1、Part Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 10Text Electro-engineering Elementsp Circuit and Its Ideal Circuit ComponentsoCircuit Classification1.Commonly Used Circuit Components p Simple Sinusoidal Alternating Circuit and Three-phase CircuitoSinusoidal Qua
2、ntity and Its Three FactorsoThree-phase Circuit o(1)When the transportation powers,voltages,distance and wiring losses are the same,the three-phase transportation electricity may save the consumed aluminum of the wireso(2)The three-phase asynchronous motor which is widely used in production industry
3、 and agriculture adopts three-phase alternating as power source. Compared with a single phase asynchronous motor,the type of motor has such advantage as simple structure,low cost,good capability and dependability. Since the three-phase power supply system has a series of advantages in the economy an
4、d technologies,presently,the majority of electric power systems in the world adopt the three-phase system New Words and Phrasesocircuits:kitn.电路oidealaidila.理想的ofunctionfknn.功能opassagepsidn.通道,路径oassemblesemblv.聚集,集合,装配opatternptnn.图案,式样ointermediate,intmi:dita.中间的n.中间体,媒介物oconnectionkneknn.联系,连接oge
5、neration,denreinn.产生;代,时代oclassification,klsifikeinn.分类oprocessprsesvt.加工,处理n过程oamplification,mplifikeinn.扩大,放大 oshapingeipin.形成,整形ostoragestridn.储存,储存体odigitaldiditla.数码的obatterybtrin.电池omagnitudemgnitju:dn.大小(程度上)omagnetmgnitn.磁体,磁铁osquareskwn.平方,数二次幂a.正方形的ofrequencyfri:kwnsin.频率ooscillation,silei
6、nn.振荡,振动oalternator:ltneitn.交流发电机opassivepsiva.被动的oinductanceindktnsn.感应系数,自感应 ocapacitancekpsitnsn.电容oreflectriflektv.反映ophysicalfizikla.物理的ophenomenonfinminnn.现象opyrometricpirumetrika.高温测量的oconsumeknsju:mv.消耗odecouplingdikplin.去耦合装置oresistorrizisn.电阻器ocoilkiln.电线圈,绕组opartialp:la.部分的ocapacitorkpsit
7、n.电容器ofilterfiltn.滤波器,过滤器 orelayri:lein.继电器omagneticmnetika.有磁性的ovoltaicvlteiika.电流的ocompensationkmpenseinn.补偿ochoketukv.阻塞oelectronicilektrnika.电子的oproportionalprp:nla.成比例的,相对称的osinusoidal,sainsidla.正弦的,正弦曲线的ovaluevlju:n.数值osinesainn.正弦otransformertnsf:m(r)n.变压器outilizeju:tilaizv.利用 otransporttrnsp
9、uli,-tjuliad.相互地 odistribution,distribju:nn.分发,分配olosslsn.丧失,损耗oaluminum,ljuminimn.铝oasynchronouseisikrnsa.异步的ocapability,keipbilitin.性能,容量omajoritymdritin.多数,大多数oelectric apparatus电气设备oelectricity generation发电opower supply system供电系统oelectric drive电力拖动odirect current直流oalternating current交流 odirect
10、 current supply直流电源omains supply交流电源ocurrent supply电流源opyrometric effect热效应ocurrent limiting限流opressure release 降压opartial pressure分压odelayed relay延时继电器omagnetic field磁场oyohaic wires导线omagnet core铁芯oelectric field电场 olqlter circuit滤波电路ochoked轴w device阻流器odirectly proportional成正比的oturning circuit调谐电路
11、ocoupling circuit耦合电路odelayed circuit延时电路odecoupling resistor去耦电阻opower circuit电源电路oactive component有源元件opassive component无源元件oelectric installation 电气设备opower supply system 供电系统 o electromotive force 电动势o electrical angle 电度角o threephase system 三相制o wiring loss 线路损失o power source 电源o a series of 一系
