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1、Chapter-2Business Communication 第1页/共56页UNIT One ReceptionUNIT One ReceptionLearning Objectives Learning Objectives : Make reservations Make introductions Start and encourage small talks Make, receive and decline invitations Entertain visitors Have cross-cultural awareness in receiving visitors第2页/共

2、56页SnapshotSnapshot You work in Helio Co. Mr. Skelton will come to your company from Sydney for a business meeting next Tuesday. Your line manager calls you and asks you to responsible for the entire reception job.第3页/共56页SnapshotSnapshotReturn What are the typical stages of the reception? Arranging

3、 accommodationsWelcoming visitors(1)_(2)_ Arranging business activities(3)_ Bidding farewells第4页/共56页Arranging accommodationsWelcoming visitors(1) Greeting and making introductions(1) Greeting and making introductions(2) Starting and encouraging small talks(2) Starting and encouraging small talks Ar

4、ranging business activities(3) Entertaining visitors(3) Entertaining visitors Bidding farewells第5页/共56页:Making ReservationsCommunication Knowledge The first stage of an entire reception job is to arrange accommodations for the visitors. What do you need to take into your consideration while making a

5、 reservation in a hotel?Return第6页/共56页TaskReturn You work in APD Ltd. Your company will have 15 guests (12 are female and 3 male) coming from USA next Tuesday for a trade fair. They will be arriving in your city on Saturday, 21st May. And will be staying for one week. They will have a six-day meetin

6、g in the hotel and a city tour on the last day. Please make a preparation list for making reservations. Preparation Checklist for the USA Preparation Checklist for the USA GroupGroup第7页/共56页Checklist for Making a Checklist for Making a ReservationReservation Number of guests: _ Name:_ (my name and t

7、he name of the guests) Telephone No:_(mine for confirmation) Duration of stay:_ Type and number of rooms:_ Service: _(restaurant, entertaining activities) Facilitities:_(conference rooms, shuttle for city tour) The way to pay:_(credit card, cash, etc.)Return第8页/共56页Listening and Role-Play R Receptio

8、nist: Good afternoon! Holiday Inn. How can I help you? L Louisa: Hello! 1)_. I need two rooms for my guests in my name. R R: OK. May I have your name please? L L: Of course. My name is Louisa Kailer from KAD Couputer System. 2)_. R: Naomi Singh and ANdrea Koss Right, no problem. 3)_ ? L: 4)_. R: Sun

9、day afternoon, 5)_. L: Exactly. R: OK. Anything else I can do for you? L: 6)_. R: Sure, on which day do they need it? L: Um Im not sure about that for now, but I will call you as soon as I make sure. R: OK. I see. L: Thank you very much. Bye-bye. R: Bye.第9页/共56页The Keys Receptionist: Good afternoon!

10、 Holiday Inn. How can I help you? Louisa: Hello! 1)_Id like to make some reservations_. I need two rooms for my guests in my name. R: OK. May I have your name please? L: Of course. My name is Louisa Kailer from KAD Couputer System. 2)My guests names are Naomi Singh and Andrea Kass. R: Naomi Singh an

11、d ANdrea Koss Right, no problem. 3)_When will they be arriving_ ? L: 4) Next Sunday afternoon,and will stay for two weeks. R: Sunday afternoon, 5) will be September5, and leaving on September19. L: Exactly. R: OK. Anything else I can do for you? L: 6) I wonder if you can arrange one conference room

12、for them for two days. R: Sure, on which day do they need it? L: Um Im not sure about that for now, but I will call you as soon as I make sure. R: OK. I see. L: Thank you very much. Bye-bye. R: Bye.第10页/共56页Acting out Pair work. One is Kim wilson, calling to Plaza Hotel to make a reservation. The ot

13、her is the receptionist, finish the following conversation with the hints in the brackets. (P.4-5)第11页/共56页Cross-cultural FocusNumber 13第12页/共56页 左边一组是由巴多罗米奥、安德烈、小雅各三人组成。巴多罗米奥好象怀疑自己的耳朵听错了,从座位上跳起来,手按在桌上,面对耶稣,情绪激动;安德烈双手张开,手指向上。夹在中间的小雅各紧张地由背后伸手到第四个人的肩上,形成两组间的联系。这三个人都面向耶稣。 右边一组由马太、达太和西门组成。三个人听了这骇人听闻的消息后

