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1、目录 2021中考考情解读 阅读得分点 语法必考点和重难点关于关于“写作写作 2021中考考情解读20212021:杨浦、浦东、徐汇、杨浦、浦东、徐汇、静安静安20212021:青浦、闵行、浦东青浦、闵行、浦东新区、普陀区新区、普陀区20212021:杨浦、徐汇、静安、杨浦、徐汇、静安、虹口、长宁虹口、长宁不简单语法篇 2021-2021语法考点音标写单词、单词写音标关注元音2分固定搭配必考,时间介词和其他介词都考 人称代词是重点;不定代词不设难点并列连词和从属连词必考;易错点并列连词和从属连词必考;易错点级必考设难点;系表构造是重点2021-2021语法考点分析语音语音介词介词代词代词连词连

2、词描画词和副词描画词和副词 选择题调查 选择题和句转同时调查 区分本意是关键,推测稀有 两题单纯的时态题,或者时态与语两题单纯的时态题,或者时态与语态结合,与句转分开考态结合,与句转分开考 to do和doing搭配考,do不常见2021-2021语法考点分析感慨句感慨句宾语从句宾语从句情态动词情态动词时态与语态时态与语态非谓语动词非谓语动词梳理必考点,关注不常调查的对象梳理必考点,关注不常调查的对象29. The local community center is open_ Monday to Sunday. A)in B) from C)for D) on30. The retired

3、couple have decided to go to college. Its time for _ to begin a new life. A)they B) them C) their D) theirs32. The manager sounded_on the phone. He offered to show us around the company. A) softly B) friendly C)gently D)seriously39. This medicine_ millions of peoples lives since it was put into use.

4、 A)is saving B) will save C) has saved D) had saved67. “ When will you finish the project on Internet safety? the official asked. (改为宾语从句)The official asked_ I _ finish the project on Internet safety.63. Charlie is so young that he cant take the underground alone. (改为简单句)Charlie is_ _ to take the un

5、derground alone.64. They like playing basketball in the club better than going home after school. (坚持句意不变)They_ playing basketball in the club_ going home after school. 易错点分析1.“1.“语义和语义和“语法相结合;语法相结合;2. 2. 了解如今完成时;关注细节;了解如今完成时;关注细节;3. 3.熟练运用考纲熟练运用考纲附考纲同义词组附考纲同义词组阅读篇英语阅读分析考点:以不同的方式调查对文章的了解。英语阅读选择分析题型题

6、型阅读四选一阅读细节理解题推断题猜测词义主旨大意完形填空词义辨析逻辑关系主旨大意首字母填空逻辑关系固定搭配总结推断回答问题细节理解推断题总结大意命题教师出主旨大意题的目的是?主要是调查学生的总结才干What is the main idea of the passage?What is the purpose of this article What is the best title for the passage? 命题方式相互关系与解题技巧Main idea Purpose title要素的浓缩背后的情感要素的浓缩情感的表达考点A易错点B文章的了解词义辨析实词完型填空易混词组辨析For

7、example: 举例阐明举例阐明In fact:现实上;实践上:现实上;实践上1. To indicate that you are giving more detailed information about what you have just said.2. 用于引出对刚说过的话进展修正或者与之相反的观念用于引出对刚说过的话进展修正或者与之相反的观念After all:support or help explain something you have just said毕毕竟竟In additionWhats more: another supporting details另外另外A

8、s a result:结果:结果At the same time:two things exists although they contradict each other;同时;同时I was afraid of her, but at the same time, I really liked her.So far: 到目前为止到目前为止In return:you do it just because they did that for you作为报答作为报答At once:立刻、马上:立刻、马上At present:此刻、如今:此刻、如今掌握大意的才干掌握大意的才干学生阅读文章学生阅读文

9、章句子构造的了解句子构造的了解单词的语境含义单词的语境含义010203首字母填空考什么?解题误区跳读片面背考纲首字母梳理词穷无头绪首字母填空应该怎样做?通读全文了解大意判别词性 分析句子成分审视主干 把控推断方向换位思索感悟作者的意图 1. A thousand years ago, Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more and more people came to live in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is no forest left,

10、 though there are still some small areas covered with trees. We call these “woods. Elephants, tigers and many o_ _ animals were living in the thick forest. 通读全文,了解大意:通读全文,了解大意:Part III阅读ther2. I came into a village and I saw a policeman standing outside the post office and reading something carefull

11、y. He looked up at the car, w_ into the road, and held up a hand to stop me.alked1. Each Indian tribe (部落) had a different language. Many Indians never learned any language e_ their own. Do you know how Indians from different tribes talked to each? They had two ways to talk without sound. One way wa

12、s by sign language; the other was by signals.根据句子构造,判别词性:根据句子构造,判别词性:Part III阅读介词介词名词,可以无限名词,可以无限加下去加下去xcept 2. Be more observant(擅长察看的). Some people who said to have a bad memory dont r_ _ have memory problems. They just dont take time to notice the details. If you pay more attention to the details

