1、 Module 5 Great People and Great Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China Inventions of Ancient China 基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1.Choose two stones of roughly 1.Choose two stones of roughly ( (相等的相等的) ) weight and size. weight and size.2.We charge no fees on the 2.We charge no fees on
2、the ( (原则原则) that ) that education should be available for all. education should be available for all.3.I cant 3.I cant ( (强调强调) enough the need for ) enough the need for cooperation. cooperation.equalequalprincipleprinciplestressstress 导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.equal 1.equal v v. .等于,与等于,与相等相等; ;adjadj. .相
3、等的相等的; ;胜胜 任的任的; ;n n. .同等的人或物同等的人或物 All human beings are All human beings are . . 所有的人都是平等的。所有的人都是平等的。( (回归课本回归课本P P4141) ) 观察思考观察思考 A pound is roughly equal to 500 grams.A pound is roughly equal to 500 grams. 一磅约等于一磅约等于500500克。克。 None of us can equal her as a dancer.None of us can equal her as a d
4、ancer. 我们的舞艺没有一个能比得上她。我们的舞艺没有一个能比得上她。 Give the task to Give the task to Jack.HeJack.He is equal to it. is equal to it. 把这项任务交给杰克去做,他能胜任。把这项任务交给杰克去做,他能胜任。equalequalHe equals me in qualifications but not in He equals me in qualifications but not in experience.experience.他和我具有同等的资格,但在经验方面比不上我。他和我具有同等的资
5、格,但在经验方面比不上我。归纳拓展归纳拓展equal+equal+n n.(in+.(in+n n. .)()(在在方面方面) )比得上比得上, ,与与匹匹敌敌; ;与与相等相等be equal to be equal to sthsth./doing ./doing sthsth. .等于等于;能胜;能胜任任be equal withbe equal with与与平等平等equal pay for equal workequal pay for equal work同工同酬同工同酬without (an) equalwithout (an) equal无人可比的无人可比的equally eq
6、ually advadv. .同样地;相等地同样地;相等地13.As the Bible says all men are created13.As the Bible says all men are created . . A.equalA.equal B.equallyB.equally C.equallingC.equalling D.equalledD.equalled 解析解析 equalequal作主语补足语修饰作主语补足语修饰all menall men。本题。本题 易错选易错选B B项,错误地认为修饰动词项,错误地认为修饰动词createcreate。A2.Ancient C
7、hina was a 2.Ancient China was a placeplace where states where states were often at war with each other. were often at war with each other. 古代中国各诸侯国之间经常发生战争。古代中国各诸侯国之间经常发生战争。 be at war with.be at war with.和和处于交战处于交战 状态状态 第二次世界大战期间第二次世界大战期间, , 德国几乎同德国几乎同 世界上所有的国家处于交战状态。世界上所有的国家处于交战状态。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿
8、造 During the Second World During the Second World WarWar, Germany was at , Germany was at war with almost all the other countries in war with almost all the other countries in the world. the world.典型句式运用典型句式运用1.Menciuss ideas were very similar to those 1.Menciuss ideas were very similar to those of
9、Confucius,. of Confucius,. 孟子的思想和孔子的思想非常相似孟子的思想和孔子的思想非常相似, 短语短语be similar to“be similar to“和和相似相似”, , 表示在某方面相似时,加上介词表示在某方面相似时,加上介词inin 我的房子和你的房子在大小上差不多。我的房子和你的房子在大小上差不多。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造 My house is similar to yours in size. My house is similar to yours in size.3.stress 3.stress n n. .重压,压力;强调;重音;重压
10、,压力;强调;重音;vtvt. .着着 重;强调;重读重;强调;重读 He He the importance of kindness, the importance of kindness, duty and order in society. duty and order in society. 他强调了仁爱、责任和秩序在社会中的重要性。他强调了仁爱、责任和秩序在社会中的重要性。 ( (回归课本回归课本P P4343) ) 观察思考观察思考 He stole some bread He stole some bread under the stress ofunder the stress
11、 of hunger and hunger and was beaten black and bluewas beaten black and blue. . 为饥为饥 饿所迫他偷了一些面包,被打得青一块紫一块。饿所迫他偷了一些面包,被打得青一块紫一块。 My parents My parents lay great stress onlay great stress on honesty,honesty, which I appreciate. which I appreciate.我父母非常看重诚实的品质我父母非常看重诚实的品质; ; 我很欣赏这一点。我很欣赏这一点。stressedstr
