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1、自动化口语考试情景问答 唯源1.你学习英语已经六年多了,觉得最难的是用英语与别人交谈。问题:1. How long have you learned English?回答:参考答案: Over six years. I have learned English for over six years. I have learned English for more than six years.问题:2. What is the most difficult part?回答:参考答案: Talking with others in English. Talking to others in En

2、glish is the most difficult part. The most difficult part is to communicate with others in English.2.你和好朋友打算看今晚7点45分开始的那场电影,你们约好在电影院门口见面。问题:1. When does the movie start?回答:参考答案: At seven forty-five this evening. It starts at a quarter to eight this evening. The movie starts at seven forty-five this

3、evening.问题:2. Where will you meet?回答:参考答案: At the gate of the cinema. Well meet at the gate of the movie theatre. We will meet at the gate of the cinema.3.你去过法国两次,打算下个月再去。问题:1. How many times have you been to France?回答:参考答案: Twice. I have been to France twice. I have been there twice.问题:2. When will

4、 you go to France again?回答:参考答案: Next month. I will go to France next month. Im going to France again next month.4.你的父亲是一家公司的经理,每天开车去上班。问题:1. What is your father?回答:参考答案: Hes a manager. He is the manager of a company. The manager of a company.问题:2. How does he go to work every day?回答:参考答案: By car. H

5、e goes to work by car. He drives to work every day.5.俱乐部每个星期举办一次篮球比赛,票价是10元。问题:1. How often does the club hold the basketball match?回答:参考答案: Once a week. The basketball match is held every week. The club holds the basketball match once a week.问题:2. How much is the ticket?回答:参考答案: Ten yuan. The ticke

6、t is ten yuan. The price of the ticket is ten yuan.6.上周五汤姆没有去上学,因为他生病了。问题:1. When didnt Tom go to school?回答:参考答案: Last Friday. Tom didnt go to school last Friday. It was last Friday.问题:2. Why didnt Tom go to school?回答:参考答案: Because he was ill. Tom didnt go to school because he was sick. He didnt go

7、to school last Friday because of his illness.7.Alice决定改变饮食习惯,因为她想要有健康的生活。问题:1. What does Alice decide to do?回答:参考答案: To change her diet. She decides to change her diet. Alice decides to make a change in her eating habits.问题:2. Why does she decide to do so?回答:参考答案: To have a healthy life. Because she

8、 wants to have a healthy life. Because she wants to live in a healthy way.8.Jenny感冒了,医生让她好好休息。问题:1. Whats wrong with Jenny?回答:参考答案: She has a cold. Jenny has got a cold. She has caught a cold.问题:2. What does the doctor tell her to do?回答:参考答案: To have a good rest. The doctor tells her to have a good

9、rest. The doctor tells Jenny to take a good rest.9.电影票价是5美元,你喜欢看喜剧片。问题:1. How much is a film ticket?回答:参考答案: five dollars. It is five dollars. The ticket price is five dollars.问题:2. What kind of film do you love?回答:参考答案: Comedies. I love comedies. I like watching comedies.10.你过去弹吉他,现在踢足球。问题:1. What

10、did you use to play?回答:参考答案: The guitar. I used to play the guitar. I played the guitar.问题:2. What do you play now?回答:参考答案: Soccer. I play soccer. I play football now.11.Tom喜欢听流行音乐,Jay Chou是他最喜欢的歌手。问题:1. Which music style does Tom like?回答:参考答案: Pop music. He likes pop music. Tom enjoys listening to

11、pop music.问题:2. Who is his favourite singer?回答:参考答案: Jay Chou. Its Jay Chou. Jay Chou is his favourite singer.12.上周六下午,王刚和表弟去看了一部科幻电影,他们觉得电影很无聊。问题:1. When did Wang Gang and his cousin see a science fiction film?回答:参考答案: Last Saturday afternoon. They saw the film last Saturday afternoon. Wang Gang an

