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1、 New Horizon College EnglishUnit Eight Theres a Lot Theres a Lot More to Life than More to Life than a Joba JobBOOK2Unit8ContentsBOOK2Unit81. Have a look at the following pictures and tell me your idea of a job?2. Finish the cross-out work to see what is the most important in your life.BOOK2Unit8BOO

2、K2Unit8Love healthjobreligionfriendtaste Cross out anyone you think least important and give the reasonfamilyBOOK2Unit8At the age of 45, my usually well-ordered life became fraught with (filled with) changes.After 22 years of working for a major_ institution, a downsizing initiative and a major bank

3、 merger _in the elimination of over 100 jobs, mine _ one of them. My once secure_became a fallacy. However financialresultedbeingfutureBOOK2Unit8The second thing I did to improve my inner self was to reevaluate my life. It used to be filled with endless, and sometimes _events. Now, instead of workin

4、g towards materialistic things and _ glorification, my heart and life are firmly entwined around people I care for. Yes, having a _ career is important, but it is no longer my reason for _. When I rejoin the “rat race”, it will be on my terms, as nurturing my _ is my first priority. Having _ my life

5、, Im enjoying living now, instead of just _to make a living.fulfillingbeingsoulsimplifiedexisting meaninglesspersonalBOOK2Unit8Social Security is the U.S. government system of benefit (收益,福利收益,福利) payments, especially to retired and disabled peopleand survivors.1. What is Social Security?BOOK2Unit82

6、. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)Oscar Wilde, the son of an eminent (著名的著名的) Dublin surgeon, was among the outstanding Victorian dramatists. He is renowned for a brilliant(非凡的非凡的) series of domestic Comedies (喜剧喜剧) Lady Windermeres Fan (1892),A Woman of No Importance (1893), An Ideal Husband (1894). BOOK2Un

7、it83. Grade schools in the US:BOOK2Unit8It is a sense relating to the standards of good or bad behavior, fairness, honesty, etc. in which each person believes, ratherthan to laws, or other standards.4.What is moral sense?BOOK2Unit8For example, we honor promises, play games by the rules, wait for our

8、 turn in line, cooperate with others to achieve a common goal, are courteous to strangers, help people in distress, and join campaigns that benefit others but not ourselves, out of a sense of duty, a belief in fairness, and sympathy. BOOK2Unit8ContentsBOOK2Unit8BOOK2Unit8Part IPart Part Part 1. Stru

9、cture SurveyThe conclusion drawn from a survey.Students major objective.The opinion of educating people for life as well as for a career.The duty of education.(Para.14)(Para. 58)(Para. 912)(Para. 1319)BOOK2Unit8 It has often been remarked that the saddest thing about youth is that it is wasted on th

10、e young. (L1)It has often been said that the saddest thing about youth is that youth, i.e. the opportunities, good health, etc. that are available when people are young, are wasted or not appreciated by young people.2. Sentence structuresBOOK2Unit8【释义释义】It has often been said that the saddest thing

11、about youth is that youth, i.e. the opportunities, good health, etc. that are available when people are young, are wasted or not appreciated by young people.【结构结构】it 为形式主语,后面为形式主语,后面 that 引导得从句为真正的主语。引导得从句为真正的主语。类似的结构还有:类似的结构还有:It is said/reported/believed/known等等+主语从句主语从句【例句例句】It is known to us tha

12、t laughter is the best medicine.【译文译文】人们常常说:对于青春来说,最令人悲伤的事情莫人们常常说:对于青春来说,最令人悲伤的事情莫过于青春在年轻时被浪费掉了。过于青春在年轻时被浪费掉了。BOOK2Unit81. It is said that the original painting has been destroyed.据说原画已经毁掉了。2. It is expected that prices will go down.预计物价将会下降。 3. It is feared that the plane crashed somewhere off the

13、coast.人们担心飞机在近海某处坠毁了。ExamplesBOOK2Unit8 “If only I knew then what I know now.” (L3)“要是当初我就懂得了我到现在才领悟到的东西,要是当初我就懂得了我到现在才领悟到的东西,该有多好!该有多好!”If only 后用虚拟语气后用虚拟语气谓语动词用一般过去时表示现在没有实现的愿望,谓语动词用一般过去时表示现在没有实现的愿望,用过去完成时表示过去没有实现的愿望,常译为用过去完成时表示过去没有实现的愿望,常译为“要是要是 就好了就好了”。BOOK2Unit8if it (whatever it may be) wont c

