1、吸气 呼气And inhale. and exhale.好了 很好Okay, great.锻炼进行得怎么样Hows the exercise going?刚刚的吸气呼气练习让我累得不轻Well, that whole inhale/exhale thing knocked me for a loop,但我的确是从停车场走楼梯上来的but I did take the stairs up here from the parking garage.我就在二楼而已Im on the second floor.我知道 我还没说完呢I know. Im not finished.我还要步行下去的啊I s
2、till have to go back down.你可以穿上衣服了You can get dressed.看来你的捐肾人通过精神评估了Ah, so it looks like your donor passed her psych eval.我也跟你一样震惊I am as shocked as you are.一切看上去都很顺利Well, everything is looking great.我们差不多准备好安排你的手术日期了Were just about ready to schedule your surgery.真的吗 那可太好了Really? Oh, thats fantastic
3、.-不过有个小问题 -不 不行- There is one thing. - ?No, no!你不能先让我抱有美好的希望You cannot build up my hopes然后又给我来个沉重的打击and then yank the rug out from under me.你这人就是这样 医生See, you do this, Doctor.你总是这样 我真的受够了You do this all the time, and Im sick of it.我们只是需要吉娜父亲那边的病史记录而已We just need Ginas medical history on her fathers
4、side.看来我欠你一个道歉I believe I owe you an apology.我应该让你说完的I should have let you finish.问题在于The thing is, uh,吉娜的父亲已经去世了Ginas father passed away.没有病史记录 能直接安排手术吗Can we still schedule it without it?-当然可以 -太好了- Absolutely. - All right!-但我不建议这么做 -你个狗东西- But I wouldnt advise it. - You son of a bitch!她以后只能靠一颗肾活着
5、Shell be living with one kidney.如果有肾结石 血栓或别的方面的病史If theres any history of kidney stones or clots or anything else, 她就会置自己的性命于危险之中shell be putting herself at risk.好吧 明白了Okay, yes, got it.我会确保她拿到病史记录的I will make sure she gets the records.谢谢 你个狗东西Thanks, you son of a bitch.很高兴我们能对这骂人的话置之一笑Im glad we ca
6、n laugh about that.好了 得去走楼梯了Okay, gotta hit the stairs.我爸大概二十年前就去世了My father died like 20 years ago.我才没有他的病史记录I dont have his medical records.不过我应该可以编造一份I mean, I guess I could make them up, 就像我编造我的社保号♥一样like I do my Social Security number.不行 医生说No. The-the doctor said 可能会有严重的健康问题there could
7、be serious health complications.并且你真的别再用And you should really stop using123456789作为社保号♥了one-two-three-four- five-six-seven-eight-nine.就跟他们说我爸是个混♥蛋♥Just tell them that my dad was a jerk但他非常健康but he was incredibly healthy.你刚才说他英年早逝You just said he died young.他是被火车撞死的He got hit by
8、a train.这种情况下 才没人在乎你的胆固醇高不高呢At that point, nobody cares about your cholesterol level.你能试试找到他的医生Can you at least try to track down his doctor或是找什么亲戚了解下吗or talk to some relatives?我有个继母叫莎琳Theres my stepmom Charlene,但我已经很久很久没跟她联♥系♥过了but, mm, I havent talked to her forever.怎么会这样How come?我怕我
9、的手会忍♥不住握住她的脖子Im afraid my hands will end up wrapped around her neck把她掐死choking the life out of her.你懂的 家人之间就会这样You know, like families do.好了 奶油卷 该出去溜达了Come on, Cannoli, lets go for a walk.你能给她打个电♥话♥吗Well, can you please just call her?如果你真出了什么事I mean, if something happened to you
10、,我永远无法原谅自己I could never forgive myself.我不会有事的Oh, Ill be fine.我不喜欢谈这事I dont like to talk about it,但我的人生如同有魔法庇佑一般but my life is kind of charmed.你知道我在家做过多少次验孕吗Do you know how many home pregnancy tests Ive taken?猜猜怎么着And guess what,我一个孩子都没有啊I dont see any babies.没有病史记录 吉娜是不能做手术的Gina cant do the surgery