12、d his cousin saw a science fiction film last Saturday afternoon.问题:2. What did they think of the film?回答:参考答案: Boring. It was not interesting. They thought it was very boring.13.Kitty今天穿了一件漂亮的连衣裙,裙子是在她家附近的一家服装店买的。问题:1. What is Kitty wearing today?回答:参考答案: A beautiful dress. She is in a nice dress. K

13、itty is wearing a beautiful dress today.问题:2. Where did Kitty buy it?回答:参考答案: In a clothes shop near her home. She bought it in a clothing store close to her home. Kitty bought the dress in a clothes shop not far from her home.14.一位老人无法理解这句话的含义,他找人帮忙了。问题:1. What was the old mans problem?回答:参考答案: He

14、did not get the meaning of this sentence. He could not understand this sentences meaning. The old man did not understand what this sentence meant.问题:2. What did the old man do then?回答:参考答案: He asked someone for help. He looked for someone to help him. The old man looked for someone to help him.15.我最

15、大的爱好是看侦探小说,每周看一次。问题:1. Whats your favourite hobby?回答:参考答案: Reading detective stories. I like reading detective stories best. My favourite hobby is reading detective stories.问题:2. How often do you read them?回答:参考答案: Once a week. I read them once a week. I read detective stories once every week.16.Lil

16、y想买一件紫色的连衣裙,因为紫色是她最喜欢的。问题:1. What is Lily going to buy?回答:参考答案: A purple dress. Shes going to buy a purple dress. Lily is going to buy a purple dress.问题:2. Why does she want to buy it?回答:参考答案: Because she likes purple best. Because Lily likes purple most. Because Lilys favourite colour is purple.17.

17、你准备下周末去香港,你将和你的父母一起去那里。问题:1. Where are you going next weekend?回答:参考答案: Hong Kong. I am going to Hong Kong. I will go to Hong Kong next weekend.问题:2. Who will go there with you?回答:参考答案: My parents. My parents will go there with me. My father and mother are going to Hong Kong with me.18.明天你将去好朋友Mary的新

18、家参观,她上周三搬进了新家。问题:1. What will you do tomorrow?回答:参考答案: Visit my friend Marys new house. I will pay a visit to my friend Marys new home. I am going to visit my friend Marys new house tomorrow.问题:2. When did she move there?回答:参考答案: Last Wednesday. She moved there last Wednesday. Mary moved to a new ho

19、use last Wednesday.19.你学习英语已有六年时间,你觉得最难的是用英语与人交流。问题:1. How long have you learned English?回答:参考答案: For six years. I have learned English for six years. I have been learning English for six years.问题:2. What do you think is the most difficult?回答:参考答案: Communicating with others in English. I think talki

20、ng with other people in English is the most difficult. I think it the most difficult to communicate with others in English.20.你从初中就开始使用电脑,主要用于与同学聊天与查资料。问题:1. When did you start using the computer?回答:参考答案: Since middle school. I started using it since I was in middle school. I began to use the comput

21、er when I was in junior high school.问题:2. What do you use it for?回答:参考答案: Mainly for chatting with my classmates and looking for information. I mainly use it for chatting with my classmates and searching for information. Mostly, I use the computer to chat with my classmates and search for informatio

22、n.21.昨天你在路上遇到了你的一位老师,你们已经10年没见了。问题:1. Whom did you run into yesterday?回答:参考答案: My teacher. I ran into my teacher. I met my teacher on the road yesterday.问题:2. How long havent you seen each other?回答:参考答案: For ten years. We havent seen each other for ten years. It has been ten years since we last met

23、each other.22.你跟朋友讨论你们家的宠物狗,你一周遛狗三次。问题:1. What do you keep as a pet?回答:参考答案: A dog. I keep a dog. I keep a dog as my pet.问题:2. How often do you walk the dog?回答:参考答案: Three times a week. I walk the dog three times a week. I walk my pet dog three times every week.23.Helen最近感到头痛,晚上睡不着,这已经持续三天了。问题:1. Wh