14、ompute and you cant drink it, smoke it or spend it, then “it” holds little value. (L4-5)【释义释义】If something (no matter what it may be) cannot be counted in terms of money and you cannot drink it, smoke it or spend it, then it is of little value. In short, only material things are of value to young pe

15、ople. 【结构结构】“if it . wont compute” 中中 “compute” 表示被动表示被动意思。意思。BOOK2Unit8【例句例句】The book translates well. 这本书很好翻译。这本书很好翻译。 This material washes easily. 这种衣料容易洗涤。这种衣料容易洗涤。【译文译文】学生们认为如果某种东西学生们认为如果某种东西 (不管它是何物不管它是何物) 没有实际的经济意义,你不能把它当酒喝、没有实际的经济意义,你不能把它当酒喝、当烟抽、当钱花,那么当烟抽、当钱花,那么 “它它”就简直毫无就简直毫无价值。价值。BOOK2Unit

16、8todays college beginners are “more consumeristic and less idealistic” than at any time in the seventeen years of the poll. (L5-6)【释义】The poll has been conducted for seventeen years, and it reveals that college beginners nowadays think of consuming good more than ever, and believe in idealism less t

17、han ever. 【结构结构】more +adj and less +adj 形成一种相对照的比较,形成一种相对照的比较,加深意义。加深意义。BOOK2Unit8【译文译文】当今的大学新生比这项民意测验开当今的大学新生比这项民意测验开始以来的始以来的17年中的任何时候的大学新年中的任何时候的大学新生都生都 更主张消费,但少了点理想更主张消费,但少了点理想。BOOK2Unit8 if it (whatever it may be) wont compute and you cant drink it, smoke it or spend it, then “it” holds little v

18、alue. (L6)If something (no matter what it may be) cannot be counted in terms of money and you cannot drink it, smoke it or spend it, then it is of little value. In short, only material things are of value to young people. 如果某种东西(不管它是何物)没有实际如果某种东西(不管它是何物)没有实际的经济意义,的经济意义, 你不能把它当酒喝、当烟抽、当你不能把它当酒喝、当烟抽、当钱

19、花,那么钱花,那么“它它”就简直毫无价值。就简直毫无价值。More examplesBOOK2Unit8某些及物动词后加副词(有些可不加副词)某些及物动词后加副词(有些可不加副词)可以表示被动意义。可以表示被动意义。This novel sells well.The door opens with difficulty.He doesnt photograph well.比较:比较:The box doesnt lock.The box was not locked.这个箱子锁不上。(箱子本身的性质)这个箱子锁不上。(箱子本身的性质)这个箱子没有上锁。(箱子当时的状态)这个箱子没有上锁。(箱子

20、当时的状态)BOOK2Unit8 todays college beginners are “more consumeristic and less idealistic ” than at any time in the seventeen years of the poll. (L8)The poll has been conducted for 17 years, and it reveals that college beginners nowadays think of consuming goods more than ever, and believe in idealism l

21、ess than ever. 当今的大学新生比这项民意测验开始以来当今的大学新生比这项民意测验开始以来的的17 17 年中任何时候的大学新生都年中任何时候的大学新生都“更主张消费更主张消费, , 更缺少理想更缺少理想”。consumeristic: believing in spending money andidealism: trying to live according to highbuying goodsprinciples and perfect standardsBOOK2Unit8 In a time of increasing specialization, a time

22、when 90 percent of all the scientists who have ever lived are currently alive, more than ever, we need to know what is truly important in life. (L30)在一个日益专业化的时代,在一个本时代所有科在一个日益专业化的时代,在一个本时代所有科学家中学家中90%都还健在的时代里,我们比过去任何都还健在的时代里,我们比过去任何时候更需了解什么是生活中真正重要的东西时候更需了解什么是生活中真正重要的东西。BOOK2Unit8Most people, finall

23、y arrive at the inevitable conclusion that they were meant to do more than serve a corporation, a government agency, or whatever. (L34-35)【释义】Most people finally realize that besides serving a company or a government agency they still have a lot more to do.BOOK2Unit8【结构结构】that 引导同位语从句,修饰引导同位语从句,修饰 c

24、onclusion。在在 fact, idea, news, hope, report, suggestion 等名词后,经常用等名词后,经常用 that 引导同引导同位语从句,以说明其具体内容。位语从句,以说明其具体内容。【译文译文】大多数人最终都会得出必然的结论:那就大多数人最终都会得出必然的结论:那就是,他们除了为公司,政府部门或其他工是,他们除了为公司,政府部门或其他工作之外,还有许多其他的事情要做。作之外,还有许多其他的事情要做。BOOK2Unit8If it is a fact that the meaning of life does not dawn until middle