11、without those records-未知状况太多了 -我知道- There are too many unknowns. - I know.但她拒绝找她继母谈谈But she refuses to talk to her stepmother.如果她签了手术的免责书If she signs the waiver for the surgery然后又出了事and something happens to her,我可能会害死她的oh, I could end up killing her.我的天 真是太好笑了Oh, my God. Thats hilarious.抱歉 我在开工作上的视频
12、会议Sorry, Im on a Zoom meeting for work.如果吉娜不去找她继母谈If Gina wont talk to her stepmother,你可以取消手术I guess you could just call off the surgery.那真是我听过的最愚蠢的主意了That is the stupidest idea Ive ever heard.没错 这句是对你说的Yeah, that was for you.-你不能放掉主动愿意为你捐肾的人 -我同意- You cannot pass up a willing donor. - I agree.如果她想这
13、么做 那是她的决定If shes willing to go through with it, thats her decision.她是个成年人了Shes an adult.只不过这个成年的电邮账号♥还是An adult whose e-mail is still贾斯汀丁布莱克的老婆143MrsJustinTimberlake143 hotmail.Com,不过话又说回来 我们都有自己的癖好but hey, we all got our things.等她因为病史记录的缺失在做手术时死掉Well, when she dies because they didnt know he
14、r medical history,她老公贾斯汀可以在她的葬礼上献唱her husband Justin can sing at her funeral.永别了Bye Bye Bye.我觉得吉迪安和杰瑞说的对I think Gideon and Jerry are right.我或许还是应该取消手术Uh, I should probably just call off the surgery.如果她真出了什么事 我真的一辈子良心难安If something happens to her, I-I couldnt live with myself.她现在是我的朋友了 如果我害死了她Shes my
15、 friend now. If I kill her,那就杀死了我一半的朋友Ive killed half my friends.拜托哦 说点现实的吧Oh, come on now. Lets get real here. 出事的概率能有多大啊What are the chances of something really going wrong?-实际上. -这不重要- Actually. - It doesnt matter.不值得这么做 必须取消手术Its not worth it. Surgerys off.你真是太蠢了Ugh, you are so stupid.不 不是说你们No,
16、 not you guys.我正在跟一帮混♥蛋♥一起吃午餐呢Im at lunch with a bunch of jack holes.不是说你们Not you guys.真不知道我为什么还是这么意外I dont know why Im so surprised.我女儿经常让我心碎My daughter breaks my heart all the time.真的很遗憾 诺玛Im so sorry, Norma.尽管我心里跟明镜似的 但总是忍♥不住抱有期望And even though I know better, I keep getting m
17、y hopes up以为情况会改变的thinking things will change.真的很遗憾 诺玛Im so sorry, Norma.行了 你已经说过这话了 Yeah, you already said that. 你在老年疗养院里工作You work in an old folks home.他们难道没训练你如何安慰人吗Dont they train you to console people?救我!你好啊 诺玛Hey, Norma.你还好吗Oh, are you okay?她女儿取消了这次家人团聚周末跟她的见面Her daughter canceled on her for F
18、amily Weekend.-又一次 -真的很遗.- Again. - Im so sorr.我相信艾米一定是事出有因I am sure that Amy had a very good reason.的确有因Oh, she did.显然Apparently,我在她成长过程中陪伴在她身边的时间不够I wasnt There enough for her while she was growing up.她那个收费高昂的心理医生说That according to her very expensive therapist,顺便说下 那钱是我出的 who I pay for, by the way
19、, 因为艾米没有保险because Amy has no insurance因为艾米没有工作because Amy has no job.显然这些也是我的错Which, apparently, is my fault as well.滚她的吧 我相信你是一个慈爱的母亲Screw her! I am sure that you were a loving mother你已经尽全力了who did the best you could.不如这样 你和我 来个闺蜜周末Ill tell you what, me and you, girls weekend.我们把你的社保金兑现Lets cash ou
20、t your Social Security in singles去脱衣服俱乐部大把地花钱享乐and make it rain at the strip club, hey.谢谢 你真是个天使Thank you. Youre an angel.-吉娜 -你好啊 德鲁- Gina? - ?Hey, Drew.-你到这里来干什么 -我仔细考虑过了- What are you doing here? - I thought about it.你必须去拿到你♥爸♥的病史记录You have to get your dads medical records.-我已经跟你说了.
