



1、小学英语四年级上册U12 阶段调研测试题测试时间:40分钟 满分:100分Class _ Name _ Mark _一、语音。(共8分)A)判断下列各组词中划线处的读音,一致的打“T”。不一致的打“F”。(共4分)( ) 1. guess ( ) 2. here ( ) 3. cute ( ) 4. cool Schoolbag name lunch good B)从A、B、C中选出划线处读音与其他两个不同的项。(共4分)( ) 1. A. some B. come C. do ( ) 2. A. nine B. man C. hurry( ) 3. A. get B. bed C. dog

2、( ) 4. A. how B. cow C. window 二、根据句意用所给单词,汉语或图片提示写出单词完成句子。(共10分)1. Jim. I dont have _ (some) colour balls in my desk.2. Look at Helens new panda doll. _ (wonder)!3. Look! Thats a fat cat. Do you like _ ?4. One, two, three. They are three _ .5. Whats that? Its _ (a) orange T-shirt. 6. Who is the man

3、? He is Mr. Ma, _ (we) new teacher.7. Do you like football? Sorry! I _ (not).8. How many _ do you have, Mike? Two.9. Do you like _ salads? Sure! What about you, Helen?10. Look! Thats a toy duck. Do you like _ (duck)?三、看图填空,按照图示完成对应的句子。(共20分)123456789101. This is a _. It can give us milk.2. Look at t

4、he _. Its thin.3. What are those? They are _.4. Is that a cat? No, its a _.5. Would you like some_?6. Look at the _.7. Helens animal friend _ can run and jump.8. Thats a big _. Its not an egg.9. Is that a ruler? No, its a _.10. They are three _. 四、选用方框中的句子或短语的序号填空完成句子。(共10分)A. Its great. B. How many

5、 C. Do you have two pens? D. What do you like? E. ThanksF. What about G. Yes, I do. H. Look at I. Wheres J. like chickens1. _ brothers do you have? I have only one.2. _ Pear salads.3. Do you have a basketball? _.4. Here is a red doll for you. _.5. Do you like dogs? Yes, and I _, too.6. _ Jims yellow

6、 jacket. Its cool.7. I like milk. Jim. _ you? I like pies, Su Hai.8. I dont have a pen here. _9. Look at my new cap. _10. _ my new toy car, Mum? Its in your schoolbag, John. 五、排序,在下列句子前写上序号组成通顺的对话。(共12分)( ) Hi, Mike. Come and look at my new toy.( ) Its a dog. Do you like dogs?( ) OK! What a nice toy

7、?( ) Yes, I do. I like apples. What about you?( ) Thanks. Do you like fruit?( ) Yes, your toy dog is fat and lovely.( 7 ) I like apples too. 六、单项选择。(共20分) ( ) 1. Do you have _ animal friend? Yes, I have _ elephant. A. a, a B. an, a C. an, an ( ) 2. Look at Helens nice _. Its black and white. A. B. C

8、. ( ) 3. Look at Mikes new toy animal. _. A. Yes, I do B. Its lovelyC. No, its a pear( ) 4. Do you have _ English books? No, but I have _ picture books. A. some, any B. any, any C. any, some( ) 5. _ friends do you have? Two. They are John and Sam. A. How many B. What C. How old ( ) 6. This is a nice

9、 doll. Here you are, Su Hai. _. A. Thanks B. All right C. No, I dont like it( ) 7. Do you like elephants? Yes, _. A. we do B. we like C. we have ( ) 8. _? Seven colour pencils. A. What are you B. What do you haveC. What about you?( ) 9. I dont like salads. Oh? _? A. Whats that B. Where are youC. Wha

10、t do you like( ) 10. I like salads. Lets _ a pear salad now. OK, Helen. A. like B. make C. have 七、阅读。根据短文内容选择正确的答案。(共10分) Su Yang and Su Bing are twin brother and sister. Their father has (有) a small farm. The farm has many animals on it. They are cows, chickens and pigs. The cows are black and whit

11、e. They can give us (给我们) milk. Mr. Su has 25cows. The pigs are big and fat. They like fruits. Mr. Su also has many chickens. Chickens cant (不会) swim, but they can run and jump (跳) and they like grass and corns (谷物). The farm also has many fruit trees. They are pear and apple trees. But it has no ba

12、nana trees. Su Yang and Su Bing dont go to school (上学) on Saturday and Sunday, so they often go to the farm to see animals and eat fruit. They always have a good time on the farm.( ) 1. Su Bing _. A. likes toy carsB. isnt a boy C. is Su Yangs brother( ) 2. _ has a small farm. A. Mr. Su B. Su Yang C.

13、 Su Bing( ) 3. The farm has _. A. animals B. A and C C. fruits( ) 4. On the farm, you can (能) see _. A. many banana trees B. monkeys C. 25 cows( ) 5. Which following is right (下面那一句是正确的)? A. The pigs on the farm are small and thin. B. Su Yang and Su Bing are students (学生). C. The cows on the farm ar

14、e yellow and the chickens can swim. 八、书面表达。(共10分) John和Helen十好朋友。他们都有自己的爱好。请你看图所示信息,选用供给词写一段不低于5句的短文。John (like, have, black and white, lovely) Im John and I like animals. I have _. My panda _ and my cat is white. They are _. Helen Im Helen and I like fruit and cakes. I like _. I can (会) _.小学英语四年级上册U12 阶段调研测试题参考答案一、A)14 TFFF B)14 CCBC 二、110 any / Wonderful / cats / lions / an / our / dont / mangoes / grapes / ducks 三、110 cow / horse / apples / pig / or


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