1、国际贸易实务概述双语 (International Trade Practice In Chinese and English)制作人:杨筠贸易术语Overview Introduction to International Trade1.1 The definition of international trade International trade can be defined as the exchange of goods and services produced in one country (or district) with those produced in anothe
2、r country(or district). The reasons for international tradeThe uneven distribution of natural resources B. International specialization C. Different Patterns of demand among nations D. Economies of scaleE. Innovation or variety of style$860$62573% Even the IBM PC Isnt All-AmericanTotal manufacturing
3、 cost: US$860Portion made overseas: US$625In u.s. owned plants $230In foreign-owned plants $395 Distribution of Manufacturing Parts Monitor Korea Semiconductors Japan Power supply Japan Graphics Printer Japan Floppy Disk Drives Singapore Assembly of disk drives U.S Keyboard Japan Case and final Asse
4、mbly U.S The suppliers come from U.S. ,Japan, France, Canada, Italy, Australia, South Korea, United KingdomEven the Boeing 777 Isnt All AmericanSo it is increasingly difficult to say what is a “U.S. product; what is “Japanese product. 1.2. The history of international trade development The first beg
5、inning of international tradeThe development of international trade in different social period In Chinas history, it has been among the first to trade with other countries. What the most famous trading channel in China, as we all know, is the Ancient Silk Road.In the Middle Ages, trading was importa
6、nt that merchants and producers began specializing in marking and selling goods and shops appeared in growing numbers.We should say that industrial revolution resulted in a boost in trading and stimulated the development of modern trading. As centuries progressed, many standard rules and practices c
7、ame into being in order to meet the challenge. 1.3.1.Export Trade / Import Trade / Transit Trade 1.3. The different forms of international tradeRe-Export / Re-Import; Net Export / Net Import1.3.2. General Trade / Special Trade General Trade: country territory. (Japan,United Kingdom, Canada Australia
8、, East Europe) General Import / General ExportSpecial Trade: Customs Territory.(German, Italy, Swiss) 1.3.3. Visible Trade / Invisible Trade 1.3.4 Direct Trade / Indirect Trade / Entrepot Trade1.3.5 Trade by Roadway / Trade by Seaway / Trade by Airway / Trade by Mail Order Free-Liquidation Trade / B
9、arter Trade 1.4 . Another basic concepts about international trade1.4.1. amount of foreign trade total amount of import and export for a country in definite period. 1.4.2. amount of international trade total amount of export for all countries in definite period.1.4.3. trade balance favorable balance
10、: export import (surplus)adverse balance: exportimport (deficit) 1.4.4. commodity structureprimary commoditiesIndustry commodities (finished goods)1.4.5. factors of productioncapital, human resources or labor property resources including land 1.5 The difference between domestic trade and internation
11、al trade1.5.1. different effect to economy development 1.5.2. different environment social and culture / law and economic policycurrency system 1.5.3. difficult movement for factors of production among nations 1.5.4. more risks when you do international businessCredit; Business;Price;exchange rate;T
12、ransportation;Politics. 1.6 国际商务环境进口商生产厂家海关银行商检局外运公司保险公司税务局出口商What is international trade?International trade, also known as world trade, foreign trade or overseas trade, is the fair and deliberate exchange of goods and services across national boundaries. It concerns trade operations of both import
13、 and export and includes the purchase and sale of both visible and invisible goods. As import is an kind of opposite operation to export, since if we understand export administration, so does the import.What is export?Exporting is an extension of trading with the customers living in another country.
14、 This extension of the traders domain is highly important, since it enables the buyers to make a choice between alternative goods in satisfying his needs. Not only are the goods of his own nation available to him but also those of other nations as well. A major benefit of exporting is an enhanced op
15、portunity to exploit the comparative advantages enjoyed by the procedures in domestic market. Some other advantages of exporting as a national objective are its contribution to better use of national resources, reducing unemployment, increasing foreign exchange earnings and improving the balance of
16、payment.Benefit of exporting (briefly) 1)Better use of national resources.2)technological advance3) reducing unemployment4) foreign exchange earnings5) balance of payment第一章 国际贸易术语第二章 主要贸易条件第三章 商品的价格第四章 国际货物运输第五章 国际货物运输保险第六章 国际货款的收付第七章 检验、索赔 、不可抗力与仲裁第八章 合同的磋商 第九章 合同的履行 第十章 国际贸易方式目录第一章 国际贸易术语 Interna
17、tional Trade terms 贸易术语及国贸易际惯例(trade terms and international customary practices)国际贸易术语的含义及作用有关贸易术语的国际惯例 返回目录Case(案例): One import and export company exported his goods under the CIF term. The seller delivered the goods on board the vessel on time and prepared all necessary documents. But the vessel
18、stranded and sank in a few hours after departure. The next day, when the seller asked for payment with full set of documents in conformity with the contract, the buyer refused to accept the documents and rejected payment because his goods have been lost. Is it reasonable for the buyer to do so? Why?
