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1、牛津英语模块一短语汇总Unit One1. a time of hard work 努力工作的时代2. low-rise buildings 低矮的建筑3. (be) at ease with (与某人在一起)自由自在4. dream school life 理想的校园生活5. have no experience in doing 没有的经验6. be happy with 对很高兴、满意7. attend assembly / a meeting 参加集会、会议8. the best way to do 做的最好方法9. earn respect from 赢得的尊敬10. achieve

2、 high grades 取得好的成绩、高分11. sound like (a good idea) 听起来好像12. on average 平均13. not as as 不如 14. used to do 过去常常(现在不这样了)15. a bit challenging 有点挑战性16. spend (in) doing /on 在上花费(时间、金钱)17. at lunchtime 在午餐时间18. for free 免费的19. on Monday evenings 在星期一晚上20. drop some subjects 放弃一些科目 21. such as /for exampl

3、e 比如、例如22. on school field/in the field of 在操场上、在领域23. different way of life 不同的生活方式24. get a general idea of 掌握的大意25. word by word 逐字逐句地26. encourage to do 鼓励做27. would like to do 想、要做28. first of all 首先29. introduce to 向介绍30. surf the Internet 上网31. at assembly/at the meeting 会上32. not until 直到才33

4、. prepare to do 准备做34. have chances to do 有机会做35. (much) more than 不仅仅 36. (be) available (for ) 可利用的37. far away (from ) 远离38. make sure that /of 确信、弄清楚39. on campus 校园里40. during break time 在休息时间41. graduate from 毕业于42. upon/on doing 一就43. finish ones studies 完成学业44. develop an interest in doing 培

5、养(方面)的兴趣45. return from to 从返回46. donate to 把捐赠给47. thank for ones kindness 感谢的仁慈、善良48. make a speech about/on 做关于的演讲49. refer to 意指50. in this case 在这种情况下51. leave out 省略52. instead of 代替、而不是53. pay attention to 注意54. in short form 以简短的形式 55. save space / money 节省空间、金钱56. have a meeting with 开会57.

6、make decisions 做决定58. make comparisons 做比较59. compare and 比较A与B60. the more , the more 越,越61. regret to do (say/tell) 遗憾、抱歉地说、告知62. inform of /that 通知、告知63. start a school club 开办俱乐部64. be allowed to do 允许做65. give messages to sb 给某人信息66. be required to do 被要求做67. read out aloud 大声地读出68. make prepar

7、ations for 为做些准备69. be responsible for 对负责70. do research on 做研究71. come up with 提出(观点、计划等)72. base on / be based on 以为基础Unit 21 turn up 调大,出现,露面 2 a waste of time 浪费时间 3 force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 4 during ones/ in ones spare time 在.业余时间 5 choose from 从.选择 6 on vacation 在度假 7 earlier than expected

8、比预期的早 8 be supposed to 应该 9 explain sth to sb /explain to sb sth 向解释 10do with /deal with 处理 11( in) a mess 混乱 12leave sb in charge 让.负责 13trust sb 相信某人 14in charge of sth / in the charge of sb 负责 / 在.的 负责15have ones arms crossed 双臂交叉 16go unpunished 免受惩罚 17cant wait to do 迫不及待做某事 18shout at 对某人大吼大叫

9、 19have sb do sth 让某人做某事 20have sth to do 有某事情要做21be hard on 对苛刻/严厉/不公平 22now that 既然 23feel like doing sth 想要做某事 24shoud have done 本应该做 25make good decisions 做出明智的选择 26fit badly 很不合身 27joke with sb 与某人开玩笑 28rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 29be all ears 倾听 30be a wet blanket 扫兴 31leave out 漏掉/省略 32feel fru

10、strated 感到灰心 33in the form of 以.的 形式 34give sb a chance to do sth 给某人机会做某事 35argue about sth with sb 与某人争论某事 36changefor 用换 37learn from sb 向学习 38be proud of 以为骄傲 39stay up 熬夜 40do a good job in 在做得好 41be nervous about 对感到紧张 42for nothing 白费了 43after all 毕竟/终究 44mix upwith 把和混淆 45all the time 一直 46k

11、eep doing 一直做 47tidy up 整理/收拾 48Whats up 怎么了 49make no difference to 没有影响,没区别 50keep sth. in mind 牢记 51selfish and unloving 自私且缺乏爱心 52complain to sb. about /of sth. 向抱怨某事 53be upset over/with 因而苦恼/烦恼 54ask (sb.) for help / advice 求助/求教 55follow/ take ones advice 采纳某人意见 56help sb. with sth. 在方面帮助某人 5

