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3、信小程序,与大家实时互动,点赞告诉大家考了哪些题,还可以对原有的机经进行实时修正和补充。解决传统PDF机经,假题多,更新慢,命中问题。PDF机经使用说明:.本PDF源自PTE.AI黑科技小程序其他同学对机经的补充与纠正,请前往小程序查看频率动态变化,PDF无法及时反应,请在小程序中查看小程序中提供了丰富的交互练习环境,结合PDF使用效果更好,即刻开启PTE.AI黑科技小程序扫一扫以下Wechat ID: ptepppFIB_RFill in the blanks, R 阅读填空1. Transport policy/交通政策 #65432019-06Despite transpo
4、rt problems being a topic of frequent dinner table conversation, comprehensive assessment of policydirections for transport has been the subject of remarkably little academic analysis. This chapter introduces the scopeof the book, which is intended to help redress thising. The primary focus is on ur
5、ban transport policy, withthe emphasis being on policy analysis rather than analysis of the policy process. Importantly, the chapter sets outsome key propositions that have been important in shaping the authors approach to the particular matters that are considered in subsequent chapters.2. Science
6、warn global warming/科学全球变暖 #65372019-06You may well ask why science did not warn us of global warming sooner; I think that there are several reasons. We were from the 1970s until the end of the century distracted by the important global problem of stratospheric ozone depletion, which we knew was man
7、ageable. We threw all our efforts into it and succeeded but had little time to spend on climate change. Climate science was also neglected because twentieth-century science failed to recognize thetrue nature of Earth as a responsive self-regulating entity. Biologists were so carried away by Darwins
8、great vision that they failed to see that living things were tightly coupled to their material environment and that evolution concerns the whole Earth system with living organisms an integral part of it. Earth is not the Goldilocks planet of the solar system sitting at the right place for life. It w
9、as in this favorable state some two billion years ago but now our planet has to work hard, against ever-increasing heat from the Sun, to keep itself habitable. We have chosen the worst of times to add to its difficulties.3. Leading scientists/顶级科学家们 #65112019-06The Life Science Institute at the Univ
10、ersity of Michigan achieves excellence in biomedical research by bringing together the worlds leading scientists from a variety of life science disciplines to accelerate breakthroughs anddiscoveries that will improve human health. With close to 400 scientific staff members, the LSI is exploiting the
11、 powerof a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to biomedical researn open-laboratory facility.4. Pewter/白蜡 #65032019-06Pewter is an attractive metal which has been used for the production of household and other items in Britain sinceRoms. It is an alloy consisting mostly of tin which has be
12、en mixed with small amounts of other metals such ascopper, lead or antimony to harden it and make it more durable.5. McLuhan/麦克卢汉 #64252019-05McLuhans preeminent theory was his idea that human history could be divided into four eras: the acoustic age, theliterary age, the print age and the electroni
13、c age. He outlined the concept in a 1962 book called The Gutenberg Galaxy,which was released just as the television was starting toe popular.He predicted the world was entering the fourth, electronic age, which would be characterized by a community ofpeople brought together by technology.Wechat ID:
14、ptepppHe called it the global village, and said it would be an age when everyone had access to the same informationthrough technology. The global village could be understood to be the internet.6. Tidal energy/潮汐能 #64072019-05The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has awarded $2.49 million to
15、 cover a portion of the cost of a collaborative project led by the Australian Maritime College at the University of Tasmania, in partnership with TheUniversity of Queensland and CSIRO.The $5.85 million Tidal Energy in Australia Assessing Resource and Feasibility to Australias Future Energy Mix proje
16、ct will map the countrys tidal energy in unprecedented detail before assessing its ability to contribute toAustralias energy needs.7. Donors/爱心捐赠#64062019-058. What is music/何为音乐 #63952019-05What is music? In one sense, this is an easy question. Even the least musical among us can recognize pieces o
17、f music when we hear them and name a few canonical examples. We know there are different kinds of music and, even if ourknowledge of music is restricted, we know which kinds we like and which kinds we do not.Durkheim found humanistic studies uninteresting, turning his attention from psychology and p
18、hilosophy to ethics and eventually, sociology. He graduated with a degree in philosophy in 1882. Durkheims views could not get him a major academic appointment in Paris, so from 1882 to 1887 he taught philosophy at several provincial schools.In 1885 he left for Germany, where he studied sociology fo
19、r two years. Durkheims period in Germany resulted in the publication of numerous articles on German social science and philosophy, which gained recognition in France, earning him a teaching appointment at the University of Bordeaux in 1887.10. Octopus/章鱼 #63672019-05If consciousness comes in degrees
20、, then how far along on the spectrum is the octopus? Octopuses almost certainly feel pain. They nurse and protect injured body parts, and slow a preference not to be touched near wounds. In addition to feeling pain, octopuses also have sophisticated sensory capacities: excellent eyesight, and acute
21、sensitivity to taste and smell. This, together with their large nervous systems and complex behavior makes it all but certain. The question of what subjective experience might be like for an octopus is complicated by the odd relationship between its brain and body.11. Reading process/阅读过程 #63662019-