19、返回目录、The definition of Trade Terms贸易术语的定义: FOB LONDONThe trade terms refer to using a brief English concept or abbreviation to indicate the formation of the unit price and determine the responsibilities, expenses and risks borne by two parties as well as the time of the passing of the property in th
20、e goods.返回目录 2、International customary practices (国际贸易惯例)Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 ?华沙牛津公约?Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions ?1941美国对外贸易修订本?International Rules For the Interpretation of Trade Terms?国际贸易术语解释通那么?返回目录? INCOTERMS 2000?术语简介适用于海运和内河运输方式的贸易术语: FOB, CFR, CIF, FAS, DES, DEQ适用于各种运输方式的
21、全能贸易术语: FCA, CPT, CIP, DDU, DDP?INCOTERMS 2000?中所规定的贸易术语共有13种按其顺序分为E、F、C、D四组E组启运 EXW ex work 工厂交货F组主运费未付:FCA Free Carrier 货交承运人;FAS Free Alongside Ship 装运港船边交货; FOB Free on Board 装运港船上交货。C组主要运费已付: CFR Cost and Freight 本钱加运费; CIF Cost Insurance and Freight 本钱加保险费和运费; CPT Carriage Paid to 运费付至、 CIP Ca
22、rriage and Insurance Paid to 运费和保险费付至D组(到达): DAF Delivered At Frontier 边境交货;DES Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货;DEQ Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货;DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完税交货;DDP Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货。Selected Trade TermsEXWFCA(Named Inland Carrier at Named Inland Point of DepartureFCA(Named Inland Car
23、rier at Named Inland Port of ExportationFAS(Named Portof Shipment)F.O.B.Vessel(Named Portof Shipment)Origin(Factory, Mine, Plantation, Warehouse)Inland CarrierDock at Port of ShipmentVesselCountry of OriginSelected Trade TermsCFRCIF(Named Port of DestinationDDU / DDP(Named Placeof Destination)Inland
24、 CarrierDock at Port of DestinationVesselCountry of DestinationDestination常用的贸易术语FOB (Free on Board,named port of shipment)船上交货(指定装运港)CFR (Cost and Freight,named port of destination)本钱加运费(指定目的港)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight,named port of destination)本钱加保险费、运费(指定目的港)返回目录FOB, Free on Board (Named po
25、rt of Shipment) 指定装运港船上交货 It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver the goods when they have passed over the ships rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all expenses and risks of or damage to the goods from that point.返回目录FOBnamed port of shipment
26、1、卖方的义务1卖方的责任A、提供符合合同规定的货物B、办理出口手续C、按照合同规定的时间和地点,将货物装到买方派来的船上D、迅速发出装船通知E、移交有关的货运单据或电子数据2卖方的费用货物装船前的一切费用3卖方的风险*货物在装运港越过船弦前的一切风险实际业务中以取得清洁提单为界2、买方的义务1买方的责任A、租船订舱,并及时通知卖方B、办理保险C、接受货运单据,支付货款D、办理进口手续,收取货物2买方的费用货物装船以后的一切费用3买方的风险装运港越过船弦以后的一切风险3、采用FOB术语时应注意的问题1装船费用的问题大宗货物程租船运输A、在合同中订明Loading Charges to be C
27、overed by the Seller (Buyer)FOB Under Tackle 吊钩所及FOB Liner Terms 买方FOBS理舱费在内卖方FOBT平舱费在内卖方FOBST*变形不改变FOB的性质。B、FOB的变形CFR (Cost and Freight,named port of destination)本钱加运费(指定目的港)It means that the seller shall undertake the cost and freight necessary to carry the goods to the named port of destination,
28、but the risks of, losses of, or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time the goods have been delivered on board the vessel, are transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ships rail at the port of shipment返回目录CFRnamed port of d