13、. youre sure to have a much clearer memory of events. eally1. Today, the whole world is calling for better care of tray animals. And many countries have already taken lots of effective ways. In the UK and US, the WSPA helps animals find new homes. It also provides m_ service for unwanted sick animal

14、s. The society has a 24-hour animal abuse虐待hotline. Anyone can call if she or he finds that someone is hurting an animal.根据词性找准分析的方向:根据词性找准分析的方向:Part III阅读edical2. The ORBIS team consists of five doctors and six nurses drawn from a group of 600 volunteer eye experts in 30 countries. For each program

15、me the ORBIS team flies to an area where blindness is a main p_. roblem写作篇中考英语写作评分规范中考英语写作评分规范作文评价基本要求内容(8分)内容切题、充实、不写废话;意思连贯,表达清楚、准确、完整语法(8分)语言基本正确;用语规范、无或少见语法错误;拼写、大小写和标点正确结构(4分)词汇和句式句型运用恰当自如;文中有值得肯定的好句型和表达形式中考书面表达普通为提示作文,即根据所给情景写一篇60个词左右的短文。提供的情景在方式上有图画,文字提纲、表格等,而情景所提供的信息是多方面的,考生既不能只对某一要点进展过度,不用要

16、的发扬,而忽视了其它要点,也不能只简单地阐明一下要点,从而导致内容不够详细和丰富。对学生要求: 学会作文审题,根据所给要点构建文章构造。2. 可以根据要求列出关键词,学会连词成句。 3. 经过添加主题句、适当的衔接成分等学会组句成篇。历年中考作文历年中考作文 2021:Im ready 2021:I want to invent _ 2021:This time next year 2021:How to protect myself 2021:Suppose you are Joe. Your friend Betty is upset about a coming exam for she

17、 cares too much about the result. What do you think? Try to offer her some adviceHow to write a good composition(作文)?Writing Steps:详细做法:用笔勾出用详细做法:用笔勾出用笔勾画笔勾画Writing Steps:第一步:要仔细审题,明确第一步:要仔细审题,明确写作体裁、要求和提示要点写作体裁、要求和提示要点 假设他是王林。他所在学校的“爱心俱乐部(Helping Hands Club)将吸收新会员。他想参与该俱乐部,请根据下面表格和图片的内容,用英语写一封自荐信。

18、姓名姓名王林王林性别性别男男本人特点本人特点身体健康;学习刻苦;乐于助人;身体健康;学习刻苦;乐于助人;与同学友好相处与同学友好相处“爱心爱心”表表现现(见图片)(见图片)加入目的加入目的 1. 2. 1.要求:1. 表达清楚,语句照射,意思衔接; 2. 要点须包括表格和四幅图片中的信息,但不得运用真实姓名和校名等; 3. 表格中“参与目的一栏内容由考生自拟; 4. 词数:70左右。第二步:列出写作提纲Outline。详细做法:根据段落整理要点根据段落整理写作要点不要脱漏要点!Write an OutlineIntroduction Main bodyConclusionI want to j

19、oin 本人特点 “爱心表现参与目的 看表格看表格看图自拟I hope you will agree with me. 可以用英文或中文姓名/性别一!易漏掉的要易漏掉的要点点自荐信What will you write?王林Who are you in this letter?人称: I参与该俱乐部时态:普通如今时为主Thinking:What will you write?Who are you in this letter?Whats your purpose ?参与该俱乐部Dear Chairperson,I am a boy student from Class1 Grade 9. I

20、d like to join the Helping Hands Club. I am healthy. I work hard at my lessons. I like helping others. I get on well with my classmates. If I join the club, I will be able to make more friends. And I can also do more for others. 扣分缘由一词数不够!扣分缘由一扣分缘由一词数不够!词数不够!Dear Chairperson,I am a boy student from

21、Class1 Grade 9. Id like to join the Helping Hands Club. I am healthy. I work hard at my lessons. I like helping others. I get on well with my classmates. If I join the club, I will be able to make more friends. And I can also do more for others. Introduction本人特点参与目的扣分缘由二脱漏要点!扣分缘由二扣分缘由二脱漏要点!脱漏要点!Dear

22、 Chairperson,I am a boy student from Class1 Grade 9. Id like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club. I am healthy. I work hard at my lessons. I like helping others. I get on well with my classmates If I join the club, I will be able to make more friends. Besides, I can do more for others. Yours Wa

23、ng Lin短少“爱心表现也短少Conclusion少了两个重要部分,扣少了两个重要部分,扣5-6分,只得分,只得9-10分!分!Dear Chairperson,I am a boy student from Class1 Grade 9. Id like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club. I am healthy. I work hard at my lessons. I like helping others I get on well with my classmates .If I join the club, I will be a

24、ble to make more friends. Besides, I can do more for others. Yours Wang LinIll be glad if I can join the club. I hope you will agree with me. and often help classmates with their lessons. On my way home, I often help old people cross the road. On a bus, I always give my seat to people in need. Somet

