1、Ah! Alright, its not going anywhere!好了好了 它又不会跑了Go ahead.你来看吧So soft.好柔软啊Oh, sweet mother of. ! Sorry.我的妈呀 对不起I didnt know you were real.我不知道你是真人Im George Crabtree. Whats your name?我叫乔治克拉布特里 请问你叫什么名字Yes. Very good.还不赖嘛Attention all! Proceed to your seats.各位注意了 请大家尽快就坐The great Captain Joseph Bernier
2、is about to take the stage我们伟大的船长约瑟夫伯尼尔即将for todays lecture.登台做今天的演讲了Where the Swedes and Yankees have failed,在瑞典人和美国佬曾经失败过的地方I shall succeed.我将会成功的Sorry, these seats are taken.很抱歉 这两个位子有人了I shall make my mark!我将会留下我的功绩A mark for Canada. I will be the first man为了加拿大 我将会是第一个to set foot on the North P
3、ole!踏上北极的人Thank you.谢谢Have we missed much, George?我们错过很多了吗 乔治Just the exhibition part, sir,也就是展览部分而已 先生and a chunk of the lecture.还有一大半的演讲内容I see you brought young Roland.你还带了小罗兰啊We are determined to live our lives as we otherwise would.我们决定改变原来的生活轨迹Modern parents in a modern age.摩登年代的摩登父母to purchas
4、e a new ship. And I ask购买一艘新船 我请求that you consider你们也可以考虑contributing to this daring effort as well.对这项大胆的尝试做出点贡献Shall we make a small contribution?我们要做出点小小的贡献吗If you like.随你喜欢That way Roland will grow up in a Canada这样的话罗兰就可以在whose boundaries extend all the way to the North Pole.领土扩张到北极的加拿大长大了The he
5、art and soul of any expedition starts with her crew.任何一支探险队的核心与灵魂都是在于其队员And I have the best in the world.我拥有这世界上最好的队员The CGS Arctic.CGS北极号The best vessel money can buy.这是我们手上的资金能买到的最好的船Her first journey will test her resolve它的首航将会考验它as much as it will mine. Im sorry.和我们团队的的决心 很抱歉Hes becoming restles
6、s.他有点不不耐烦了I should walk him around outside.我觉得我应该要抱他到外面走走Julia, I can take him.朱莉娅 让我来吧No, William, stay.不 威廉 你留在这儿Ill be fine. The Inuit,放心 如你们or Eskimo as you know them, taught us所知 因纽特人或者爱斯基摩人 教会我们how to use them for ice travel.如何利用它们在冰天雪地中前行Mr. Blair.布莱尔先生Take that off! Take that off!快把它拿下来 快点Im
7、 sorry, ladies and gentlemen.我很抱歉 女士们先生们I apologize for that fright.我为刚刚那个骇人的照片向大家道歉Another slide, Mr. Blair, please.下一张幻灯片 布莱尔先生 拜托What are you doing, Blair?你这是在干嘛 布莱尔Mais quest-ce que vous faites ?你到底在干什么Vous voulez bousiller ma prsentation, cest a ?你想毁了我的演讲 是吗Im talking about the future of Canada
8、!我正在谈论的是加拿大的未来Est-ce que vous comprenez ? Lavenir du Canada !你听懂了吗 加拿大的未来Sir, is this a part of the presentation?先生 这也是演讲的一部分吗I really dont think so, George.我不这么认为 乔治Cant you see this?难道你看不出吗Someone is trying to sabotage my grand expedition!有人在试图破坏我宏伟的探险之旅Well, that may be so.那也许是这样They want my fund
9、ing withdrawn,他们想要看到我的资金被撤回my ship taken away!我的船被夺走To put an end to this!中止这次探险The fate of Canada is at stake!加拿大的命运正岌岌可危Mr. Bernier, you yourself admit the man died in your charge.伯尼尔先生 你承认那个人死在你的管辖之下Men die all the time on such expeditions!像这种探险有人丧命是很正常的Entire crews perish!所有船员都可能会死Do you know of
10、 Sir John Franklins journey?你知道约翰富兰克林的航行吗Of course. Yet in this case,当然知道 但在本案中someone believes you personally responsible.有人认为你个人有责任Sottises !无稽之谈Before I investigate the sabotage of your presentation,在我调查你的演讲被破坏的事情之前I must first determine the validity of their claims.我必须要首先确定他们的观点的正确性Comment osez-