29、estination1、卖方的义务1卖方的责任A、提供符合合同规定的货物B、办理出口手续C、租船订舱D、按合同规定时间、地点将货物装船E、迅速发出装船通知F、移交有关货运单据或数字信息2卖方的费用 装船前的一切费用、装船费用、货物从装运港至目的港的正常运费3卖方的风险*与FOB一样2、买方的义务1买方的责任 A 承担装船后引起的额外费用包括保险费 B 接受货运单据,支付货款 C 办理进口手续,收取货物2风险 装运港越过船弦以后的一切风险3、采用CFR术语时应注意的问题1)卸货费用的负担问题A : 合同中明确规定Unloading Charges to be covered by the Buy
30、er.B : CFR的变形CFR Ex Ships Hold (买方)CFR Liner Terms (卖方或船方)CFR Landed (卖方)*CFR 变形只是说明卸货费用的负担问题,不改变本身的性质。2)关于装船通知的问题卖方在货物装船后必须及时向买主发出装船通知,以便买方办理投保。CFR下装船通知有更重要的意义。P89CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight,named port of destination)本钱加保险费、运费(指定目的港)It means that the seller has the obligation to procure marine
31、insurance against the risks of, losses of, or damage to the goods during the carriage.返回目录CIFnamed port of destination和CFR不同,保险由卖方负责办理。 本卷须知:1、保险问题保险险别: 如合同中未明确规定,卖方只可投保?协会货物条款?ICC或类似条款中最低的保险险别如买方要求也可加保,但费用由买方承担。保险金额 如合同中未明确规定,保险金额最少应按CIF价加成10%2、到岸价CIF属于装运港交货,不是“到岸价*卖方不承担保证把货送到约定目的港的义务。3、核算运费货价中包括运费
32、,应认真核算。考虑因素:距离;运价;转船;方式。4、关于象征性交货实际交货规定的时间和地点将规定的货物交给买方或指定的人。象征性交货以交单代替交货。卖方凭单交货,买方凭单付款。卖方交单只是买方付款的前提,还必须履行交货义务。 5、风险划分的问题与FOB、CFR完全相同6、卸货费用的问题与CFR相同7、货物特定化EGMode of transportation(运输方式)The formation of the unit price(价格构成)The place of delivery/risk transfer交货地点/风险转移点Responsibilities, expenses and r
33、isks borne by two parties双方责任、费用和风险的划分返回目录1.The mode of transportation (运输方式)Suitable for sea or inland waterway transport.2.The formation of the unit price(价格构成) FOB: Cost(本钱) CFR: Cost and Freight(本钱和运费)CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight(本钱和运费和保险费)返回目录3.The place of delivery /risk transfer (交货地点和风险转
34、移点) On the ships rail at the named port of shipment (在装运港的船舷)4.The expenses and responsibilities borne by two parties (双方费用、风险和责任的划分)返回目录The seller The buyerFOBDeliver the goods on board the vessel交货Contract for the carriage of the goods 租船订舱Obtain export license获得出口许可证Obtain import licenseCover car
35、go insurance 投保Provide documents for the buyer and ask for payment 交单议付Pay the price and take delivery of the goods 返回目录The seller the buyerCFRContract for the carriage of the goods at his own expensesOn usual term 通常条件By the usual route 惯常航线In the proper vessel 适合的船舶Usual freight正常运费Additional Frei
36、ght额外运费返回目录 The seller the buyerCIFContract for the carriage of the goodsCover cargo insurance on behalf of the buyerMinimum insurance(F.P.A) 最低险别additional insurance premium额外保险费返回目录CFR卖方在装港船上交货风险在船舷转移卖方承担运费海运卖方办理出口手续买方负责保险、进口手续铁路公路买方装运港目的港CIF 1.The expenses and risks are separated (风险和费用别离)2.CIF t
37、erm is document transaction 单据交易 (Symbolic delivery) 象征性交货The seller fulfills his duty of delivering goods against the documents The buyer shall pay the price against the documents返回目录CIF卖方在装船港上交货风险在船舷转移卖方办出口手续买方承担运费和保险费海运买方负责办理进口手续铁路 公路买方FOB、CFR、CIF的共同点都是用于水上运输方式;都是装运港交货的贸易术语;风险转移的界限:装运港船舷;象征性交货性质;
38、FOB CFR CIF的差异买卖双方承担的责任费用不同租船订舱支付运费办理保险、付保险费FOB买方买方买方CFR卖方卖方买方CIF卖方卖方卖方 货交承运人的三个贸易术语1)FCA(Free Carrier,named place) 货交承运人( 指定地点)2)CIP(Carriage insurance Paid to,named place of destination)运费、保险费付至(指定目的地)。 3) CPT (Carriage Paid Tonamed place of destination)运费付至(指定目的地)返回目录目的地交货的各种术语1)DAF (Delivered at
39、 Frontiernamed place) 边境交货(指定地点)2)DES(Delivered Ex Shipnamed port of destination目的港船上交货(指定目的港)3)DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay,named Port Of destination)目的港码头交货(指定目的港 )4)DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid,named place of destination)未完税交货(指定目的地) 5)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid,named place of destination)完税后交货指定目的地返回目录国际贸易术