12、列的o sinosoidal function 正弦函数o power station 发电站,发电厂o simple sinusoidal alternating circuit 正弦交流电路 ExercisesIAnswers to the following questions according to the text.o1What is the definition of an electric circuit?o2What are the fundamental components of the circuit9o3What is the function of the elec
13、tric power circuit?o4List different types of circuito5What do commonlyused passive units contain?o6What is the definition of the simple sinusoidal alternating circuit?o7What are the three factors of sinusoidal voltage?o8Why is the sinusoidal quantity widely used in electroengineering?o9List the adva
14、ntages of the threephase alternating compared with the single phase alternatingo10What is the definition of the threephase circuit? Match the words in column A with the explanations in column B.oA BoLoad 电压oVoltage 负荷oCapacitance 限流ocurrent limiting 分压opressure release 调谐电路opartial pressure 滤波电路ofil
15、ter circuit 耦合电路oturning circuit 降压ocoupling circuit 延迟电路odelayed circuit 电容transformer 供电系统opower station 线路损失oInsulation 绝缘ophase 发电站、发电厂oelectromotive force 电度角oelectrical angle 电动势othreephase system 相、相位owiring loss 三相制opower source 变压器opower supply system 电源 Translating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧科技英语翻译方
16、法与技巧词性转译词性转译一、英语动词、形容词、副词译成汉语名词一、英语动词、形容词、副词译成汉语名词o1. Telecommunications means so much in modern life that without it our modern life would be impossible.电信在现代生活中意义重大,没有它就不可能有我们现在的电信在现代生活中意义重大,没有它就不可能有我们现在的生活。生活。o2. Gases differ from solids in that the former has greater compressibility than the lat
17、ter.气体和固体的区别在于气体的可压缩性比固体大。气体和固体的区别在于气体的可压缩性比固体大。o3. The instrument is characterized by its compactness and portability.这个仪器的特点是结构紧凑,携带方便。这个仪器的特点是结构紧凑,携带方便。 o4. The cutting tools must be strong, tough, hard and wear resistant.刀具必须有足够的强度、韧性、硬度、而且耐磨。o5. Dynamics is divided into statics and kinetics, th
18、e former treating of forces in equilibrium, the latter of the relation of force to motion.力学分为静力学和动力学:前者研究平衡力,后者研究力和运动的关系。o6. The image must be dimensionally correct.图形的尺寸必须正确。 二、英语名词、介词、形容词、副词译成汉语动词二、英语名词、介词、形容词、副词译成汉语动词o1. Substitution of manual finishing is one example of HSM application.代替手工精加工是
19、高速加工应用的一个例子。代替手工精加工是高速加工应用的一个例子。o2. Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible.科学家们深信一切物质是不灭的。科学家们深信一切物质是不灭的。o3. The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.使用电子计算机可以大大提高劳动生产率。使用电子计算机可以大大提高劳动生产率。o4. In any machine input work equals output
20、 work plus work done against friction.任何机器的输入功,都等于输出功加上克服摩擦所做的功。任何机器的输入功,都等于输出功加上克服摩擦所做的功。o5. Open the valve to let air in .打开阀门,让空气进入。打开阀门,让空气进入。 三、英语的名词、副词和动词译成汉语形容词三、英语的名词、副词和动词译成汉语形容词o1. This wave guide tube is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of structure .这种波导管的主要特点是结构简单。这种波导管的主要特点是结构简单
21、。o2. The maiden voyage of the newly built steamship was a success.那艘新造轮船的处女航是成功的。那艘新造轮船的处女航是成功的。o3. It is a fact that no structural material is perfectly elastic.事实上没有一种结构材料是十全十美的弹性体。事实上没有一种结构材料是十全十美的弹性体。o4. They said that such knowledge is needed before they can develop a successful early warning s