12、essed3.He stressed the importance of kindness,3.He stressed the importance of kindness, duty and duty and orderorder in society. in society. 他强调仁爱、责任和秩序在社会中的重要性。他强调仁爱、责任和秩序在社会中的重要性。 动词动词stressstress表示表示“强调;加压力于强调;加压力于” 温总理强调了接受良好教育的重要性。温总理强调了接受良好教育的重要性。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造Prime Minister Prime Minister
13、WenWen stressed the importance stressed the importance of receiving a good education. of receiving a good education.6.bring up6.bring up抚养;提出;呕吐抚养;提出;呕吐 His father died when he was young, and he His father died when he was young, and he was was by his mother. by his mother. 孟子的父亲在孟子小时候就去世了,他是由他孟子的父亲
14、在孟子小时候就去世了,他是由他 的母亲抚养成人的。的母亲抚养成人的。 ( (回归课本回归课本P P4343) ) 观察思考观察思考 Why did you have to bring up the subject Why did you have to bring up the subject of money? of money? 你为什么非要提钱这个话题?你为什么非要提钱这个话题? He was drunk and brought up what he had He was drunk and brought up what he had eaten at midnight. eaten
15、at midnight. 他喝醉了,半夜里把吃的东西都吐了。他喝醉了,半夜里把吃的东西都吐了。brought upbrought upresign vi. 辞职辞职 He resigned as manager after eight years.八年后,他辞去了经历的职务。八年后,他辞去了经历的职务。Resign yourself to 听任,顺从,只好接受She resigned herself to her fate.He spent his last years preparing a book of his teachings called The Book of Mencius.(
16、2011天津天津)_into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order. A. Translating B. Translated C. To translate D. Having translated(2011福建卷福建卷) Tsinghua University, _in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures.A. found B. founding C. founded D. to be founded(2011
17、四川卷四川卷) _ an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous.A. Offer B. Offering C. Offered D. To offer【例例5 5】 Many children, Many children, parents are away parents are away working in big working in big cities,arecities,are taken good taken good care of in the village. care of i
18、n the village. (安徽高考)(安徽高考) A.theirA.their B.whoseB.whose C.ofC.of them them D.withD.with whom whom 解析解析 句意为句意为: :许多父母远在大城市工作的孩子许多父母远在大城市工作的孩子 在这个村子里得到了很好的照顾。在这个村子里得到了很好的照顾。childrenchildren为为 先行词先行词, ,后跟的定语从句中缺少关系代词后跟的定语从句中缺少关系代词, ,指孩指孩 子的父母们,表示子的父母们,表示“的的”选选B B项。项。B4.Mencius believed that the reaso
19、n why man 4.Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is is different from animals is that man is good. good. 孟子相信人不同于动物的原因是人性善。孟子相信人不同于动物的原因是人性善。 习惯句式习惯句式the reason why.is the reason why.is that. that.的原因是的原因是 你能得第一名的原因就是这学期你你能得第一名的原因就是这学期你 一直在努力学习。一直在努力学习。 考点提炼
20、考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造The The reason reason why you can get the first why you can get the first place is that you have been working hardplace is that you have been working hard this term. this term. 考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】 In April,2009,President In April,2009,President HuHu inspected inspected the warships in Qingda
21、o, the warships in Qingdao, the 60th the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. Navy. (福建高考)(福建高考) A.markingA.marking B.markedB.marked C.havingC.having marked marked D.beingD.being marked marked 解析解析 此处为现在分词短语作状语。此处为现在分词短语作状语。 课文原文课文原文 For many years
22、 he travelled from state to For many years he travelled from state to state, state, the principles of Confucius. the principles of Confucius.Ateachingteaching【例例4 4】 Life is like a long race Life is like a long race we we compete with others to go beyond compete with others to go beyond ourselves. o