14、,自发地谈论起什么来,三人的手都伸向画面的中心。 中右一组是多马、老雅各、腓力。多马伸出一个指头,好象在问老师:“有一个人要出卖你?”和他并坐的老雅各张开两手,作惊奇的表示:“这是多么可怕呀!”年轻的腓力则用双手掩着胸部,似乎说:“难道在怀疑我对老师有背叛行为吗?” 中左一组的彼得、约翰和犹大三人最富有表情,也是画上的主要角色。坐在耶稣旁边的约翰歪着身子眼睛向下,两手手指交叉,有气无力地放在桌上,作出忧愁状。火性的彼得,则情绪激昂,他从座位上跳起,似乎在问约翰,叛徒是谁?他手中已握着一把刚切了面包的刀,无意地靠近了犹大的肋部。而犹大,听了耶稣的话后,情绪紧张,身子稍向后仰,右臂支在桌上,右手紧

15、握钱袋,露出一种抑制不住的惊恐。这十三个人中,只有犹大的脸色是灰 第13页/共56页Cross- Cultural Focus-Number Cross- Cultural Focus-Number 1313 unlucky in many countries : western Europe, North America, and Australia. the 13th day of the month, Friday. Floors buildings 12 - 14. A superstition for 13 Egyptians 12 steps on the ladder to et

16、ernal life Good luck charm Belgium, Belgian women第14页/共56页:MakingIntroduction Communication Knowledge: After you get reservations ready, you may meet your visitors at the airport or at the office for the first time. It is neccessary for you to introduce yourself and introduce the others. What to int

17、roduce? What is the priority? How to respond?第15页/共56页 What to introduce? names, positions, sth more What is the priority? lesser authority higher one .第16页/共56页Cross- Cultural Focus-Cross- Cultural Focus-appellation How to address someone? Western countries: customary first names Barack Hussein Oba

18、ma Jr . Barry第17页/共56页 C: Starting and Encouraging Small talkCommunacation Knowledge*1. WHY do people make small talks?*2. WHEN do people make small talks?*3. WHAT do people make small talks about?Return第18页/共56页*1. WHY do people make small talks?nTo break an uncomfortable silencenTo fill timenTo be

19、 polite第19页/共56页Do not*2. WHEN do people make small talks? First time on a given daye.g. a co-worker in the lounge sports or weather A break in a meeting or presentation nInterrupt talkingnReading or writing at officenRecognaize the cue to stop第20页/共56页*3. WHAT do people make small talks about?1.Per

20、sional information (salary, divorce);2.Something good or bad about ones body, but compliments on cothing and hair are acceptable;3.Society deems controversial (religion, politics);4.An issuenot seem comfortable or interested in.weatherCurrent eventsSports newsnewsEntertainment newsDo not第21页/共56页D:

21、InvitingD: InvitingCommunication Knowledge- After people get to know each other, they often invite each other to have varous entertainments. - Some information about principles in Making, accepting and rejecting invitions.- How?Return第22页/共56页Dialog-1 Inviting and Accepting Mr. Jones: Mary! I havent

22、 seen you since our dinner with Mr. Lee last week. 1)_? Miss Lewis: Oh, hi, Mike. Ive been out of town the last few days. What did you need? Mr. Jones: Really, nothing big. I just heard about your ideas on employee motivation and I wanted to chat with you about a few things going on in my department

23、. Miss Lewis: Well, 2)_. The doors always open. Mr. Jones: Actually, 3)_. Would you be interested in joining me for dinner some times this week? 4) _everyones been talking about. Miss Lewis: Sure, Mike. Id love to. Mr Jones: Is this evening too soon? Miss Lewis: No, thats perfect. 5)_.第23页/共56页Dialo

24、g-2 Inviting and Declining Mr. Jones: Leo! 6)_ on the budget. Were having a get-together after work at Carls Karaoke Club to celebtate having finished it. Wed love to see you there. Mr. Lee: What fun! Normally Id love to, but Im afraid I have to work late tonight. 7)_. Mr. Jones: Oh, right. Youre bu

25、sy with that contract. 8)_? Mr. Lee: Unfortunately, I just cant make it this time. I have to go staight home. Its my second wedding anniversary, and 9)_. Susan would kill me if I missed it. Mr. Jpnes: Happy anniversary! Sorry you wont be there. 10)_? Mr. Lee: Yeah, maybe. Thanks, any way. Hope you g

26、uys have a great time!第24页/共56页E: Entertaining VisitorsCommunication Knowledge*It is quite common for you to entertain your guests in the spare time.*Ways of entertainments:ReturnExample : Example : Listening Practice on Page 18Listening Practice on Page 18第25页/共56页*Various ways of entertainments: T