22、05Reading is an active process, not a passive one. We always read within a specific context, and this affects what we notice and what seems to matter. We always have a purpose in reading a text, and this will shape how we approachit. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strat
23、egies we use to read the text.Wechat ID: pteppp12. Indian monsoon/季风 #63622019-0513. Pullman historic district/普尔曼历史街区 #63532019-04Built in 1880 on 4,000 acres of land outside of the Chicago city limits, Pullman, Illinois, was the first industrial planned community in the United States. George Pullm
24、an, of the Pullman railroad Car Company, built the south residential portion of the company town first, which contained 531 houses, some of which stand today more or less as they didoriginally.14. An assessment/一项评估 #63502019-042019-0416. The Roman people/罗马民众 #63472019-04The Roman people had at fir
25、st been inclined to regard the French Revolution with either indifference orderision. But as the months went by and the emigres who remained in the city were less and lesshopeful of an early return home, the mood of the Romans became increasingly antagonistic towards the assassins of Paris.The natio
26、nalization of Church property in France, the confiscation of papal territories, the dwindling of contributions and the paucity of tourists and pilgrims all contributed to an exacerbation of this antagonism. When the French Convention, determined to gain international recognition for the Republic, di
27、spatched envoys to Rome, the people turned upon them in fury.Gauss was a child prodigy. There are many anecdotes concerning his precocity as a child, and he made his first ground-breaking mathematical discoveries while still a teenager.At just three years old, he corrected an error in his father pay
28、roll calculations, and he was looking after his fathers accounts on a regular basis by the age of 5. At the age of 7, he is reported to have amazed his teachers by summing the integers from 1 to 100 almost instantly (having quickly spotted that the sum was actually 50 pairs of numbers, with each pai
29、r summing to 101, total 5,050). By the age of 12, he was already attending gymnasium and criticizing Euclids geometry.18. Biological systems/生物系统 #63342019-04Since biological systems with signs of complex engineering are unlikely to have arisen from accidents or coincidences, their organization must
30、 come from natural selection, and hence should have functions useful for survival andreproduction in the environments in which humans evolved.Elements of both the psychoanalytic and behaviorist theoriesarrange in modern approaches to personality. AdvancesWechat ID: ptepppin neuroscience have begun t
31、o bridge the gap between biochemistry and behavior, but there is still a great deal that needs to be explained. Without a consistent understanding of personality, how can we begin to categorize risk takers?If we cannot, we will be unable to compare their genes with those of others.20. Coral reef/珊瑚礁
32、 #63022019-04Coral reefs support more marine life than any other ocean ecosystem and are, not surprisingly, a favorite pursuit for many divers. But as well as being physically and biologically spectacular, coral reefs also support the livelihoods of over half a billion people. What is more, this num
33、ber is expected to double in coming decades while the area of high- quality reef is expected to halve. In combination with the very real threat of climate change, which could lead toincreased seawater temperatures and ocean acidification, we start to arrive at some quite frightening scenarios.Life i
34、n the UK 2012 provides a unique overview of well-being in the UK today. The report is the first snapshot oflife in the UK to be delivered by the Measuring National Well-being program and will be updated and published annually. Well-being is discussed in terms of the economy, people and the environme
35、nt. Information such as the unemployment rate or number of crimes against the person are presented alongsidedata on peoples thoughts and feelings, for example, satisfaction with our jobs or leisure time and fear of crime. Together, a richer picture on how society is doing is provided.22. Landlord/#6
36、2382019-0423. Educational psychologists/教育心理学家 #61202019-0324. Agroup/一个组织 #61172019-0325. The essence of reasoning/推理的本质 #61152019-03One of the most eminent of psychologists, Clark Hull,claimed that the essence of reasoning lies in the puttingtogether of two behavior segments in some novel way, nev
37、er actually performed before, so as to reach a goal.Two followers of Clark Hull, Howard and Tracey Kendler,devised a test for children that was explicitly based on Clark Hulls principles. The children were given the task of learning to operate a machine so as to get a toy.In order tosucceed they had
38、 to go through a two-stage sequence.26. American executive/美国行政 #60452019-03The American executive, unlike the British, has no connection with the legislature, and this lack of coordination between executive and legislature is one of the distinctive features of American federal government. The Const
39、itution guarded against executive control by disqualifying federal officials, whether civil or military, from membership inCongress.Wechat ID: pteppp6 / 8627. Electric motor car experiment/关于电动车的实验 #60292019-0328. Recruitment approaches/招聘方法 #59642019-03The six programs represented here report that
40、word of mouth is by far their most effective recruitment tool, particularly because it typically yields candidates who are similar to previously successful candidates. Moreover, satisfied candidates and school systems are likely to spread the word without any special effort on the part of their prog
