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1、1-1Correspondence for Import and Export (进出口英语函电)1-2Introduction of the contentsSep. 4, 2016(1st periods)Preface (前言)Unit 1 : Layout and Presentation of Business Letters 商务英语信函的格式及语言特点和写作方法3. Unit 2: Inquiries (询购、询盘) some partsUnit 1 : Layout and Presentation of Business Letters 商务英语信函的格式及语言特点和写作方法

2、1-3The Structure and Layout of a Business English Letter商务英语书信格式1、The Structure of a Business Letter(书信结构)A business letter consist of the following parts:1)Letterhead(信头) the writers company Printed letterhead is printed in the center or on the left margin at the top of the page When writing on bla

3、nk paper(空白纸) ,only address should be at the right margin. 1)Letterhead(信头) e.g. Weavewell Woolen Co.Ltd 246 Victoria Street London E.C.4,England Tel.01-1377-432 Telex:9876548 Cable add:WEAVEWELL,London 1)Letterhead(信头) e.g. The Eastern Seaboard Corporation 324 Park Avenue New York, New York 10017Te

4、l. 225-2780 Cable add:EASTSEA Telex:2227112)Reference Number (发文编号) It is often placed two lines below the the letterhead. In some incoming letters you may find it at the end of letter on the left margin, two lines below the signature . It may include a file number, departmental code or initials of

5、the signer of the letter to be followed by the typists initials in the following fashions:2)Reference Number (发文编号)e.g.Our ref: 234 GW/gp(in an incoming letter) Your ref : 234 GW/gpOur ref 456 JS/lb(in the reply to the incoming letter)3) Date (日期) The postion of the date below the letterhead (either

6、 on the right or on the left )depends on the style you decide to use. Different ways of writing the date: August 3 ,2002American form 3rd August,2002British form Easy to cause some confusion like 3/8/2002 or 8/3/2002, so youd better not abbreviate the name of the month 4)Inside Name and Address(封内名称

7、和地址) The name and adress of the receiver is typed at the left-hand margin at least two lines below the date . It appears exactly the same way as on the envelope ,in single spacing(单倍行距),with the town in capital letters. When the receiver is a company ,the inside name and address should be written as

8、 the following :4)Inside Name and Address(封内名称和地址)e.g.(1) The Space Engineering Co.Ltd. 32,Duck Street LONDON N.W.4 England(2) Messrs.Harrison &Co. 501 Mountain Place ANYTOWN4)Inside Name and Address(封内名称和地址) When the receiverreceiver is an individual in a company, persons name should be preceded by

9、 courtesy title Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms. He or his position director , manager, etc. sometimes is also given :e.g. Ms. Sarah Davis Sales Manager The Acme Shoe Co. Ltd. 369 Piccadilly LONDON , WIN CBE UK If the letter is addressed to the company but directed to the attention of an individual ,the inside ad

10、ress is written:e.g. Richard Thoms & Baldwins Ltd. 150 Gower Street LONDON W.1. England ATTN:Mr.John Smith . The Sales Manager (ATTN=ATTENTION=For the attention of)4)Inside Name and Address(封内名称和地址)5)The Salutation(称呼) The salutation and the complimentary(礼貌词) must always be in keeping The particula

11、r form used depends on the writers relationship with the receiver. Dear sir( Dear Madam )is used for addressing one person, and Dear Sirs or Gentlemen (or Mesdames) for addressing two or more,as where a letter is addressed to a copmany .5)The Salutation(称呼) The salutation appears on a line by itself

12、. Three line-spacings(行距) below the inside name and address ,and followed by a comma for Dear Sirs and a colon for Gentlemen. 6)the Subject Line(事由标题 P11)Two lines below the salutationEither at the left margin or in the center It helps the reader to obtain quickly the gist of the letter .Be aslo use

13、ful as a guide for filing.e.g.Re:Sewing MachinesSubject: Our contract No.2345.Your L/C No.3456;(1) Sewing Machines.7)The Body of the Letter(信的正文) The body of a business letter should begin two lines below the subject line . There is one ,at least two lines below the salutation if there is no subject