11、vous insinuer une chose pareille ?你怎么会说出这种话Vous etes idiot ou quoi?你是白痴吗Le plus tt vous cooprez avec cet idiot, Mr. Bernier,伯尼尔先生,你越早和这个白痴合作le plus tt vous serez lav de tout soupon.你便可以越早摆脱嫌疑Well.好吧maybe youd care to see the body?也许你会想要看看尸体You have the body?你保留了尸体吗Yeah. At the local funeral home.是的
12、尸体在当地的殡仪馆I understand you are a member of Captain Berniers crew?我知道你是伯尼尔船长船队的成员Yes, I am his photographer.是的 我是一个摄影师I also took some moving pictures of this most recent expedition.我也为最近的探险拍一些电影The ones in the nickelodeon? Yes.五分钱电影院播放的那些吗 是的I quite liked that. Thank you.我挺喜欢那个的 谢谢Did you take the ph
13、otograph of the dead man?你给死者拍过照吗Shortly after the body was found.在尸体发现后不久拍过And as projectionist of this slide show,作为那次幻灯片的放映师Im assuming you arranged the photographs.我猜你整理过那些照片Yes, but I surely did not put in是的 但是我确定我没有the ones accusing Captain Bernier of murder.把那张指控伯尼尔船长是凶手的照片放进去His name was Art
14、hur Pimblett.他的名字叫做亚瑟平布利特A dear friend是我探险生涯中who was at my side in all my expeditions.始终始终陪伴我左右的好朋友A man of science and nature,他是一个崇尚科学和自然的人he served as my navigator or doctor.他是我团队里的领航员或者医生I will miss him.我会想念他的How did he die? Whenever the ship was stationary,他是怎么死的 你知道吗 每次只Arthur explored the surr
15、ounding areas.要船一靠岸 亚瑟就会去探索一下周围的地区He dreamed of discovering梦想着能发现new species of wildlife, you know?新的野生物种But he never returned from that fateful walk.但是那次探险之后 让他再也没办法回来了He got lost. Yeah.他迷路了 是啊Maybe he suffered from snow blindness, and froze to death.也许他患了雪盲症 冻死在那里了How long after his disappearance
16、was he found? Four days.他走丢后多久你们才找到他 四天The search cost me valuable time.那次搜索花了我宝贵的时间I had to turn back or risk running out of provisions.我不得不回头并且冒着补给品会耗尽的风险Im told you have the body.我听说你保留着尸体Yes, such as it is.是的 虽然有点怪Decomposition must be quite advanced at this point.尸体在这个时候腐烂的速度肯定会比较快的Arthur died
17、three months ago.亚瑟是在三个月之前死的I preserved him the best I could using salt,我已经用盐尽可能的去保存他的躯体but Im afraid hes not cutting as fine a figure as he once did.但恐怕跟普通尸体是没法比了Well, I eagerly await his arrival at the city morgue. Gentlemen.我希望能很快在殓房见到他 先生们Bye.再见Well, I do hope我真心希望shes a better coroner她验尸官能当得tha
18、n she is a mother. - I beg your pardon?比母亲好 你说什么She hardly knows how to hold a baby!她几乎都不知道怎么去抱孩子Oh, well, I.那个 我.Not fit for motherhood anyway. Too skinny.反正不太适合当母亲 太瘦了点Monsieur Bernier. My wife has meat on the bones.伯尼尔先生 我的妻子就很壮实I like to know shell survive an angry winter即使我不在的时候while Im away.我也
19、知道她肯定能在度过隆冬Monsieur Bernier, the coroner is my wife.伯尼尔先生 那位验尸官是我的妻子Oh. To each his own.萝卜青菜各有所爱啊Who might wish to suggest that Mr. Pimbletts death谁有可能会认为平布利特先生的死was your doing? Who else? The Swedes!是你干的 还有谁 肯定是瑞典人Bjorn Nordenskjold.比约恩诺登舍尔德He wants nothing more than to beat me to the North Pole.他无非
20、是想比我抢先一步到达北极Thats why hes in Toronto.这就是为什么他会在多伦多出现I see your slide show did not go so well,我听说你的幻灯片展示不太顺利啊Mr. Bernier.伯尼尔先生I hope you dont lose your ship!我希望你可别把你的船给搞丢了What of sending your men那你们用氢气球to the North Pole in a hydrogen balloon?送人去北极的事呢It was six years ago and still no return.都过去六年都还没见回来
