已阅读5页,还剩204页未读 继续免费阅读




1、-Where is the post office?-Where is the post office?-Its -Its near the hospital.near the hospital.Lets talkLets talk-Where is the post office?-Where is the post office? near near 在附近 next tonext to在附近,靠近 -Its behind-Its behind在后面 in front ofin front of在前面 betweenbetweenandand 在和之间 ononstreetstreet在街

2、道上Lets try (page 6)Lets try (page 6)313”313”比萨斜塔Italian意大利的餐厅 restaurant披萨 pizza街道 streetLets talk (page 6)Lets talk (page 6)cinemahospitalbookstorerestaurant十字路口十字路口 Crossing向左转向左转 turn left直走直走 go straight向右转向右转 turn rightWu yifan and his friends want to Wu yifan and his friends want to eat some p

3、izza in an Italian eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They _and restaurant. They _and _. They _. They _and then turn right _and then turn right again.again.go straightturn left at the bookstoreturn right北海公园(Beihai ParkBeihai Park),位于北京市中心区,城内景山西侧,在故宫的西北面,与中海、南海合称三海,属于中国古代皇家园林。北海是中国历史园林的艺术杰作。全

4、园以北海为中心,水面占583583市亩,面积约7171公顷,陆地占480480市亩。这里原是辽、金、元建离宫,明、清辟为帝王御苑,是中国现存最完整、最古老、最具综合性和代表性的皇家园林之一,19251925年开放为公园,为中国全国重点文物保护单位,是国家AAAAAAAA级旅游景区。北海公园兼有北方园林的宏阔气势和江南私家园林婉约多姿的风韵。 天安门Lets check (page 10)Lets check (page 10)文本:Today, I want to go to the museum. From my Today, I want to go to the museum. From

5、 my school I go straight and turn left at the post school I go straight and turn left at the post office. I can see the bookstore there. From office. I can see the bookstore there. From there I go straight ahead. Then, at the there I go straight ahead. Then, at the cinema I turn right. Finally, Im a

6、t the cinema I turn right. Finally, Im at the museum. Its not . Its not far.Story time (page 11)Story time (page 11)Zoom: Hey, that looks tasty. Where can I buy one?(嘿,那个看起来很好吃,我可以在哪里买到?)Boy: Near the London Eye. Go that way.(在伦敦眼附近,走那条路可以去。)伦敦眼伦敦眼伦敦眼(The London EyeThe London Eye),或又称为千禧之轮

7、(Millennium WheelMillennium Wheel)是世界上首座、也曾经是世界最大的观景摩天轮,仅次于南昌之星与新加坡观景轮。它于19991999年年底开幕,总高度135135米 , ,竖立于伦敦泰晤士河南畔的兰贝斯区,面向坐拥国会大楼与大笨钟的西敏市。伦敦眼共有3232个乘坐舱,因舱内外用钢化玻璃打造,所以设有空调系统。每个乘坐舱可载客约1616名,回转速度约为每秒0.260.26米,即一圈需时3030分钟。 Zoom: Excuse me. Where is the London Zoom: Excuse me. Where is the London Eye?Eye?(

8、(打扰一下,请问伦敦眼在哪里?) )Man: Its next to the film museum near Man: Its next to the film museum near the the ThamesThames.( .(在靠近泰晤士河的电影院旁边) )泰晤士河 The ThamesThe Thames,在英格兰牛津又称伊希斯河(River IsisRiver Isis)。英国第二大的河流,也是最重要的水路,又是英国的母亲河。 Zoom: Excuse me. Is The Thames Zoom: Excuse me. Is The Thames far from here?

9、(far from here?(打扰一下,泰晤士河距离这里远吗?) )Man: No. Go straight and turn Man: No. Go straight and turn left.(left.(不远,直走再向左转就可以了。) )Zoom: look.Zoom: look.Zip: Finally.Zip: Finally.HomeworkHomeworkUnit 2Ways to go to schoolHow many transportations do you know?planeshiptrainsubwaycarbusbiketaxifooton footHowH

10、ow do you go to school?do you go to school?on footon foot步行 自行车自行车 = bike = bikeby bike 骑自行车乘. = by. by bus乘公共汽车 by taxi by taxi乘坐出租车地铁:subwaysubway by subway by subway乘坐地铁 火车=train by train乘坐火车(大)船 = ship= shipby ship by ship 乘船by plane 飞机 = plane= plane乘坐飞机 HowHow do you do you come to schoolcome