12、7at present / at the moment 目前,现在 58refuse to do 拒绝做 59only child 独生子(女) 60be rude to sb. 对粗鲁 61as though / if 好像 62insist on doing 坚持做 63waste time (in) doing/waste time on sth 浪费时间 64without harming our relationship 在没有伤害我们感情的情况下 65suggest an idea to sb 向某人提出想法 66like crazy 发疯似的Unit 31. be dying f

13、or sth./ be dying to do sth 渴望做某事2. stay healthy/slim 保持健康/苗条3. go to the gym 去健身房4. used to do 过去曾经5. work out 锻炼6. be ashamed of 对感到羞愧7. be popular among 受到的欢迎8. at the moment 此刻9. recover from liver failure 从肝衰竭中恢复10. regret doing 后悔做过11. contain a harmful chemical 含有有害的化学物质12. cause my liver to

14、fail 引起肝衰竭13. be a match for sth 和匹配14. donateto 把捐献给15. follow ones advice 听从的建议16. damage your health for 为了破坏健康17. be worth sth./doing 值得18. be embarrassed about 对感到羞愧,尴尬19. go on diets 节食减肥20. take weight-loss pills 服用减肥药21. in secret 秘密地22. have side effects on 对有副作用23. fall out (头发)脱落24. take

15、the risk 冒险25. make the most of 充分利用26. live busy lives 过着忙碌的生活27. be a headache to adults 对于成年人是个头疼的问题28. along with 连同,随同29. in the long term 从长远角度看30. take in 吸收;欺骗;理解31. a good amount of sleep 大量的睡眠32. prepare oneself for 为作准备33. as a matter of fact = in fact / actually 事实上34. in no time / right

16、 away 立刻、马上35. call sb names 叫某人外号36. cheer sb up 使某人振奋37. as you are 保持原样38. learn from 从中学到,向某人学习39. build up 增强、树立40. on ones own 独自地41. sound fun 听起来很有趣42. asas possible 尽可能牛津英语模块二短语汇总Unit 11.tales of the unexplained 无法解释的传说,未解之谜2. full of mysteries 充满神秘3. advanced science and technology 先进的科技4.

17、 run into/come across/meet by chance 偶遇5. some day 某天(将来的)6. in advance 提前 7. step up 加紧,促进 8. search for sb 寻找某人 9. go missing 失踪 10. show (a) great interest in 对表现出极大的兴趣 11. due to/because of 由于 12. sightings of puzzling lights 看见/目睹令人迷惑的光亮 13. stay out late 回家很晚 14. show up 出现;显露 15. go straight

18、to 径直走到 16. put on music 播放音乐 17. according to 根据,依据 18. pull back the curtains 拉开窗帘 19. feel/be frightened 感到害怕 20. rule out the possibility 排除可能性 21. take charge of the case 负责这个案件 22. convincing evidence 令人信服的证据 23. look into 调查 24. give up 放弃 25. make much /great progress 取得巨大进步 26. be disappoin

19、ted with 对感到失望 27. do research on 在上做研究 28. happen to sb 发生在某人身上 Unit 21.   be astonished at 对感到惊讶2.   in the dark 在黑暗中蒙在鼓里3.   keep sb in the dark about sth对全然不知4.   in darkness 在黑暗中5.   in case 万一6.   in this/that case 如果这样/那样的话7. &#

20、160; in any case 无论如何8.   in no case 决不9.   a supply of /supplies of 的供给10. supply sb with sth/supply sth to sb供给某人某物11. get close to 接近12. be tired of 厌倦13. be tired with 因为而疲劳14. be tired out 筋疲力尽15. feel sick of 对恶心16. envy sb with 嫉妒某人某事17. be green with envy 眼红18. from my po

21、int of view/in my opinion 在我看来19. look forward to 期盼20. refer to 提及到21. pay attention to 注意22. lead to 导致23. have an interview with sb 采访某人24. from dawn until dark 从黎明到黑暗25. at dawn 在黎明26. at noon 在中午27. at dusk 在黄昏28. at midnight 在午夜29. in total silence. 一声不吭。30. keep silence/keep silent保持安静31. inn

22、er beauty 内在美32. outer beauty 外在美33. broaden ones horizons 拓宽某人的视野34. enrich ones knowledge丰富某人的知识35. reach out ones hands 伸出手来36. reach for sth 伸手拿37. reach to the sky 延伸至天边38. claim to do sth 声称去做某事39. It is claimed that 据说,据声称40. in the form of 以样的形式41. fill in the form 填表42. be surrounded by/wit

23、h 被包围/环绕43. be in harmony with 与一致/协调44. endless natural treasures 无尽的自然宝藏45. end up with 以结尾46. end up doing sth 以做而告终47. have sth in common with sb 与某人在某个方面有共同之处48. have nothing in common with sb 与某人在某个方面无共同之处Unit 31.   chang our world for the better 把我们的世界变得更好2.   win the priz