21、Can we assume that was a failure?!我们能说那是一次失败吧Je suis le plus grand explorateur au monde !我是世上最伟大的探险家Vous aviez pas daffaire让我来告诉你 vous montrer la face dans ma prsentation !摆在你面前的事实吧Le ple Nord appartient au Canada !北极是加拿大的I see.我明白了Decomposition was indeed advanced.腐烂速度的确是加快了Coupled with the salt us
22、ed to preserve it,加上用盐来保存他the body became dry and shriveled.尸体就变得干枯并且萎缩Mummified, if you will.也可以说 是木乃伊化了I see youve given him a bath.我看你已经给他泡澡了Im hoping this Sodium Hydroxide mixture我希望这些氢氧化钠混合物will re-hydrate the body near to its original form.能给尸体补充水分并尽量恢复到原来的形态Very resourceful, Julia. Have you t
23、ried this before?真机智 朱莉娅 你以前试过吗No.没有But if it works, I should be able to provide但如果成功了 我应该就能够a more complete picture of the circumstances he died under.更全面地分析出他死亡环境Well then, I shall await the results of Mr. Pimbletts bath.好吧 那我静候平布利特泡完澡后的结果Or I could tell you the cause of the death right now?或者我现在就
24、可以告诉你他的死因You can?你可以吗He may well have wandered off the ship as Mr. Bernier claims,他可能如伯尼尔先生说的那样下船后迷路but I dont believe hypothermia killed him.但我不认为他是冻死的He was throttled, William.他是窒息而死的 威廉My preliminary examination revealed fractures of the hyoid bone我初步检查了他的舌骨以及周围的软骨and surrounding cartilage. Stran
25、gled.都有骨折 被勒的By ligature or manually? I cant say.用绳子或者是用手吗 我不能判断Theres too much discolouration of the skin他的皮肤上很多处地方都变色了to discern bruising patterns.所以不能辨别那个伤是怎么来的Either way, this mans death was no accident.不管怎样 他的死都不是一场意外I tried to keep him away.我有努力让他离远点的Its not your fault, Miss James.不是你的错 詹姆斯小姐T
26、he Detective and I were distracted.我和探长刚刚都有点分心If you dont mind my saying,希望您不介意我这么说perhaps the Morgue isnt the safest place for a baby.陈尸所也许对婴儿来说真的不是最安全的地方You should take him for a while, while I continue here.我工作的时候 你来带一下他吧Strangled?勒死的吗Ce nest pas possible. Its impossible.这不可能 不可能Arthur Pimblett w
27、as murdered, Captain Bernier.亚瑟平布利特是被谋杀的 伯尼尔船长Im afraid to say.我恐怕得这么说了You claim to have no knowledge of this?你想说你对此一无所知吗I wont dignify such a question.我不屑于回答你这个问题Why dont you elaborate on the circumstances为什么你不详细说明一下surrounding his disappearance, Captain?他走失时候周围的环境情况呢 船长Like I mentioned,正如我提到过的Arth
28、ur went on a walk and never came back.亚瑟出去了之后就再也没回来过了My crew fanned out looking for him, but我的船员们分散出去找他 但是it was too late.一切都太晚了Who found him?谁找到他的An Inuit crew member, Nuniq.一个因纽特船员 纽尼克Carried him three miles back to the boat.背着他走了三英里才回到船上Would he have had any reason to want Mr. Pimblett dead?他有任何杀
29、死平布利特先生的动机吗Oh! Heavens no!肯定没有Arthur was closer to Nuniq than any of us.亚瑟比我们任何一个都更加接近纽尼克It was Arthurs idea to assimilate an Inuit into our crew.让因纽特人加入我们的船队是亚瑟的主意Youre from Quebec, Captain. What brings you to Toronto?你来自魁北克 船长 为什么要来多伦多呢This is where Arthur was born and deserved to be buried.这是亚瑟出生
30、的地方 他该落叶归根And I also hope to find his replacement here.我也希望能在这里找到能填补他空缺的人All the while asking the public顺便劝服公众to fund your next expedition. Well,赞助你的下一次探险 好吧Captain. If we have any further questions.船长 如果我们还有其他的问题Of course. Of course, Inspector.当然 当然 警长if I had any involvement in Arthurs murder,如果我跟