25、age, is it then not the duty of educational institutions to prepare the way for that revelation? (L40-41)【释义释义】If it is true that people dont understand the meaning of life until they are middle-aged, it is the duty of educational institutions to prepare the way for that revelation.BOOK2Unit8【结构结构】i

26、s it then not the duty of 修辞疑问句,修辞疑问句,并不是真的疑问,而是强调肯定的意义,译并不是真的疑问,而是强调肯定的意义,译为为“难道不难道不?”。常用的表达结构为常用的表达结构为:Isnt/Arent? Dont/ doesnt.? Havent/Hasnt +主语主语+v.ed等等形式。系动词,情态动词,助动词与形式。系动词,情态动词,助动词与not的的分离现象在演讲中是很常见的,且分离现象在演讲中是很常见的,且not必须必须重读,以加强语气。重读,以加强语气。【译文译文】如果人们步入中年时才对人生的含义有所如果人们步入中年时才对人生的含义有所领悟的话,那么为这

27、种领悟扫清障碍是否是领悟的话,那么为这种领悟扫清障碍是否是教育机构的责任呢?教育机构的责任呢?BOOK2Unit8(Social security) Most people, in their youth, resent the Social Security deductions from their pay, yet a seemingly few short years later find them- selves standing anxiously by the mailbox. (L41)大多数人在年轻的时候怨恨社会保障制度从他们大多数人在年轻的时候怨恨社会保障制度从他们工资中扣

28、钱,然而好像只是短短几年后,他们就工资中扣钱,然而好像只是短短几年后,他们就发觉自己正焦急地站在信箱旁边发觉自己正焦急地站在信箱旁边 (等待养老金支等待养老金支票票)了。了。BOOK2Unit8While its true all of us need a career, preferably a prosperous one, it is equally true that our civilization has collected an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own. (L44-46)【

29、释义释义】Although it is a fact that everyone needs a career, and better a career with high pay, it is also a fact that our civilization has collected an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own.BOOK2Unit8【结构结构】while 引导一个让步状语从句,主句为引导一个让步状语从句,主句为it is equally true that,其中是其中是it形式主

30、语,真形式主语,真正的主语正的主语 that 从句。从句。【译文译文】虽然我们所有人都确实需要一份工作虽然我们所有人都确实需要一份工作, 最最好是一份薪水丰厚的工作,但同样可以肯定好是一份薪水丰厚的工作,但同样可以肯定的是我们的文明已经在远远超越我们各自业的是我们的文明已经在远远超越我们各自业务的领域里积累了数量惊人的知识。务的领域里积累了数量惊人的知识。BOOK2Unit8 And we are better for our understanding of these other contributionsbe they scientific or artistic. (L46)And w

31、e are better for our understanding of these other contributionsno matter which field they are in, science or art.而且正因为我们理解了这些在其他领域的贡献而且正因为我们理解了这些在其他领域的贡献不管它们是科学方面的,还是艺术方面的贡献不管它们是科学方面的,还是艺术方面的贡献我们才变得更有本领了。我们才变得更有本领了。BOOK2Unit8And we are better for our understanding of these other contributions be the

32、y scientific or artistic. (L46-47)【释义释义】And we are better through understanding these contributions no matter which field they are in, science or art.【结构结构】be they scientific or artistic 意为意为 whether they are scientific or artistic。这里的这里的 be 是虚拟语气,是虚拟语气,在在 whether 引导的状语从句中表达条件或假设,引导的状语从句中表达条件或假设,也可去

33、掉也可去掉 whether,将将 be 前置,不改变意思。前置,不改变意思。 BOOK2Unit8 【译文译文】而且正因为我们理解了这些在其他领域的而且正因为我们理解了这些在其他领域的贡献贡献不管它们是科学方面的,还是艺术不管它们是科学方面的,还是艺术方面的贡献方面的贡献我们才变得更有本领了。我们才变得更有本领了。BOOK2Unit8More importantly, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.