25、imes, I help to clean up the park.不但要点完好了,词数也够了。写作前:确定人称、时态写作后: 检查写作:写作:第一步就是要仔细审题,明确写第一步就是要仔细审题,明确写作体裁、要求和提示要点作体裁、要求和提示要点第二步就是要列出写作提纲,根第二步就是要列出写作提纲,根据段落整理写作要点。据段落整理写作要点。宝山Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “How to find happiness . ( 以“How to find happiness为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) 留意

26、:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否那么不予评分。Use the following points as a guide. (短文必需包含以下要点)Whats your view on happiness ?Do you agree with the saying, “ Money is happiness. ? ( give two reasons )How do our students find happiness in our study and life? 父母,朋友关爱即使穷人也有开心钱不能买到开心获得成就协助他人发现开心方法缘由中文提纲:Beginning(他以为开

27、心是什么-怎样重要):开心对我们来说很重要 Ending 我们要坚持开心Main body 阐明观念:认同金钱就等于开心吗?Main reasonshappiness cant be bought with money.a poor person who gets lots of love is always happyAlthough I dont have much money, I still have a happy life because I have parents who always take care of me, friends who always help me an

28、d teachers who always encourage me.solutionsHelp othersWhats more. Its cheerful to make progress and get good marks.Ending: Believe it or not, if you try to find happiness, happiness will be always around you.英文提纲: Beginning:it is widely accepted that.plays an important part in our lifeSample It is

29、widely accepted that happiness plays an important part in our daily life. Its everywhere if you try to find the beauty around you. There is a saying Money is happiness among many people, but I dont think so. First, happiness cant be bought with money. Second, a poor person who gets lots of love is a

30、lways happy. In addition, although I dont have much money, I still have a happy life because I have parents who always take care of me, friends who always help me and teachers who always encourage me. Its fun to play with friends. Its cheerful to make progress and get good marks. Its happy to help o

31、thers. Believe it or not, if you try to find happiness, happiness will be always around you. 留意写完后检查:留意写完后检查: 1. 查主题,文章能否符合标题要求,内查主题,文章能否符合标题要求,内容能否完好。容能否完好。 2. 查语法,能否有时态错误,能否有主查语法,能否有时态错误,能否有主谓不一致,能否有语态问题,能否有词谓不一致,能否有语态问题,能否有词形错误,能否有不符合搭配的词组。形错误,能否有不符合搭配的词组。 3查标点,能否有标点错误查标点,能否有标点错误 4. 查拼写,能否有拼写错误和大

32、小写问查拼写,能否有拼写错误和大小写问题题 5查表达,能否有不符合英语惯用的表查表达,能否有不符合英语惯用的表达,能否有中国式英语表达达,能否有中国式英语表达. 培育学生学会审评他人文章培育学生学会审评他人文章 例:例:The most unforgettable thing I did in the winter holidays. 1. What was the thing you did in the winter holidays ? 2. Give some descriptions about it, such as where/when/how /who, etc. 3. Why

33、 do you think its the most unforgettable thing you did? 学生范文一:学生范文一: There is no doubt that everyone has something he/she will never forget. So do I. One thing which happened on my winter holiday left a deep impression on me. Once when I was on the bus, a woman got on carrying a baby in her arms. Th

34、ere were so many people that all the seats were taken. When I was hesitating if I should stand up to offer my seat, a granny sitting in front of me stood up and gave the woman her seat. The woman thanked her very much. I felt so ashamed of myself that I stood up and gave my seat to the granny. From

35、this thing, I learned that I should try my best to help others get rid of trouble without hesitation. It is the most unforgettable thing during my winter holiday.IntroductionDescriptionReason8+8+2=18 一档文 学生范文二:学生范文二: During the winter holidays, it happened a lot of things. One of the thing was helpt

36、 a small girl to find her mother. When my friends and me shopping in a shopping mall, we saw a small girl cried in a corner. We asked what happened on her . She said she cuondt found her mother. So we started to helpt she to found her mother. Luckily, we found her mother, they were very happy and we

37、 were happy, too. I think it was the most unforgettable thing I did in the winter holidays because I found I can help others.a lot of things happened. to helpIwere shoppingcryingcouldnt findhelp herfindcould7+2+0=9 四档文抄组集连抓审作文组段成篇,加主题句审清题意,构建框架连词成句,变换句式抓住要点,列关键词Summary集句成段,添衔接词誊写规范,防止错误My view on El

38、ectronic DevicesIn my opinion, overusing the electronic devices will have an adverse effect on us. First, as more and more people prefer to talk via phones, it will cause a lack of heart-to-heart conversations. Moreover, youll find it difficult to be immersed in the society and get along well with o

39、thers if you only focus on your electronic products. In conclusion, try to find a way to use your electronic devices appropriately and observe the glory of the natural world. 景象描画式“PAs I look out of the window, I can always see a view that people are walking fast with their phones near the ears or concentrating their eyes on the screen. My view on Electr


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