40、语一览图AWCDDUDEQDESFOBFASEXWDAFFCABuyerSellerCIPCPTCIFCFRDDPPricing objectives:It can be divided into two kinds: long-term objectives and short term objectives. Both of them are oriented towards profit, towards sales, or toward maintaining the status quo.Pricing Strategy:Penetration pricing渗透定价法:相对低价刺激
41、需求,开拓市场skimming strategy撇取定价法:目的在于从买主身上赚取高额利润Early cash recovery pricing资金速斯回收定价法:需求低高价策略;当需求高低价策略;目的在迅速收回现金。Useful Words concerned:Terms of delivery 价格术语Terms of trade 贸易条件Trading practice 贸易惯例The revised American Trade Definitions 1941.美国对外贸易定义1941年修正本INCOTERMS ?国际贸易术语解释通那么?源于International Commerc
42、ial Terms.全称是:International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms. 由国际商会于1936年制定通那么,1974年和1980年修改补充。在1980年版中包括14个贸易术语,规定了买卖双方的权利和义务。第二章 主要贸易条件The Quality of Goods The Quantity of Goods Packing and Marking 返回目录nit1 Quality of Goods 商品的品质 表示品质的方法(1)用文字说明表示商品的品质(Sale by Description) 凭规格、等级或标准买卖(S
43、ale by Specification, Grade or Standard) 商品规格(Specification):The specification of the goods refers to certain main indicators which indicate the quality of the goods, such as composition, content, purity, size, length, etc.返回目录 商品的等级(Grade)The grade of the goods refers to the classifications of the
44、commodity of the goods which is indicated by words, numbers or symbols. The classifications are usually decided by different qualities, weights, compositions, appearances, properties, etc.商品的标准StandardThe standard refers to the specifications or grades which are stipulated and announced by the gover
45、nment or the chambers of commerce, etc.返回目录凭牌号或商标买卖Sale by Brand Name or Trade Mark As to the goods whose quality is stable, reputation is sound and with which the customers are quite familiar, we may sell it by brand name or trade mark.凭产地名称买卖(Sale by Name of Origin) It is suitable for some agricul
46、tural products and by-products whose origins are well- known all over the world.返回目录凭说明书和图样买卖(Sale by Description and Illustration) The quality of some commodities, such as technological instruments, electric machines, etc. can not be simply indicated by quality indexes, instead it is quite necessar
47、y to explain in detail the structure, material, performance as well as method of operation. If necessary, pictures, photos, etc. must also be provided.返回目录2以实物表示商品的品质Sale by Actual Quality or Sample看货买卖 (Sale by Actual Quality) In this case, the buyer or his agent examine the goods at sellers place
48、at first. After they conclude a deal, the seller shall deliver the goods according to the goods examined. 凭样品买卖Sale by Sample The sample refers to the article which can be used to represent the quality of the whole lot. Sale by sample includes two cases, i.e., sale by the sellers sample and sale by
49、the buyers sample. 返回目录a. 凭卖方样品(Sale by Sells Sample):b.凭买方样品(Sale by Buyers Sample):c.对等样品成交Sale by Counter Sample:也有的称之为确认样品Confirming Sample。日后卖方交货以对等样品品质为准。返回目录Unit2 商品的数量The Quantity of Goods1、商品数量的计量单位 按重量(Weight)计算。常用的单位有公吨(Metric ton/kilo ton)、长吨Long Ton、短吨short tonnet ton、公斤(kilogram等 返回目录按