22、ystem for earthquakes.他们说,这只是对他们要发明的一种有效的地震早期警报他们说,这只是对他们要发明的一种有效的地震早期警报是必要的。是必要的。 四、英语形容词、名词译成汉语副词四、英语形容词、名词译成汉语副词o 1.He had the honor to meat the U.S President.他荣幸地见到了美国总统。他荣幸地见到了美国总统。o 2.A continuous increase in the temperature of a gas confined in a container will lead to a continuous incerase i
23、n the internal pressure within the gas.不断提高密封容器内气体的温度,会使气体的内压不断提高密封容器内气体的温度,会使气体的内压力不断增大。力不断增大。 Reading MaterialSingle-phase RectifiersNew Words and Phrasesorectifier rektifai n.整流器odevice divais n.装置,设备oconvert knv:t n.使转变,转换ophase feiz n.阶段,状态,相,相位ofilter filt n.滤波器,过滤器,滤光器,筛选osmooth smu: vt.使光滑,消
24、除opulsation plsenn.脉动,波动oterminal t:minl n.电极,接线端oforward f:wdad.向前,正前obiased bast a.加偏压的oderive diraivvt.从得到owaveform weivf:mn.波形 o transformer trnsf:m(r)n.变压器o secondary sekndri a.次级的o winding waindin.线圈o multiply mltipliv.乘o half-wave 半波o check valve 单向阀o full-wave全波o center-tapped 有中心抽头的o with r
25、espect to 相对于 Unit 11TextResistor, Capacitor and Inductorp Resistors and Resistancep Capacitor and Capacitancep Inductors and InductanceNew Words and Phrasesocircuitry s:kitri n. 电路;回路;线路=circuitoresistor rizist n. 电阻器ocapacitor kpsit n.电容器 oinductor indkt n.感应器oresistance rizistns n. 电阻,阻抗ocapacita
26、nce kpsitns n. 容量,电容oinductance indktns n. 电感,感应oterminal t:minl n. 终端,接线端ovoltage vultid n. 电压,伏特数olinear lini n. 线性的,线的oohm um n. 欧姆ocondenser kndens n. 电容器,冷凝器 odielectric ,daiilektrik n.电介质,绝缘体 oceramic sirmik n. 陶器的 n. 陶瓷制品oelectromotive i,lektrumutiv a. 电动的,电测的ofrequency fri:kwnsi n. 频率oreacta
27、nce riktns n. 电抗oproportionality pru,p:nliti n. 比例;相称ospecify spesifai vt. 指定,详细说明oequation ikwein n.等式,相等ofarad frd n. 法拉(电容单位)omold muld n. 模子,ocoil kil v. 盘绕,卷 n. 卷,线圈;绕组 o ampere mp n. 电 安培o be directly proportional to 与成正比o be termed 把称为 ,把叫做o in the form of 用的形式Noteso1. Between its terminals i
28、t exhibits a voltage drop which is directly is proportional to the current passing through it.在它的二端间所呈现的电压降和流过它的电流成正比。该句为复合句,关系代词which引导定语从句,passing through it 是现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰the current,意味:流过它的电流。o2. One ohm is defined as that amount of resistance that will limit the current in a conductor to one a
29、mpere when the voltage applied to the conductor is one volt.1欧姆的定义是:当加到导体上的电压为1伏特时,将导体的电流限制为1安培所需要的电阻值。句中that will limit the current 是定语从句;when the voltage applied to the conductor is one volt是状语从句;applied to the conductor 为过去分词短语作定语。 o3. The larger is the electromotive force, the more electricity t
30、he capacitor stores.电动势越大,电容器存储的电荷也越多。此句用了“The +形容词的比较级,the +形容词的比较级”的形式,是英语的一种常用的结构,意思是“越越” ,又如:o4. The more impatient you are, the more mistakes you will make.你越性急,就越容易出错。o5. Inductance differs from resistance in that resistance offers an opposition to all current.电感不同于电阻之处,在于电阻对任何电流都又阻力。In than =
31、 for the reason that 是连词,引导一个状语从句,意即:“基于.的理由” ,相当于since;because 的作用。 Exercises. Answer the following questions according to the text.o 1. What form important elements in electronic circuitry?o 2. What is the size if the resistor?o 3. What is Ohms Law?o 4. What is a capacitor or a condenser?o 5. What
