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1、汉译英一、P91 当今社会,选择的观念无孔不入,种种选择会导致人们越发感到焦虑不安和力不从心。总有人向我们灌输这样的理念:我们可以选择自己的生活方式,可以选择自己的身材,甚至可以选择子女的未来。我们因为这种无所不能的虚假承诺而洋洋得意,同时却忘记了自己做出的选择往往并不理智要么受到社会认同的影响,要么受到自己内心无意识动机的影响。The ideology of choice is all-pervasive in today's society, and has contributed to growing feelings of anxiety and inadequacy amon

2、g consumers. Were told that we can choose the type of life we live, the type of body we have, even the way our kids will turn out. But while we bask in the false promise of mastery, we forget that the choices we make are often irrational either linked to socially acceptable, or our own unconscious m

3、otives.二、(P102:4)鉴于甲方拥有合同产品的生产及销售所涉及的技术信息,包括设计、技术、工艺、配方、技能和其他资料的专有权:鉴于乙方以生产、使用和销售合同产品的目的,希望获得使用上述协助的许可证权利;鉴于乙方希望使用甲方所有的下属商标:双方兹就下列内容达成一致:Whereas Party A possesses proprietary technical information includi-ng designs, techniques, process,formulas, skills and other data useful in the contract products

4、 production and sales; and Whereas Party B desires to acquire the right and licence to use the above-mentioned technical assistance for the purpose of manufacturing, using and selling such products; and Whereas Party B desires to use the following trademarks owned by Party A. Now Therefore, the part

5、ies hereby agree as follows:三、(P105:2)版权是一种无形资产。正如其字面所示,它所拥有的是一种权利。这种权利包括两个方面,即复制权和对复制权的使用控制。版权是对作品创造者实行的一种法律保护。最初仅限于对书籍方面,而今已扩大到对各种杂志、报纸、地图、戏剧、电影、电视节目、电脑软件、绘画、图片、雕塑、音乐作品、舞蹈动作设计等类作品的保护。实质上,版权保护的是知识或艺术财产。 版权这种财产与众不同,因为它旨在为公众所利用,为公众所享受。如果一个读者买一本版权受保护的书,这本书就归其所有。但是如果他将此书复制或散发,那便属违法,因为这种权利属出版商、作者或拥有其版权的

6、人所有。 Copyright is an intangible form of property. What is owned, as the word suggests, is a right. This right has two aspects-the right to copy and the right to control copying. Copyright is a legal protection extended to those who produce creative works. Originally only for books, copyright now ext

7、ends to magazines, newspapers, maps, plays, motion pictures, television programs, computer program software, paintings, photographs, sculpture, musical compositions, choreographed dances, and similar works. Essentially a copyright protects an intellectual or artistic property. This type of property

8、is unusual because it is normally intended for public use or enjoyment. If an individual buys a copyrighted book, it belongs to him as an object. But making copies of it to sell or give away is illegal. This right belongs to the publisher,author, or whoever holds the copyright.四、(P116:5)承租人同意将所租建筑保持

9、良好状态,并不得任其损坏。如果承租人对出租房屋作任何调整或增添任何设施,事先必须征得出租人的书面同意。房内任何增添和装修过的设施都成为出租人的财产,而且承租人不得以此向出租人提出补偿要求。如果发生火灾,本租赁合同立即终止。The Lessee shall agrees to keep the leased building in good condition and not allow it to further deteriorate. Any modifications or additions carried out on the leased building by the Lesse

10、e may be done only with the Lessor's prior written permission. Any addition and new structure resulting from modification, addition or repair to the leased building becomes the property of the Lessor, and the Lessee cannot claim any compensation needs from the lessor. This lease contract is term

11、inated should the leased building be subject to a fire disaster.五、(P132:5) 阐述了2000年以来中国经济和能源消费快速增长的态势,以及能源消费构成变化情况和石油消费趋势,探讨了2050年前几种不同情境下的中国经济增长前景、能源消费增长趋势、能源消费构成变化趋势和石油需求总量。This paper expounds on the rapid growth trend of Chinas economy and energy consumption, the changes in energy consumption str