24、e/game 赢得比赛3.   start/run company 经营公司4.   make useful changes to 做出有用的改变5.   have an effect on 对有影响6.   the world 世界上的人7.   during the lifetime 某人的一生8.   discover many amazing things 发现许多令人惊奇的东西9.   be curious about the world out

25、side 对世界外的东西好奇10. set sail for 起航去某地11. search for 搜索12. the perserve bodies 保存好的尸体13. be known as 著名的14. as well as 也,以及15. empty the tomb 倒空了坟墓16. right away 立即,马上17. not long after the tomb had been opened坟墓被打开不久后18. upon entering the tomb 一进入坟墓就19. lead sb to sp 领导某人去某地20. fall ill with a fever

26、因发烧而病倒21. the light go out 灯熄灭了22. hear of 听说23. have a high fever 发高烧24. died of heart trouble 死于心脏病25. shortly after 在之后不久26. have something to do with 与有关系27. live on 靠生活、以为食28. the resting place of the dead 死人休息的地方29. a scientific explanation 一个科学的解释30. disturb the viruse 扰乱了病毒31. breath in 吸收32

27、. result in 导致33. protect from 保护免受34. in advance 提前35. base on 以为基础36. too general 太笼统37. more specific 更具体38. key words 重点词39. go well 进展顺利40. a great deal of 大量,许多41. set foot on 在上漫步42. at full speed 以全速43. fill with water 装满水44. fail to do sth 做某事失败45. make a note of 做笔记46. pay attention to 对注意

28、47. in a particular order 以一种特殊的次序48. come first 放在前面49. apply for 申请50. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事51. catch the reader's attention 吸引读者的注意力52. support your idea 支持你的观点53. in space 在太空54. talk of 谈到55. join the army 参军56. be chosen as 被选为57. in control of 控制58. go down 传下来59. in history 历史上6

29、0. manage to do the 成功做某事牛津英语模块三短语汇总Unit 1 1.   watch out for 留心。 2.   make achievements取得成就 3.   glance at扫视4.   step out into 走出去到。 5.   hold ones nose捏住鼻子 6.   in sight看得到7.   stare(up) at (抬头)凝视 8.   after midnight午夜

30、之后 9.   wish for 盼望10. make a decision做出出决定 11. be lost in the fog在雾中迷路 12. set off出发13. reach out 伸出(手) 14. bang into 不小心撞到 15. breathe in 吸入16. pay back 报答,偿还17. feel frightened感到害怕18. work out 制定19. turn to 变成 20. by underground乘地铁 21. go hungry挨饿22. by sight根据外表或形象 23. make progress取得进

31、步 24. manage to do 设法做25. lose sight of看不见 26. be related to 和。相关 27. in the distance 在远处28. make the most of 充分利用 29. set sail for 航行去 30. get close to 靠近31. take the pain忍受疼痛 32. the sixth sense第六感 33. make sense 有意义34. compared to 与。相比较 35. ring out 发出响亮的声音 36. cant afford买不起37. as long as possib

32、le尽可能长地 38. warm sb. up 使某人暖和起来39. express ones thanks to sb. 向某人致谢 40. follow ones advice听从某人的建议41. in a scientific study在一个科学研究中 42. have something to do with 与。有关43. have high blood pressure 有高血压 44. be frozen with fear由于害怕而呆住45. cant help doing禁不住作某事 46. in everyday life在日常生活中47. hold sb still使某

33、人一动不动 48. lose ones sense of taste失去味觉49. over a long distance越过很长的一段距离 50. be likely to do 很有可能做51. take ones usual bus home乘某人常坐的车回家52. contact sb. Through the newspaper 通过报纸和某人联系  Unit 2 1.   stand for 代表 2.   all over the world 全世界 3.   be made up of 由组成4. 

34、;  pick up拿起,捡起 5.   differ from不同于 6.   consist of 由构成7.   lift up 拿起,举起 8.   back and forth来回 9.   take control of 控制10. result in 结果导致 11. a waste of time浪费时间 12. work as 担当;担任13. as a whole 总体上 14. mainland China中国大陆 15. upper class people上层

35、人士16. mother tongue 母语 17. look into ones eyes直视某人 18. a pair of words一对词19. lose face丢脸 20. in addition 另外 21. throw away丢掉22. right away立刻 23. in a word 总之 24. sort out 安排,拣选,分类25. instead of 代替,而不是 26. set a standard确立标准 27. look forward to 期望28. take action 采取行动 29. what if倘使。将会怎样 30. care about 关心,担心31. look up查找,向上看 32. chinese character中国汉字 33. at one time 一度,曾经34. agree with 同意,适应 35.


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