21、 -如果你不这么做- Oh, I already told you. - Because if you dont,我就取消手术Im calling off the surgery.-你在撒谎 -我没有- Oh, you are lying. - ?I am not.我宁愿在肾脏受捐名单上等着I would rather go back on the donor list也不要拿你的性命去冒巨大的风险than put your life at greater risk.我绝不接受你拒绝And I wont take no for an answer.-你是认真的吗 -是的- Are you se
22、rious? - ?I am.听着 如果你出了什么事Look, if something happens to you.反正就是不值得 不容置疑Its just not worth it. And thats that.德鲁 你为了保护我竟然愿意取消手术吗Drew, you would call the whole thing off to protect me?好吧Okay.我会联♥系♥我继母 拿到病史记录的I will call my stepmom and get the records.-真的吗 -是啊- Really? - ?Yeah.太好了Good.哇
23、我有点喜欢超强势的德鲁呢Wow, I kind of like alpha Drew.你们呢What about you guys?艾莉克莎 播放一首本世纪早期的歌♥曲Alexa, play something from the early 2000s.停下 艾莉克莎 停止播放Oh, stop! Alexa, stop.这一幕会让我做噩梦的Well, thats gonna haunt my dreams.德鲁 盘子倒是洗干净了Drew, the dishes are clean,但你的舞步真是肮脏下流呢but those moves are dirty.诺曼 什么风把你给吹来了
24、Norma, to what do we owe the pleasure?她女儿没办法在家人团聚周末跟她见面Oh, well, her daughter couldnt make it to Family Weekend,所以我要带她去费城so Im gonna take her to Philly with me.闺蜜之旅Girls trip!你们为什么要去费城Why are you going to Philly?并且你为什么要把上衣脱掉And why are you taking off your shirt?我们谈过这事的 厨房♥重地 严谨露奶We talked abo
25、ut this- no boobs in the kitchen.至少这次我穿着胸罩啊At least Im wearing a bra this time.我联♥系♥过我继母找她要病史记录了I called my stepmom to get the records,但她没回我 真让人意外呢but she didnt call me back- big surprise-所以我要开车去她家 给你拿回来so Im gonna drive to her house and get em for you.但开车去费城要三小时呢But Phillys like three
26、 hours away.所以我才要去 给她作伴Oh, thats why Im going, to keep her company.再说了 如果车坏在半途 把我冻死Plus, if the car breaks down and I freeze to death,那一定会让我女儿非常愧疚的thatll really make my daughter feel guilty.好吧 我跟你们一起去Okay, Im going with you.说真的 你不必去的Oh, really, you dont have to.不行 你是为了我这么做 No, youre doing this for m
27、e. 我希望能陪伴在你身边I want to be there for you.你不必去的You dont need to come.你都多年没回去过了You havent been back there in years.这一趟对你来说可能会很艰难This could be really tough for you.我跟你说我肯定没事的Im telling you Ill be fine.我父亲去世后When my father died, 我每次坐在他最爱的椅子上 都会崩溃大哭I broke down every time I sat in his favorite chair.不会发生这
28、种事的 你也不准去Thats not going to happen, and youre not going.吉娜 回到你小时候生活的家中Gina, going to your childhood home可能会揭开关于你父亲死亡的回忆could unlock memories about your fathers death.我的天呐 他没死 好吗Oh, my God, hes not dead, okay?!什么What?我撒谎了 他还活着I lied. Hes alive.吉娜Gina?我坐副驾位I call shotgun.所以.So?-你说过你不会问的 -没事- You said
29、you wouldnt ask. - Thats fine.这是你的人生 是你自己的事Its your life, its your business.我们享受这次公路之旅就行了We can just enjoy our little road trip.我们当年可跟现在大不一样Things were different in my day.超大的敞篷车 没有安全带Big, open convertibles, no seat belts.用热水瓶装着热棕榈酒 像吉普赛人一样喝醉了漫步Hot toddies in thermoses, tipsy as a Gypsy.那才叫公路之旅呢That
30、 was a road trip.我小时候度假的情形都是My vacations were all,你刚刚应该在那里转弯的 莱瑞You should have turned there, Larry.混♥蛋♥ 你现在才跟我说Son of a bitch, now you tell me?我明明跟你说了啊 你从来都不听I did tell you. You never listen.我当然听 你知道我听到了什么吗I listen. You know what I hear?一路吵到代托纳比奇All the way to Daytona Beach.我知道我对你撒谎了
31、但我得辩解下I know I lied to you, but in my defense,他对我来说的确跟死了一样he was dead to me.我从十岁开始就没见过他了I havent seen him since I was ten.那真是很久了啊Thats a long time.发生什么事了 亲爱的What happened, sweetie?我爸上高中的时候 他.When my dad was in high school, he was.算是街坊邻居里最帅的男孩 所有女孩都爱他the neighborhood hottie, and all the girls loved h