31、亚瑟的谋杀案有关do you think I would have volunteered his body to you?你们觉得我还会主动把他的尸体给你们吗Well, you did express a lack of confidence好吧 看来你对我们验尸官in our coroners abilities.的能力有所质疑Well, thank you, Captain. Ill show you out.谢谢你 船长 我送你出去You seem to have a bee in your bonnet about the Captain.你好像很不喜欢那位船长And you see
32、m to quite like him, sir,但是你却好像特别喜欢他 先生which I find surprising given how you feel about Frenchmen.鉴于你对法国人看法 这让我还挺奇怪的Well, hes not a Frenchman Frenchman. Hes a Canadian Frenchman.他不是法国法国人 他是加拿大法国人And if he claims the North Pole for Canada,而且如果他宣称北极是加拿大的hes also claiming it for the British Empire.那他也是
33、在宣称北极是大英帝国的Right. Oh, bloody hell, Murdoch, give him here.好吧 我的天 默多克 我来吧Come on, Roland, little fella. Whoa!来吧 罗兰 小家伙Have you not you heard of a nanny, Murdoch?你没有从保姆那里取取经吗 默多克Get him on your knee and bounce him.让他坐在你的膝盖上然后掂一掂Boo-boo-boo-boo-boo!啵 啵 啵Thats working, sir. Yes.这招很有效 先生 是啊Right. Ill get
34、 Crabtree to interview Berniers crew,好了 我要让克拉布特里去盘问伯尼尔的船员see if they can corroborate his story.看他们能不能证实他的口供I cant go anywhere, sir, or do anything.我哪儿都去不了 先生 或者做任何事Just this.只能做这个.Welcome to fatherhood, Murdoch.欢迎加入到爸爸的行列 默多克Strangled? Who would do such a thing?被勒死的 谁会做这种事Thats exactly what were try
35、ing to ascertain, Mr. Philips.那正是我们现在正要查清楚的 菲利普先生What exactly was your duty on Captain Berniers expedition?在伯尼尔船长的探险途中 你担任什么工作Third Officer, technically.三副 技术方面的Though of course Im much more than that.但当然我要做的远远不止这些How so? Captains protg.为什么 船长的门徒Im being groomed as his successor.我是作为他接班人被栽培的In me, h
36、e sees the same qualities在我身上 他发现了和他相同的特质that made him a captain by the age of twenty.那种使得他在二十岁就成为了船长的特质Ill have my own ship before long.不久后我会有属于自己的船Best of luck with that.祝你好运I certainly wont be under someone elses command in my thirties.我不想在我三十岁的时候还听从别人指挥No, heaven forbid.不 肯定不会的Can you explain to
37、 me the你可以跟我说说circumstances around Mr. Pimbletts death?平布利特先生 死时的情况吗Derek Frewen, First Officer of the CGS Arctic.德里克弗勒旺 CGS北极航行的大副Whats going on here? Perhaps you could help.发生什么事了 也许你可以帮忙He said Arthur was strangled to death.他说亚瑟是被勒死的That cant be. He froze to death.不可能 他是被冻死的Nuniq found his body f
38、our days later and returned it to the ship.纽尼克在四天后发现他 之后便把他送回船上Bernier yelled at him when he did.送回来的时候 伯尼尔还朝他大吼Not sure for what, but it was damn funny.不知道是为了什么 但是太他妈有趣了Captain Bernier was very upset over the death of his dear friend.伯尼尔船长对于他好朋友的死感到非常难过Thank you, gentlemen.谢谢你们 先生Mr. Nuniq, may I h
39、ave a word?纽尼克先生我能跟你谈谈吗Yes, I am Nuniq.当然 我是纽尼克I understand that you discovered Mr. Pimbletts body我知道是你发现平布利特先生的尸体and brought it back to the ship.并且把他送回船上Yes. Sad day.对 难过的回忆And that when you arrived back at the ship,然后当你回到船上的时候Captain Bernier yelled at you. Can you tell me why?伯尼尔船长朝你大吼 你能告诉我为什么吗I
40、say Arthur not have gloves on,我说亚瑟没有带手套but Arthur always wear gloves when exploring off ship.但亚瑟下船探索的时候总是戴着手套What exactly did he yell at you?那他到底朝你吼了什么He say not my concern. Right.他说不关我的事 好吧Well, thank you, Mr. Nuniq.好吧 谢谢你 纽尼克先生Just Nuniq. No Mister. Nuniq.叫我纽尼克就行 纽尼克Are you enjoying Toronto, Nuniq