23、urselves. (重庆高考)(重庆高考) A.whyA.why B.whatB.what C.thatC.that D.whereD.where 解析解析 句意为句意为: :生活就像一次长跑生活就像一次长跑, ,我们不断我们不断 和别人竞争以超越自己。本句中和别人竞争以超越自己。本句中,where,where引导引导 的从句作的从句作racerace的定语。在定语从句中,不缺的定语。在定语从句中,不缺 任何成分任何成分, ,故排除故排除C;whatC;what不能引导定语从句;不能引导定语从句; whywhy可以引导定语从句可以引导定语从句, ,但表示原因但表示原因, ,不合题意。不合题意
24、。 课文原文课文原文 As a result, he spent many years trying As a result, he spent many years trying to find a state to find a state people would follow people would follow his teachings. his teachings.Dwherewhereno+比较级+than 前者跟后者一样不.否定两者否定两者她的书和他的一样少。她的书和他的一样少。She has no more books than him.我穷的像个乞丐。我穷的像个乞丐。I
25、m no richer than a beggar.Not +比较级+than “不如.”这个问题不如那个难。这个问题不如那个难。The question is not more difficult than that one.7.in conclusion7.in conclusion总之;最后;作为结束总之;最后;作为结束 , I think that cars are very , I think that cars are very useful because travel is so easy with a useful because travel is so easy with
26、 a car. car.总之,我认为汽车是非常有用的,因为乘总之,我认为汽车是非常有用的,因为乘 车使得出行变得如此容易。车使得出行变得如此容易。( (回归课本回归课本P P4848) ) 观察思考观察思考 From these facts we can draw some From these facts we can draw some conclusions about how the pyramids were conclusions about how the pyramids were built. built.从这些事实我们可以得出这些金字塔是从这些事实我们可以得出这些金字塔是
27、怎样建造的结论。怎样建造的结论。 The debate did not come to a conclusion The debate did not come to a conclusion until midnight. until midnight.辩论直到午夜才结束。辩论直到午夜才结束。In conclusionIn conclusion注意注意 condition condition 指具体的某种指具体的某种“条件条件”或或“状态状态”时,可用单数或复数;泛指时,可用单数或复数;泛指“环境,情况,天气状环境,情况,天气状态态”时多用复数。时多用复数。活学活用活学活用(1)The fl
28、ooded area is in(1)The flooded area is in of total neglect.of total neglect. The people have to live in makeshift tents The people have to live in makeshift tents under the most appalling_. under the most appalling_. A.aA.a condition;conditioncondition;condition B.aB.a condition;conditionscondition;
29、conditions C.conditions;conditionC.conditions;condition D.conditions;conditionsD.conditions;conditions 解析解析 be in a condition of.be in a condition of.处于处于情形情形 之下;而第二空则表示之下;而第二空则表示“环境环境”之意。之意。B4.condition 4.condition n n. .条件;情形;社会地位条件;情形;社会地位 Often,factoryOften,factory workers lived in poor and work
30、ers lived in poor and crowded crowded . .工厂的工人们经常生活在贫工厂的工人们经常生活在贫 穷和拥挤的环境中。穷和拥挤的环境中。 ( (回归课本回归课本P P4949) ) 观察思考观察思考 What sort of condition is your new house in?What sort of condition is your new house in? 你的新房子目前是什么状况?你的新房子目前是什么状况? He agreed to help us, but made it a condition He agreed to help us,
31、but made it a condition that we should work for him without any pay that we should work for him without any pay for a year. for a year.他同意帮助我们,但以我们免费为他他同意帮助我们,但以我们免费为他 工作一年为条件。工作一年为条件。 You are in no condition to go anywhere.You are in no condition to go anywhere. 你的身体状况太差,不宜去任何地方。你的身体状况太差,不宜去任何地方。co
32、nditionsconditions归纳拓展归纳拓展living/working conditions living/working conditions 居住居住/ /工作环境工作环境on condition (that) on condition (that) 在在条件下;倘若条件下;倘若on no condition on no condition 一点也不,绝不一点也不,绝不be in good condition be in good condition 身体很好;完好无误身体很好;完好无误be out of condition be out of condition 身体不适身体不
33、适be in no be in no conditioncondition to do to do sthsth.(.(身体状况身体状况) )不适不适宜做某事宜做某事(2) The hospital described its(2) The hospital described its as as “satisfactory” while he felt there was “satisfactory” while he felt there was something wrong. something wrong. A.conditionA.condition B.stateB.state
34、C.energyC.energy D.positionD.position 解析解析 conditioncondition条件;条件;statestate状态;状态;energyenergy 能量;能量;positionposition职位;位置。句意为:这家职位;位置。句意为:这家 医院自称条件医院自称条件“令人满意令人满意”,然而他却感到,然而他却感到 有不对劲的地方。有不对劲的地方。AThe investigation failed to provide any The investigation failed to provide any conclusive evidence.con