50、数量计算。常见的计数单位有件Piece、双(Pair)、套Set、打(dozen)、卷roll、箱(case)、箩gross、袋(bag)、包bale等 长度(length)计算。常用单位有米(meter/m.)、英尺(footft)、码yardyd等。丝绸、布疋、钢管、电线电缆、金属绳索等常用长度单位计量。返回目录 按面积Area计算。有平方米Square metersqm、平方英尺(square footsq. ft)、平方码square yard/sqyd等。木板、皮革、地毯、玻璃板等用面积单位计量。 按体积Volume计算。有立方米cubic metercum.、立方尺cubic fo
51、otcuft、立方码(cubic yardcuyd)等。木材、天然气、化学气体等常以体积作计景单位。 按容积capacity计算。常见的容积单位有升literl.、加仑(gallon/gal)、蒲式耳(bushel/bu)等。各类谷物和液体商品常以容积为单位。返回目录、商品重量的计算方法1) 按毛重Gross Weight计算 2)按净重(Net Weight)计算,净重指商品本身的重量。Actual tare: 实际皮重Average tare: 平均皮重Customary tare: 习惯皮重Computed tare: 约定皮重返回目录3) Conditioned Weight:按公量计
52、算。his kind of calculating method is suitable to those cargos whose water contents are not stable, such as wool, silk, etc.公量=商品干净重x (1+标准回潮率)公量=商品净重x 1+标准回潮率 / 1+实际回潮率 式中商品干净重是指用科学方法抽去商品中的水分后商品的重量。标准回潮率是交易双方约定的货物中的水分与商品的干量之比。4Theoretical weight:按理论重量5Legal weight and net weight:按法定重量返回目录商品数量条款确实定 商品
53、数量条款,由成交商品的数量和计量单位组成。对以重量成交的商品还要订明计算重量的方法。1.Dont use such words as about or circa or approximate before the quantity of the goods. 2.To stipulate the quantity latitude: It means that the seller may deliver the goods with a certain percentage more or less in quantity. 返回目录Useful Words concernedAmeric
54、an pound 美国磅约453.592克European pound 欧洲磅Short ton 短吨 约2000克 Metric ton 公吨1000公斤2204磅Long ton 长吨2240磅FAQ : fair average Quality 大路货,中等平均品质GMQ: good merchantable quality 良好可销品质Hard currency 硬货币To lodge a claim 索赔Unit 3 商品的包装Packing 在国际贸易中,除少量商品难以包装,或不值得包装而采取裸装Nude Packed或散装(In Bulk)方式外,绝大多数商品均需要有适当的包装。
55、商品的包装(Package of Goods)是国际商品交换不可缺少的重要环节,是联系生产与消费的桥梁。包括不仅起到保护、宣传、美化商品的作用,还可使商品增值。商品包装条款也是合同的要件之一。返回目录The kinds of packing(包装的种类) 、Shipping packing: 运输包装According to the method of packing: single piece packing and collective packing. According to style of packing: Cases, drums, bags, bales, bundles, e
56、tc.According to the material of packing: Cartons, wooden cases, iron drums, wooden casks, paper bags, gunny bags, plastic bags, etc.返回目录According to the softness of packing: softness packing and hardness packing as well as half-hardness packing. According to the extent of packing: full packed and pa
57、rt packed、Marketing packing: 销售包装Piling-up pattern:Hanging-up pattern:Spreading-up pattern:Pattern for carryingabout:Pattern for easily opening:Pattern for spraying out:Pattern for showing off a gift.返回目录Packing Mark包装标志Shipping mark: 运输标志 It is usually made up of geometrical diagrams, letters, figu
58、res and simple words. The contents of shipping mark are as follows:Consignees code:Consignors code:DestinationPackage number返回目录Warning mark: 警告性标志It is also called dangerous cargo mark, which is brushed clearly and definitely on the shipping packing of the inflammable, explosive, poisonous, corrosi
59、ve goods, so as to give warnings to the workersIndicative mark: 指示性标志This kind of mark is used to reminder the relative workers of the items for attention when they load, unload, carry and store the goods, such as handle with care, keep dry etc.返回目录Neutral packing and brand designated by the buyer中性
60、包装和定牌、Neural packing: It means that there is neither a name of the origin, nor a name of the factory, nor a trade mark, a brand, or even any words on the packing of the commodity and the commodity itself. It includes two kinds: packing with trade mark designated by the buyer but without the mark of
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