32、 is an inductor? And how is it formed? . Mark the following statements with T(true) or F(false) according to the text.o1. Resistors, capacitors form important elements in electronic circuitry.o2. Resistors may be classified as fixed or variable in their type and also as linear and nonlinear.o3. Elec
33、trical energy can be stored in an electric field. The device capable of doing this is called a resistor.o4. Capacitors are generally divided into classes according to their dielectric.o5. The ability of a capacitor to store electrical energy is termed capacitance.o6. An inductor is formed by winding
34、 wire around a suitable mold to form a coil. . Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.o 1. Resistors may be as fixed or variable in their type. (classify)o 2. The higher is the frequency the is the capacity reactance. (low)o 3. An inductor is formed by wire around
35、a suitable mold to form a coil. (wind)o 4. In an inductor, the voltage is to the time rate of change in the current. (proportion) . Translate the following sentences into Chinese.o1. It is essential to know something about resistance, capacitance and inductance.o2. A resistor is a two-terminal eleme
36、nt. Between its terminals it exhibits a voltage drop that is directly proportional to the current passing through it.o3. It is important to remember that capacitance is never constant, except under certain fixed conditions.o4. In an inductor, the voltage is directly proportional to the time rate of
37、change in the current. Translating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧科技英语翻译方法与技巧省略译法省略译法一、省略代词一、省略代词o1. By the word“alloy”we mean “mixture of metals”.用用“合金合金”这个词来表示这个词来表示“金属的混合物金属的混合物”。o2. The colume of the sun is about 1,300,000 times that of the earth. 太阳的体积约为地球的太阳的体积约为地球的130万倍。万倍。 二、省略冠词二、省略冠词o 1. Satellites can
38、be sent into space with the help of rockets. 借助火箭可以把卫星送上太空。o 2. In the past, to fly to the moon was out of the question.在过去,飞往月球是绝对不可能做到的。定冠词the 与某些形容词连用,是形容词名词化,代一类人和物,the可不译。如:the positive 正极; the ord 老年人,the rich 富人。 三、省略连词三、省略连词o 1.If there were no heat-treatment, metals could not be made so har
39、d.没有热处理,金属就不会变得如此坚硬。o 2.Give him an inch and he will take a mile.他得寸进尺。 四、省略介词四、省略介词o 1.The search for ever better magnetic material is a part of the modern frontier of physics.研制更好的磁性材料是现代物理学的尖端之一。o 2. The unit of measurement of the pressure of water is Pa.水压的计量单位是帕。o 3. Most substances expand in h
40、eating and contract in cooling.大多数物质热胀冷缩。 五、省略逻辑上或修辞上不需要的词五、省略逻辑上或修辞上不需要的词o 1. As we know, electrons revolve about the nucleus, or center, of an atom.正如我们所知,电子围绕着原子核转。o 2. A generator can not produce energy,what it does is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.发电机不能产生能量,它只能把机械能转变为电能。o
41、3. The applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference in getting the position over those who had not.有工作经验的人将优先录用。 Reading MaterialSensor Technologyp The sensor value chaino Wireless sensor technologyo Biometric sensorso Non-invasive & non-contact sensorso Miniaturization and integr