41、ram. Other, less personal advertising approaches, such as radio and television spots and local newspaperadvertisements, have also proven fruitful, especially for newer programs. New York uses a print advertising campaignto inspire dissatisfied professionals toe teachers. Subway posters send provocat
42、ive messages to burned-out ordisillusioned professionals. Tired of diminishing returns? Invest in NYC kids was just one of many Madison Avenue- inspired invitations. News coverage has also proven to be a boon to alternative programs. When the New York Times, for example, ran a story about the distri
43、cts alternative route program, 2,100 applications flooded in over the next sixweeks.29. Research about attitude/关于态度的实验 #59602019-0330. Bilingual/双语的重要性 #59392019-0331. Womans Day/妇女节 #59382019-03Pre-Raphaelitism was Britains most significant and influential 19th-century art movement. Founded in 184
44、8, it centered on a group of three young artists: William Holman Hunt, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and John Everett Millais. These artists sought to revive English art by radically turning away from the old studio tradition and bringing painting into direct contact with nature. With an eye for absoluteac
45、curacy, every detail was now to have intense realist as wellas symbolic meaning.33. Network/网络 #58892019-032019-03Wechat ID: pteppp35. Career/雇佣生涯 #58522019-02Finding challenging or rewarding employment may mean retraining and moving from a stale or boring job in order to find your passion and pursu
46、e it. The idea is to think long range and anticipate an active lifestyle into later years perhaps into ones 80s or 90s. Being personally productive may now mean anticipating retiring in stages. This mightindicate going to an alternate plan should a current career end by choice or economic chance.36.
47、 Fingerprints/#58282019-02Fingerprints can prove that a suspect was actually at the scene of a crime. As long as a human entered a crime scene,there will be traces of DNA. DNA can help theto identify an individual to crack a case. An institute in Londoncan helpNA and be used to match with thesamples
48、 taken from the crime scenes37. Dendrochronology/年轮学 #58252019-02A bonus of dendrochronology is that the width and substructure of each ring reflect the amount of rain and theseason at which the rain fell during that particular year. Thus, tree ring studies also allow one to reconstruct pastclimate;
49、 e.g., a series of wide rineans a wet period, and a series of narrow rineans a drought.38. Communicate confidently/自信地#58162019-0239. Chaucers Tales/乔叟的故事 #58062019-02Chaucers Tales quickly spread through England in the early fifteenth century. Scholars feel The Canterbury Tales reached their instan
50、t and continued success because of their accurate and oftentimesvivid portrayal of human nature, unchanged through 600 years since Chaucers time George Macy, founder of The Limited Editions Club wroteon The Canterbury Tales.40. Smart organisms/聪明的微生物 #57972019-02Some of the most basic organisms are
51、smarter than we thought. Rather than moving about randomly, amoebas and plankton employ sophisticated strategies to look for food and might travel in a way that optimizes their foraging.Immediately after an amoeba turned right, it was twice as likely to turn left as right again, and vice versa, they
52、 told a meeting of the American Physical Society meeting in Denver, Colorado, last week. This suggests that the cells have a rudimentary memory, being able to remember the last direction they had just turned in.41. Particle and neutron/粒子与中子 #57722019-0242. Business etiquette /商业礼仪 #57712019-02Wecha
53、t ID: pteppp43. Linguistic effects/语言效果 #57552019-02An important corollary of this focus on language as the window to legal epistemology is the central role ofdiscourse to law and other sociocultural processes. In particular, the ideas that people hold about how language works (linguistic ideologies
54、) combine with linguistic structuring to create powerful, often unconscious effects. In recent years, linguistic anthropologists have made much progress in developing more precisely analytic tools for trackingthose effects.44. High-protein diet/高蛋白饮食 #57462019-02In our studies, those people on a hig
55、h-protein diet lost the same amount of weight as those on a higher- carbonhydrate diet, since the two diets offered an equal amount of kilojoules and the same amount of fat. However, body composition (that is, the ratio of fat to muscle) showed greater improvement among those people on the higher- p
56、rotein diet. When the participants in other studies were allowed to eat until they were no longer hungry, those on the higher-carbonhydrate diet, even after more than a year.The reduction in hunger and the beneficial effect on muscle provided by the higher-protein diet is mostly related to its prote
57、in content, while the reduced triglyceride levels and enhanced fat-loss seem to be related to its lower amounts of carbonhydrate. The diet is healthy because its protein comes from lean red meat, fish, chicken and low- fat dairy products, all of which provide good nutrition. A high-protein diet in w
58、hich the protein comes from protein powders and supplements is unlikely to be healthy, unless the supplements and are fortified with vitamins and minerals.45. No parents/离家上学 #57452019-02For many first-year students, the University may be their first experience living away from home for an extended period of time. It is a definite break from home. The individuals usual sources of su
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