24、ats wrong with Helen?回答:参考答案: She has a headache and cant fall asleep. She has got a headache and cant sleep at night. Helen has got a headache and cant get to sleep at night.问题:2. How long has Helen been like that?回答:参考答案: For three days. She has been like that for three days. Helen has been like t

25、hat for three days.24.Cindy在商场里,她想要买一双运动鞋,她的码数是37。问题:1. What does Cindy want to buy?回答:参考答案: A pair of sports shoes. She wants to buy a pair of sports shoes. Cindy wants to buy a pair of shoes for sports.问题:2. Which size fits her?回答:参考答案: Size thirty-seven. Size thirty-seven fits her. Her size is th

26、irty-seven.25.昨天Jerry在公园里遇到了一个老朋友,他们一起放风筝。问题:1. Who did Jerry meet in the park yesterday?回答:参考答案: An old friend. He met an old friend. Jerry met an old friend in the park yesterday.问题:2. What did they do?回答:参考答案: They flew kites. They flew kites together. They flew kites together in the park yesterd

27、ay.26.你们学校将组织去公园春游,你准备了比萨和果汁。问题:1. Where are you going to have a spring outing?回答:参考答案: To a park. We are going to a park to have a spring outing. We will go to a park to have a spring outing.问题:2. What are you going to take?回答:参考答案: Pizza and juice. Im going to take pizza and juice. I will take jui

28、ce and pizza.27.你喜欢和你的朋友Lucy一起打羽毛球,你们经常在周末打。问题:1. What do you like to do with Lucy?回答:参考答案: Play badminton. I like to play badminton with Lucy. I like playing badminton with Lucy.问题:2. When do you usually do it?回答:参考答案: On weekends. We usually play badminton on weekends. We often play badminton at t

29、he weekends.28.昨天你去市中心逛街,买了一本字典。问题:1. Where did you go shopping yesterday?回答:参考答案: In the city centre. I went shopping in the city centre yesterday. I went shopping in the centre of the city yesterday.问题:2. What did you buy?回答:参考答案: A dictionary. I bought a dictionary. I bought a dictionary yesterda

30、y.29.昨天我们去世界公园游览了,我们玩得很开心。问题:1. When did you go to the World Park?回答:参考答案: Yesterday. We went to the World Park yesterday. It was yesterday.问题:2. How did you feel?回答:参考答案: Happy. We felt happy. We were delighted.30.那个新飞机场是去年建成的,建这个机场花了大约三年时间。问题:1. When was the new airport set up?回答:参考答案: Last year.

31、The new airport was set up last year. The new airport was built last year.问题:2. How long did it take to build the airport?回答:参考答案: About three years. It took about three years to build the airport. It took about three years.31.明天天气多云,你想去放风筝。问题:1. How will the weather be tomorrow?回答:参考答案: Cloudy. It

32、will be cloudy. Tomorrow will be cloudy.问题:2. What do you want to do?回答:参考答案: Fly a kite. I want to fly kites. I would like to fly kites.32.Amy每天早上都去跑步,通常跑15分钟。问题:1. What does Amy do every morning?回答:参考答案: She goes running. She does some running every morning. She goes running every morning.问题:2. Ho

33、w long does she spend on it?回答:参考答案: For 15 minutes. She spends fifteen minutes on it. Amy goes running for 15 minutes.33.明天是周六,你打算明天早上去拜访Miss Li。问题:1. What day is it tomorrow?回答:参考答案: Saturday. Its Saturday tomorrow. Tomorrow is Saturday.问题:2. What are you going to do tomorrow morning?回答:参考答案: Visi

34、t Miss Li. I am going to visit Miss Li. I will visit Miss Li tomorrow morning.34.Sandy买了一件中国制造的红色毛衣,售价为100元。问题:1. Where was Sandys sweater made?回答:参考答案: It was made in China. Her sweater was made in China. Sandys sweater was made in China.问题:2. How much is the sweater?回答:参考答案: 100yuan. The sweater i

