1、局部解剖学(八)局部解剖学(八) 头部的局部解剖与操作头部的局部解剖与操作头部头部 headv颅部颅部 颅顶颅顶额顶枕区额顶枕区 frontoparietooccipital region颞区颞区 temporal region 颅底与颅腔及其内容物颅底与颅腔及其内容物v 面部面部面浅部面浅部 superficial part of the face腮腺咬肌区腮腺咬肌区 Parotid and masseteric region 面深部面深部 deep part of the face一、概一、概 述述 境界与分区境界与分区 Boundary and region of head 表面解剖表面
2、解剖体表标志体表标志 surface landmark体表投影体表投影 surface projection境境 界界 与与 分分 区区表表面面解解剖剖Mental foramenFrontal tuberSupraorbital foramenInfraorbital foramenSupraorbital notchFrontal tuberPterionZygomatic archAngle of mandibleMastoid processExternal occipital protuberanceTemporal line superiorEyebrow体体 表表 投投 影影 S
3、urface projection1.Middle meningeal a.2.Central sulcus3.Lateral sulcus二、颅二、颅顶顶 额顶枕区软组织的层次及其特点额顶枕区软组织的层次及其特点 颞区软组织的层次及其特点颞区软组织的层次及其特点(一)(一)Layers of Scalp (Frontal Section) Skin 皮肤皮肤 Connective tissue 结缔组织结缔组织 Aponeurosis 帽状腱膜帽状腱膜 Loose connective tissue 疏松结缔组织疏松结缔组织 Pericarnium 骨膜骨膜浅筋膜内的浅筋膜内的血管神经血管神
4、经 分组分组 行径与分布行径与分布特点及其临特点及其临床意义床意义 Layers of Scalp (lateral aspect )(二)(二)Layers of Temporal Region1. 皮肤皮肤 skin2. 浅筋膜浅筋膜 Superficial fascia3. 颞筋膜颞筋膜 Temporal fascia4. 颞肌颞肌 Temporalis 5. 骨膜骨膜 Pericranium咬咬 肌肌Masseter颞颞 肌肌Temporalis颞区各层次颞区各层次的结构特点的结构特点 皮肤皮肤 浅筋膜内浅筋膜内的血管和的血管和神经神经 颞筋膜的颞筋膜的浅、深层浅、深层 颞肌颞肌 颞肌
5、深部颞肌深部的血管和的血管和神经神经颞间隙 颞浅间隙:位于颞筋膜与颞肌之间。 颞筋膜间隙:位于颞筋膜下部两层之间。 颞深间隙:位于颞肌(筋膜)与骨膜之间。三、面部三、面部 面部浅层结构面部浅层结构the superficial structures of the face 面侧区面侧区the lateral region of the face腮腺咬肌区腮腺咬肌区 the Parotid and masseteric region 面侧深部面侧深部 the deep part of the face面部浅层结构面部浅层结构 Superficial structures of face皮肤皮肤
6、skin 浅筋膜浅筋膜 superficial fascia面表情肌面表情肌 muscles of expression腮腺管腮腺管 parotid duct 面动、静脉面动、静脉 facial artery and vein淋巴结淋巴结 lymph nodes三叉神经三叉神经 Trigeminal nerve面神经面神经 facial nerve 面动脉面动脉 Facial Artery 三叉神经三叉神经Trigeminal Nerve面神经面神经 Facial Nerve头头 部部 淋淋 巴巴 回回 流流Lymphatic drainage of the head(二)腮腺咬肌区(二)腮腺
7、咬肌区Parotid and Masseteric Region 腮腮 腺腺 parotid gland 位置和形态位置和形态 morphology and location腮腺管腮腺管 parotid duct 腮腺咬肌筋膜腮腺咬肌筋膜 Parotid-masseteric fascia腮腺淋巴结腮腺淋巴结 Parotid lymph node腮腺内主要血管、神经的排列腮腺内主要血管、神经的排列 Arrangement of main vessels and nerves in the parotid gland腮腺的毗邻腮腺的毗邻 Relation of the parotid gland
8、 咬肌咬肌 Masseter1.腮腺咬肌筋膜:咬肌筋膜和腮腺鞘腮腺咬肌筋膜:咬肌筋膜和腮腺鞘 2. 腮腺腮腺parotid gland (1) 位置位置(2)形态:)形态:呈不规则的楔形,底向外,尖向内突至咽旁;被面呈不规则的楔形,底向外,尖向内突至咽旁;被面神经丛或下颌支后缘分为浅部和深部。神经丛或下颌支后缘分为浅部和深部。(3)腮腺腮腺管管parotid duct:行程、体表投影、开口部位行程、体表投影、开口部位Opening of the parotid duct3. 腮腺的淋巴结:腮腺的淋巴结:分为浅淋巴结(位于腮腺表面,引流耳廓、分为浅淋巴结(位于腮腺表面,引流耳廓、颅顶前部和面上部
9、的淋巴)和深淋巴结(位于腮腺实质内,引流外颅顶前部和面上部的淋巴)和深淋巴结(位于腮腺实质内,引流外耳道、中耳、鼻、腭和颊部深部的淋巴),其输出淋巴管注入颈外耳道、中耳、鼻、腭和颊部深部的淋巴),其输出淋巴管注入颈外侧深淋巴结。侧深淋巴结。4.穿经腮腺的结构v 纵行穿行腮腺纵行穿行腮腺的结构:的结构: Auriculotemporal n. Superficial temporal a .&.v. External carotid a. Retromandibular v. v 横行穿行腮腺横行穿行腮腺的结构:的结构: Transverse facial v. Facial n. Maxill
10、ary a.面面神神经经的的颅颅外外行行程程及及分分段段下下颌颌后后静静脉脉颈颈外外动动脉、脉、耳耳颞颞神神经经“parotid bed”styloid process and its attached m.Internal jugular v. Internal carotid a.Stylopharyngeus m.Styloglossus m.Stylohyoid m.5. 腮腺的毗邻腮腺的毗邻 relation of parotid gland腮腮腺腺的的毗毗邻邻咬咬肌肌及及其其浅浅面面的的结结构构 咬肌、咬咬肌、咬肌筋膜、肌筋膜、咬肌神经咬肌神经 面神经面神经 面横血管面横血管 腮腺