41、? Yes,你喜欢多伦多吗 纽尼克 当然my people would not believe. Oh, I daresay!我的族人不会相信的 我猜也是Its a city of almost a quarter of a million people.这是一个大约有着250,000人口的城市I should show you around.我应该带你参观一下Vast improvement.改善了很多I wish Roland took to baths with such ease.我希望给罗兰洗澡的时候能有这么轻松He puts up a fuss? Always,他会闹吗 一直都会b
42、ut then maybe Im not doing it right?但也可能是我方法不对I question how well suited I am to the tasks of motherhood.我问自己是否是位合格的母亲Well, maybe.可能.Miss James, come look at this.詹姆斯小姐 过来看看这个Sir, the crew seemed genuinely先生 听到他是被勒死的时候surprised to hear that hed been strangled,那些船员看起来都很吃惊yet I still get the sense the
43、yre hiding something.但是我总觉得他们在隐瞒什么Did you speak with the Inuit fellow who found the body?你有没有和那个发现尸体的因纽特人谈过话Yes sir, Nuniq. He mentioned that是的先生 他叫纽尼克 他提到when he happened upon the body,当他发现尸体的时候Pimblett was without gloves,平布利特没有戴手套which obviously was unusual due to the cold weather.在这么冷的天气不带手套太不寻常了
44、As if he had been forced off the ship against his will.就像他是被强迫下船的一样Did Mr. Nuniq.纽尼克先生有没.Just Nuniq, sir. No Mister.只有纽尼克 不加先生Did Nuniq report the inconsistency to Captain Bernier?纽尼克有没有把这个事情告诉伯尼尔船长He did, sir, and apparently Captain Bernier他说了 先生 很明显伯尼尔船长tore a strip off him for making mention of i
45、t.不让他提这件事William! Youll not believe.威廉 你不会相信.Were trying to get him to sleep, Julia.我们正努力让他入睡 茱莉娅Im sorry. Its alright, its alright.抱歉 好了 好了When I took Mr. Pimblett out.当我把平布利特先生搬出来的时候.Well, theres no point whispering now, Doctor.现在已经没必要小声说话了 医生Right.好吧You were saying, Julia?你刚刚说什么 茱莉娅The benefits o
46、f the bath revealed Mr. Pimblett平布利特先生的尸体泡完之后暴露出had a shackle around his right ankle.他的右踝上被捆绑过的迹象He was imprisoned before his death?在他死之前 他被囚禁过吗Only one person would have authority to do such a thing:只有一个人有权利这么做Captain Bernier.伯尼尔船长Mr. Pimblett had been shackled.平布利特先生被捆绑过Our coroner found evidence
47、of it.我们的验尸官发现了证据Just what did he do to warrant imprisonment?他做了什么要囚禁他Poor, poor Arthur had gone mad.可怜的 可怜的亚瑟发疯了I was forced to confine我是迫不得已才把my best friend in his room, for his own safety我最好的朋友关在他的房间里 为了他自己and that of my crew. He was mad.还有我船员的安全 他当时疯了Well then, how is it he那么 他是如何came to be thre
48、e miles away from your ship?跑到距离你船三英里之外的地方去的He escaped.他逃跑了I shackled him to a pipe but he broke it and ran off.我把他绑在管子上 但是他弄断之后跑掉了Lord knows what he was thinking.天知道他是怎么想的What was he doing?他做了什么I mean, how did this madness manifest itself?我是说 他发疯的时候是怎样的He was delusional,陷入妄想even thought we were in
49、the Pacific Ocean.他甚至觉得我们是在太平洋里Drawing maps and babbling on about画地图 还有胡说一些有关Pacific salmon.太平洋的三文鱼的话Pacific.太平洋.Pacific salmon?太平洋的三文鱼吗Im telling you, he was deranged!我说了他精神错乱Obsessed by the fish!一门心思在鱼上面Why did you keep this from us?为什么你先前不跟我们说这件事To preserve his name, sir.为了保护他的名誉 先生Im sorry not t
50、o tell you before.我很抱歉之前没有告诉你Are you now prepared to tell us who strangled him?那你现在准备好告诉我们是谁勒死他的了吗I dont know nothing about it.对于这个我真的不知道I swear to you, Detective.我发誓 侦探I can only imagine that in his我只能想象出 以他疯掉的状态crazed state, he wandered into a hostile Inuit community.闯进了不友善的因纽特部落Youre suggesting t
