1、Legal Translation:Problems and SolutionsIntroductionWhat is legal translation?Definitions and ClassificationslDouble operation of language transfer and legal transferlDiscursive/Litigation-related/Normative legal translationProblems in Legal TranslationlFailure in understanding legal terminologylFai
2、lure in finding equivalents across the social, cultural and legal differenceslPoor management of both source and target languagelFrustrations in dealing with long and complicated legal sentenceslFailure in maintaining the unique stylistic features of legal writingTranslation Problems of Legal Termsl
3、not provenlprincipallcontributory negligence/ comparative negligenceltheft/stealing/larceny/shoplifting/burglary/ robbery/trespasslLaw/Act/Code/Ordinance/Regulation/Rule/ Interpretation/Decision/Provision/MeasurePoor Understanding of Source TextlPlease translate the two English sentences into Chines
4、e1.The remainder of the testators property should be devided equally between all of our nephews and nieces on my wifes side and my niece.2.The Charter required that directors shall be elected on a vote of the stockholders representing not less than two-thirds of outsdanding capital stock of the corp
5、oration.Poor Understanding of Source Text1.The remainder of the testators property should be devided equally between all of our nephews and nieces on my wifes side and my niece.Feedback: key prep.between/among?l参考译文1:立遗嘱人的遗产应在双方的外甥外甥女中平均分配。 l参考译文2:立遗嘱人遗产的一半应当归其妻子的外甥外甥女所有,另一半归其本人的外甥女所有。lThe remainder
6、 of the testators property should be divided equally between all of our nephews and nieces on my wifes side as one party and my niece as another Poor Understanding of Source Text2.The Charter required that directors shall be elected on a vote of the stockholders representing not less than two-thirds
7、 of outsdanding capital stock of the corporation.Feedback: key prep.on/by?l参考译文1:公司章程规定,当选董事者至少应有持有三分之二公司已发行股票的股东投票赞成。 l参考译文2:公司章程规定,董事选举时必须有代表已发行公司股权三分之二的股东出席。 Poor Management of Target Languagel“.no Party shall assign any and all of its rights and interests and delegate its responsibilities under
8、this Agreement to.”(引自孙万彪英汉法律翻译教程 )Poor Management of Target Languagel原文为:Without prior written approval, no Party shall assign any and all of its rights and interests and delegate its responsibilities under this Agreement to any third party. However, Party B shall have the right to assign its right
9、s and interests and delegate its responsibilities hereunder to an affiliate; provided that Party B shall continue to warrant that such affiliate will complete the purchase of the equity interest in the manner contemplated by this Agreement. Poor Management of Target Languagel译文1:任何一方不得将其在本协议项下的任何和全部
10、权利和权益让与及将其在本协议项下的责任委托给(孙万彪译文)l译文2:任何一方不得将其在本协议下的任何和全部权利、利益或责任转让给 Poor Management of Target Languagel英文对于权利和利益的转让,义务和责任的转让的用词是不同的,如此例中前者用assign,后者用delegate,但在汉语中,我国1999年合同法第五章“合同的变更与转让”在立法语言中先是做了这种区分,在第七十九条、第八十条、第八十一条使用“合同权利的转让”的表述,第八十四条、第八十五条、第八十六条、第八十七条使用“合同义务的转移”的表述;但其后又在第八十八条中未加区分,使用了“合同中的权利和义务一并
11、转让”的表述。Poor Management of Target Languagel合同法的相关规定中的用词选择如下:l第七十九条债权人可以将合同的权利全部或者部分转让给第三人,但有下列情形之一的除外:l第八十四条债务人将合同的义务全部或者部分转移给第三人的,应当经债权人同意。l第八十八条当事人一方经对方同意,可以将自己在合同中的权利和义务一并转让给第三人。Poor Management of Target Languagel The progress to the statute book of the necessary legal infrastructure for electroni
12、c commerce has in many countries been delayed by a difficult and politically sensitive debate created by the concerns of law enforcement authorities that the widespread use of strong encryption may facilitate crime and terrorism to a degree that will de-stabilize civilized governments The progress t
13、o the statute book of the necessary legal infrastructure for electronic commerce has in many countries been delayed by a difficult and politically sensitive debate created by the concerns of law enforcement authorities that the widespread use of strong encryption may facilitate crime and terrorism t
14、o a degree that will de-stabilize civilized governments参考译文:l在许多国家,执法机关担心严格加密的广泛使用,会给犯罪分子和恐怖活动提供方便,从而破坏文明政府的稳定。这种担心引起了一场难以解决的、政治上敏感的辩论。而这场辩论则延误了必要的电子商务法律归入法典的进程。 Translation Problems of Long Legal SentenceslThe Covenantor hereby undertakes to procure that the Customer will comply with all the Custom
15、ers obligations to you, the beneficiaries of this deed, (jointly and severally) but should the Customer default in the payment when due of any payment or default in complying with any other obligation, the Covenantor will, without the need for any demand, make immediate payment or performance thereo
16、f as the case may be, at the place, in the funds and currency andor in the manner required of the Customer and without any withholding or deduction whatsoever PROVIDED ALWAYS HOWEVER that no time for limitation of liability in respect of this Deed shall begin to run in favor of the Covenantor unless
17、 and until one or both of you shall have made demand on the Covenantor, and if more than one demand is made, then only from the date and to the extent of each demand respectively Translation Problems of Long Legal Sentencesl订约人兹保证:促致客户履行其对贵方,即本契约之共同或单独受益人,所有应尽之义务。但是假如客户未支付任何到期的款额或未能履行任何其他责任,订约人将在无需要
18、求的情况下,在对客户指定的地点、以所要求的资金及货币形式及或付款方式,立即作出支付或履行有关的付款责任(根据具体情况而定),所付款额不得有任何扣留和减少。但除非组成贵方之一公司或两公司已经向订约人提出要求,否则有关本契约之债务时效任何时候都不得按有利于订约人一方的方式开始计算;如果贵方向订约人提出一项以上的要求,则分别按每项要求提出的日期及具体状况开始计算债务时效。 Sources of Difficulties in Legal Translation Can Be Summarized As:1.The nature of legal language (normative nature,
19、 performative nature, technical nature, indeterminate nature)2.Different legal systems and laws( Unlike pure science, law remains a national phenomenon.)3.Linguistic differences (absence of an exact correspondence between legal concepts and categories in different legal systems)4.Cultural difference
20、s (A legal culture is historically conditioned.)Law as abstract concept is universal as it is reflected in written laws and customary norms of conduct in different countries.lHowever, legal systems are peculiar to the societies in which they have been formulated. Each society has different cultural,
21、 social and linguistic structures developed separately according to its own conditioning. Legal concepts, legal norms and application of laws differ in each individual society reflecting the differences in that society. Legal translation involves translation from one legal system into another. Unlike pure science, law remains a national phenomenon.lEach national law constitutes an independent lega
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