35、s 100yuan. The sweater costs one hundredyuan.35.Linda每天乘坐公交上学。路上花费半小时。问题:1. How does Linda go to school every day?回答:参考答案: By bus. She goes to school by bus. Linda takes a bus to school every day.问题:2. How long does it take Linda to get to school?回答:参考答案: Half an hour. It takes her half an hour. It

36、takes Linda thirty minutes to get to school.36.今年春天比以往温暖些。各种鲜花随处可见。问题:1. How is the weather this spring?回答:参考答案: Its warmer. The weather is warmer. The weather this spring is warmer than before.问题:2. What can be seen everywhere?回答:参考答案: All kinds of flowers. All kinds of flowers can be seen everywhe

37、re. We can see all types of flowers everywhere.37.Lily得了重感冒,医生给她开了药,让她每天吃三次。问题:1. Whats wrong with Lily?回答:参考答案: She has a bad cold. Lily has a bad cold. Lily has had a heavy cold.问题:2. How often should Lily take the medicine?回答:参考答案: Three times a day. She should take the medicine three times a day

38、. Lily should take the medicine three times every day.38.David上个月买了一台新电脑,花了他5,000元。问题:1. When did David buy a new computer?回答:参考答案: Last month. He bought it last month. David bought a new computer last month.问题:2. How much did the new computer cost?回答:参考答案: 5,000yuan. It cost 5,000yuan. The new comp

39、uter cost 5,000yuan.39.Gina昨天和妈妈去逛街,她给爸爸买了一个手表当生日礼物。问题:1. Whom did Gina go shopping with yesterday?回答:参考答案: Her mother. She went shopping with her mum yesterday. Gina went shopping with her mother yesterday.问题:2. What did Gina buy?回答:参考答案: A watch. She bought a watch. Gina bought a watch for her fat

40、her as a birthday gift.40.Lucy的爱好是收集硬币,她已经收集了200多枚来自不同国家的硬币。问题:1. What is Lucys hobby?回答:参考答案: Collecting coins. Her hobby is collecting coins. Collecting coins is Lucys hobby.问题:2. How many coins has she collected?回答:参考答案: More than 200. She has collected over 200 coins. Lucy has collected more tha

41、n 200 coins.41.在今天的英语课上,你们通过一些游戏了解了一些有关圣诞节的信息。问题:1. What class did you have today?回答:参考答案: An English class. We had an English class today. Today, we had an English class.问题:2. How did you learn something about Christmas in the class?回答:参考答案: Through some games. We learned something about it by play

42、ing some games. Through some games, we learned something about Christmas.42.Thomas每周六都收看体育世界,这周的内容是关于世界杯的。问题:1. When does Thomas watch theSports World?回答:参考答案: Every Saturday. He watches it on Saturdays. Thomas watches theSports World every Saturday.问题:2. Whats the programme about this week?回答:参考答案:

43、 The World Cup. Its about the World Cup. The programme is about the World Cup this week.43.张老师每天都教你弹吉他,每天的教学时长为一个小时。问题:1. What does Mr. Zhang teach you to do every day?回答:参考答案: Play the guitar. He teaches me to play the guitar. Mr. Zhang teaches me to play the guitar every day.问题:2. How long does Mr

44、. Zhang spend teaching you every day?回答:参考答案: An hour. He spends an hour teaching me every day. Mr. Zhang spends one hour teaching me to play the guitar every day.44.Mike是一名九年级学生,他长大后想成为一名艺术家。问题:1. Which grade is Mike in?回答:参考答案: Grade Nine. He is in Grade Nine. Mike is in the ninth grade.问题:2. What

45、 would Mike like to be when he grows up?回答:参考答案: An artist. Hed like to be an artist. Mike would like to be an artist when he grows up.45.你最喜欢的科目是科学,因为你觉得它很有趣。问题:1. Whats your favourite subject?回答:参考答案: Science. My favourite subject is Science. I like Science best.问题:2. How do you like it?回答:参考答案: Interesting. Its very interesting. I think that Science is very fun.46.今天阳光明媚,你打算跟朋友们一起去野炊。问题:1. Whats the weather like to


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