12、ucture and oil consumption since 2000. It also explores several different prospects of Chinas economic growth, the growth of energy consumption, the change in energy consumption structure and the total oil demand before 2050.六、(P132:6)加快发展常规天然气、页岩气、煤层气等气体能源,既能有效缓解我国面临的能源安全、环境保护和减排等多重压力,又能培育新的经济增长点。为

13、此,应提升气体能源在我国能源战略中的地位,加快能源领域市场化改革,建立和完善市场准入和矿业权管理制度,放宽气体能源的行业准入,改革能源价格形成机制,并加大对页岩气开采等关键技术开发的支持,从而改变我国能源供应和消费的结构,支持可持续发展和生态文明建设。Accelerating the development of conventional natural gas , shale gas , coal bed methane , coal methane gas and other combustible ice clean energy can effectively alleviate th

14、e country 's energy security , environmental protection and multiple enormous pressure to reduce emissions , etc. , but also foster new economic growth point , it should be one of our important strategic choice to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, we should elevate the status of the ga

15、s clean energy in China's energy strategy to accelerate market-oriented reform of the energy sector , the establishment and improvement of market access and mining rights management system and relax gas industry access to clean energy , energy pricing reform mechanism , strengthen the supervisio

16、n of the natural gas pipeline network backbone , and increase support for technological development in the field of shale gas mining technology , mining technology combustible ice , carbon capture and storage technology , changing the structure of China's energy supply and consumption, supportin

17、g sustainable development and construction of ecological civilization .七、 (P136:2)本刊只接受全部用英文写成的稿件。来稿在5000字左右为宜。论文必须另页附200字以内的中文摘要、100词以内英文摘要和不少于3个的主题词。正文格式应符合以下要求:1、英文12磅字体;2、双倍行距;3、左右两边空白各不少于3.5厘米;4、单面打印;5、段落第一行行首缩进四个字符;6、加入页码;7、文内引语和参考书目采用美国心理学会(APA)的论文格式。This journal only accepts papers in Englis

18、h. Keep the paper about 5000 words. With an abstract of 200 words in Chinese and 100 words in English with at least 3 keywords . The following is the format of the text submitted : 1. Use font size 12 in English; 2. Write on double-space; 3. Leave margins at least 3.5 cm on the right and left sides;

19、 4. Type on only one side of the paper ; 5. Indent the first line of every new paragraph with 4 spaces; 6. Number the paper with the pages in the correct order ; 7. Adopt the format of the academic paper made by APA for the quotations and the reference.8、 (P119 Sample2)亲爱的Doe教授:关于我的正式研究报告任务,我建议着手计算机

20、的安全性问题研究并提交一份对行政管理人员有价值的正式报告。这些人员对怎样维护电子存储记录的机密问题颇感兴趣。我日前正在攻读计算机科学专业的必修课并考虑做商务管理工作,因此对计算机目前处理信息安全性以及可能会达到什么样的安全程度产生了浓厚的专业兴趣。我也对这一课题产生了职业兴趣。因为在我打工的这家公司里(我担任公司的数据处理员),计算机的安全性已成为大家讨论最多的一个热门话题。我将对一些更新奇的操作控制的相对优越性做出评估。以下是我目前所计划的报告结构:Dear Professor Doe, For my formal research report assignment, I propose

21、to research the problem of computer security and produce a formal report that would be value to office managers who have an interest in maintaining the confidentiality of electronically stored records. Since I am completing the requirement for a major in computer science and am contemplating graduat

22、e work in Business Administration, I have a strong academic interest in knowing just how secure computerized information is and how secure it can be. I also have an occupational interest in the subject because computer security has become a much-discussed subject in the office where I hold a part-time job as a Data Processor.I


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