34、 (L48-49)【释义释义】What is more important, perhaps, is that education enables us to be far-sighted and to see the relationship between individual things.【结构结构】What 引导的主语从句,作主语,引导的主语从句,作主语,that 引导表语从引导表语从句。句。【译文译文】也许更重要的是也许更重要的是,教育使我们视野开阔,超越了眼前教育使我们视野开阔,超越了眼前的需求,并使我们看到了事物间的联系。的需求,并使我们看到了事物间的联系。BOOK2Unit8

35、Oscar Wilde had it right when he said we ought to give our ability to our work but our genius to our lives. (L61-62)【释义释义】Oscar Wilde was right to say that people should develop their career/work through the use of their abilities, but also should give the fullness of their mental skills and artisti

36、c abilities to make their lives more complete.【结构结构】had it right when he said 某人说得好某人说得好【译文译文】奥斯卡奥斯卡王尔德说得好:我们应该把我们的才能用王尔德说得好:我们应该把我们的才能用到工作中去,而把我们的天赋投入到我们的生活中到工作中去,而把我们的天赋投入到我们的生活中去。去。vWord UsingvPhrasesBOOK2Unit8ad. 1) for the reason; so 因此,所以因此,所以【例句例句】 She was angry and accordingly refused to att

37、end the meeting. 她很生气,因此拒绝参加会议。她很生气,因此拒绝参加会议。2) in a manner that is suggested by what is known or has been said 按照所说的情况按照所说的情况【例句例句】 Ive told you what the situation is; you must act accordingly. 我已经向你说明了情况,你必须照此办理。我已经向你说明了情况,你必须照此办理。Word UsingaccordinglyBOOK2Unit8enroll (L16) v. become or make (sb.)

38、 a member (of sth.)BOOK2Unit8a.1) of or in the beginning stage; related to primary schools 初级的;初级的;小学的小学的The specialists focus their attention on the methods and materials appropriate to elementary years.专家关注小学阶段适用的方法和材料。专家关注小学阶段适用的方法和材料。2) simple or easy; basic 简单的,基本的,简单的,基本的,基础的基础的Many adults see

39、m to know little about the most elementary science. 许多成年人似乎连最基本的科学常识都知之许多成年人似乎连最基本的科学常识都知之甚少。甚少。elementaryBOOK2Unit8【搭配搭配】an elementary class初级班初级班an elementary school 小学小学【记忆记忆】词根词根element要素,基本的,要素,基本的,-ary形容词后缀。形容词后缀。【辨析辨析】 elementary primary elementary既可指事物处于基础或开始的阶段,也可既可指事物处于基础或开始的阶段,也可指问题简单、易答。

40、指问题简单、易答。primary着重指时间上最久远的或在构造、成份着重指时间上最久远的或在构造、成份方面是最原始的,最主要的。方面是最原始的,最主要的。BOOK2Unit8v. (in) give particular attention to (a subject, product, etc.) 专攻,专门研究(某课题、产品等)专攻,专门研究(某课题、产品等) This shop specializes in chocolate. 这家商店专门经销巧克力。这家商店专门经销巧克力。【记忆记忆】specialization n. 专业化,专门化专业化,专门化【搭配搭配】specialize in

41、 sth 专门研究或专攻(某课题、产品专门研究或专攻(某课题、产品 等)等)specializeBOOK2Unit8 confine (L38) v. keep sb./sth. within certain limits BOOK2Unit8 n. (pl.) limits, borders界限,范围界限,范围 This is beyond the confines of human knowledge. 这超出了人类知识的范围。这超出了人类知识的范围。v. keep sb./sth. within certain limits 把把限制于限制于 I wish the speaker wou

42、ld confine himself to the subject. 但愿演讲人不要离题。但愿演讲人不要离题。【搭配搭配】confine sb. to/within 使某人局限于使某人局限于within/beyond the confines of sth 在在范围内范围内/超出超出范范围围BOOK2Unit8 n. 1) C a job; employment 工作,职业工作,职业 In the space marked “occupation” she wrote “police officer”. 她在她在 “职业职业”一栏里写上了一栏里写上了 “警官警官”两字。两字。2) C way

43、of spending time; an activity done in ones spare time 业余活动,消遣业余活动,消遣 His favorite occupation is reading. 他最喜爱的消遣是读书。他最喜爱的消遣是读书。occupationBOOK2Unit8【记忆记忆】occupational a. 职业的职业的【搭配搭配】change/lose ones occupation改变改变/失去职业失去职业 take up an occupation就业就业 by occupation 作为职业作为职业【辨析辨析】career, occupation, prof

44、ession trade career意为意为“职业,生涯职业,生涯”,指经过训练并终,指经过训练并终生生从事的职业或事业;从事的职业或事业;occupation指人们正在从事的职业或工作;指人们正在从事的职业或工作;profession 指经过长期学习或训练后才能获得的专指经过长期学习或训练后才能获得的专门的职业;门的职业; trade意为意为“行业,职业,手艺行业,职业,手艺”,只需要有,只需要有熟熟练技术的,以盈利为目的的职业,该词练技术的,以盈利为目的的职业,该词主要指手工业。主要指手工业。BOOK2Unit8renderhelp/aid/assistance (to)services