51、hat Mr. Pimblett was killed by Inuit?你在暗示平布利特先生是被因纽特人杀害的吗Wouldnt be the first time, sir.这也不是第一次了 先生Sir, Im to speak with Nuniq this evening.先生 今晚我会跟纽尼克谈谈Ill ask him the likelihood that Pimblett was killed by Inuit.我会问他是不是因纽特人杀害的平布利特Or Nuniq himself, George.或者是纽尼克自己 乔治Were very lucky to get a table a
52、t this restaurant.我们很幸运能在这家餐厅占到位置吃饭Its very popular这里座无虚席and, as you can see, very expensive.并且 正如你所看见的 也很贵No, no, no.不可以 不可以Very sorry, please excuse me. I am Nuniq.非常抱歉 打扰了 我叫纽尼克No, Nuniq.不行 纽尼克Please pardon my friend. Hes not accustomed请原谅我的朋友 他对我们的习惯to our customs. Nuniq.不是很习惯 纽尼克.Thank you.谢谢Si
53、r.先生In my culture, we share everything.在我的文化里 我们会分享所有东西My food is yours.我的食物是你的Your food mine.你的食物也是我的In the beginning it was not mine, or ours.从最开始它也不属于我 或是我们Today it is not.现在它也不是I like the sound of that.我喜欢这种观念In some ways, thats more civilized than our society.在某种程度上 那比我们的社会更文明Sometimes it feels
54、 like everybodys有时候 它感觉像是每个人crawling over one another for a bigger piece of the pie.为了一块更大的派 踩在彼此的身上Shameful, really.很惭愧 真的We are happy people.我们的族民都很开心Speaking of which, Nuniq,说起这个 纽尼克do you think its possible你觉得会不会that Mr. Pimblett happened upon an Inuit tribe and平布利特先生偶遇到了一个因纽特部落for whatever reas
55、on然后不管出于什么原因met his end that way?死掉了No.不会的I suppose you have no我想 在你们的文化中such thing as murder in your culture either?你也没有见过这种谋杀的事情吧No, we do. But不 我们有这样的事发生there are no Inuit communities near where I find Arthur.但在我发现亚瑟的附近并没有因纽特人部落Impossible.不可能Either white man from ship kill him,或者是船上的白人杀了他or Qalup
56、alik.或者是神秘生物Qalupalik?神秘生物Pardon us.原谅我们We were wondering what Nuniq Means?我们很好奇 纽尼克 是什么意思Close your eyes.闭上眼睛Thats what Nuniq means.这就是纽尼克的意思Join us, why dont you.为什么不跟我们一起呢Please, have a seat.请坐There you go. You as well, of course.坐这里 当然你也是Waiter, well have another round!服务生 我们要再来一轮酒Here we are.好了
57、I am Crabtree! I am Nuniq!我是克拉布特里 我是纽尼克Nuniq, someone should make a moving picture of your time here.纽尼克 应该有人录下你在这个时光Like the Arctic nickelodeon, but here.就像是北极的五分钱娱乐场 但是在这里Nuniq of Toronto.多伦多的纽尼克Nuniq of Toronto. Oy, shut it!多伦多的纽尼克 闭嘴Oh, quiet yourself.你闭嘴Nuniq, I do have one serious question.纽尼克
58、 我还有一个很严肃的问题Did you kill Arthur Pimblett?是不是你杀的亚瑟平布利特No, we were friends.不 我们是朋友We talk about fish我们谈论他画在he draw in journal. Salmon.日记上的鱼 三文鱼He had a journal? Can I see it? No.他有日记吗 我可以看看吗 不行Journal go missing after he die.他死之后 日记就不见了Did you say salmon?你是说三文鱼吗Oh, how lovely.太棒了His brain came out qui
59、te neatly.他的大脑拿出来得很整洁Itll make for a most satisfying dissection.有助于做一个令人满意的解剖Now,现在the honour of cutting the first slice is yours, Miss James.切第一片的荣誉就给你了 詹姆斯小姐I dont think I can, Dr. Ogden. Why not?我不行 奥格登医生 为什么I might become sick on the subject.对这个 我有点恶心Youll get over it. Now come get your hands di
60、rty.你要克服它 现在过来动手吧We need to determine whether a tumour我们需要确定是否是肿瘤was the cause of Mr. Pimbletts supposed insanity.导致平布利特先生可能的精神错乱After you, Captain.您先请 船长The Eskimo said that Mr.爱斯基摩人说Pimbletts journal disappeared after he died.平布利特先生的日记在他死后就消失了Do you know where might we find it? Non.你知道我们在哪可以找到它吗 不
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