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1、Dual-arm robot designed by KIMM(Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials)搜集的文献分析:该dual-arm robot 共发表了9篇IE论文-涉及robot设计的有4篇;-涉及robot控制的有4篇;-涉及robot测试的有2篇。Mechanical designRequired Specification of the dual arm robotThe figure shows the simple drawing the right arm and itsdesigned to satisfy the spec.

2、of table.dual-arm的机器人机械结构 dual-arm robot由机身,臂部(包括大臂和小臂),手腕和手部几部分组成。1机器人手部2机器人腕部3机器人手臂4机器人机身The new type of dual arm robot manipulator consists of two single industrial arms (6 DOF) and torso (2 DOF). In this structure, it is very easy to control the distance between the 2nd Joints of both arms. If t

3、he distance is too wide or short, the cooperation manipulability of two arms is not good. With this structure, each arm is also easily assembled with torso and de-assembled from torso. Thus each single industrial arm is able to be used as a stand-alone of industrial robot manipulator and as a part o

4、f dual arm manipulator at the same time. The first joint of left/right arm is composed of belt, pulley and hollow type of a harmonic drive for this purpose. The advantages of the proposed structure.It is easy to understand that left and right arms are a typical puma-like 6 DOF industrial robot.It sh

5、ows 90 degree-rotated picture of left arm.Kinematic structure of developed dual arm robot manipulatorThe kinematic structure of the left/right arm has the same as one of the traditional industrial 6-DOF robots and wrists have the spherical structure which has some advantages of simple inverse kinema

6、tics.CAD drawing of developed dual arm robot下面分别简介一下dual-arm robot 的各个部分 dual-arm robot 的手部 dual-arm robot 的腕部 dual-arm robot 的手臂 dual-arm robot 的机身dual-arm robot 的手部手部和腕部连接处可拆卸,手部和腕部有机械接口,也可以有电、气、液接头,当工业机器人作业对象不同时,可以方便拆卸和更换手部。dual-arm robot 的腕部腕部是连接臂部和手部的部件,其作用主要是改变和调整手部在空间的方位,从而使手爪中所握持的工具或工件取得某一指定

7、的姿态。腕部有独立的自由度,以满足机器人手部完成复杂的姿态。dual-arm robot 的手臂臂部(包括小臂和大臂)是机器人机构的主要部分,该dual-arm robot的手臂部分有四个自由度,完成回转、俯仰或升降等动作。dual-arm robot 的机身机身部分有两个自由度,完成俯仰和旋转工作,该dual-arm robot,机身不是重点,重点后面会介绍。机 身Kenematics analysisWorkspace AnalysisThe most important function of the dual arm robot manipulator is cooperation b

8、etween left and right arms each other.Example posture for cooperation task of developed dual arm robot manipulatorthe front viewThe cooperation workspace of developed dual arm robot manipulator.the top viewThe cooperation workspace of developed dual arm robot manipulator.Definition of the position a

9、nd orientation of the end effector of Arm 2 with respect to Arm 1Calculation of the linear velocity of the end effector of the Arm 2 due to the unit angular velocity of Joint 1 of Arm 1.Performance TestPosition RepeatabilityPayloadMaximum speedPosition accuracyControl SystemFig.1 Schematic diagram o

10、f the overall structure of the controllerThe overall structure of the controlleris composed of the main host, the vision controller, the tele-operation controller and the robot controller. All the controllers are PC-based, and controllers are connected to each other with CAN bus to communicate to ea

11、ch other with real time.The robot controller is composed of IPM compatible PC, window XP of Microsoft, Real Time Extension (RTX) of Ardence, and SynqNet Motion Board of MEC,motor amplifiers, (A/D) boards.dual core CPU for hard real time conditionOne core for windows XPOne core for RTXInterrupt laten

12、cy under 1usvariable sampling rateSynq_interrupt techniqueused for synchronization between the motion board and the host PCFig.2 The robot contoller26The application program for user interface is programmed and working in Windows XP environment but the real time control program is programmed and wor

13、king in the RTX environment. Motion control board of Motion Engineering is used to control the motion of the each joint. The kinematic calculation and the control algorithm are done in the PC environment and the control commands are transferred to the motion control board. The user interface in Wind

14、ows XP environment and the real time control program in RTX environment can communicate some information of user command and the state of the robot manipulator. Fig.3 The robot Controller structure for the developed dual arm robot manipulatorFig.4 The ZMP-SynqNet motion board of MECA commercial moti

15、on board, the ZMP-SynqNet motion board of MEC is selected in this robot. The board uses the centralized computation technique. Its control frequency is reduced when the more axed are controlled at the same time. It control the 4 axes with 48khz at the same time, and it can control 32 axes at the sam

16、e time, with 2khz.The ZMP-SynqNet motion board has two special features. The one is that it uses the digital communication to motor drivers (AMPs) with the protocol SynqNet of Motion Engineering. The second special feature is that Motion Engineering supports the driver software for Real Time OS, RTL

17、inux, RTX, etc.Fig.5 RTX and windowsRTLinux is known as one of the best real time OS, but it is very difficult to develop software in the Linux environment for general users. Most of PC users use windows XP, and so many useful software development kits have been developed. But windows XP doesnt supp

18、ort real time computation and its not perfectly stable system. So RTX with windows XP is selected. RTX adds the ability of real time computation to the windows XP. Ardence Co. Ltd says RTX supports the ability of the interrupt latency of 10 us in the single CPU system. But the result of our test is

19、different from their opinion. So the Pentium D processor with dual core is selected, then RTX can use one core or one CPU fully without the interference with windows XP.Fig.6 RTX and multiple CPUEncoder signals, velocity signals, motor torque signals and the force/torque sensor signals are taken by

20、the AD board of 16 bit. This information can be transferred to the CPU of PC with the PCI Interface. Kinematics algorithms, force signal filtering algorithms, current signal filtering algorithms, position/force hybrid control algorithms are computed on the CPU of IBM compatible PC. Position referenc

21、es can be computed with these algorithms and be transferred to the motion board. Finally motion board calculates the required torque reference to control robot system and then the torque reference is transferred to the motor amplifier to control the current of motors.Fig.7 Schematic diagram of the developed controller31For systems that need to synchronize with the controller and calculate data that needs to be sent every sample, the firmware of ZMP has


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