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1、LANGUAGE广州市育才实验学校张雪莉Model verbs: should and ought to A Talking about what is best or right to do We can use the modal verbs should and ought to say what is best or right to do.Should and ought to are similar in meaning. We use should and ought to with other verbs .These verbs do not change their fro

2、m after the modal verbs. should I/You/He/She/ ought to discuss it We/They should not ought not to Should we discuss it Yes, we should / ought to.ought we to now? No, we shouldnt/ought not to.Joyce and Ben are talking about the news-paper. Complete their conversation with the words in the box on the

3、right.BEN We need a sports editor. ought to discussJOYCE Then we(1)_ one right away. shouldnt start BEN We also need a title for the paper. should choose JOYCE Then we(2)_one as soon as possible. ought to electBEN Also, we need batteries for our recorder. should buyJOYCE Then we(3)_some .BEN Finally

4、, should we start to publish next week?JOYCE We (4)_ that with the others first. Perhaps we(5) _ until next term.B Correcting peopleWe also use should and ought to when we want to correct people. Newspaper sometimes print things incorrectly. Work in pairs.S1 is tony. S2 is Lucy. Tony will read some

5、sentences from a newspaper and Lucy will correct them .2 TONY On page two, it says, the new president is 500years old. LUCY That ought to be “_.3 TONY It says here, The men were wearing white skirts and ties. LUCY That should be “_.4 TONY The paper says, A Kentucky Friend Chicken restaurant will open here tomorrow. LUCY That ought to be_.5 TONY It says on page three, Because of the typhoon , no plants land could at the airport. LUCY That ought to be “_.6 TONY The paper says ,The president was born in 1912 and lied in 1991 . LUCY That should be “_in 1991.7 TONY Acc


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