32、im,包括我妈including my mom.但他在跟她交往期间But while he was dating her,也在跟莎琳交往he was also seeing Charlene.他把两个女孩的肚子同时搞大了And he got both of them pregnant at the same time,然后他选择了.and he chose. 莎琳Charlene.那太糟糕了 Thats awful. 我小的时候When I was a kid,会去探望他和他的另一个家庭 但是.I would visit him and his other family, but.我从来不觉得
33、他们欢迎我I never felt welcome.餐桌上没有我的位子There wasnt room for me at the table,他们对于让我挤在折叠椅里的事and theyd always make such a big deal about总是说得很隆重squeezing in a folding chair,就像他们在帮我的忙一样like they were doing me a favor.吃完后我爸就会出门去打牌Then my dad would leave to go play cards,我被丢下跟我的继母和继姐待在一起and I was left with my
34、stepmom and my half-sister.我就像是灰姑娘一样It was like I was Cinderella,只是老鼠们不会跟我说话except the mice didnt talk to me,不管我给它们准备多少小小的背心和帽子都不行no matter how many tiny hats and vests I made them wear.最终 我开始编造借口Eventually, I started making excuses about说我没办法再去那里了why I couldnt go there anymore, and.我爸似乎也不介意 所以.my d
35、ad didnt seem to mind, so.25年后 就到了现在这境地了And 25 years later, here we are.真的很遗憾Im so sorry.孩子啊Oh, kiddo.结论 以前的公路旅行绝对比现在的要有趣多了Yep, road trips definitely used to be more fun.我知道这对你来说非常艰难I know this has been a terrible time for you,但或许这也是个大好的机会but maybe this is an opportunity让你可以跟你父亲重新建立感情for you to reco
36、nnect with your father.我对这事没有任何兴趣I have no interest in doing that.你确定吗 他终究是你父亲啊You sure? Hes still your father.不 他不是No, hes not.我只是想说 孩子总是喜欢怪罪父母Im just saying kids have a tendency to blame their parents.就像我女儿艾米一样Like my daughter Amy.她嫁给过好几个废物 Shes married a series of losers, 怎么着 就因为我给她的拥抱不够多吗what, b
37、ecause I didnt hug her enough?就我的情况来说 我怪罪他Well, in this case, I am blaming him是因为这绝对是他的错because its totally his fault.好吧 但那并不意味着Yeah, but that doesnt mean 你不能原谅他 然后翻开新的篇章you cant forgive and move on.我到现在还在听她抱怨我没去参加她的舞蹈演出Im still hearing about these dance recitals I missed因为我忙着做生意because I was too bu
38、sy running a business赚钱给她报名舞蹈班to pay for the damn dance lessons.老天啊Good grief.这真是我见过的最烂的加油站厕所That was the worst gas station bathroom Ive ever seen.我觉得光是摸了下那个肥皂都能让我起疹子I think I got a rash just from touching the soap.或许你父亲变了Maybe your father has changed.你在开玩笑吗Are you kidding me?你真要站在他那边吗Are you seriou
39、sly taking his side?人是会变的People do change.尽管有些人太顽固 不肯承认Even though some people are too stubborn to admit it.我好笑漏听了好多东西I feel like I missed something.我父亲是绝对不会改变的My father will never change.他就是个不负责任又自私的混♥蛋♥ 就这样Hes an irresponsible, selfish jerk. The end.眼睛看路 吉娜 前方有大货车Eyes on the road, Gi
40、na. Truck coming.如果你能别再怨恨他Maybe your father could do things differently重新给他个机会 他也会改变行事方式的if you just quit holding a grudge and give him a second chance.他有25年的时间去重新抓住机会Hes had 25 years of second chances.他不配再得到一个机会He doesnt deserve another one.行吧 随你的便 我知道个什么呢Fine. Have it your way. What do I know?其实 诺
41、玛说得挺有道理的Uh, you know, Norma does have a point.初始家庭的破裂.Any disruptions to ones family of origin.那是我继姐房♥间的窗户Thats the window to my half-sisters room.以前她会睡在粉色圆顶床上 Shed be in her pink canopy bed, 而我睡在地板上的睡袋里and Id be in a sleeping bag on the floor 默默地睡着分秒 期盼着早点回家counting the minutes till I could
42、go home.深呼吸 你可以的Deep breath. You got this.没错 我只需要进去Yeah. I just got to go in there,拿到病史记录 再出来就行了get the records and get out.-吉娜 -你是要说原谅或忘记吗- Gina. - Are you gonna say the words Forgive Or Forget?从这里自己打车回家是要花很多钱的Cause its gonna cost you a lot of money to Uber home.再见 你走吧Go with God.天呐 但愿能成功Boy, I hop
43、e this works.是啊 我也这么希望Yeah, I hope so, too.但是陈年旧伤是最难愈合的But a familial wound is one of the more difficult ones.有什么能帮忙的吗Can I help you?是我Its me.吉娜Gina.我的天呐Oh, my God.是啊 我之前给你留过言Yeah. I left some messages.我收到了I got them.只需要两分钟就好Thisll take two minutes.我只需要跟我爸说几句话I just need to talk to my dad.-你♥