42、ationo Novel materials o Sensor fusion and sensor networksNew Words and Phrasesodiversity daiv:siti n. 差异,多样性oacquisition ,kwizin n. 获得,获得物otexture tekst n. 质地,肌理,结构omorphology m:fldi n. 生物 形态学 、形态论odynamics dainmiks n. 动力学ovibration vaibrein n. 振动,颤动,摇动,摆动oexploitation ,eksplitein n. 开发,开采otranscei
43、ver trnssi:v n.无线电收发机,收发器oultrasound ltrsaund n.超频率音响,超声波oinherent inhirnt a.固有的,内在的,与生俱来的ointegration ,intigrein n. 综合,综合化ooptics ptiks n. 光学 oacoustics ku:stiks n. 声学ofibre faib n. 纤维,构造,纤维制品opolymer plim n. 聚合体omicroscope maikrskupn. 显微镜oatom tm n. 原子omolecule mlikju:l n. 化分子omultisensory ,mltise
44、nsri a. 多种感觉(并用)的ointerdisciplinary 各学科间的ohealth care 卫生保健oconsumer product 消费品oself-powered 自供电的oRFID 射频识别技术 o energy tapping 能源开发o fingerprint identification 指纹识别o iris scanner 红魔扫描仪o non-invasive 非插入式o non-contact 非接触式o miniaturization 小型化o integration 集成化o novel material 新型材料o nanotechnology 纳米
45、Unit 12TextAmplifierNew Words and Phrasesoamplifier mplifai n. 放大器;扩音机omagnitude mgnitjud n. 大小,量oderive diraiv n. 起源oantenna nten n. 天线oinput input n. 输入odenote dinut v. 表示,意味着ooutput autput n. 输出oloudspeaker laudspik n. 扬声器,扩音器o coil kil n. 线圈owinding wand n. 绕组,线圈orespectively rispektivli a. 个别的,
46、各自的ooptimize ptmaz v. 使最佳化 owatt wt n. 瓦特oamplitude mplitjud n. 广大,广阔;调幅omicrovolt maikruvult n. 微伏omillivolt milivult n. 毫伏 oalgebra ldibr n. 代数学 ographical grfikl a. 图表的osine sain n. 正弦oillustrate ilstreit v. 说明,阐明;用图说明oaudio diu a. 听觉的,音频的opulse pls n. 脉冲ogain gein n. 脉冲obandwidth bndwid n. 带宽odi
47、stortion dist:n n. 失真oin terms of 根据,通过,用or-f (radio-freguency) 射频 Noteso1.the amplifier is by far the most widely used building block in electronics systems.放大器在电子系统中是使用最广泛的部件。By far 常用于比较级和最高级前,表示“非常,远远,最”,起加强语气作用,又如:o 2.Voltage Eo is the output(load) voltage, and current Io the output (load) curr
48、ent.电压Eo是输出(负载)电压,电流Io是输出(负载)电流。该句为并列句,在后一个分句current Io 之后省掉了动词is。o 3.and for larger signals as a large-signal amplifier.而放大较大信号的放大器称为大信号放大器。在as之前省去了主语和谓语 the amplifier may be classified, 因为它与前一个的主语和谓语相同,为了避免重复,所以省略了相同的部分。 o4. Simple algebra is all that is required for calculating the performance of
49、 small-signal amplifiers.计算小信号放大器性能只需要简单的代数知识。句中 all 作表语,其后的 that 引导定语从句,修饰代词 all 。all that = what , 又如:That is all that I want to obtain. = That is what I want to obtain.o 5. And for class B or AB operation the amplifier contains two transistors, referred to as pushpull amplifier.作乙类或甲类放大时,放大器有两个晶体
50、管,称为推挽放大器。Refer to 还有“提到、说道或涉及到某人/某事情;查询、参考、送交”等,又如:The reader is referred to page 23. Exercises. Answer the following questions according to the text.o 1. What is an amplifier ?o 2. What is a voltage amplifier ?o 3. What is a power amplifier ?o 4. What is a large-signal amplifier ?o 5. What is a sm
