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1、会计学1青少新概念青少新概念Bunitkewhatasurprise第1页/共50页第2页/共50页第3页/共50页第4页/共50页past分钟数不超分钟数不超过过30分分half pastto分钟数分钟数超过超过30分分 oclock第5页/共50页 oclock 用基数词用基数词 + oclock来表示来表示整点整点可以省略。可以省略。8:0010:00eight oclockten (oclock)2:0011:008:00第6页/共50页第7页/共50页当分钟数是当分钟数是时,可用名词时,可用名词half past(一半)表示。(一半)表示。3:309:30half past nine

2、half past three6:3010:3012:30第8页/共50页第9页/共50页a quarter to/past .点三刻点三刻/一刻一刻当分钟数是15分钟时,可用名词quarter (一刻钟)表示。其中past意思是“过”;to意思是“差”。 a quarter to five7:155:15 4:45a quarter past five 12:15 a quarter past seven a quarter to seven 6:4511:45第10页/共50页第11页/共50页第12页/共50页第13页/共50页第14页/共50页第15页/共50页第16页/共50页第17

3、页/共50页7. next adj.下一个下一个2. talk v.谈话谈话1. lesson n.课课3. find v. 找到,发找到,发现现4. bye int.5. When adv.什么时候什么时候Goodbye8. surprise n. 惊奇,意外惊奇,意外9. a quarter n. 一刻钟一刻钟第18页/共50页第19页/共50页look fornextwhenbyefindquartertalkhalf paselessonspurise看谁读得快!看谁读得快!第20页/共50页第21页/共50页What time is it now?Whos that? Whats t

4、he problem?第22页/共50页Hello, Linda!Nice to _ to you!How are you ?And _ is Ken?Karen: speak How第23页/共50页speak :说话Jay is speaking at school.演讲I can speak English.说某种语言和某人说话 speak to sb. Nice to speak to you-在电话里问候某人的习惯用语在电话里问候某人的习惯用语第24页/共50页How + be动词动词+ 主语主语某人怎么样了某人怎么样了?How _ you?How _ she?How _ he ?第

5、25页/共50页How are you?How are they?How are Lucy and Lily?How is he?How is she?How is Ken?第26页/共50页Yes, Im very busy, too.Its Lucys music lesson at half past six.Im sorry, but I cant talk now.Karen:第27页/共50页busy忙的,忙碌的at half past six在某一时刻用在某一时刻用at At a quarter to eleventalk谈话;说话;交谈谈话;说话;交谈 第28页/共50页Com

6、e on, Lucy!Your music lesson is at half past six, and its a quarter to six now!Whats the problem?I cant find my music book.Karen:Lucy:第29页/共50页第30页/共50页Oh dear!Im sorry, Linda.I must go!Can I call you at half past nine?Mum!I must find my book!Karen:Lucy:第31页/共50页第32页/共50页第33页/共50页第34页/共50页Karen:Than

7、ks ,Linda.Bye!Now, Lucy, look in your schoolbag.Lucy:It isnt there.Karen:Are you sure?Lucy:Yes, Mum.Look!第35页/共50页Lucy:Oh! Here it is!Karen:What a surprise!Please hurry up, Lucy! Its six oclock.Lucy:Its OK, Mum. Im ready.Can we go now, please?第36页/共50页第37页/共50页Hello, Linda!Nice to _ to you!How are y

8、ou ?And _ is Ken?Karen: speak HowNice to speak to you-在电话里问候在电话里问候某人的习惯用语某人的习惯用语第38页/共50页Yes, Im very busy, too.Its Lucys music lesson at half past six.Im sorry, but I cant talk now.Karen:第39页/共50页Karen:Come on, Lcuy!Your music lesson is at half past six, and its a quarter to six now!whats the probl

9、em?Lucy:I cant find my music book.第40页/共50页Karen:Oh dear!Im sorry, Linda.I must go!Can I call you at half past nine?Lucy:Mum! I must find my book!第41页/共50页Karen:Thanks ,Linda.Bye!Now, Lucy, look in your schoolbag.Lucy:It isnt there.Karen:Are you sure?Lucy:Yes, Mum.Look!第42页/共50页Lucy:Oh! Here it is!Karen:What a surprise!Please hurry up, Lucy! Its six


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