44、爸♥吗 -是的- Your dad? ?- Yeah.这事可不容易办了Well, thats not going to be easy.弗兰克去年三月心脏病发作去世了Frank died from a heart attack last March.什么What?告诉你一声 他没有遗产And just so you know, theres no money.怎么没人通知我这事How come no one told me?谁能想到你会在乎呢Who thought youd care?你都20多年没跟他见过面了You havent seen him in over 20 year
45、s.天呐Oh, geez.那是你丈夫吗Is that your husband?难怪你让他在车里别出来丢人呢No wonder you left him in the car.那就是莎琳啊So thats Charlene.我从这里都能闻到香烟和桃味杜松子酒的气味I can smell the cigarettes and peach schnapps from here.她来了Ooh, here she comes.快假装我们刚刚在谈别的事的样子Um, act like weve been talking about something else.那个女孩长大后就是比利简金Uh, so, u
46、m, that little girl grew up to be Billie Jean King.嘿 聊得好快啊Hey, that was fast.你♥爸♥不在家吗Was your dad not home?他死了Hes dead.真正地死了吗Like, really dead?他一年前心脏病发作去世了He had a heart attack a year ago.我的天呐Oh, sweetheart.没人告诉你吗And no one told you?莎琳以为我不在乎Charlene didnt think Id care.德鲁 你要干什么Drew, wh
47、at are you doing?停下Stop. 不要No.-我们快走吧 -不行 吉娜- Lets just get out of here. - No. Gina.真好啊 下半场来了Oh, great. Part two.她父亲去世时 你怎么能不通知她How could you not even call her when her father died?-关你什么事 -因为她是我朋友- Whats it your business? - Because shes my friend.那说明你显然不了解她Well, you obviously dont know her.不 是你不了解 这姑
48、娘是个圣人No, you dont. This woman is a saint.她的工作是照顾老年人 她回收留流浪动物She works with senior citizens, she takes in stray animals.她愿意不计一切地帮助别人Shed give you the shirt right off her back.她把她父亲赶出了她的人生She cut her father out of her life.不 是他把我赶出了他的人生No, he cut me out of his life,那正是你希望的which is exactly what you wan
49、ted.真有你的 怪到我头上Oh, yeah, blame it on me.你以前常常带着怨恨过来Youd come here with a chip on your shoulder.你甚至都没努力亲近他You didnt even try.我那时候只是个小女孩I was a little girl.你和我爸本该是尽职的成年人才对You and Dad were supposed to be the adults.你们不能直接就放弃一个孩子You cant just give up on a kid.就算她难以适应她父亲的另一个家庭So she had trouble adjusting
50、to her fathers other family,现在也长成了一个了不起的人but she grew up to be an incredible person.顺便说下 她要救我的命Shes saving my life, by the way.她要捐肾给我Shes giving me a kidney.所以呢So?所以她提出捐肾给我时 跟我几乎一点都不熟So, when she offered, she barely knew me.她只是想帮忙 因为她就是这么善良的人She just wanted to help because thats the type of person s
51、he is.我们只是想要你丈夫的病史记录And we just want your husbands medical records好确保她不会在手术中死去so we know she wont die during the surgery.稍等一下Hang on a second.她不会是去拿枪了吧Shes not getting a gun, is she?我感觉这个女人就是那种喜欢持枪的人I get a definite gun vibe from this lady.别担心 重罪犯是申请不到持枪证的Dont worry, you cant get a gun if youre a fe
52、lon.你这话并不能让我放心I am not reassured.给 这是你父亲的联♥系♥方式Here. Its your dads doctor.他那里有病史记录Hell have the records.谢谢Thank you.很抱歉我刚刚跟你起了争执And Im sorry for getting all aggro on you.这里是费城 我被这城市的气氛感染了Its Philadelphia. I got caught up in the magic of the city.他去世后 我发现了这个Um, I found this after he die
53、d.你或许想看看You might want to look at it.谢谢Thank you.节哀顺变Im sorry for your loss.你也是You, too.你要打开来看看吗So, you gonna open it?终究会看的Eventually.我先前不该针对你的事多嘴说你的I shouldnt have mouthed off at you about your situation.-没事的 -不 才不叫没事- Its okay. - No, it isnt.我只是在生我女儿的气罢了I was upset about my daughter.那也是可以理解的Thats understandable.人们总会保护自己的感情.People often project their feelings.行了 弗洛伊德 闭嘴Hey, Freud, zip it.我们在处理情绪呢Were having a moment.某人饿到暴躁了哦Someones hangry.想去吃点东西吗Want to get some food?再过几个出口 有一家餐厅Theres a diner a few exi
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