11、to school? I I usually/ often/ sometimesusually/ often/ sometimes. . usually: 通常often:经常sometimes:有时候I usually come to school on foot.I often come to school by bus.I sometimes come to school by bike. How do you get to school? I go to school on foot. How do you get to Beijing?By train. How do you get

12、 to the USA from China?By plane. Nature parkNature park自然公园自然公园 on foot = walk但用法不一样但用法不一样. on foot 是介词短语。是介词短语。walk 是是动词。动词。如:如: I come to school on foot. = I walk to school.那是个不错的运动。那是个不错的运动。Task 1: Read quickly and answer(任务1:快速阅读,回答问题)1. How does Mike come to school?2. How does Amy come to schoo

13、l?3. Is Mrs Smith come to school by car?He often comes to school by bike.She usually comes to school on foot, sometimes she comes by bus.Yes, sometimes. But she usually walks.Mr. 先生,用来称呼男性。先生,用来称呼男性。Mrs.夫人,用来称呼已婚女性。夫人,用来称呼已婚女性。Miss 是对未婚女子的尊称。是对未婚女子的尊称。Mr. Mrs. 和和 Miss 的区别的区别P14 Lets talk A: Good mor

14、ning, Mrs Smith!B: Hi, children. You _ early. How do you _ to school?A: Usually, I come _ _. _ I come by _.B: I often come _ bike.A: How _ you come to school, Mrs Smith? _ car?B: Sometimes, but I usually _.A: Thats good exercise. arecomeon footSometimesbusbyBydowalk131312Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fr

15、i. Sat.13 17 18 19 20 21 22 23next weektomorrowtoday 10 11 12 13 14 15 16this weekOct. 10at 8:00this morningat 14:00at 19:00at 22:00this afternoon this eveningtonight今天早上今天早上今天下午今天下午今天傍晚今天傍晚今天晚上今天晚上Phrases and sentences下周下周今天上午今天上午今天下午今天下午今天今天晚晚上上今今晚晚明天明天去旅行去旅行阅读杂阅读杂志志去看去看电电影影next weekthis morningth

16、is afternoonthis eveningtonighttomorrowgo to tripread a magazinego to the cinemaa magazineread a magazineIm going to read a magazinethis afternoon.(我打算今天下午看本杂志我打算今天下午看本杂志.)this morning this afternoonthis eveningtomorrowtonightnext weektake a tripsee a film supermarketgo to the supermarketgo to the c

17、inemaIm going to the cinemathis evening.(6:30pm)take a tripthe Great WallIm going to _.take a trip(去旅行)take a trip.旅行旅行-I am going to -What are you going to do?-I am going to the cinema .去看电影去看电影cinema-What are you going to do?阅读杂志阅读杂志-I am going to read a magazine .-What are you going to do?read a

18、magazine.-What are you going to do?-What are you going to do? zoo What are you going to do I am going to the _.this morningthis morningthis afternoonthis afternoon?tonighttonightnext weektomorrowtomorrow_ zoo -I am going to read a magazine take a trip-Im going to the cinema.我打算 What are you going to

19、 do? 你打算做什么?What are you going to do?What are you going to do?你打算做什么? ?1、be going to +动词原形表示将要或即将发生某种情况,主语可以是人,也可以是物,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。例:1、Im going to visit my grandparents tonight.我打算今晚去看望我的祖父母。 2、Its going to rain this afternoon. 看上去今天下午要下雨。Summary小结小结背诵下列句子:背诵下列句子:dictionarydictionariescomic bookword

20、 book,word bookI am going to buy a word book.word book post office post cards84do homeworkplay footballwatch TVplay basketballread bookscook dinnerplay ping-pongswim play computer games练习 : 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I _(visit) my friends this Monday.2. She _(play )sport next Sunday.3. Amy _(catch )butterflies

21、this morning.4. They _ (go) to the cinema tomorrow.5. _ you _( plant )trees this afternoon?6. _ John _( watch)TV tonight ?7. I often _(visit) my friends on Mondays.8. Amy usually _(catch) butterflies.比较不同比较不同,动脑想一想怎么填?动脑想一想怎么填?am going to visitis going to playis going to catchare going Is going to w

22、atchAre going to plant visitcatchesDo go_John_(go) to the cinema every day?Does go9. _you _(go ) to the cinema every day .辨音1.( )post home 2.( ) space half3.( ) lesson help 4.( )tomorrow how5.( ) film trip 6.( ) must music 单词填空1.lets go swimming _ _ (今天下午).2.Are there any_(单词书)on the desk?3.Are you