51、all-signal amplifier ? . Mark the following statements with T(true) or F(false) according to the text.o1. If the amplifier is optimized to amplify voltage signals, it is called a power amplifier.o2. Another method of classification is based on the amplitude of signals.o3. Graphical method, are gener
52、ally used in the analysis of small-signal amplifiers.o4. Simple algebra is all that is required for calculating the performance of large-signal amplifiers.o5. Amplifiers are also classified in terms of load current flow.o6. Amplifiers are also classified according to their intended operation. . Fill
53、 in the blanks with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.o 1. The signal may be form a TV antenna. ( derive )o 2. For current signals, it is to as a current amplifier. ( refer )o 3. Another methood of is based on the amplitude of signals. ( classify )o 4. Graphical methods are used in t
54、he of large-signal amplifiers. ( analyze ) . Translate the following sentences into Chinese.o 1. An amplifier increases the magnitude of , or amplifies an electric signal.o 2. For current signals, it is referred to as a current amplifier.o 3. Amplifiers are also classified in terms of load current f
55、low.o 4. Amplifiers are also classified according to their intended operation. Translating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧科技英语翻译方法与技巧词义的选择词义的选择一、根据词类选择词义一、根据词类选择词义o1. I like English more than mathematics.我喜欢英语胜过喜欢数学。(我喜欢英语胜过喜欢数学。(like为动词)为动词)o2. He looks like an athlete.他看起来像一位运动员。(他看起来像一位运动员。(like为介词)为介词)o3. Lik
56、e charges repel; unlike charges attract.相同的电荷排斥;不同的电荷相吸引。(相同的电荷排斥;不同的电荷相吸引。(like为形容词)为形容词)o4. Like attracts/draws to like.物以类聚。(物以类聚。(like为名词)为名词)o5. I hope Ican use a computer like you do.我希望我使用计算机像你一样。我希望我使用计算机像你一样。(like是连接词,作是连接词,作“如同如同”讲讲) 二、同一词类表达不同词义二、同一词类表达不同词义o1. The volume varies as the tmp
57、erature increass.体积随着温度增加而变化。(体积随着温度增加而变化。(as引导时间状语从句)引导时间状语从句)o2. As heat makes things move, it is a form of energy.因为热能使物体运动,所以热是能的一种形式。(因为热能使物体运动,所以热是能的一种形式。(as引导原因引导原因状语从句)状语从句)o3. Small as atoms are, electrons are still smaller.原子虽然小,但电子更小。(原子虽然小,但电子更小。(as引导让步状语从句)引导让步状语从句)o4. She seemed very r
58、elaxedin her very natural setting as it were.她似乎十分悠然自得她似乎十分悠然自得可以说是有自可以说是有自己随遇而安的田地。(己随遇而安的田地。(as构成习语,表示可以说)构成习语,表示可以说) 三、根据单词搭配情况确定词义三、根据单词搭配情况确定词义o1. The fifth power of two thirtytwo.二的五次方是三十二。(数学)二的五次方是三十二。(数学)o 2. The surface of ceramics must be checked by examining them under a 20 power binocul
59、ar microscope.陶瓷器表面必须用陶瓷器表面必须用20倍的双筒显微镜加以检验。(数学)倍的双筒显微镜加以检验。(数学)o3. With the development of electrcal engineering, power can be transmitted over long distances.随着电气工程的发展,电力能输送得非常远。(电学)随着电气工程的发展,电力能输送得非常远。(电学)o4. Friction can cause a loss of power in every maching.摩擦能引起每一台机器功率的损耗。(物理学)摩擦能引起每一台机器功率的损耗
60、。(物理学) 四、根据名词的单复数选择词义。四、根据名词的单复数选择词义。o 名词名词 单数词义单数词义 复数词义复数词义o facility 简单,灵巧简单,灵巧 设施,工具设施,工具o charge 负荷,电荷负荷,电荷 费用费用o main 主线,干线主线,干线 电源电源o work 功,工作功,工作 著作,工程著作,工程o spirit 精神精神 酒精酒精o1. Although they lost, the team played with tremendous spirit.那队输是输了,但却表现了极其顽强的精神。那队输是输了,但却表现了极其顽强的精神。o 2. Whisky, brand
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