35、clusive evidence.调查未能提供任何令人信服的证据。调查未能提供任何令人信服的证据。归纳拓展归纳拓展conclude conclude v v. .结束;下结论;推断结束;下结论;推断conclusive conclusive adjadj. .决定性的;不容置疑的决定性的;不容置疑的arrive at/come to/reach/draw a conclusion arrive at/come to/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论;下结论得出结论;下结论jump to a conclusion jump to a conclusion 草率地下结论草率
36、地下结论to concludeto conclude总而言之(作插入语)总而言之(作插入语)【例例3 3】 The traditional view is The traditional view is we sleepwe sleep because our brain is “programmed” to because our brain is “programmed” to make us do so. make us do so. (上海高考)(上海高考) A.whenA.when B.whyB.why C.whetherC.whether D.thatD.that 解析解析 tha
37、tthat引导表语从句。从句中不缺少任引导表语从句。从句中不缺少任 何成分,又是指确定的内容。何成分,又是指确定的内容。 课文原文课文原文 Mencius believed that the reason why Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is man is different from animals is man is good. man is good.Dthatthat.翻译句子翻译句子现在他们在不同的地区过着幸福的新生活。现在他们在不同的地区过着幸福的新生活。 (live li
38、ve a(na(n).life).life) 3.3.我不能胜任这项工作。(我不能胜任这项工作。(be equal tobe equal to) Now theyre living a happy new life inNow theyre living a happy new life indifferent areas.different areas.I cant be equal to this task.I cant be equal to this task.4.4.我喜欢上网的原因是因为我可以了解很多信息。我喜欢上网的原因是因为我可以了解很多信息。 (the reason why.
39、is that.)(the reason why.is that.) 5.Though born and brought up in 5.Though born and brought up in America,QianAmerica,Qian YongkangYongkang loves his motherlandChina very loves his motherlandChina very much. much. The reason why I like surfing the Internet The reason why I like surfing the Internet
40、is that I can get much information.is that I can get much information. 尽管钱永康是在美国出生和长大的,但他非常热尽管钱永康是在美国出生和长大的,但他非常热爱自己的祖国爱自己的祖国中国。中国。2.The company has 2.The company has a(na(n) ) opportunities opportunities policy.Sopolicy.So you should try to represent you should try to represent your abilities. your
41、 abilities. A.wideA.wide B.equalB.equal C.enoughC.enough D.largeD.large 解析解析 句意为:这家公司实行机会均等的政句意为:这家公司实行机会均等的政 策,因此,你应该尽力展现你的能力。策,因此,你应该尽力展现你的能力。B3.As a reward3.As a reward his contributionhis contribution economy,economy, Joseph Banks had a flower named Joseph Banks had a flower named him.him. A.for
42、;for;forA.for;for;for B.for;to;afterB.for;to;after C.for;for;afterC.for;for;after D.of;to;forD.of;to;for 解析解析 forfor表示原因表示原因;contribution;contribution后常接后常接to,to,表表 示示“对对的贡献的贡献”;be named after;be named after“以以 命名命名”为固定搭配。为固定搭配。B4.4. ,Id like to say “thank you” to ,Id like to say “thank you” to all
43、of you for coming all of you for coming here.Whichhere.Which of the of the following is WRONG? following is WRONG? A.InA.In conclusion conclusion B.InB.In the end the end C.LastlyC.Lastly D.AtD.At the end the end 解析解析 前三项都为副词(短语)表示前三项都为副词(短语)表示“最后最后”; ; at the end at the end常和常和ofof连用,表示连用,表示“在在的末尾,
44、的末尾, 尾部尾部”。D5.Plenty of fresh air5.Plenty of fresh air good health.good health. A.resultsA.results from from B.attendsB.attends to to C.devotesC.devotes to to D.contributesD.contributes to to 解析解析 句意为:充足的新鲜空气有助于健康。句意为:充足的新鲜空气有助于健康。 result fromresult from由于由于的原因;的原因;devote.to.devote.to. 致力于致力于, ,献给献给;attend to;attend to处理处理, ,料理料理;contribute ;contribute to to促进,有助于。促进,有助于。D7.What surprised us was not what she said 7.What surprised us was not what she said but but she said it.she said it. A.theA.the way way B.inB.in the way that the way that C.theC.the way which
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