14、 line . It contains: The opening sentence (开头语) The actual messeage of the letter The closing sentence(结束语)8)the Complimentary Close(结尾敬语) It is placed two or four lines below the last line of the body of the letter. It should match the salutation.8)the Complimentary Close(结尾敬语)Salutation CloseComme

15、ntDear Sir(s),Dear Madam,Yours faithfully (or : Faithfully yours)Formalvery commonly used in BritainGentimen:Dear Sir,Dear Madam,Yours truly (or : Truly yours)Very commonly used in America and CanadaDear Mr. Henry,(:)Yours sincerely (or : Sincerely yours)Informalused between persons known to each ot

16、her9) The Signature(签名) A letter should be signed by hand,and in ink, and followed by the persons name typed so that the name is legible ledb()l (清晰、易读) to the reader,then followed by his job title or position. The following are examples of different ways of signing a business letter:9) The Signatur

17、e(签名)(1)An official signing for his company: Yours faithfully THE OVERSEAS CO.,LTD (Signature) W.Black General Manager10) The Reference Notation(经办人代号) The notation is typed two spaces below the signature, and shows only the initials of the typist.11)Enclosure Notation(附件) At least two lines below t

18、he reference initials.e.g. Enclosures(3) Encl.3catalogues Encl.1 invoice Encls:as stated12)Carbon Copy(抄送) When copies of the letter are sent to others, type c.c.below any enclosure notation at the left margin.e.g. c.c.Mr.J.Cooper (Mr.J.Cooper is the person who will receive the copies of the letter)

19、13) postscript(附言) Draw the readers attention to a point which the writer wants to emphasize. It should be placed at least two lines below any other notations and flushed with the left margin.e.g. p40The Layout of a Business Letter(书信格式) 1)The Basic Format of a Business Letter: Letterhead(信头信头)Ref.N

20、o. (发文编号发文编号) Date(日期)(日期)Inside Name and Address (封内名称和地址)(封内名称和地址)Salutation(称呼称呼) Subject Line (事由标题事由标题) Body of the letter Complimentary Close(结尾敬语结尾敬语) Signature(签名)(签名) Reference Notation(经办人代号)(经办人代号) Enclosure Notation (附件)(附件) Carbon Copy(抄送)(抄送) Postscript (附言)(附言)2)Letter Styles Insdente

21、d Style(缩行式) Full Block Style(完全平头式) Modified Block Style(改良平头式) Semiblock Style with Insdented Paragraphs(混合式)1-30 Preparation before Writing Have a look at your textbook first1-313. Preparation before Writing1)Knowing and studying your readers interest2)Planning what you will write and writing eff

22、ectively. Think and write directly in English Draft an outline3)Deciding to adopt the proper layout, tone and style.4)Writing naturally and sincerely. 1-32 Tips for Writing Principles and Language Features(应英文的写作原应英文的写作原则和语言特点)则和语言特点)1-33Seven “Cs” 1) Completeness(完整)完整) 2) Concreteness(具体)具体) 3) Cl

23、earness(清楚)清楚) 4) Conciseness(简洁)简洁) 5) Courtesy(礼貌)礼貌) 6)Consideration(体谅)体谅) 7)Correctness(正确)正确)本章小结 一、学习目的和要求 使应考者了解,商务信函犹如书面的“拜访” ,掌握传统的英文商务信函的格式就是掌 握书面的商务沟通的国际礼仪,从而在一定程度上有助于建立企业与沟通者个人的良好形 象。 能够用正确的格式撰写英语商务信件, 无论信件是以传统信函还是以电子邮件的形式出 现,是一位合格的国际商务人才所必须具备的基本条件。 二、课程内容二、课程内容第一节 商务信函的 7 个主要部分(格式标准的商务信函中必须具有的部分) :(一) 信头 Letterhead 本部分的内容主要是信函撰写方的企业名称、 联系地址等信息。(二)年月日 Date Line 本部分为信函的撰写日期。(三)封内地址 Inside Address 本部分为收信人或企业的姓名、地址等内容。(四)称呼 Salutation 本部分为信函的开头,对收信人的称呼,主要为收信人的尊称及姓氏。(五)正文 Body 本部分是信函的主要内容,写信人欲传递的信息。(六)礼貌结束语 Complimentary Close 本部分表示信函的内


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