27、here are many ways to provide acceptable local entertainment for visitors. Typical ideas are arts and cultural events such as theatre, cinema, concerts, exhitions, famous monuments and buildings, or sports events, such as golf, tourist trips, excursions, restaurants and bars, etc., as well as more p

28、rivate nospitality such as parties, receptions, and possobly invitations to someones home- though this is highly culture-dependent and may be more common in the USA, the UK and some parts of Continental Europe than elsewhere.第26页/共56页Task Please give some examples for each of the following ways of e

29、ntertainments in your city.Ways of entertainment Examples1.Theater2.Restaurant3.Hotel4.Gymnasium5.Famous monument6.Famous sightReturn第27页/共56页Cross- Cultural FocusGift-Giving Taboos (禁忌). People usually prepare gifts showing courtesy(礼貌) or appreciation(感谢). However, different countries have differe

30、nt gift-giving taboos Will you please show some examples?Return第28页/共56页Summary and AssessmentAssessment:* Work in groups to give a performance of an entire reception.What do you know after learning about the Unit?Return第29页/共56页UNIT TwoEmployment Communication Learning Objectives-After studying thi

31、s unit, you should be able to:*analyze what you have and what you want in job-hunting process*eliminate and understand recruitment advertisements*act properly in job interviews*be arare of cultural differences in job-hunting process第30页/共56页Snapshot -You are quite concerned these days. What is bothe

32、ring you most is that you will graduate from college and you are a little confused with your job-hunting. So you have a discussion with one of your fathers friends, Mr. Mike, personnel manager of DT Corporation. 第31页/共56页A: Analyzing Yourself The first stage of job-hunting is to analyze yourself. Yo

33、u need to make clear what you have and what you want before you make decisions in the process of finding jobs.第32页/共56页 How to analyze yourself The first stage of job-hunting process is self-assessment. It may include identifying what you want, like your interests, values and career goals as well as

34、 what you have, like your skills, accomplishments, experience, personality and educational background.第33页/共56页Task Please compile your personal information which include what you want and what you have. The following personal data will help you organize your information.第34页/共56页What do I want? Whi

35、ch type of organizations would I choose? Which size of company would I like to work for? Which one do I think is the most important? What working environment do I prefer? Whom do I like to work with? What kind of work do I prefer? What kind of position do I prefer? What do I think of the working hou

36、rs? What are my general career goals? What is my geographic preference?第35页/共56页What do I have? What are my top ten skills? What is my educational and training background? What work experiences do I have and what accomplishments do I gain from threse experiences? What kind of person am I?第36页/共56页B:

37、 Analyzing Job Advertisements After you are done with analyzing yourself, the next step of your job-hunting process is to search information from job advertisements which you can learn about different job vacancies.第37页/共56页Learning the structure of job ads Company Introduction Position and Job Desc

38、ription Qualification for Application Methods of Application第38页/共56页Task第39页/共56页C: Interviews Handling job interviews is probably the most critical part of the whole job search process. How to prepare for an interview, act properly during and after an interview? (See P. 153-155)第40页/共56页How to pre

39、pare?*Preparations for the interviewa.Collection of Relevant Informationb.Anticipation of Interview Contentsc.Plan for Appearanced.Preparation for Needed Materials*Etiquettes During the Interviewa.Punctualityb.Courtesy*Etiquettes after the Interviewa.Appreciation by Telephoneb.Appreciation by Mail第4

40、1页/共56页Tasks Task 1 Task 2 Listening and Acting out: P. 158-161第42页/共56页Summary and Assessment第43页/共56页UNIT ThereNonverbal Communication Learning Objectives-After studying this unit, you should be able to:*use appropriate facial expressions in resolving business conflicts*use appropriate gestures in

41、 business situations*use appropriate postures in business situations*keep proper space with others in business situations*control your voice quality in business situations*be aware of cultural differnces in nonverbal communication第44页/共56页Snapshot Business people are paying more and more attention t

42、o nonverbal ways in their communications. Nonverbal communication refers to all the resources beyond what you say that contribute to the meaning of a message.第45页/共56页What does nonverbal communication include? Facial expressions: Gestures: Postures: Space: Voice quality: Others 第46页/共56页A: Facial ExpressionsPeople can reveal their feeling through various facial expresstions which mainly cover those movements relating to ones eyes and mouth.Three commonly used facial expressions:a.Eyebrowsb.Eye contactc.Smile(more see “Cross-Cultural Focus”P


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