11、管腮腺管 腮腺浅部腮腺浅部二、面侧深区结构二、面侧深区结构The deep structures of the lateral face 位置与境界位置与境界 location and boundary 翼内、外肌翼内、外肌medial and lateral pterygoid musceles 翼静脉丛翼静脉丛 pterygoid venous plexus 上颌动脉上颌动脉 maxillary artery and its branches 下颌神经下颌神经 mandibular nerve颞下窝颞下窝 boundaris of infratemporal fossa上界:蝶骨大翼的颞下
12、面。superiorly - the infratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and a portion of the squamous part of the temporal bone.内侧界:蝶骨的翼突外侧板。Medially- the outer plate of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone外侧界:下颌支的上部和颧弓。laterally- the upper portion of the ramus of mandible and the zy
13、gomatic arch前界:颧骨的下部和上颌骨的颞下面。Anteriorly-the lower portion of the zygomatic bone and the infratemporal surface of the maxillary bone.翼翼内、内、外外肌肌翼静脉丛翼静脉丛 Pterygoid venous plexus上颌静脉上颌静脉Maxillary vein上颌动脉上颌动脉Maxillary artery:行径、分段及其分支行径、分段及其分支v 下颌段下颌段 下牙槽动脉下牙槽动脉 脑膜中动脉脑膜中动脉v 翼肌段翼肌段 咀嚼肌动脉咀嚼肌动脉 颊动脉颊动脉v 翼腭窝
14、段翼腭窝段 上牙槽动脉上牙槽动脉 眶下动脉眶下动脉下颌神经下颌神经 mandibular nerve颊神经颊神经 buccal nerve耳颞神经耳颞神经auriculotemporal nerve舌神经舌神经Lingual nerve下牙槽神经下牙槽神经Inferior alveolar nerve三、面部的间隙三、面部的间隙Spaces of face 咬肌间隙咬肌间隙Masseteric space 翼下颌间隙翼下颌间隙Pterygomandibular space 舌下间隙舌下间隙sublingual space颞深间隙颞深间隙颧弓深面颧弓深面颞下间隙颞下间隙翼下颌翼下颌间隙间隙翼内肌
15、后缘翼内肌后缘咽旁间隙咽旁间隙咽后间隙咽后间隙向后向后下颌切迹下颌切迹咬肌咬肌间隙间隙咽旁间隙咽旁间隙咽后间隙咽后间隙颞浅间隙颞浅间隙颧弓深面颧弓深面解剖步骤和注意事项解剖步骤和注意事项Dissection notes and procedure切口Incision 皮肤皮肤 Skin incision 翻皮瓣翻皮瓣 Reflect the skin flaps The scalp: identify the layers of the scalp颞区浅层结构颞区浅层结构 The superficial part of temporal region 在耳屏前方解剖颞在耳屏前方解剖颞浅动、静脉
16、和耳颞浅动、静脉和耳颞神经。神经。In front of the tragus dissect the superficial temporal artery and vein and auriculotemporal n. 面浅层结构面浅层结构 The superficial part of the face1. 暴露重要的面表情肌暴露重要的面表情肌Expose the major facial muscles.2.2.解剖面神经的分支解剖面神经的分支清理腮腺的表面,寻找腮清理腮腺的表面,寻找腮腺管和面神经的颏支,或腺管和面神经的颏支,或在面神经浅面的下颌缘支。在面神经浅面的下颌缘支。循着面
17、神经分支逆行追踪循着面神经分支逆行追踪至腮腺内面神经主干,然至腮腺内面神经主干,然后循着面神经主干找到其后循着面神经主干找到其分支,并追踪至所支配的分支,并追踪至所支配的面表情肌。面表情肌。 2. Dissect the branches of the facial nerve Clean the surface of the parotid gland, find out the parotid duct and the buccal branches of the facial nerve, or the marginal mandibular branches of the facial
18、 nerve superficial to the facial artery. Follow one of the branches of the facial nerve back through the parotid gland to the trunk of the nerve, and then trace the other branches of the facial nerve following the trunk of the nerve to the muscles of expression.3. 解剖面动、静脉解剖面动、静脉在下颌骨下缘与咬肌前在下颌骨下缘与咬肌前缘
19、交界处找到面动脉,并缘交界处找到面动脉,并追踪至眼的内眦。追踪至眼的内眦。注意保护跨过面动脉浅注意保护跨过面动脉浅面的下颌缘支。面的下颌缘支。找出并清理位于面动脉找出并清理位于面动脉后方的面静脉。后方的面静脉。3.dissect the facial artery and vein Find the artery at the junction of the lower border of the mandible of the anterior border of the masseter and then trace it to the medial angle of the eye. Preserve the marginal mandibular branches superfical to the facial artery. Find and
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