23、going ti buy any_ _ (连环画册).4. Ill send you a _ (明信片).5.They are going to buy new _(词典)after lunch.一、找出画线部分与其他三个发音不同的词 1. A. tonight B. today C. to D. tomorrow 2. A. take B. table C. way D. traffic3. A. shop B. stop C. office D. post 4. A. them B. the C. together D. three5. A. next B. evening C. west

24、 D. left 二、将下列单词与汉语连线。1. take a trip a.去看电影2. read a magazine b.看杂志3. go to the cinema c.今晚4. this evening d.明天5. tomorrow e.去旅行 1、Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事,今日毕。今日事,今日毕。2、One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天等于两个明天。一个今天等于两个明天。Remember:Bye-bye优质课课件优质课课件英语人教版六年级上册人教版六年级上册第

25、四单元第四单元:我有一个笔友我有一个笔友单元总览主题:pen pal话题:hobbies and habits功能:呈现,询问,书信、电邮,语言结构: 时态:一般现在时(一般疑问句,回答) 句 型 : W h a t s y o u r h o b b y ? I l i k e c o l l e c t i n g (He/She likes ) Does he/she like? Yes, / No, 词汇:riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, collecting stamps, making kites, lives, teaches,

26、 goes, watches, reads单元教学目标:知识目标听说读A/B部分Lets learn, Lets talk中的短语和句子。听说读写Lets talk中的加粗词句和Lets learn中的黑体单词阅读Read and write部分,并对练习部分进行熟练的问答。掌握Pronunciation中音素的发音理解Story time, Good to know的含义单元教学目标:能力目标能够简单介绍自己和他人的爱好并问答能够描述他人一天的生活能够唱My Pen Pal,和Lets chant的内容单元教学目标:情感目标注重学生拥有有益的兴趣爱好鼓励学生关心他人,广交善友培养学生热爱生活

27、,养成有规律的生活好习惯教学重点重点: 运用句型进行问答 Whats your/his/her hobby? Does he/she? 运用句型表达兴趣爱好 I like doing. He/She likes doing. Lets learn部分短语的认读和运用 四会单词和句子的听说读写教学难点四会词汇的读写Do you 和Does he/she/Sarah的区别运用I like doing. He/She like doing.Lets read(p48 & p51)What is your hobby?What is your hobby?Playing, playing, I

28、 likeCollecting, collecting, I likeRiding, riding, I likeMaking, making, I likeDiving, diving, I likeplaying the violin.collecting stamps.riding a bike.making kites.diving.Whats your hobby? hbi业余爱好 Sorry!Sorry!Sorry!Sorry!playing the violincollecting stampsriding a bikemaking kitesdivingplaying bask

29、etballpaintingsingingNEXTI likeI like riding a bike.Lets tryLets try录音: : Look!This is Bill. Hes from the U k. He likes playing football. This is Daniel. Hes a university student. hes tall and strong. He likes driving.-I like painting.-Do you like painting?-I like collecting stamps.-He likes collect

30、ing stamps, too.What is your hobby?PAINTING SHOWTIME: SUNDAYPLACE: MUSEUMKITE SHOWTIME: SATURDAYPLACE: PARKBIKE SHOWTIME: SATURDAYPLACE: STADIUMback油画展时间:星期天地点:博物馆风筝展时间:星期六地点:公园自行车展时间:星期六地点:体育馆He likesBecause I can seesleepinga bed.Lets readLets read英汉对照给:艾丽丝 笔友来自:刘云 笔友亲爱的爱丽丝, 澳大利亚一定很有趣吧!我和我爸爸妈妈住在中国

31、。我没有兄弟姐妹。我妈妈是一位歌唱家,她喜欢游泳。我爸爸是一个电视台记者,他喜欢听音乐。我喜欢拉小提琴和写电子邮件。你的新朋友,刘云。给:刘云笔友来自:艾丽丝笔友亲爱的刘云, 我很高兴有一位笔友.我住在澳大利亚.我喜欢游泳、跳水和骑自行车.我的双胞胎姐姐安妮喜欢画画和做风筝.我喜欢运动,但她喜欢美术.我们长得很像,但我们不喜欢同样的事情.告诉我关于你的亊,你的爱好是什么?你的新笔友,艾丽丝.Does Mr. Black live in Beijing ?Yes , he does .Does Mr. Black live in Dalian ?No ,he doesnt .He lives i

32、n Beijing .Mr. BlackBeijingHe lives in Beijing .Where dose your pen pal live ?你的笔友在哪里居住?你的笔友在哪里居住?My pen pal lives in.我的笔友在我的笔友在.居住居住.gogoeses to work to workHe He gogoeses to work to work by bus .by bus .Mr . Black likeMr . Black likes s watching TV . watching TV .He watchHe watcheses TV at night.

