1、1精选课件pptWelcome2精选课件ppt3精选课件ppt4精选课件pptJeremy Harmer5精选课件pptEnglish Teaching Methodology:6精选课件ppt7精选课件ppt8精选课件ppt9精选课件ppt10精选课件ppt11精选课件ppt12精选课件ppt13精选课件ppt14精选课件ppt15精选课件ppt16精选课件ppt17精选课件ppt18精选课件ppt How do we learn languages ?Language acquisitionLanguage learning19精选课件pptLanguage acquisition: th
2、e process where a language is acquired as a result of natural and largely random exposure to language.( a subconscious process)20精选课件pptLanguage learning: the process where the exposure to language is structured through language teaching.21精选课件ppt22精选课件ppt To give a concise definition of language ha
3、s always been difficult for linguists and philologists. There is no authoritative answer has been given to “ What is language?” But here is 23精选课件ppt24精选课件ppt25精选课件ppt26精选课件ppt27精选课件ppt28精选课件ppt29精选课件ppt30精选课件ppt31精选课件ppt32精选课件ppt33精选课件pptSoundsWordsGrammar34精选课件ppt Functional View : It sees languag
4、e as a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things. Most of our day-to-day language use involves functional activities : offering , suggesting , advising, apologizing, etc. Therefore , learners learn a language in order to do things with it . To perform functions , learners need to know h
5、ow to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions.35精选课件ppt36精选课件ppt37精选课件ppt38精选课件ppt39精选课件ppt40精选课件ppt41精选课件ppt42精选课件pptStimulus Organism Response BehaviorReinforcement(behavior likely to occur again and become a habit)No Reinforcement(behavior no
6、t likely to occur again )43精选课件ppt44精选课件ppt45精选课件ppt46精选课件pptAccording to Chomskys theory, language is not a form of behaviour, it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system. There are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system a
7、nd with a knowledge of these rules an infinite number of sentences can be produced. One influential idea of this theory is that students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules.Cognitive theory :(认知学习理论)47精选课件ppt48精选课件pptConstructivist theory(建构主
8、义学习理论)(建构主义学习理论) Learning is a complex cognitive process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his or her own experiences and What he/she already knows. It is believed that education is used to develop the mind, not just to rote recall what is learned.49精选课件pptReceivinginformationProcessi
9、ng informationConstructing new meaningsInput(listening,reading)Decoding(解码)解码)Relating what learners already know with the received information(Listening/reading) comprehensionoutputConstructivist theory50精选课件ppt让让皮亚杰(皮亚杰(Jean Piaget,18961980),瑞士),瑞士心理学家,发生认识论创始人。心理学家,发生认识论创始人。51精选课件pptSocio-constru
10、ctivist theory 社会社会-建构主义理论建构主义理论It emphasizes interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on the concept of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD,最近发展区) and scaffolding (support, 支架). In other words, learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the
11、teacher and the learner and between learners.52精选课件pptIt is the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by (视视而定而定) independent problem solving and the level of potential (潜在的潜在的) development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with mo
12、re capable peers. (Vygotsky 1978 :86)Zone of Proximal Development(ZPD 最近发展区最近发展区)53精选课件ppt54精选课件ppt在帮助下解在帮助下解决问题的能决问题的能力表现力表现学生独立解学生独立解决问题的能决问题的能力表现力表现ZPD the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving the level of potential development as determined through problem solv
13、ing under adult guidance 55精选课件pptImplications for classroom teaching“最近发展区最近发展区”的概念对于教学的的概念对于教学的意义是:课堂教学的每个环节,必意义是:课堂教学的每个环节,必须适合学生的须适合学生的“最近发展区最近发展区”,既,既不消极适应或滞后于学生现有的智不消极适应或滞后于学生现有的智力发展水平,也不过度超前于学生力发展水平,也不过度超前于学生现有的水平。应当从有利于促进学现有的水平。应当从有利于促进学生智力发展的角度去考虑,让学生生智力发展的角度去考虑,让学生“跳一跳摘到果子跳一跳摘到果子”。56精选课件pp
14、t The concept of scaffolding originates with the work of Wood (1976).and it serves as (充当充当, 担任担任) a metaphor for the novice-master interaction in a problem-solving taskScaffolding (支架理论)支架理论)57精选课件ppt最近最近发展区发展区58精选课件ppt59精选课件ppt A good English teacher should .IV. What qualities do you think a good
15、English teacher should have?60精选课件ppt61精选课件ppt62精选课件pptEthic devotionwarm-hearted, hardworking, responsible , enthusiastic, caring, kind, well-prepared63精选课件pptProfessional qualities Resourceful, well-informed (博识的博识的), professionally trained, creative64精选课件ppt flexible, patient, humourous, attentive(专心的专心的), dynamic (不断变化的不断变化的)(positive) Personal style65精选课件ppt66精选课件ppt67精选课件ppt68精选课件ppt69精选课件ppt70精选课件ppt71精选课件ppt72精选课件ppt73精选课件ppt74精选课件ppt75精选课件ppt76精选课件ppt77精选课件ppt78精选课件ppt79精选课件ppt80精选课件ppt81精选课件ppt82精选课件ppt83精选课件p
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