45、 (to)thanks (to) render (L39) vt. (fml) giveBOOK2Unit8render good for evilPhrase(以德报怨)以德报怨) render (fml) cause sb./sth. to be in a particular staterender + sb./sth.+ adj.BOOK2Unit8 n.1) U making known sth that was secret or hidden 泄露,揭示,展示泄露,揭示,展示【例句例句】 The revelation of his identity made him feel v

46、ery embarrassed. 暴露了身份使他感到十分尴尬。暴露了身份使他感到十分尴尬。revelationBOOK2Unit82) C sth which is revealed 所揭露的事,惊所揭露的事,惊人的人的新发现新发现【例句例句】 Shocking revelations appeared in the papers about the private life of the Smiths. 报纸所披露的史密斯夫妇私生活情况令人震惊。报纸所披露的史密斯夫妇私生活情况令人震惊。【记忆记忆】reveal vt. 展现,揭示,暴露展现,揭示,暴露【搭配搭配】revelation abo

47、ut/concerning 有关有关的批露的批露BOOK2Unit8 a. preferred; more suitable 更可取的,更合更可取的,更合意的,意的,更好的更好的【例句例句】 He finds country life preferable to living in the city. 他觉得住在乡下比城里好。他觉得住在乡下比城里好。preferableBOOK2Unit8【记忆记忆】前缀前缀pre-前,前,fer拿,带来,拿,带来,-able形容词后缀,本义:形容词后缀,本义:“选择时把某物拿到他物之前选择时把某物拿到他物之前”。prefer vt. 更喜欢,宁愿更喜欢,宁愿

48、preferably ad. 尽量,最好尽量,最好【搭配搭配】be preferable to 比比更受欢迎,比更受欢迎,比更合人意更合人意preferable本身已含有比较的意义,不能再和本身已含有比较的意义,不能再和more 或或less搭配。在搭配。在It is preferable that 句型中,句型中,that从从句的谓语动词用句的谓语动词用“(should)+动词原形动词原形”的虚拟语气。如:的虚拟语气。如:vIt must be preferable that the term be explained with simple words.BOOK2Unit8 a. impo

49、ssible or very difficult to believe 难以置信的难以置信的 What an incredible statement not a word of it is true! 多么令人难以置信的言论多么令人难以置信的言论 没有一句话是靠得住没有一句话是靠得住的!的!【记忆记忆】credible a.可信的可信的, 可靠的可靠的 同义词:同义词:unbelievableincredibleBOOK2Unit8contribution (L46) n. moreBOOK2Unit8v. 1) recognize the difference between (peopl

50、e or things) 辨别,识别辨别,识别【例句例句】 The twins look so much like each other that no one can distinguish one from the other. 这对双胞胎长得非常像,无人能分辨出谁是谁。这对双胞胎长得非常像,无人能分辨出谁是谁。distinguishBOOK2Unit82) (oneself) behave or perform noticeably well 表现突出表现突出【例句例句】 She distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery. 她以沉

51、着勇敢著她以沉着勇敢著称。称。【记忆记忆】distinguished a. 著名的,卓越的著名的,卓越的【搭配搭配】distinguish between 分辨分辨(两者两者); distinguish sth. from 将将与与区别开;区别开;distinguish oneself 扬名,出名扬名,出名BOOK2Unit8 as stated by (sb.) or in (sth.) 根据根据【例句例句】 According to the Bible, God created the world in six days. 根据根据圣经圣经所载,上帝在六天之内创造了世界。所载,上帝在六天之

52、内创造了世界。【扩展扩展】in accordance with 与与一致,按照,根一致,按照,根据据1. according toPhrasesBOOK2Unit8 be in a good position, esp. financially 经经济充裕,济充裕,富裕富裕 很多大学生的主要目标就是要经济上富裕。很多大学生的主要目标就是要经济上富裕。 Many college students major objective is to be financially well off.【扩展扩展】be better off 过得更好过得更好2. be well offBOOK2Unit8 at a low level or figure 处于低水平或数字处于低水平或数字【例句例句】 Share prices have been at an all-time low. 股票价格指数已跌到历史最低点。股票价格指数已跌到历史最低点。 英镑的价位已降到新的最低点。英镑的价位已降到新的最


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