33、TV at night.Mr.Black likeMr.Black likes s reading reading newspapers .newspapers .He readHe reads s newspapers every day . newspapers every day .He / She He / She readreads s newspapers newspapers every every day .day .常见的三人称单数形式的变化live-lives(居住,住)teach-teaches(教)go-goes(去)watch-watches(看)read-reads

34、 ( 读,看)live gowatchteachread go in Beijing.to work on foot.TV at night. English everyday.Newspapers everyday.to school by bike . Ilive gowatchteachread goesin Shanghai.to work by car.TV in the morning. Chinese everyday.Newspaper everyday.to school by bike.sesesessHeShe我们都是我们都是火眼金睛火眼金睛I drink playeat

35、swimrun.He/She drink playeatswimrun.sssss water , milk , juice , water ; in the river , in the sea ; every day, in the morning ping pong ,basketball , football ,pingpongListen and circle.My mother is a teacher. Does she teach English?No, she doesn t . She teaches math.Does she teach you math?Yes, sh

36、e does. Zhang:Sarah: Zhang:Sarah: Zhang:Tick and sayTick and say勾一勾, ,说一说: :lives in the citylives in the countryby subwayby bikereads newspapers in the eveningwatches TV in the eveningschoolhospitalbankby bikeby buson footuncleauntHis uncle lives in Urumqi.他叔叔住在乌鲁木齐.英汉对照 我的新朋友 刘云 爱丽丝是我的新朋友,她住在奥大利亚。

37、她父亲在学校工作。他乘坐公共汽车去上班。 她母亲是个护士。她在医院工作。她开车去上班。 爱丽丝和她姐姐是对双胞胎。她们看上去一样,但她们非常不一样。每天早上,爱丽丝骑自行车去上课,而安妮走路去上学。每天晚上,爱丽丝看报纸,她姐姐安妮看动画片。在星期六,爱丽丝经常去公园玩,安妮通常制作风筝。 我每周都写邮件给爱丽丝。爱丽丝说她全家很快来中国。我很激动。 1.1.填充信息: :2.把你们的卡片放在一起,挑选张并找出这是谁的卡片.A:这是一个男孩.B:他喜欢画画吗?A:是的,他喜欢.C:他乘公交车上学吗?A:不,他不乘公交车上学.B:他走路上学吗?A:是的B:这是吴一凡.A:对了.pronuncia

38、tionpronunciation / / / / / r/ / :/ shirt learn ragwort 衬衫 学习 狗舌草/ usher pleasure colour mirror 接待员 愉快 颜色 镜子Read and match:读一读,连一连:earth 地球Mirror镜子 shirt 衬衫learn 学习: :t l:n mir Lets checkLets check录音 Bill lives in Australia. He works in a TV company. He goes to work by bus. He usually reads newspape

39、rs on the bus. He goes back home at about six. He watches TV in the evening. He likes collecting stamps. He often plays basketball on weekends.Key: (1).Yes, he does.(2).No he doesnt, (3). Yes, he does. (4). No he doesnt.(5). Yes, he does.Good to knowGood to know怎样给你的外国朋友的信封上写地址。return address(sender

40、)加信地址(发送者)Liu Yun刘云55Shatan Houjie沙滩后街55号Dongcheng District东城区Beijing, P.R.C.100009北京邮编 100009 Nicholas Smith尼古拉斯.史密斯 151 Bloor St.West西布卢大街151号 Toronto Ontario安大略省多伦多市 Canada M55154加拿大邮编 55154stamp邮票name姓名Street address街道地址City proyincev(state)城市,省(州)Postal code邮政号码 中英文写信格式的区别 由于文化的差异,中国人写信时地址的排列顺序

