆样杂音,肺动瓣区第 2 音。X 线示左、大。可能是:A.B.C.D.E.小型室间隔缺损大型室间隔缺损风湿性心脏病 房间隔缺损动脉导管未闭30. 患儿 6 岁,易道,劳累后气促。体检:胸骨左上方闻及连续性杂音,血压12.8/5.3kPa(96/40mmHg),闻及股动脉枪击声。应考虑为:A.B.C.D.E.室间隔缺损 房间隔缺损 动脉导管未闭肺动脉狭窄症31. 医生检查一个患儿的上肢肌力后作了如下的能克地心引力。可判断是几级肌力吗?:肢体在平面上能带动关节活动,但不A.B.C.D.E.0 级 级 级 级级32. 男孩,10 岁。智力发育正
17、常,平时兴奋多动,不集中,冲动,学习成绩时好时坏,为儿童多动综合征。其临床表现中哪点是最主要的?自我控制力不足活动过多注意力不集中冲动、学习A.B.C.D.E.33. 18 个月男孩,于确诊川崎病后出院,2为:猝死于家中,死前并无明显诱因。其死因可能A.B.C.D.E.脑脑栓塞心肌炎心包炎冠状动脉瘤破裂34. 风湿热患者,下列哪项表现存在即为风湿活动指征?A.B.C.D.扁桃体炎血白细胞总数增高ASO 升高舞蹈病E.35.A.B.C.D.E.心电图 ST 段变化,1 岁半。咳嗽 4d,发热 2d,气急 1d,门诊呼吸急促口唇、甲床青紫两肺叩诊浊音,呼吸音减低肺部细小湿(口罗)音鼻翼扇动,张口呼吸支气管。确诊最主要的体征是:36. 男婴,6 个月,发热 2d,伴咳嗽。今见小儿呼吸为毛细支气管炎。病原体主要是:,两肺有少量哮鸣音。胸片示肺气肿,A.B.C.D.E.流感流感杆菌腺呼吸道合胞支原体37. 男孩,4 岁,因轻度浮肿、尿量减少,为急性链球菌后肾炎。下列哪项最相符?A.B.C.D.E.大量尿蛋白 低白蛋白血症明显浮肿高胆固醇血症血清尿素氮、肌酐在正常范围38. 女婴,11 个月,其营养需要与成人最主要的不同之处是A.B.C.D.E.基础代谢所需的营养素和能量生长发育所需的营养素和热量食物特殊动力作用所需的热量活动所需的营养
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