1、UI4 Translation Comparison of English and Chinese LanguageHelen Wong 无对等词 词层不对等 假朋友问题1.词层不对等 teenager 青少年?泛指13到19岁的少年 cousin 堂兄堂弟堂姐堂妹表兄表弟表姐表妹 landslide? The storm caused landslides and flooding in Savona. A landslide is a large amount of earth and rocks falling down a cliff or the side of a mountain
2、. He won last months presidential election by a landslide. A landslide is a victory in an election in which a person or political party gets far more votes or seats than their opponents. 男性女性?female and male 英语中的借? borrow借进,lend借出 酒? Wine is an alcoholic drink which is made from grapes. You can also
3、 refer to alcoholic drinks made from other fruits or vegetables as wine . 跳? leap vault spring bounce dive plunge plummet propaganda -ish 2. False friend blood brother 拜把子兄弟 leading sheep 叛徒 eat ones word =admit you are wrong Last-minute bargain hunters flocked to the shop. hobby3. 无对等词的翻译策略1. 使用上义词
4、ShampooI had a bath and shampooed my hair.2.使用中性词或表现力较弱的词Many of the species growing wild here are familiar to us as plants cultivated in European gardens-species like this exotic garden.这里野生的许多种类我们很熟悉,是欧洲园林内种植的种类像这一奇异的百合花等种类。3. 用文化概念替代七夕? 梁山伯与祝英台?4.直接使用外来词Translate the words below without equivalen
5、ts by using translation strategies mentioned above 毛毛细雨 fine drizzling rain 倾盆大雨 downpour a flood of rain 小汽车 公交车 卡车 火车 救护车 消防车 摩托车 自行车 三轮车 人力车rickshaw make show of oneself 出洋相出丑 personal remark 人身攻击 a walking skeletion 骨瘦如柴的人 sweat shirt 运动衫 Claw me and I will claw you. 相互吹捧 Tit for tat. 以眼还眼 Live
6、and learn. 不经一事不长一智 三角恋 love triangle 第三者 the other man/woman 名片 business card 奶糖 toffee minutes 会议记录 French leave 不告而别 Italian football 炸弹 castle in Spain 空中楼阁 白日梦 Chinese Rose American Beauty from China to Peru Turkish Towel greens green gift under the weather a bad sailor Chinese Dragon American
7、Plan Dutch act 月季 红蔷薇 远隔重洋 粗面毛巾,浴巾 青菜 图谋害人的礼物 身体不适 容易晕船的人 麒麟 食宿一费制 自杀行为This time I was really Dutched!If what he says is true I am really a Dutchman. Dutch auction (因卖不出去)竞拍者出价越来越低的拍卖 Dutch bargain 酒后达成的买卖 Dutch comfort 因得不到最好的东西而自我安慰 Dutch courage 酒后之勇 Dutch concert 不和谐的音乐会 Dutchman Now they were i
8、n the same boat. 现在他们处于相同的处境。 Now he is really showing his colors. 现在他露出真面目了。 color blind 色盲 look at things through colored spectacles 有色眼镜看人 have a high color 红光满面 off color 脸色不好 give color to something 上色,使生机,渲染Do you like music?Some.He drinks something fierce.His new novel is something else.adj.
9、出色的,厉害的This is some storm.这场暴风雨可真大。She is some singer.SomebodyHe always thinks himself somebody.望子成龙Many Chinese hope that their children would become somebody. Justice is blind. Obviously she is pulling his leg. Mr.Smith is wearing well.Wear He was probably wearing a gun. 他也许带/佩着枪。 She usually wear
10、s her hair in a bun. 她通常将头发绾成一个髻。 She still wore the same perfume that evening. 那天晚上,她身上仍然散发着同样的香水味。 Most of the people you profiled are really entrepreneurs, a title to wear proudly. 你描写的人物大多数是实业家,这是个颇让人感到自豪的头衔。 She wears the slimness of her mother. 她和她妈妈一样苗条。 Nor is he a fellow who wears his faith
11、 on his sleeve. 他也不是那种让人一眼就能看出来有什么信念的人。 The cloth wont wear. 这种布不耐磨。 Mr. Smith wears his age/his years well. Smith 先生一点也不显老,保养得很好。For these people, hope dies slowly. slow: moves or does something without much speed. He speaks slowly. 他慢条斯理地说。 He is slow of speech. 他口齿不伶俐。 The police were slow in com
12、ing. 警察姗姗来迟。 We enjoyed a slow Sunday at home. 我们在家里悠闲地度过了一个星期天。 Slow: Takes a long time, especially more time than is usual or expected. He is slow in making up his mind. 他总是下不了决心。 Slow help is no help. 不及时帮忙等于没有帮忙。 The crowd was breaking up very slowly. 人群迟迟不肯散去。 For these people, hope dies slowly. 他们吃吃不肯放弃希望。He is a slow student. He is slow of understanding. 他理解力较差。 He is so slow that I have to explain everything several times. 他太迟钝,所有的事情我都得解释好几遍。 He is a slow student. 他学习比较困难。 Be slow to promise but quick to practise. 不要轻易许诺,但是,一旦许诺了就要尽快实践。 Business was rather slow last month. 上个月生意不太景
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