41、是从大到小的顺序.如:中国云南省昭通市昭阳区路113号. 而西方写信时地址的排列顺序是从小到大的顺序写的.如:55Shatan Houjie沙滩后街55号Dongcheng District东城区Beijing, P.R.C.100009北京邮编 100009 英汉对照(1).Joe:猴子住在山上吗?Dad:是的.Joe:我喜欢猴子,你呢?Dad:我也是的.(2).(突然,乔看见了一只猴子)Joe:看!一只小猴子,它受伤了.Dad:是的.(3). Joe:我们照顾他吧.Mom:好的,给他取名叫Ben怎样?Joe:好的.(4). Mom: Ben不可以永远和我们生活在一起.让我们把它送到动物园去

42、.Joe:不,不.(5). Joe:(啜泣)不,让他跟我们呆在一起.Mom: Joe,我们走.().parents:嘿,Joe,你在干什么?Joe:我喜爱Ben,从现在起我要跟他生活在一起.Joe:Dad:Bye-bye优质课课件优质课课件英语人教版六年级上册人教版六年级上册What jobs do you know?What does he do?He is a singer.What does he do? He is an actor.What does she do? She is an actress.A: What does she/he do?B: She/He is a. si

43、ngerwriterTV reporteractoractressartistaaaan看图说词,再用a , an 填空p58ananA: Whats your hobby?B: I like_.A : What are you going to be?B : I am going to be a /an_.Your dreamfarmer doctornurseTV reporteractoractressdriversingerartistwriterteacherdancerfarmerLets talkLets talkChen:What does your mother do ?Jo

44、hn:She is a TV reporter .What does your father do ?He is a teacher . He teaches English .回答下面问题:1、Who is the beautiful woman ? She is Wu Yifans _.2、 What does she do ? Shes an _.3、Who is the man ? Hes Wu Yifans _.4、What does he do ? Hes a _.Lets read Amy: Whos she ?Wu: Shes my aunt .Amy: Wow ! Shes

45、really beautiful . What does she do ?Wu: Shes an actress on TV.Amy: Whos he ?Wu: He is my uncle .Amy: What does he do ?Wu: He is a writer. He writes the TV show for my aunt .Amy: How exciting !Wu:Sometimes my aunt works here in Beijing , but sometimes she works in Hong Kong .Amy: How does she go to

46、Hong Kong .Wu: She goes to Hong Kong by plane .回答下面问题:1、Who is the beautiful woman ? She is Wu Yifans _aunt_.2、 What does she do ? Shes an _actress on TV_.3、Who is the man ? Hes Wu Yifans _uncle_.4、What does he do ? Hes a _writer_. Hes an engineer 工程师工程师What does he do?What does she do? Shes anaccou

47、ntant . 会计会计 Shes acleaner 清洁工清洁工What does she do? policeman (男)警察(男)警察policewoman(女)警察(女)警察What does she do? Shes asalesperson . 销售员销售员 Li Wei accountant Tom studentLi JuancleanerLook and say:A:What does he/she do? B: He/Shes a/anA:How does he/she go to work/?B:He/She goes to work/ by/ on 动词名词teach

48、 教teacher 老师cleancleaner 清洁工sing唱歌singer 歌手dance 跳舞dancer 舞者drive 驾驶driver 司机动词名词write 写writer 作家report 报道reporter 记者act 表演actor 男演员act 表演actress 女演员art 美术artist 画家GrammarGrammarA : What does your mother do ? A : 你妈妈是做什么呢?B : She is an accountant. B : 她是一名会计。A : Where does she work ? A : 她在哪里工作?B :

49、She works in a car company. B : 她是在一家小汽车公司工作。A : How does she go to work ? A : 她是怎样去上班的?B : She goes to work by bus. B : 她是乘公交车工作的。选择填空,将答案的字母编号写在括号里 1. _ can I get to the museum? A.What B. Where C. How 2. My uncle is _ doctor. My aunt is _ artist. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a 3. How does he go to scho

50、ol? A. On feet B. By foot C. On foot 4. My mother _ to work by subway. His mother _ to work by taxi. A. go, goB. goes, goesC. go, goes 5. Mr. Black is a _.He _ computer science. A. teach, teachesB. teacher, teach C. teacher, teachesBCBBC 6. Lisa likes _ with numbers. A. worksB. workingC. work 7. How _ he go to school? A. do B. doing C. does 8. _ does your uncle do? A. What B. How C. Where 9. _your uncle a baseball player? A. IsB. AreC. Does 10. _ Ann work at a primary school? A. Are B. Do C. DoesBCACCBye-bye优质课课件优质课课件英语人教版六年级上册人教版六年级上册How do


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